4,190 research outputs found

    Aeronautic instruction in Germany

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    This report contains a list of the courses relating to aeronautics announced in Germany, both in the technical high schools and in the universities

    IR-TF Relation In The Zone Of Avoidance With 2MASS

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    Using the Tully-Fisher relation, one can map the peculiar velocity field and estimate the mass in regions such as the Great Attractor. 2MASS is surveying the full sky in J, H and K bands and has the great advantage that it allows us to detect galaxies more uniformly to lower Galactic latitude than optical surveys. This study shows the feasibility of using 2MASS and the TF relation to probe large scale structure. We found that (i) we can use axis ratio b/ab/a up to 0.5; (ii) intrinsic extinction is present (up to 0.5mag at J, 0.1 mag at K); (iii) the zero-point of the TF relation is independent of the 2MASS magnitude measurement and is consistent with the HST Key-Project value; (iv) the 2MASS K-band 20th mag/arcsec2^2 isophotal aperture magnitude produces the best TF relation; and (v) there is no type dependence of the residualsComment: 8 pages, Latex using newpasp.sty. Matches version to appear in Mapping the Hidden Universe: The Universe Behind the Milky Way - The Universe in HI, ASP Conference Series 2000, eds R.C.Kraan-Korteweg, P.A. Henning and H. Andernach (matched to published version; abstract bug in v2 fixed

    Digital Mathematics Libraries: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

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    The idea of a World digital mathematics library (DML) has been around since the turn of the 21th century. We feel that it is time to make it a reality, starting in a modest way from successful bricks that have already been built, but with an ambitious goal in mind. After a brief historical overview of publishing mathematics, an estimate of the size and a characterisation of the bulk of documents to be included in the DML, we turn to proposing a model for a Reference Digital Mathematics Library--a network of institutions where the digital documents would be physically archived. This pattern based rather on the bottom-up strategy seems to be more practicable and consistent with the digital nature of the DML. After describing the model we summarise what can and should be done in order to accomplish the vision. The current state of some of the local libraries that could contribute to the global views are described with more details

    Dynamique d'un nuage de bulles homogène confiné

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    De nombreuses applications industrielles mettent en jeu des écoulements à bulles dans des échangeurs de masse et de chaleur ou des réacteurs. Les mouvements des bulles génèrent de l'agitation dans le liquide qui, en retour, influence la distribution spatiale des bulles et leur vitesse. La compréhension générique de ce problème de couplage inverse total est fondamentale mais délicate. Des travaux expérimentaux dédiés dans des configurations d'écoulements bien définies sont donc nécessaires pour atteindre cet objectif. Ce travail explore la dynamique d'un nuage de bulles en ascension à grand nombre de Reynolds dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw ([1]). Cette configuration apporte une contribution à une compréhension générale car elle permet d'étudier l'agitation générée par des bulles à grand nombre de Reynolds possédant des sillages instables tout en empêchant, par les effets de confinement, la production de turbulence. La comparaison avec la dynamique de nuages de bulles non confinés ([2]) est également éclairante. Par ailleurs, la détection des interfaces est considérablement facilitée par le confinement: une description complète et précise de la répartition spatiale et de la dynamique des bulles peut être ici obtenue directement par ombroscopie avec une seule caméra. De même, la mesure par PIV du champ de vitesse du liquide intégré dans l'épaisseur de la cellule permet de caractériser de manière pertinente la dynamique du liquide ([3]) (Fig.1-a). La dynamique des deux phases a ainsi été explorée pour des fractions volumiques de gaz α comprises entre 1% et 14% dans un régime où l'inertie est importante (Re≈500). Les bulles étudiées possèdent un sillage instable avec des lâchers tourbillonnaires réguliers et suivent une trajectoire ascendante oscillante tout en gardant une forme elliptique constante. Le frottement aux parois impose néanmoins une décroissance très forte des sillages ([4]). Les résultats montrent que l'on peut expliquer les statistiques associées au mouvement des bulles dans le nuage à partir de deux mécanismes élémentaires: (i) les oscillations induites par le sillage associées aux lâchers tourbillonnaires et (ii) la forte perturbation de vitesse localisée à l'arrière des bulles. Le mécanisme dominant dans la direction verticale est l'entrainement dans le sillage alors que celui qui régit la dynamique des bulles dans la direction horizontale est associé aux oscillations générées par les sillages dont l'intensité est indépendante de α (Fig.1-b). L'auto-dispersion des bulles a également été étudiée. Elle peut être caractérisée par des coefficients de dispersion qui évoluent linéairement avec α. En ce qui concerne l'agitation dans le liquide, comme en écoulement non confiné, les deux composantes des fluctuations de vitesse évoluent proportionnellement à αn avec ici αn=0.38 et 0.46 dans les directions horizontales et verticales respectivement. Le spectre spatial des fluctuations de vitesse évolue, sur une gamme de nombres d'ondes k bien définie, proportionnellement à k-³. Dans cette configuration où la turbulence ne peut se développer, cette évolution s'explique très clairement par la superposition linéaire de perturbations de vitesses aléatoires ([5]), il s'agit donc d'un effet statistique associé aux passages de perturbations convectées par les bulles

    Homogeneous swarm of high-Reynolds-number bubbles rising within a thin gap. Part 1: Bubble dynamics

