9 research outputs found

    Problématique Des Refoulements Des Produits De La Pêche Exportés Par Le Maroc Et Leur Impact Economique

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    In this paper, we dealt with the problem of the rejections of fishery products exported to other countries via Morocco and their economic impact. The study was conducted using a survey by exporters of the fishing industry. The analysis of data shows that backflows can be caused by different sanitary or documentary reasons. Also, the health profile for the main species can be assessed by a criticality matrix "fish species: hazard: commodity". The determinants of the rejections of exported fish products were analyzed by a multiple regression. This econometric technique is considered valuable in our study to evaluate the impact of a set of variables on the cost of the rejections of fishery products. The rejections of fishery products have a tremendous impact both on fish business operators as well as for the competent authorities. Hence, there is the need to control the various health hazards associated with fishery products by professionals. This was done by adopting plans for health control within their establishments and for the strengthening of official control by the competent authority in a coregulation framework

    Occurrence Des Parasites Dans Les Poissons Collectés Au Niveau Du Littoral Marocain

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    Dans cet article, nous traitons de l’occurrence des parasites des poissons au niveau du littoral marocain. L’analyse des données du portail RASFF entre 1979 et juillet 2019, a révélé que la présence des parasites constitue l’un des principaux motifs de refoulement des poissons et produits dérivés exportés du Maroc vers les pays de l’Union Européenne. Un travail de terrain visant la recherche directe des parasites par inspection visuelle a concerné 1678 pièces de poissons de différentes espèces dont 537 proviennent de l’Atlantique (port d’Essaouira et marché de gros de Casablanca) et 1141 pièces de la Méditerranée. Cinq groupes de parasites ont été trouvés: Nématodes, xénomes, trématodes, isopodes et copépodes. L’ampleur du parasitisme est presque la même au niveau du littoral méditerranéen (31,1%) et l’atlantique (32,0%). Les nématodes (Complexe Anisakis + acanthocéphales) occupent la majeure partie des parasites au niveau de l’Atlantique et de la méditerranée avec des prévalences respectives de 21,4% et 24,9%. La larve plerocercoïde du cestode Gymnorhynchus gigas a été trouvée chez le sabre argenté (Lepidopus caudatus) avec une prévalence de 8,3% au niveau de l’Atlantique. In this article, we address the occurrence of fish parasites in the Moroccan coast. An analysis of data available on the RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) portal covering the period from 1979 to July 2019, revealed that the presence of parasites is one of the main reasons for border rejection of fish and fish products exported from Morocco to the European Union. The field study concerned a direct search for parasites by visual inspection in 1678 fish specimens including 537 from the Atlantic coast (port of Essaouira and wholesale market of Casablanca) and 1141 from the Mediterranean. Five groups of parasites were found namely nematodes, xenomas, trematodes, isopods and copepods. The extent of parasitism was almost identical in the Mediterranean (31.1%) and Atlantic (32.0%) coasts. Nematodes (Anisakis complex + acanthocephalans) represent the majority of parasites found in fish originating from both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean with a respective prevalence of 21.4% and 24.9%. The plerocercoid larva of the cestode Gymnorhynchus gigas was found in the silver scabbardfish (Lepidopus caudatus), originating from the Atlantic coast, with a prevalence of 8.3%

    Feasibility of shelf-life extension of broiler chicken prepared in Moroccan poultry slaughterhouses

