96 research outputs found

    Vulgarisation de la methode du triple ensachage pour le stockage ameliore du niebe en zone sahelienne du Nord Cameroun: enjeux et perceptions paysannes

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    Article in French. Summary in English.The study reveals the stakes of the triple baggingmethod, assesses farmer perception about thistechnology and identifies the factors determiningtheir perception. One of the most limiting factors ofcowpea production is the storage. To solve thisproblem, Purdue University Improved CowpeaStorage Project introduced in 2010 in Cameroonthe PICS bag technology without chemical. Thesurvey revealed that pilot farmers were satisfied ofthe use of this technology. An assessment ofeconometric model pointed out an evidentcorrelation between socio-economic factors and thelevel of satisfaction of pilot farmers. Some variablesinfluenced significantly the probability of beingsatisfied, namely: the farmer experience in cowpeacropping, annual area covered by cowpea crops,the use of PICS bags without chemical, healthprotection and the potential use of PICS bags tostore other crops. Farmers are willing to adopt thistechnology for the storage of cowpea. A furthersurvey must be done in the future to assess thereal adoption rate and the impact of this technologyin this zone

    Vulgarisation de la méthode du triple ensachage pour le stockage amélioré du niébé en zone sahélienne du Nord Cameroun: enjeux et perceptions paysannes

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    Diffusion of the Triple Bagging Method to Improve Cowpea Storage in the Sahelian Zone of North Cameroon: Stakes and Farmer Perceptions. The study reveals the stakes of the triple bagging method, assesses farmer perception about this technology and identifies the factors determining their perception. One of the most limiting factors of cowpea production is the storage. To solve this problem, Purdue University Improved Cowpea Storage Project introduced in 2010 in Cameroon the PICS bag technology without chemical. The survey revealed that pilot farmers were satisfied of the use of this technology. An assessment of econometric model pointed out an evident correlation between socio-economic factors and the level of satisfaction of pilot farmers. Some variables influenced significantly the probability of being satisfied, namely: the farmer experience in cowpea cropping, annual area covered by cowpea crops, the use of PICS bags without chemical, health protection and the potential use of PICS bags to store other crops. Farmers are willing to adopt this technology for the storage of cowpea. A further survey must be done in the future to assess the real adoption rate and the impact of this technology in this zone

    Survey and cartography of the spatial variation of the pollution of the waters from well of some districts of the township of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

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    Objective: The objective of this work was conducted to study and map the spatial variation of the physical, chemical and microbiological  contamination of well water in some areas of the town of Abomey-Calavi inBenin.Methods and Results: The methods used to measure physical and  chemical parameters are those spectrophotometric, colorimetric, conductivity and some other methods recommended by the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR). Microbiological parameters were measured according to the method by incorporating agar described in the book Rodier and maps were produced by Arc View 3.2 software. On the physical and chemical level, 50% of the analyzed well water have a normal pH and are all located at the lake. All analyzed well water has a redox potential higher than normal with the highest values for wells along the lake. Lead and zinc concentrations in these waters comply with WHO standards. Bacteriological analyzes showed that all well water pollution reveal bacteria such as thermotolerant coliforms, intestinal enterococci, total coliforms with the highest concentrations in the wells located on LakeNokoué. This indicates that the water may be responsible for the spread of waterborne diseases. The ratio thermotolerant coliforms and intestinal enterococci show that the origin of faecal contamination of human type in 50% of the wells. Faecal contamination of human kind concerns all the lake nearby well and the animal type concerns distant wells that lake.Conclusion and Application: These cards will attract the attention of people in the town of Abomey-Calavi and policy makers on areas where well water are the most polluted.Key words: physical chemical and microbiological quality, well water, pollution, mapping

    Cowpea in evolving livestock systems

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    Demand for livestock products has been increasing through much of the semi-arid tropics and will likely continue to increase along with the use of purchased feedstuffs. As smallholder livestock systems evolve and become more market oriented, the type of diets fed to livestock may change and the importance of feed marketing may increase. Mixed crop–livestock systems are key to meeting this increasing livestock product demand and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) fodder (haulms) is an important component of these systems in semi-arid regions of the tropics where its high nutritional quality allows it to be used as a supplement to livestock diets based on cereal stovers and other low-quality forages. Improving the nutritional quality of cowpea fodder for use by livestock is important to improving the productivity and profitability of these mixed farming systems. Legume fodders will remain an important part of changing livestock diets and the development of cowpea varieties that better feed both people and their farm animals will give farmers new and better choices for improving levels and efficiency of livestock production. Cowpea breeding programs have worked toward producing dual-purpose varieties that emphasize the production of grain and fodder since the late 1980s and have produced several that have become well accepted when tested on-farm. Systematic screening of cowpea genetic resources is important for advancing development of dual-purpose varieties. Involvement of cultivar release agencies and seed production programs are also important to advance the use of improved dual-purpose crop varieties