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    The spatial distribution, the velocity statistics and the dispersion of the gas phase have been investigated experimentally in a homogeneous swarm of bubbles confined within a thin gap. In the considered flow regime, the bubbles rise on oscillatory paths while keeping a constant shape. They are followed by unstable wakes which are strongly attenuated due to wall friction. According to the direction that is considered, the physical mechanisms are totally different. In the vertical direction, the entrainment by the wake controls the bubble agitation, causing the velocity variance and the dispersion coefficient to increase almost linearly with the gas volume fraction. In the horizontal direction, path oscillations are the major cause of bubble agitation, leading to a constant velocity variance. The horizontal dispersion, which is lower than that in the vertical direction, is again observed to increase almost linearly with the gas volume fraction. It is however not directly due to regular path oscillations, which are unable to generate a neat deviation over a whole period, but results from bubble interactions which cause a loss of the bubble velocity time correlation

    Glycoproteomic research using mass spectrometry

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    The development of problem-specific mass spectrometric (MS) glycoproteomic strategies has allowed the discovery of previously unknown protein glycosylation in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. The research in this thesis focuses on the identification and structural characterisation of novel glycan structures in ADAMTS13 and Clostridium difficile. ADAMTS13 is a large multi-domain protein which regulates thrombogenesis by cleavage of the adhesive blood glycoprotein, VWF, so generating smaller less thrombogenic fragments. Glycoproteomic strategies were employed to investigate a secretion-enhancing mutant by comparing the O-glycome of wild type (WT) with synonymous substitution, P118P, and a non-synonymous control, P118F. Identical post-translational modifications (PTMs) but several novel PTMs were discovered in ADAMTS13 including TSR1 O-glycosylation, C-mannosylation of W387 and DiSialyl Core-1 O-glycosylation of S1170. Clostridium difficile is one of the main organisms responsible for morbidity in hospitalised patients, and is the etiological agent of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis. The C.difficile cell wall is surrounded by an S-layer composed of two proteins, high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) SLPs. 12 slpA gene cassettes have been recently described and cassette-11 carries an insert containing 19 ORFs. Combining different biochemical and ES- and MALDI-MS approaches, including the ETD technique, with genetic experiments, it was demonstrated that LMW SLP in strain Ox247 is glycosylated with a surprisingly large linear pentose-branched oligosaccharide of more than forty sugar residues, and a collaborative NMR study suggests a Phospho- and Acetyl- substituted non-reducing terminal rhamnose. Analysing different C.difficile hypervirulent strains, novel flagellar sulphonated peptidylamido-glycan structures not previously observed in sugar or amino acid chemistry were identified. High resolution mass measurement and negative-ion nanospray MS/MS of cone-voltage-induced fragment ions were crucial in allowing the discovery of a unique terminal Taurine (aminoethyl-sulphonic acid) peptidylamidoglycan unit which could provide a novel strategy to escape the immune system, by the C.difficile becoming more virulent.Open Acces

    CEDRICS: When CEDRAM Meets Tralics

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    summary:We describe CEDRICS, a general purpose system for automated journal production entirely based on a LaTeX input format. We show how the very basic ideas that initiated the whole effort turned into an efficient system because of the ability of LaTeX markup to parametrise simultaneously and without compromise high typographical quality for the PDF output as well as accurate XML metadata with (presentation) MathML formulas. This was made possible by the availability of two entirely independent LaTeX source processors with specific focus but full TeX-macro language support: PdfLaTeX by Hàn Thế Thành, and Tralics by José Grimm

    Report on the current state of the French DMLs

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    This is a survey of the existing digital collections of French mathematical literature, run by non-profit organizations. This includes research monographs, serials, proceedings, Ph. D. theses, collected works, books and personal websites


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    A High-Altitude Balloon Platform for Determining Regional Uptake of Carbon Dioxide over Agricultural Landscapes

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    Interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere are an important part of the global carbon cycle, and quantifying the carbon dioxide exchanges between them is helpful in predicting the uptake of carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources by the biosphere in the future. In the Midwestern United States, agricultural systems cover a large part of the landscape, so understanding their role in influencing the global carbon budget is crucial as anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide grow larger. Carbon dioxide exchanges can be measured by eddy covariance at the ecosystem level (bottom-up approach) or regionally by inversion techniques (top-down approach). Here we describe a novel approach to estimate the exchange at an intermediate spatial scale using weather balloons. Two different techniques were used to collect data. In the first-generation method used from 2012 to 2013, a single balloon launch was conducted per launch date and the rate of uptake between the ascent and descent was compared. In the second-generation method used in the summer of 2014, two launches were conducted in one day and the rate of uptake between the two ascents was calculated. The carbon dioxide concentrations measured during the ascents were converted to a molar difference using the observed temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, and a flux was calculated by summing the molar differences and dividing by the time difference between flights. This value is the Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE). The first-generation method found that the peak uptake by the biosphere occurred in mid-July. The second-generation method found that uptake was highest in mid-July as well, with uptake decreasing throughout August and September. Only four data points were collected using the second-generation methodology, so significance of this trend is limited. During peak growing season over the summer, uptake rates of -30 to -50 μmol m-2 s-1 were observed, while as fall approached this rate became positive. The methodology established here will be used to explore new hypotheses related to the NEE of crops
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