14 research outputs found

    The influence of backbone fluorination on the dielectric constant of conjugated polythiophenes

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    The ability to modify or enhance the dielectric constant of semiconducting polymers can prove valuable for a range of optoelectronic and microelectronic applications. In the case of organic photovoltaics, increasing the dielectric constant of the active layer has often been suggested as a method to control charge generation, recombination dynamics, and ultimately, the power conversion efficiencies. In this contribution, the impact that the degree and pattern of fluorination has on the dielectric constant of poly(3-octylthiophene) (P3OT), a more soluble analogue of the widely studied conjugated material poly(3-hexylthiophene), is explored. P3OT and its backbone-fluorinated analogue, F-P3OT, are compared along with a block and alternating copolymer version of these materials. It is found that the dielectric constant of the polymer thin films increases as the degree of backbone fluorination increases, in a trend consistent with density functional theory calculations of the dipole moment

    Entanglements in marginal solutions: a means of tuning pre-aggregation of conjugated polymers with positive implications for charge transport

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    The solution-processing of conjugated polymers, just like commodity polymers, is subject to solvent and molecular weight-dependent solubility, interactions and chain entanglements within the polymer, all of which can influence the crystallization and microstructure development in semi-crystalline polymers and consequently affect charge transport and optoelectronic properties. Disentanglement of polymer chains in marginal solvents was reported to work via ultrasonication, facilitating the formation of photophysically ordered polymer aggregates. In this contribution, we explore how a wide range of technologically relevant solvents and formulations commonly used in organic electronics influence chain entanglement and the aggregation behaviour of P3HT using a combination of rheological and spectrophotometric measurements. The specific viscosity of the solution offers an excellent indication of the degree of entanglements in the solution, which is found to be related to the solubility of P3HT in a given solvent. Moreover, deliberately disentangling the solution in the presence of solvophobic driving forces, leads consistently to formation of photophysically visible aggregates which is indicative of local and perhaps long range order in the solute. We show for a broad range of solvents and molecular weights that disentanglement ultimately leads to significant ordering of the polymer in the solid state and a commensurate increase in charge transport properties. In doing so we demonstrate a remarkable ability to tune the microstructure which has important implications for transport properties. We discuss its potential implications in the context of organic electronics and photovoltaics

    Diversifying crop rotations with temporary grasslands : potentials for weed management and farmland biodiversity

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    Crop rotation may be used to prevent the continuous selection of particular weed species adapted to one crop type. This might be useful for weed management, economy in herbicide applications and promoting biodiversity. Common simple crop sequences might be diversified by introducing perennial forage crops. Impacts of such perennial crops on weeds were studied with four approaches: 1) Large-scale weed surveys in 632 fields in western France showed that weed species composition differed most strongly between perennial alfalfa crops and annual crops. Comparisons of fields before, during and after perennial alfalfa suggested that community composition varies in a cyclic way during such crop rotations. Several weed species problematic in annual crops were suppressed during and after perennial crops, but the appearance of other species led to equal or even higher plant diversities. 2) A 3-year field experiment with contrasting crop management options allowed an investigation of the underlying mechanisms for this: The absence of soil tillage reduced weed emergence but increased the survival of established plants. The permanent vegetation cover and frequent hay cuttings reduced weed growth, plant survival and seed production. 3) Greenhouse experiments testing the regrowth ability of individual plants after cutting showed strong differences between species and functional groups. An two-factorial experiment suggested that the negative impacts of cutting and competition on weed growth were mainly additive. 4) Special measurements of weed seed predation in the field experiment showed positive correlations with vegetation cover, indicating that this ecosystem service may be particularly fostered by perennial crops. Consistent preferences of seed predators for certain weed species indicates that seed predation may be another cause of the observed weed community shifts.Fruchtfolgen können dazu dienen, die kontinuierliche Selektion von Unkrautarten zu verhindern, die an eine bestimmte Kultur angepasst sind. Dies könnte dem Unkrautmanagement, der Einsparung von Herbiziden, und der Biodiversität dienen. Heutige, sehr einfache Furchtfolgen könnten durch mehrjährige Futterkulturen diversifiziert werden. Die Einflüsse solcher mehrjähriger Kulturen auf Unkräuter wurden in vier Ansätzen untersucht: 1) Vegetationsaufnahmen auf 632 Feldern in Westfrankreich zeigten, dass die Unkrautzusammensetzung zwischen mehrjährigen Futterkulturen und einjährigen Kulturen stark variiert. Der Vergleich von Feldern vor, während und nach mehrjährigen Futterkulturen legte nahe, dass die Pflanzengemeinschaft während solcher Fruchtfolgen zyklisch variiert. Mehrere problematische Unkrautarten wurden während und nach den mehrjährigen Kulturen zurückgedrängt. Das Auftauchen anderer Arten führte jedoch zu einer gleichbleibenden oder leicht erhöhten Pflanzenvielfalt. 2) Ein dreijähriger Feldversuch mit verschiedenen Bearbeitungsoptionen ermöglichte es, die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen zu untersuchen: Die fehlende Bodenbearbeitung hat das Auflaufen der Unkräuter reduziert und das Überleben der adulten Pflanzen erhöht. Die permanente Vegetationsbedeckung und die häufigen Heuschnitte haben das Wachstum, das Überleben und die Samenproduktion vermindert. 3) Gewächshausexperimente zum Nachwachsen von Unkrautpflanzen nach Heuschnitten zeigten große Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Arten und funktionellen Gruppen. Ein Experiment mit zwei Faktoren lässt vermuten, dass die negativen Effekte der Schnitte und der Konkurrenz auf das Unkrautwachstum sich addieren. 4) Spezielle Messungen der Prädation von Unkrautsamen auf den untersuchten Feldern zeigten positive Korrelationen mit der Vegetationsbedeckung, was auf eine besondere Wichtigkeit dieser Ökosystemdienstleistung in ausdauernden Kulturen hindeutet. Die Präferenz von bestimmten Samenarten deutet darauf hin, dass Samenprädation ein weiterer Grund für die beobachteten Änderungen der Unkrautgemeinschaften sein kann