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    L’objectif du prĂ©sent travail a Ă©tĂ© de statuer sur la faisabilitĂ© d’un allongement de la date limite de validitĂ© (DLV) actuelle rĂ©glementaire du poulet de chair entier, Ă©viscĂ©rĂ©, conditionnĂ© sous film permĂ©able Ă  l’O2 et rĂ©frigĂ©rĂ© en l’état, tel qu’abattu et prĂ©parĂ© dans les abattoirs avicoles agrĂ©Ă©s au Maroc. Ă€ cet effet, trois essais ont Ă©tĂ© conduits sous des protocoles diffĂ©rents d’entreposage au froid. Pour chaque essai, les carcasses de poulet ont fait l’objet d’analyses sensorielles et microbiologiques. L’analyse sensorielle a portĂ© sur l’apprĂ©ciation des signes d’altĂ©ration (odeur de relent et apparence). Les analyses microbiologiques ont portĂ© sur le dĂ©nombrement des flores indicatrices d’altĂ©ration (mĂ©sophile et psychrotrophe), ainsi que sur les flores indicatrices d’hygiène du process (coliformes fĂ©caux et entĂ©rocoques). Le dĂ©nombrement et le suivi des microflores (totale et psychrotrophe) des carcasses de poulet, ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des charges initiales relativement Ă©levĂ©es, une prolifĂ©ration microbienne rĂ©gulière qui s’accĂ©lère Ă  partir du cinquième au sixième jour après abattage, avec une dominance de la flore psychrotrophe en fin d’entreposage. Les charges Ă©levĂ©es en coliformes fĂ©caux et en entĂ©rocoques tĂ©moignent d’une contamination essentiellement apportĂ©e par les matières fĂ©cales des volailles. Ă€ la lumière des rĂ©sultats obtenus, nous concluons qu’un allongement de la DLV rĂ©glementaire du poulet entier Ă©viscĂ©rĂ© conditionnĂ© rĂ©frigĂ©rĂ© en l’état (6 jours Ă  3°C) ne peut ĂŞtre envisagĂ© sous les conditions actuelles d’abattage/prĂ©paration et de ressuyage. Parmi les pistes d’exploration de la possibilitĂ© d’allonger la durabilitĂ©, nous recommandons de faire une cartographie des sites critiques des contaminations au niveau des chaĂ®nes d’abattage/prĂ©paration, d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© des procĂ©dures actuelles de nettoyage-dĂ©sinfection quant Ă  l’élimination de la flore responsable de l’altĂ©ration, et d’amĂ©liorer les protocoles actuels de ressuyage.  Mots-clĂ©s: Poulet de chair, carcasses, DLV, abattoirs avicoles, rĂ©frigĂ©ration, altĂ©ration, Ă©valuation sensorielle, analyses microbiologiques, rĂ©glementationThe objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of extending the mandatory shelf life of whole refrigerated poultry carcasses as slaughtered and prepared in approved Moroccan poultry slaughterhouses. For this purpose, three assays were conducted under different cold storage protocols. For each trial, poultry carcasses were subjected to sensory and microbiological analyses. Sensory evaluation involved the appreciation of signs of spoilage (odor and appearance). Microbiological analyses involved counting of microflora indicating spoilage (total mesophilic aerobic flora and psychrotrophs) along with that indicating hygiene (faecal coliforms and enterococci). The counting of mesophiles and psychrotophs of refrigerated poultry carcasses revealed a quite high level of initial contamination, a steady microbial proliferation which accelerates during the fifth and sixth days post-slaughter. At the end of storage, psychrotrophs dominate. The high loads of faecal coliforms and enterococci were in agreement with a contamination that originates from poultry faecal matter. Nonetheless, these numbers should be pended in relation to the technique of sampling, which included the rinsing of the cloacae and abdomen. These preliminary results indicate that the mandatory shelf life of refrigerated poultry cannot be extended under the present conditions of slaughter, preparation and cooling. Means of extending the shelf life may include improving the current chilling procedures, a mapping of critical sites of contamination at the slaughter lines and an assessment of the actual efficiency of sanitation procedures with respect to the elimination of spoilage flora.  Keywords: poultry, carcasses, shelflife, poultry slaughterhouses, refrigeration, spoilage, sensory evaluation, microbial analyses, regulatio

    Occurrence Des Parasites Dans Les Poissons Collectés Au Niveau Du Littoral Marocain

