11 research outputs found

    A Predictive Study of Electricity Consumption Fluctuations Using the Autoregressive-Moving-Average Models: Wilaya of Medea as a Case Study (2011-2017)

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى نمذجة استهلاك الكهرباء في ولاية المدية باستخدام نماذج الانحدار الذاتي والمتوسطات المتحركة للفترة من جانفي 2011 إلى ديسمبر 2017 والتي تشمل 84 مشاهدة ، ومن ثم التنبؤ بالاستهلاك في المدى القصير، وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن الكهرباء المستهلكة تتبع نموذج SARMA(4 ,0) في شكل نموذج جدائي ذو اتجاه عام متزايد. تصنيف جال: E21، C35، C 25، C53.The study aims to model the consumption of electricity in the Wilaya “Town” of Medea by using the autoregressive–moving-average models for the period from January 2011 to December 2017, which includes 84 views and then the prediction of consumption in a short term, the study found that the electricity consumed follows the model (4.0) ASARMA. In a form of a multiplicative model of Increasing general trend

    Airborne sand and dust soiling of solar collecting mirrors

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    The reflectance of solar collecting mirrors can be significantly reduced by sand and dust soiling, particularly in arid environments. Larger airborne sand and dust particles can also cause damage by erosion, again reducing reflectance. This work describes investigations of the airborne particle size, shape, and composition in three arid locations that are considered suitable for CSP plants, namely in Iran, Libya, and Algeria. Sand and dust has been collected at heights between 0.5 to 2.0m by a variety of techniques, but are shown not to be representative of the particle size found either in ground dust and sand, or on the solar collecting mirror facets themselves. The possible reasons for this are proposed, most notably that larger particles may rebound from the mirror surface. The implications for mirror cleaning and collector facet erosion are discusse

    The Reality of organizational commitment in ministry of planning and international cooperation in Jordan: The employees perspective: Field study

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة للتعرف على متطلبات الإفصاح المحاسبي في المؤسسات الاقتصادية من خلال تبنيها لمعايير المحاسبة الدولية ومن أجل تحقيق هدف الدراسة تناولنا ثلاثة محاور حيث خصصنا الأول منها للتأصيل العلمي للإفصاح المحاسبي، وفي المحول الثاني فتطرقنا من خلاله لمعايير المحاسبة الدولية، والمحور الثالث تناولنا فيه الإفصاح المحاسبي وفق معايير المحاسبة الدولية. من خلال هذه الدراسة خلصنا إلى أن تبني المعايير المحاسبية الدولية له أهمية بالغة وتأثيرات واضحة على عملية الإفصاح المحاسبي وخاصة لمرونتها وقابليتها للتجديد حسب التغيرات والمستجدات الحاصلة في البيئة الاقتصادية المحيطة بالمؤسسة.This study aims to recognize the accounting disclosure requirements in economic institutions by adobting the international accounting standards, inorder to achieve the goal of study we dealt with three areas , we devoted the first one to the scientific details of accounting disclosure , whereas with the second  area we handled the international accounting standards, and with third one we discussed the international financial reporting standards. Through this study we have concluded that adopting the international accounting standards has great  importance and obvious effects on the operation of accounting disclosure , especially for its flexibility and renewability According to the changes and developments of  The economic environment surrounding institutions

    Estimation of global horizontal irradiance using satellite-derived data across Middle East-North Afirica: therole of aerosol optical properties and site-adaptation methodologies

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    Middle East e North Africa (MENA) region is characterized by increasing energy demand combined with high energy costs and short reserves of fossil fuels. Hence, the knowledge of the spatial and temporal variability of Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) is necessary for assessing the efficiency of alternative energy sources. In this study, satellite retrievals from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, versions 6 and 6.1) and radiative transfer model simulations are used to evaluate the effect of aerosol optical properties on GHI under cloud-free conditions in the MENA region. The modeled GHI is validated against ground-based measurements at six MENA sites. Due to induced uncertainties in modeled GHIs, two site-adaptation methodologies (Empirical Quantile Mapping-EQM and Linear Least Squares-LIN) are further evaluated to diminish the systematic and dispersion errors. EQM is revealed to be more efficient, causing a significant correction to the statistical distribution of the modeled GHI. For almost all sites, modeled GHI values present the best statistical results when MODIS version 6.1 is used

    Hybrid CSP—PV Plants for Jordan, Tunisia and Algeria

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    Hybrid concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) plants are gaining relevance because they combine their advantages: easy installation and low cost of PV plus dispatchability of CSP. This paper presents results of a techno-economic modelling of this hybrid approach for sites in Jordan, Tunisia and Algeria. Local boundary conditions such as meteorology, cost and electricity demand have been considered to determine the best configurations for these three sites. Different CSP technologies with thermal energy storage have been selected. Hybridization with natural gas has also been included. The optimization is done towards minimizing the LCOE while covering the electrical demand 24/7. Results are presented for different CO2 emissions ranges, as the use of fossil fuel has a strong impact on the LCOE and for environmental reasons, it may be preferred to be kept to a minimum. For most of the cases analyzed, the fraction of energy from PV that leads to minimum LCOE is lower than the energy from CSP. It is shown that for countries with a high fuel price, the use of natural gas reduces the LCOE until a share from this source of about 20%. A higher integration of fossil fuel for sites rich in solar irradiation is considered not advantageous if the price of natural gas is above EUR 40/MWh

    Study about Hybrid CSP — PV plants for the MENA Region

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    This paper presents the outcomes of the project HYMENSO - Hybrid Concentrated Solar Thermal Power (CSP) and Photovoltaic (PV) plants for MENA Region -which had the main goal to investigate the optimal configuration of solar power plants for selected sites in Jordan, Tunisia and Algeria. This technology hybridization is becoming popular since it can harvest the advantages of both systems: easy installation and low LCOE (levelized cost of electricity) for PV, versatility and dispatchability of CSP. Additionally, fossil back-up with natural gas is also analyzed. The project HYMENSO was funded by the participants' countries in the framework of ERANETMED. This paper presents results with focus on the simulation of the hybrid CSP-PV systems, due to its innovative character and current relevance. It has been demonstrated that there are many configuration options for hybridizing CSP and PV systems, therefore requiring the definition of further boundary conditions to determine an optimum, such as limitation of CO 2 emissions in case that fossil back-up is used, expected satisfaction of the electricity demand, available land or water limitations. Important to notice is that for countries with a high fossil fuel price, the hybridization with natural gas reduces the overall LCOE only until a share of the generated energy of about 20%, higher use of fossil fuel is for such sites rich in solar irradiation not of noticeable advance