77 research outputs found

    Generating multimedia presentations: from plain text to screenplay

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    In many Natural Language Generation (NLG) applications, the output is limited to plain text – i.e., a string of words with punctuation and paragraph breaks, but no indications for layout, or pictures, or dialogue. In several projects, we have begun to explore NLG applications in which these extra media are brought into play. This paper gives an informal account of what we have learned. For coherence, we focus on the domain of patient information leaflets, and follow an example in which the same content is expressed first in plain text, then in formatted text, then in text with pictures, and finally in a dialogue script that can be performed by two animated agents. We show how the same meaning can be mapped to realisation patterns in different media, and how the expanded options for expressing meaning are related to the perceived style and tone of the presentation. Throughout, we stress that the extra media are not simple added to plain text, but integrated with it: thus the use of formatting, or pictures, or dialogue, may require radical rewording of the text itself

    Traitement peu invasif d’une breche osteo meningee associee a une hypertension intracranienne benigne

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    Description L’hypertension intracrânienne bénigne (HTICB) est une augmentation anormale de la pression intracrânienne non associée à un processus occupant de l’espace intracrânien, une thrombose des veinescérébrales ou une hydrocéphalie. Caractérisée par des céphalées invalidantes, des acouphènes pulsatiles, elle peut avoir une évolution péjorative et irréversible entraînant une cécité. La survenue d’une rhinorrhée spontanée dans un contexte d’HTICB a été décrite dans la littérature mais demeure peu fréquente. Objectif et cas cliniqueNous rapportons le cas d’une femme obèse âgée de 40 ans, qui a été admise pour rhinorrhée droite spontanée. Les explorations neuroradiologiques ont permis d’évoquer une hypertension intracrânienne bénigne sur une brèche ethmoïdale antérieure. Le monitoring de la pression a confirmé le diagnostic. Elle abénéficié d’une dérivation ventriculo péritonéale. L’évolution est favorable (disparition des symptômes) avec un delai de recul de 16 mois . Conclusion L’HTICB est une pathologie avec des conséquences irréversibles si le traitement n’est pas adéquat et rapide. En cas de rhinorrhée isolée dans le cadre de l’hypertension intracrânienne bénigne la dérivation ventriculo péritonéale est une attitude thérapeutique simple mais efficace


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    The isolated aneurysms of internal iliac artery are rare and present several difficulties of care. Their treatment is often difficult and contains relatively high rates of morbidity and mortality. The giant character complicates the methods of assessment and surgical dissection due in the complexity of the anatomical region and the modifications of marks engendered by the aneurismal mass. Bringing back us to two observations of giants’ aneurisms of the internal iliac artery discovered incidentally on an atypical symptomatology. Both patients were surgically handled with a good evolution. We evoke the variety of the aetiologies of these aneurysms and we discuss the difficulties of their surgical treatment.Les anévrismes isolés de l’artère iliaque interne sont rares et présentent plusieurs difficultés de prise en charge. Leur traitement est souvent difficile et comportent des taux de morbidité et de mortalité relativement élevés. Leur caractère géant complique les modalités de contrôle et de dissection chirurgicale du à la complexité de la région anatomique et les modifications des repères engendrées par la masse anévrismale. Nous rapportons deux observations d’anévrismes géants de l’artère iliaque interne découverts fortuitement sur une symptomatologie atypique. Les deux malades ont été traités chirurgicalement avec une bonne évolution. Nous évoquons la diversité des étiologies de ces anévrismes et nous discutons les difficultés de leur traitement chirurgical


