137 research outputs found

    Risks assessment of water pollution by pesticides at local scale (Pesteaux Project): study of polluting pressure

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    Pollution of water resources (surface waters and ground waters) by pesticide uses is one of the key point of the European policy with the imptementation of the Water Frame Work Directive (2000/60/EC) and the thematic Strategy on the Sustainable use of pesticides. According to this Legislation, the Member States must initiale measures to limit environmental and toxicologieal effects caused by pesticide uses. The Agricultural Research Centre of Wallonia (CRA-W) emphasized the need of a toot for spatial risk analysis and develops it within the framework of PESTEAUX project. The originality of the approach proposed by the CRA-W is to generate maps to identify the risk of pollution at locale scale (agricultural parcel). The risk will be assessed according to the study of different factors, grouped under 3 data's tayers: polluting pressure, vulnerability of the physical environment (soil) and meteorological data. This approach is directly based on the risk's definition which takes into account the polluting pressure, linked te the human activities, and the vulnerabitity of the soil, defined by factors of physical environment which characterize the water flow in the parcel. Moreover, meteorological data influence the intensity and likelihoad flow of water, and indirectly pesticide by leaching or runoff. The PESTEAUX's approach to study the pollution is based on the model "source-vector-target". The source is the polluting pressure, in other words, the pesticides which could reach the targets. The main vector is the water which vehicles the pesticide on and trough the soil until the target which are the surface waters or ground waters. ln this paper we introduce the factors contributing to the polluting pressure. These factors are linking to the human activities and more precisely, to the pesticide uses. The factors considered have an influence on pesticide's transport by water (in its solid state or in dissolved state by leaching, run-off, or erosion) but also on a set of process controlling pesticide behavior in the environment such as degradation, sorption, ...

    Analysis of the Impact of Industries on Senegal’s Economy

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    In this study, the researcher seeks to use empirical data to analyze the impact of industries on the Senegalese economy. The paper used secondary data from the World Bank and Senegal's National Statistics and Demography Agency (ANSD) and covered the period between 1960 to 2016.The research employed the specification model and selected variables underlying the hypotheses for the study in prior expectations. The methodology used for the study is descriptive analysis. At the end of this study, it was be concluded that the methodology adopted was the participatory method, which is an interactive research model based on both theoretical and empirical analyzes. The ARDL most revealed short-and long-term correlations between variables were also used to determine the impact of the industrial sector on Senegalese economic growth as well as the factors that influence it. Between 1980-2016, empirical research was conducted to examine the industrial sector and its impact on economic growth. Keywords:Senegal, Industrialization, Economy, Growth, development DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-12-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Regolith mapping and gold geochemical anomalies in the Siguiri Gold Mine of AngloGold Ashanti, Guinea, West Africa

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    Gold exploration in the laterite terrains of the Siguiri basin (Guinea-West Africa) is discussed in this thesis. It seeks to propose and develop effective and reliable geochemical exploration techniques applied in such laterite terrains. The study is also intended to investigate and provide some geological clues as to why, in some target areas, the reconnaissance test drilling across the geochemical anomalies couldn’t intersect economic gold mineralisation. Targets were generated based on soil geochemical results, some of which were drilled without delivering economic discoveries even on areas with strong and consistent geochemical signatures. To find the failure and define the appropriate methods to be used is the core of the thesis. More importantly, the geological observation is aimed at sourcing and establishing the nature and validity of geochemical anomalies within the license area and their relationship with the underlying lithologies and structural networks. The geological field work conducted during this study is mostly based on regolith and surface geological mapping. The thick laterite cover, deep weathering, bedrock geology, gold geochemistry (the gold geochemical anomalous results are defined according to historical data before 2007), soil formations and variations in climate conditions are emphasized to illustrate the importance of mineral element mobility and dispersion in the weathering profiles. The knowledge and experience in regolith geochemistry and regolith mapping provide the advantage to exploration geologists. The depletion of ore resources and reserves in Siguiri and the continuous decline of the gold price in comparison to the complexity of exploring for gold are demanding more scientific-related thoughts and techniques to be integrated in the available geological, geochemical and geophysical information so as to reduce costs. The integration of good exploration strategy and technique may result in the possibility of making viable discoveries in this highly competitive geological environment where the mineral resources become depleted every day

