33 research outputs found

    Pavel Michna of Vacínov

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    v českém jazyce Existuje jen málo prací týkajících se českého raného novověku, kde by nefigurovalo jméno Pavla Michny z Vacínova. Muže, kterému se podařilo překonat omezení daná jeho měšťanským původem a učinit ze sebe nepostradatelného rádce nejvyšších politických představitelů Království českého i samotného císaře Ferdinanda II a na konci svého života dosáhnout povýšení do stavů říšských hrabat. Michna, syn řezníka z Budyně nad Ohří, se díky protekci nejvyššího kancléře království Zdeňka Vojtěcha Popela z Lobkowicz stal na počátku 17. století sekretářem České dvorské kanceláře a posílil tak řady katolických radikálů, kteří nejvyšší správní úřad království začali postupně využívat k prosazení vlastního vlivu na úkor protestantské většiny. Přestože Michna podepsal Majestát císaře Rudolfa II., který zaručoval všem obyvatelům království svobodu náboženského vyznání, sám se protestanty po celou dobu svého působení v České dvorské kanceláři snažil v těchto jejich právech všemožně omezovat. Nenávist protestantů vůči Michnově osobě vyvrcholila 23. května 1618, kdy se měl stát jednou z obětí třetí pražské defenestrace. Včas se ale o plánech spiklenců dozvěděl a zachránil se útěkem do Vídně k císařskému dvoru. Odtud se jako oddaný stoupenec císaře Ferdinanda II. podílí na přípravách vojenské odvety proti...There are only a few works available dealing with the Czech Early New Times and not mentioning the name of Pavel Michna z Vacínova. The man who succeeded in overcoming barriers of his middle class origin and making himself an indispensable advisor to top representatives of the Czech Kingdom and even Emperor Ferdinand II and to manage elevation to Imperial Earldom towards the end of his life. Michna, a butcher's son from Budyně nad Ohří, became thanks to patronage of the High Chancellor of the Czech Kingdom Zdeněk Vojtěch Popel z Lobkowicz in the early part of the 17th century the Czech Kingdom Court Office Secretary and reinforced a group of catholic militants who gradually started to exploit the Czech Kingdom Court Office for the benefit of their own influence at the expense of Protestant majority. Even though Michna had signed the Imperial Charter of Rudolf II that guaranteed all subjects in the Kingdom freedom of worship, he alone prosecuted Protestants during his office period in the Czech Kingdom Court Office and was aiming to restrict their rights. The hate of Protestants against Michna culminated on May 23, 1618, when he should have been one of the victims of the Defenestration of Prague. He had learned of plans of the plotters on time and rescued himself fleeing to Vienna to the Imperial...Institute of Czech HistoryÚstav českých dějinFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    In vitro účinnost polymerních konjugátů směrovaných mAb anti-EGFR nebo lidským polyklonálním IgG

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    Targered prodrugs are promising novel agents and especially anti-EGFR targered conjugates seem to be a perspective modality in treating HNSC

    Směrovaná polymerní protinádorová léčiva na bázi HPMA v terapii HNSCC

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    Targeted conjugates are promising novel drugs and especially anti-EGFR targeted conjugates seem to be a perspective modality in treating HNSCC or other cancers over-expressing EGFR recepto

    Comparation of professional education in Czech Republic and USA

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    The objective of thesis is to compare school systems in terms of education content and get feedback from students, how they are satisfied with and what they would recommend to change. I will use survey for obtaining information, followed by the conclusion. School systems emphasizes the value added to student during his studies. It regards the students as a property and underlines that society will benefit from investments to educatio

    Pavel Michna of Vacínov

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    There are only a few works available dealing with the Czech Early New Times and not mentioning the name of Pavel Michna z Vacínova. The man who succeeded in overcoming barriers of his middle class origin and making himself an indispensable advisor to top representatives of the Czech Kingdom and even Emperor Ferdinand II and to manage elevation to Imperial Earldom towards the end of his life. Michna, a butcher's son from Budyně nad Ohří, became thanks to patronage of the High Chancellor of the Czech Kingdom Zdeněk Vojtěch Popel z Lobkowicz in the early part of the 17th century the Czech Kingdom Court Office Secretary and reinforced a group of catholic militants who gradually started to exploit the Czech Kingdom Court Office for the benefit of their own influence at the expense of Protestant majority. Even though Michna had signed the Imperial Charter of Rudolf II that guaranteed all subjects in the Kingdom freedom of worship, he alone prosecuted Protestants during his office period in the Czech Kingdom Court Office and was aiming to restrict their rights. The hate of Protestants against Michna culminated on May 23, 1618, when he should have been one of the victims of the Defenestration of Prague. He had learned of plans of the plotters on time and rescued himself fleeing to Vienna to the Imperial..