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    Aneurysms of the gastroduodenal artery are rare vascular lesions with significantly higher risk of rupture, given the predominance of inflammatory causes. Rupture is frequently the initial symptom, and intraoperative isolation and control of the aneurysm can be difficult, it worsens the prognosis and increases mortality. The endovascular approach with embolization of the aneurysm offers in these cases the possibility of a primary hemostasis and allows secondly evacuation of the hemoperitoine on a stable and a well-prepared patient.We report a 72 year-old women, having benefited of an urgent haemostasis by embolisation of a ruptured gastroduodenal artery aneurysm and a secondary evacuation of her hemopéritoine 48 hours later. It was an embolization in a ruptured digestive artery aneurysm with an anatomic variant, the hepatic artery was arising from the superior mesenteric artery, and it makes all the particularity of this observation. In this paper we recall the diagnostical and etiological aspects of gastroduodenal artery aneurysms, we discuss the difficulties of their treatment and we emphasis the advantages of embolization in management of this type of complication.Les anévrismes de l'artère gastroduodénale sont des lésions vasculaires rares, la rupture en est un risque réel, il est significativement augmenté par la nature inflammatoire dominante de leurs étiologies. La rupture est un mode de révélation fréquent et souvent inaugurale, elle rend le contrôle chirurgical de l’artère gastroduodénale difficile, aggravant ainsi le pronostic et augmentant le taux de mortalité. L’approche endovasculaire par embolisation offre la possibilité d’une hémostase primaire en urgence et permet de reporter l’évacuation de l’hemopéritoine dans un deuxième temps sur un malade stable et bien préparé.Nous rapportons l'observation d'une femme de 72 ans, ayant bénéficiée d’une hémostase par embolisation d’un anévrisme rompu de l‘artère gastroduodénale en urgence et d’une évacuation secondaire de son hemopéritoine 48 heures après. Cette observation rapporte le cas d’une embolisation sur un anévrisme rompu d’une artère digestive avec une variante anatomique réalisée par l’artère hépatique qui nait de l’artère mésentérique supérieure, cela fait toute la particularité de cette observation. Dans ce travail nous rappelons les aspects diagnostic et étiologiques des anévrismes de l’artère gastroduodénale, nous discutons les difficultés de leur prise en charge en cas de rupture et nous mettant le point sur les avantages de l’embolisation primaire à visée hémostatique

    A classification of grammar-infused templates for ontology and model verbalisation

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    Involving domain-experts in the development, maintenance, and use of knowledge organisation systems can be made easier through the introduction of easy-to-use interfaces that are based on natural language. Well resourced languages make use of natural language generation techniques to provide such interfaces. In particular, they often make use of templates combined with computational grammar rules to generate grammatically complex text. However, there is no model of pairing templates and computational grammar rules to ensure suitability for less-resourced languages. These languages require a modular design that ensures grammar detachability so as to allow grammar re-use across domains and applications. In this paper, we present a model and classification scheme for grammar-infused templates suited for less-resourced languages and classify existing systems that make use of them. We have found that of the 15 systems that pair templates and grammar rules, and their 11 distinct template types, 13 have support for detachable grammars

    A model for verbalising relations with roles in multiple languages

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    Natural language renderings of ontologies facilitate communication with domain experts. While for ontologies with terms in English this is fairly straightforward, it is problematic for grammatically richer languages due to conjugation of verbs, an article that may be dependent on the preposition, or a preposition that modifies the noun. There is no systematic way to deal with such `complex' names of OWL object properties, or their verbalisation with existing language models for annotating ontologies. The modifications occur only when the object performs some {\em role} in a relation, so we propose a conceptual model that can handle this. This requires reconciling the standard view with relational expressions to a positionalist view, which is included in the model and in the formalisation of the mapping between the two. This eases verbalisation and it allows for a more precise representation of the knowledge, yet is still compatible with existing technologies. We have implemented it as a Prot\'eg\'e plugin and validated its adequacy with several languages that need it, such as German and isiZulu

    Risk of infection and disease activity of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis treated with and without biologics

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    Objective: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common rheumatic disease children suffer from. Many questions arise regarding the risk of infection related to the disease and to the treatments with conventional and biological DMARDs. We aimed to assess the rate of infection in JIA patients treated with and without biologics and confirm the link between the infection and the disease activity. Patients and Methods: The risk of infection was evaluated in 2 groups (biological vs. conventional DMARDs). JIA activity was assessed using JADAS-10, physician and parent VAS. Results: Two minimal infections were noted under conventional DMARDs and 5 infections under biologics giving an infection rate ratio of 1.9. No correlation was found between the disease activity assessed by JADAS-10 and the risk of infection. The infection rate was higher in the biological group compared to the conventional DMARDs group (62.5% vs.33%), but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.6). Conclusions: Our results suggest no significant difference in infection rates between JIA subjects treated with and without biologics. Larger scale studies of the relationship between infection rates, type of treatment and disease activity are needed
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