    Comparing blends and blocks: Synthesis of partially fluorinated diblock polythiophene copolymers to investigate the thermal stability of optical and morphological properties

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    The microstructure of the active blend layer has been shown to be a critically important factor in the performance of organic solar devices. Block copolymers provide a potentially interesting avenue for controlling this active layer microstructure in solar cell blends. Here we explore the impact of backbone fluorination in block copolymers of poly(3-octyl-4-fluorothiophene)s and poly(3-octylthiophene) (F-P3OT-b-P3OT). Two block co-polymers with varying block lengths were prepared via sequential monomer addition under Kumada catalyst transfer polymerisation (KCTP) conditions. We compare the behavior of the block copolymer to that of the corresponding homopolymer blends. In both types of system, we find the fluorinated segments tend to dominate the UV–visible absorption and molecular vibrational spectral features, as well as the thermal behavior. In the block copolymer case, non-fluorinated segments appear to slightly frustrate the aggregation of the more fluorinated block. However, in situ temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy shows that the intramolecular order is more thermally stable in the block copolymer than in the corresponding blend, suggesting that such materials may be interesting for enhanced thermal stability of organic photovoltaic active layers based on similar systems

    Influence of backbone fluorination in regioregular poly(3-alkyl-4-fluoro)thiophenes

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    We report two strategies toward the synthesis of 3-alkyl-4-fluorothiophenes containing straight (hexyl and octyl) and branched (2-ethylhexyl) alkyl groups. We demonstrate that treatment of the dibrominated monomer with 1 equiv of alkyl Grignard reagent leads to the formation of a single regioisomer as a result of the pronounced directing effect of the fluorine group. Polymerization of the resulting species affords highly regioregular poly(3-alkyl-4-fluoro)thiophenes. Comparison of their properties to those of the analogous non-fluorinated polymers shows that backbone fluorination leads to an increase in the polymer ionization potential without a significant change in optical band gap. Fluorination also results in an enhanced tendency to aggregate in solution, which is ascribed to a more co-planar backbone on the basis of Raman and DFT calculations. Average charge carrier mobilities in field-effect transistors are found to increase by up to a factor of 5 for the fluorinated polymers

    Pentafluorobenzene end-group as a versatile handle for para fluoro "click" functionalization of polythiophenes

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    A convenient method of introducing pentafluorobenzene (PFB) as a single end-group in polythiophene derivatives is reported via in situ quenching of the polymerization. We demonstrate that the PFB-group is a particularly useful end-group due to its ability to undergo fast nucleophilic aromatic substitutions. Using this molecular handle, we are able to quantitatively tether a variety of common nucleophiles to the polythiophene backbone. The mild conditions required for the reaction allows sensitive functional moieties, such as biotin or a cross-linkable trimethoxysilane, to be introduced as end-groups. The high yield enabled the formation of a diblock rod-coil polymer from equimolar reactants under transition metal-free conditions at room temperature. We further demonstrate that water soluble polythiophenes end-capped with PFB can be prepared via the hydrolysis of an ester precursor, and that such polymers are amenable to functionalization under aqueous conditions