    Immuno-biological Aspects of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    The process of tumorigenesis is conditioned by change or the series of changes at a gene level. The development of cancer is largely pre-ordained by this change, but very important role is played by other factors. In case of solid tumors it is mainly a tumor microenvironment, where the tumor cells are in contact with stromal cells, especially fibroblasts, and immune cells. Tumor microenvironment can also critically modify the nature and intensity of anti- tumor immune response. Squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck are the sixth most common cancer, which affect each year more than half a million patients worldwide. Despite advances and improvements in all treatment modalities, achieved therapeutic results even in Western countries are not satisfactory and remain at approximately the same values for several decades. At prezent, the 5 years survival rate, regardless of the location and stage of disease, is approximately only 40%. In the prezented work the immunological and biological aspects of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck are discussed. It summarizes the recent findings on the molecular basis of the behavior of tumor cells and the influence and significance of regulation of the immune system for the clinical course of disease and the modern therapeutic approaches

    Pavel Michna of Vacínov

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    There are only a few works available dealing with the Czech Early New Times and not mentioning the name of Pavel Michna z Vacínova. The man who succeeded in overcoming barriers of his middle class origin and making himself an indispensable advisor to top representatives of the Czech Kingdom and even Emperor Ferdinand II and to manage elevation to Imperial Earldom towards the end of his life. Michna, a butcher's son from Budyně nad Ohří, became thanks to patronage of the High Chancellor of the Czech Kingdom Zdeněk Vojtěch Popel z Lobkovic in the early part of the 17th century the Czech Kingdom Court Office Secretary and reinforced a group of catholic militants who gradually started to exploit the Czech Kingdom Court Office for the benefit of their own influence at the expense of Protestant majority. Even though Michna had signed the Imperial Charter of Rudolf II that guaranteed all subjects in the Kingdom freedom of worship, he alone prosecuted Protestants during his office period in the Czech Kingdom Court Office and was aiming to restrict their rights. He paid special attention to royal cities. In cooperation with Zdeňek Vojtěch Popel z Lobkovic they often unscrupulously tried to make royal cities to waive their religious freedoms. As a consequence, the cities would have been exposed to increasing pressure..

    Jiří František Pacák and his work in eastern Bohemia

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    The diploma thesis deals with life and work of a baroque sculptor Jiří František Pacák in East Bohemia. The thesis focuses on Pacák's artistic beginnings in pilgrimage church in Chlumek u Luže. It illustrates influence of sculptor Matyáš Bernard Braun on Pacák's sculpture production and describes his artistic development in town of Žireč, Žacléř, Polička and other places in the region. The thesis includes a catalogue of Pacák's wor

    Immuno-biological Aspects of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    The process of tumorigenesis is conditioned by change or the series of changes at a gene level. The development of cancer is largely pre-ordained by this change, but very important role is played by other factors. In case of solid tumors it is mainly a tumor microenvironment, where the tumor cells are in contact with stromal cells, especially fibroblasts, and immune cells. Tumor microenvironment can also critically modify the nature and intensity of anti- tumor immune response. Squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck are the sixth most common cancer, which affect each year more than half a million patients worldwide. Despite advances and improvements in all treatment modalities, achieved therapeutic results even in Western countries are not satisfactory and remain at approximately the same values for several decades. At prezent, the 5 years survival rate, regardless of the location and stage of disease, is approximately only 40%. In the prezented work the immunological and biological aspects of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck are discussed. It summarizes the recent findings on the molecular basis of the behavior of tumor cells and the influence and significance of regulation of the immune system for the clinical course of disease and the modern therapeutic approaches