    Mise en place du Projet de Gestion et de Soutien dans un Etablissement Public Hospitalier : cas de l’Hôpital du Mali

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    Cet article est une recherche sur la mise en place du Projet de Gestion Ă  l’HĂ´pital du Mali. Dans le cadre de l’élaboration du Projet d’Etablissement de l’HĂ´pital du Mali (BAH, 2019), le projet de gestion et de soutien occupe une place très importante et le corps administratif et de gestion constituent le socle de ce projet. De ce fait, l’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de mettre en Ĺ“uvre la politique dĂ©finie par les autoritĂ©s de tutelle en matière d’organisation, de gestion administrative, financière et comptable dans les Etablissements Publics Hospitaliers (EPH) du Mali. A cet Ă©gard, le projet de gestion et de soutien devra permettre un recueil d’informations nĂ©cessaires pour une utilisation rationnelle des ressources financières de l’HĂ´pital du Mali. Le projet de gestion et de soutien de l’HĂ´pital du Mali, dans le cadre du Projet d’Etablissement Hospitalier comprend deux commissions en plus de la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale ; il s’agit du ComitĂ© Technique d’Etablissement (CTE) et du ComitĂ© Technique d'Hygiène et de SĂ©curitĂ© (CTHS). Le ComitĂ© Technique d'Etablissement (CTE) est chargĂ© d'Ă©tudier et de donner son avis sur les questions relatives aux conditions de travail. Le ComitĂ© Technique d'Hygiène et de SĂ©curitĂ© (CTHS) est chargĂ© d'Ă©tudier et de donner des avis sur la protection, l'hygiène, la sĂ©curitĂ© des soins, des personnes et des biens au sein de l'HĂ´pital (Loi n° 10-010 AN-RM du 20 mai 2010). Pour l’atteinte des objectifs, nous avons utilisĂ© une approche qualitative. Sur un effectif total de 143 agents, nous avons tirĂ© un Ă©chantillon de 58 agents. La mĂ©thodologie utilisĂ©e dans cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© : l’administration d’un questionnaire au personnel de gestion et de soutien, le recueil et le traitement des rĂ©sultats conduisant Ă  la rĂ©alisation du plan d’actions qui regroupe l’ensemble des besoins (en formation, en matĂ©riels et Ă©quipements, et en amĂ©nagement). La finalitĂ© du projet de gestion et de soutien de l’HĂ´pital du Mali est l’amĂ©lioration des conditions de gestion et de soutien Ă  l’HĂ´pital du Mali (ANEH, octobre 2010). This article is a research on the implementation of the Management Project at the Mali Hospital. Within the framework of the development of the Mali Hospital Establishment Project (BAH, 2019), the management and support project occupies a very important place and the administrative and management body is the foundation of this project. Therefore, the objective of this study is to implement the policy defined by the supervisory authorities in terms of organization, administrative, financial and accounting management in Mali's Public Hospital Establishments (PHE). In this respect, the management and support project should enable the collection of information necessary for the rational use of the financial resources of the Mali Hospital. The Mali Hospital Management and Support Project, within the framework of the Hospital Establishment Project, includes two commissions in addition to the General Management; these are the Technical Committee for Establishment (TCE) and the Technical Committee for Health and Safety (TCHS). The Technical Committee for Establishment (TCE) is responsible for studying and giving its opinion on matters relating to working conditions. The Technical Committee on Health and Safety (TCHS) is responsible for studying and giving opinions on the protection, hygiene, safety of care, persons and property within the Hospital. To achieve the objectives, we used a qualitative approach. From a total staff of 143 agents, we selected a sample of 58 agents. The methodology used in this research was: the administration of a questionnaire to management and support staff, the collection and processing of the results leading to the implementation of an action plan that brings together all the needs (in training, materials and equipment, and development). The aim of the Mali Hospital Management and Support Project is to improve management and support conditions at the Mali Hospital