    Dynamics of moisture, nitrogen, and Striga infestation on pearl millet transpiration and growth

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    The parasitic weed Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. (witchweed) is a major biotic constraint to pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] production in Sahelian Africa. To address this constraint, more information is needed on host-parasite relations under varying conditions of soil water and nutrient availability typically found in the Sahel. The dynamics of moisture, N, and Striga infestation on pearl millet transpiration and growth were investigated. The effects of Striga infestation, water deficit stress, and N availability on root length and dry weight, shoot dry weight, and transpiration ratio (TR; g dry matter kg−1 transpiration) were evaluated. Millet was grown in 36-L pots for 45 d in a glasshouse, using two levels of water and N availability and three levels of Striga infestation. With no N, shoot dry weight of uninfested millet plants was low. Shoot weight was further reduced by 42% at the high level (71 000 seeds pot−) of Striga infestation. With the addition of 60 kg ha− of N, shoot weight of uninfested millet plants increased five- to sixfold. A reduction of 36% in shoot weight was observed in plants with N and highest infestation of Striga. Root dry weight was also low without N, but unaffected by Striga infestation. With the addition of N, root dry weight of millet plants increased under adequate and water-stressed conditions. Root length in the upper 0.10 m followed a similar trend

    Cowpea and groundnut haulms fodder trading and its lessons for multidimensional cowpea improvement for mixed crop livestock systems in West Africa

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    Cowpea is an important legume crop in Africa, valued highly for its grain and also haulms, which are a tradable commodity in fodder markets. Fodder market surveys in Northern Nigeria showed that groundnut haulms were priced higher than cowpea haulms, probably because of their superior nutritive value. The economic value of haulms has prompted cowpea breeders and livestock nutritionists to explore haulm fodder traits as additional selection and breeding criteria. Fifty cowpea genotypes cultivated across five locations in Nigeria in 2013 and 2014 were evaluated for food fodder traits. Significant (P < 0.05) genotypic dependent variations were observed in yields (kg/ha) of grains (537–1082) and haulms (1173–3368), though significant (P < 0.05) effects of location and year were observed. Grain and fodder yield had a tendency to be positively correlated (r = 0.26, P = 0.07). Haulms were analyzed for nitrogen (N), fiber fractions, in vitro digestibility, and metabolizable energy content. Highly significant variations were observed in all genotypic and livestock nutrition traits, although location and year had significant effects. Trade-offs between grain yield and haulm fodder quality traits were largely absent and haulm acid detergent lignin and grain yield were even inversely correlated (r = -0.28, P = 0.05), that is high grain yielders had decreased haulm lignin. However, haulm N and grain yield also tended to be negatively associated (r = -0.26, P = 0.07). Haulm fodder quality traits and haulm yield were mostly positively correlated (P < 0.05). Broad sense heritabilities for grain and fodder yield were 0.50 and 0.29, respectively, while heritability for haulm fodder quality traits ranged from 0.61 to 0.67, providing opportunities for concomitant increase in grain yield and haulm fodder quality traits. Selection of the 10 highest ranking genotypes for grain yield, haulm yield, haulm N, and haulm in vitro organic matter digestibility showed selection groups overlapping, suggesting that multi-trait selection is feasible. Economical evaluation showed that choice of primary traits is context specific, highlighting the need for identifying and targeting appropriate genotypes to fit different production systems. Considering haulm quantity and quality as traits of economic value can increase overall plant value in mixed crop-livestock systems

    A genome-wide scan divulges key Loci involved in resistance to aphids (Aphis craccivora) in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 01 Nov 2022Cowpea aphids (Aphis craccivora Koch) double as a direct damaging pest and a virus vector to cowpea, threatening the economic yield of the crop. Given the multiple ecotypes, different alleles have been implicated in aphid resistance, necessitating the identification of key genes involved. The present study implemented a genome-wide scan using 365 cowpea mini-core accessions to decipher loci involved in resistance to aphid ecotype from Kano, Nigeria. Accessions were artificially inoculated with A. craccivora in insect-proof cages and damage severity assessed at 21 days after infestation. Significant phenotypic differences based on aphid damage severity were registered among the accessions. Skewed phenotypic distributions were depicted in the population, suggesting the involvement of major genes in the control of resistance. A genome-wide scan identified three major regions on chromosomes Vu10, Vu08 and Vu02, and two minor ones on chromosomes Vu01 and Vu06, that were significantly associated with aphid resistance. These regions harbored several genes, out of which, five viz Vigun01g233100.1, Vigun02g088900.1, Vigun06g224900.1, Vigun08g030200.1 and Vigun10g031100.1 were the most proximal to the peak single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) positions. These genes are expressed under stress signaling, mechanical wounding and insect feeding. The uncovered loci contribute towards establishing a marker-assisted breeding platform and building durable resistance against aphids in cowpea
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