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    Dans cet article, nous traitons de l’occurrence des parasites des poissons au niveau du littoral marocain. L’analyse des données du portail RASFF entre 1979 et juillet 2019, a révélé que la présence des parasites constitue l’un des principaux motifs de refoulement des poissons et produits dérivés exportés du Maroc vers les pays de l’Union Européenne. Un travail de terrain visant la recherche directe des parasites par inspection visuelle a concerné 1678 pièces de poissons de différentes espèces dont 537 proviennent de l’Atlantique (port d’Essaouira et marché de gros de Casablanca) et 1141 pièces de la Méditerranée. Cinq groupes de parasites ont été trouvés: Nématodes, xénomes, trématodes, isopodes et copépodes. L’ampleur du parasitisme est presque la même au niveau du littoral méditerranéen (31,1%) et l’atlantique (32,0%). Les nématodes (Complexe Anisakis + acanthocéphales) occupent la majeure partie des parasites au niveau de l’Atlantique et de la méditerranée avec des prévalences respectives de 21,4% et 24,9%. La larve plerocercoïde du cestode Gymnorhynchus gigas a été trouvée chez le sabre argenté (Lepidopus caudatus) avec une prévalence de 8,3% au niveau de l’Atlantique. In this article, we address the occurrence of fish parasites in the Moroccan coast. An analysis of data available on the RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) portal covering the period from 1979 to July 2019, revealed that the presence of parasites is one of the main reasons for border rejection of fish and fish products exported from Morocco to the European Union. The field study concerned a direct search for parasites by visual inspection in 1678 fish specimens including 537 from the Atlantic coast (port of Essaouira and wholesale market of Casablanca) and 1141 from the Mediterranean. Five groups of parasites were found namely nematodes, xenomas, trematodes, isopods and copepods. The extent of parasitism was almost identical in the Mediterranean (31.1%) and Atlantic (32.0%) coasts. Nematodes (Anisakis complex + acanthocephalans) represent the majority of parasites found in fish originating from both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean with a respective prevalence of 21.4% and 24.9%. The plerocercoid larva of the cestode Gymnorhynchus gigas was found in the silver scabbardfish (Lepidopus caudatus), originating from the Atlantic coast, with a prevalence of 8.3%

    Freshness Assessments of Moroccan Sardine ( Sardina pilchardus

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    Risk Assessment of Histamine in Chilled, Frozen, Canned and Semi-Preserved Fish in Morocco; Implementation of Risk Ranger and Recommendations to Risk Managers

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    A risk assessment of histamine was conducted for different categories of fishery products in the market. Risk estimates were assessed using the Risk Ranger tool. The estimated risks associated with the consumption of canned, semi-preserved and frozen fish are lower than those associated with fresh fish. According to the hypotheses of application or not of the histamine control measures, two risk levels were calculated for each product. The highest risk is associated to sardine with a score of 35 (equivalent to 39 patients per year). With the application of control measures, the score decreases to 20 (equivalent to one patient per year) with a reduction of 38 patients estimated per year. The risk ranking for frozen fish varies between zero (1 patient for 1000 years) and 11 (three patients for 1000 years). For semi-preserved fish, it ranges from zero to 21. For canned fish, the risk ranking varies between 12 (five patients for 1000 years) and 21 (15 patients for 100 years). As a result, most Moroccan seafood products are classified as “low risk”. However, it is recommended that risk managers maintain the adopted measures, strengthen interventions upstream in the food chain and that professionals maintain the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) system effectively

    Microbiological risk assessment - Guidance for food

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    This document provides guidance on undertaking risk assessment of all microbial hazards which may adversely affect human health in foods along a food chain. This document is also intended to provide practical guidance on a structured framework for carrying out risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods, focussing on the four components including hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization. These guidelines therefore represent the best practice at the time of their preparation, and it is hoped that they will help stimulate further developments and disseminate the current knowledge