    L’impact du Projet Médical Sur le Développement d’un établissement Public Hospitalier : Cas de l’Hôpital du Mali

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    Cet article est consacrĂ© Ă  l’impact du projet mĂ©dical sur le dĂ©veloppement d’un Ă©tablissement public hospitalier : cas de l’HĂ´pital du Mali. Dans le cadre de l’élaboration du Projet d’Etablissement de l’HĂ´pital du Mali (Bah, 2019), le projet mĂ©dical constitue l’une des pièces maĂ®tresses. De ce fait, il doit rĂ©pondre aux dĂ©fis majeurs en matière de santĂ©, garantir un accès aux soins de qualitĂ© pour l’ensemble de la population desservie et permettre d’évaluer les moyens existants et les besoins futurs afin que l’hĂ´pital puisse remplir ses missions. « Le projet mĂ©dical constitue le moteur principal du projet d’établissement. C’est autour de lui que s’articulent tous les autres projets : projet d’accueil, des soins infirmiers et obstĂ©tricaux, projets de gestion et de soutien. Ces projets, malgrĂ© tout, ont leurs propres autonomies et contenus (ANEH, 2010) ». Le projet mĂ©dical est rĂ©alisĂ© sous la supervision de la commission mĂ©dicale d’établissement (CME) de l’HĂ´pital du Mali. C’est ainsi qu’il a Ă©tĂ© question dans notre recherche sur le projet mĂ©dical trois questions fondamentales Ă  savoir : quels soins produire ? Comment les produire ? Et comment les Ă©valuer ? La zone d’étude est l’HĂ´pital du Mali, situĂ© au quartier Missabougou dans la commune VI de Bamako. La mĂ©thodologie utilisĂ©e dans cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© : l’administration d’un questionnaire, le recueil et le traitement des rĂ©sultats et la rĂ©alisation du plan d’actions mĂ©dical qui nous a permis d’atteindre les rĂ©sultats escomptĂ©s. La finalitĂ© du projet mĂ©dical de l’HĂ´pital du Mali est l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© du plateau technique et la prise en charge mĂ©dicale correcte des patients. This paper focuses on the impact of the medical project on the development of a public hospital establishment using the case study of the Mali Hospital. As part of the development of the Mali Hospital Establishment Project (Bah, 2019), the medical project is one of the cornerstones. As a result, it must respond to major health challenges, guarantee access to quality care for the entire population, and also make it possible to assess existing resources and future needs so that the hospital can fulfill its missions. «"The medical project is the main driver of the facility project. All the other projects revolve around it: reception project, nursing and midwifery, management and support projects. These projects, despite everything, have their own autonomy and content (ANEH, 2010)». The medical project is carried out under the supervision of the Medical Establishment Commission (MEC) of the Hospital ofMali. This was how three fundamental questions were asked in our research on the medical project: What is the type of medical care to be provided? What are the means of provision? How do we assess them? The study is focused on Mali Hospital, located at Missabougou in commune VI of Bamako. The methodology used in this research involves the administration of a questionnaire, the collection and processing of results, and the implementation of the medical action plan which allowed us to achieve the expected results. The purpose of the Mali Hospital medical project is to improve the quality of the technical platform and the proper medical management of patients. &nbsp

    QIPs Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and Milk Production:Case of Bazi Haoussa in the Ansongo Circle in Mali

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of QIPs funding from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) on the receipts and profitability of dairy product sales in the village of BaziHaoussa in the circle of Ansongo in Mali.Data collected using questionnaires from 35 randomly selected dairy farmers in the village of BaziHaoussa was analyzed quantitatively and information was summarized using percentages and averages in tables and graphs.The t-tests for paired samples and for independent samples were also used to compare the average revenues and profitability between and within groups before and after the establishment of the production unit.Our results show that all respondents produce milk (fresh and/or curdled) and among them 88.6% also produce liquid butter and/or cheese, 71.5% have taken training in financial management and management techniques production.The receipts and financial returns of the dairy producers who benefit from the financing and who have taken the training are strictly higher than those of the producers who have not taken the training before and after the establishment of the production unit.The results of this study could help MUNISMA to strengthen its participation in economic recovery in areas affected by the security crisis and may constitute an interesting contribution to the scientific literature. Keywords: Profitability, Milk production, BaziHaoussa, QIPS financing, MINUSMA DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-12-07 Publication date:June 30th 2023

