8 research outputs found
Characterizing the school-to-work transitions of young men and women in Tunisia
This paper investigates the characteristics and determinants of the transition of young men and women from education (dropping out) to work in Tunisia, using data from the Panel Study of Tunisia Labor Market 2014 (TLMPS 2014). One of the main findings is that 17 per cent of the 15 to 35 years old population remains in transition. One - third had completed the transition. The remaining (55 per cent) had not started transition. The transited category is strongly male-dominated while young females face a particularly difficult time. Youths who were still in transition were largely unemployed. Econometric method (Kaplan-Meier or product limit estimator) is used to analyze the determinants of unemployment duration. Results point to differences between men and women in the difficulty of getting a decent job. They confirm that individual characteristics (gender, area of residence and level of education…) influence the length of transition from school to the labor market. Indeed, we found the following. First, for most youth, the school-to-work transition is not long to a first job, but it takes on average more five years to complete the transition to a stable or satisfactory job. One third of young males and females found a first job through contact with employers. Second, transition period decreases substantially as education level increases. Third, the rural – urban gap continues to be significant. Fourth, the probability of longer unemployment is found to be considerably higher among women and lower education. The study offers some recommendations in terms of economic policy on the insertion of young people
Technologies de l'information et de communication et croissance économique dans des pays de MENA et Africains A l'épreuve des modèles non linéaires à seuil
Cet article vise à évaluer l’impact de l’indice de développement des TIC sur la croissance économique dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord et dans les pays africains au cours de la période 2000-2020. Le modèle de régression à transition lisse en panel (PSTR) proposé par González et al. (2005) a été utilisé à cette fin.
Les résultats empiriques mettent en évidence l'importance du niveau d'indice de développement des TIC enregistré par chaque pays sur l'impact des TIC sur la croissance économique.
Pour les pays les moins avancés dotés de TIC, en dessous du seuil optimal de 2,1, l’impact du développement des TIC sur la croissance économique est négatif. Au-delà de ce seuil, l’impact est positif. En revanche, pour les pays dotés de TIC avancées, en dessous du seuil d'environ 3,88, la contribution du développement des TIC à la croissance économique est positive. Cependant, une fois ce seuil dépassé, cette relation s’inverse.
Ces estimations mettent en outre en évidence une autre forme de non-linéarité concernant l'ampleur de l'impact des TIC sur la croissance économique. Les pays les moins avancés en matière de TIC connaissent un phénomène connu sous le nom d'effet de saute-mouton, dans lequel la tendance de l'impact des TIC sur la croissance économique est continuellement à la hausse. Les estimations dynamiques de panel obtenues par la méthode des moments généralisés (GMM) démontrent une certaine robustesse de nos résultats
Determinants of unemployment duration for young men and women in Tunisia
This paper investigates the impact of individual characteristics (gender, age, education level, and marital status) and regional influences on unemployment duration of young in Tunisia using data from the Panel Study of Tunisia Labor Market 2014 (TLMPS 2014). The Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival function are presented (used) to analyze the determinants of unemployment duration. Results point (out) significant differences between men and women in the difficulty of getting a first job. These differences consist mainly in the following points. First, education appears as a highly positive factor in reducing the duration of unemployment, particularly for women. Second, the rural – urban gap continues to be significant in this context. Third, residents of regions with higher unemployment rates, all else equal, have longer duration of unemployment. In all regions, women have relatively longer duration of unemployment. Fourth, the unemployed persons from the age group 25-30 years have a higher probability of remaining unemployed. Fifth, married women have significantly longer duration than married men before finding jobs. These results may be useful and can improve the implementation of adequate policies on the Labor market of Tunisia by identifying vulnerable groups of persons that look for employment
What cluster model for the competitiveness of Tunisian companies?
This paper gives purpose to identify the factors of the
constitution of "the Tunisian cluster" in an environment open to competition. It is a contribution to the debate on the importance of clusters for competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to make more innovative and competitive regions and to promote strategically important sectors in technology.
Approaches based on the knowledge economy grew by better integrating forms of proximity, organizational, institutional and geographical, (Torre and Rallet 2005) and relational (Boshma, 2005).
An empirical study was conducted on a sample of Information and Communication Technologies ICTs’companies.
The results show that the lack of attractiveness of ICT Tunisian companies to form clusters is not due to a lack of suitable infrastructure but to the absence of relations involved in a partnership approach or localized nature between higher education, research centers, industry training and organization, enabling to carry out scientific and technical projects
What cluster model for the competitiveness of Tunisian companies?
This paper gives purpose to identify the factors of the
constitution of "the Tunisian cluster" in an environment open to competition. It is a contribution to the debate on the importance of clusters for competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to make more innovative and competitive regions and to promote strategically important sectors in technology.
Approaches based on the knowledge economy grew by better integrating forms of proximity, organizational, institutional and geographical, (Torre and Rallet 2005) and relational (Boshma, 2005).
An empirical study was conducted on a sample of Information and Communication Technologies ICTs’companies.
The results show that the lack of attractiveness of ICT Tunisian companies to form clusters is not due to a lack of suitable infrastructure but to the absence of relations involved in a partnership approach or localized nature between higher education, research centers, industry training and organization, enabling to carry out scientific and technical projects
Déréglementation des télécommunications et performances des opérateurs dans les pays en développement
Au cours de ces dernières années, des changements considérables sont intervenus dans le secteur des télécommunications. Le bouleversement global qui a eu lieu engageait une restructuration dans certains cas, une privatisation dans d’autres. Les pays en développement n’ont pas échappé au mouvement imposé par la Société de l’information et par des avancées technologiques si rapides que même les opérateurs historiques n’arrivent plus à suivre. La plupart de ces pays ont opté, volontairement ou s..