    Prevalence and characteristics of accidental perineal tears during childbirth in a communal medical center in Guinea-Conakry: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Prevalence studies are still rare in sub-Saharan Africa on perineal tears. We conducted this cross-sectional study in a communal hospital in Guinea-Conakry, with the objective of this study was to determining the prevalence and characteristics of post-obstetric perineal lesions.Methods: All deliveries between March 1st and August 31st, 2014 were reviewed. We included in the analysis all the single deliveries with perineal tears. The Anglo-Saxon classification of perineal tears was used.Results: The prevalence of perineal tears was 5.7% with 5.4% benign lesions and 0.3% severe lesions. We did not register 4th degree lesions. The average age of parturient was 22 years. The majority (96.6%) of parturient had a history of genital mutilation and perineal scarring (60.3%).Conclusions: This prevalence appear low compared to those reported in other studies in Africa and point to the need for more sophisticated studies to have a better estimate of the prevalence of perineal tears in Guinea-Conakry

    QIPs Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and Agriculture: Case of the Commune of Bourem Sidi Amar in the Timbuktu Region of Mali

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of QIPs funding from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) on the yields per hectare of certain crops and on the incomes of farmers in the commune. of Bourem Sidi Amar in the region of Timbuktu in Mali.Data collected through questionnaires from 52 QIPS-funded farmers were analyzed quantitatively and information was summarized using averages in tables.The one-sample t-test was used to compare yields per hectare and the average benchmark yield per crop. The paired-samples t-test was also used to compare farm operator incomes before and after funding.At the 5% significance level, our results show that the average yields per hectare of rice, wheat, onion, and anise crops are higher than the average reference yields of these same crops per hectare. This means that the average yields of these crops increased after the financing. The average income after funding is higher than the average income before funding. So the farmer's income increased after the financing.The results of this study could help MUNISMA and the Malian State to strengthen their participation in economic recovery in areas affected by the security crisis and may constitute an interesting contribution to the scientific literature. Keywords: Yield, Crops, QIPS Funding, MUNISMA, Bourem Sidi Amar, Timbuktu. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-12-02 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Analysis of the Impact of the Personal Finances of the Promoter on the Cash Flow of His High School: Case of Mali

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    The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the personal finances of the promoter of a high school on the cash-flow of his establishment. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze data collected from 53 randomly selected private high schools at the right bank academy in Bamako.Our results show that on the one hand, the promoter’s personal expenses and investments have a negative impact on the high school’s cash flow, personnel costs and running costs ; on the other hand, the budgetary management, the incomes and the relationship with the promoter’s personal bank have a positive impact on them.The results of this study could help high school promoters to find a balance between managing their high school’s cash-flow and their personal finances. They could also contribute to the scientific literature on the subject. Keywords: Private high school, Treasury, Personal finance, Promoter DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-10-01 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Empirical analysis of the relationship between Supply Chain Management and business performance: Case of companies in the cotton sector in Mali.

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    As part of a national policy favoring the local processing of agricultural products, several companies have been created in the cotton sector in Mali. According to the 2014 report of the National Council of the Malian Patronage, several Malian companies have difficulties in terms of performance. The reasons for this insufficiency are: (difficult access to financing, poor management, poor quality of products, lack of information, etc.). We can summarize this situation by a lack of practices in Supply Chain Management. The objective of this section was to empirically evaluate the impact of supply chain management on the performance of companies operating in the cotton sector in Mali. We favored an approach that links four SCM practices across a variety of dimensions of performance. In our methodology, we used an econometric regression analysis. At the end of this study, it should be remembered that the practices of the management of the supplier relationship and the exchange and sharing of information constitute the two most productive supply chain management practices in the cotton sector in Mali. In addition, among the dimensions of performance considered, financial performance and customer satisfaction are the two most sensitive variants of SCM practices. Key words: the company, Performance, Supply Chain Management, information, customer, cotton sector
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