969 research outputs found

    The looped adhesive strip: An example of coplanar delamination interaction

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    The phenomenon of peeling and debonding of thin layers is a subject of interest to those concerned with adhesives, thin films, and layered materials. In recent years much attention has been focused on such problems as a result of increased interest and application of advanced composites and thin film coatings. A related problem which is of interest for its own sake but also represents a simple example of a tangled adhesive strip and of coplanar delamination interaction, is the problem of a looped adhesive strip. This is the subject of the present study. Researchers consider here the problem of an elastic strip which possesses an adherend on (at least) one of its surfaces. If the strip is deformed so that two portions of such a surface are brought into contact, a position of the strip becomes bonded and a loop is formed. Researchers are interested in determining the equilibrium configuration of such a strip and investigating the behavior of the strip when its edges are pulled apart. The problem is approached as a moving interior boundary problem in the calculus of variations with the strip modeled as an inextensible elastica and the bond strength characterized by its surface energy. A Griffith type energy criterion is employed for debonding, and solutions corresponding to the problem of interest obtained. The solution obtained will be seen to predict the interesting phenomenon of bond point propagation, as well as the more standard peeling type behavior. Numerical results demonstrating the phenomena of interest are presented as well and will be seen to reveal both stable and unstable propagation of the boundaries of the bonded portion of the strip, depending upon the loading conditions

    Public, private and nonprofit regulation for environmental quality

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    This paper studies the welfare implications of different institutions certifying environmental quality supplied by a monopoly. The monopolist can voluntarily certify the quality of the product through an eco-label provided either by an NGO or a for-proft private certifier (PC). The NGO and the PC may use advertisement to promote the label. We compare the NGO and PC regimes with the regime where the regulator imposes a minimum quality standard. The presence of a private certifier in the market decreases the scope for public intervention. The availability of green advertisement reinforces the above result.Environmental quality, certification, green advertisement, NGO, self-regulation.

    Brenno Blauth’s Compositional Style Elements: A Study on the Sonata for Flute and Piano, T.5.

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    The Sonata para Flauta e Piano, T.5, by Brenno Blauth (1931-1993), is a standard of the Brazilian flute repertoire. This document studies its folk and Brazilian popular music elements in order to better understand Blauth’s compositional rationale. In 1959 Blauth was responsible for the creation of the group Movimento Musical Renovador. Based in Rio de Janeiro, MMR gathered renowned composers and performers with the goal of promoting Brazilian classical music. Chapter III is dedicated to the group’s initiatives, taking its political and cultural contextualization into account. Chapter IV is dedicated to the study of Blauth’s compositional style shifts between 1958 and 1976. Six works were selected for this purpose: Sonata para Flauta e Piano, T.5 (1958); Quinteto de Sopros No. 1, T.18 (1962); Concertino para Flauta e Cordas, T.21 (1964); Quinteto de Sopros No. 2, T.36 (1969); Enigma, T. 49, for flute and guitar (1974); and Sonatina para Flauta Tranversal/Flauta Dôce Contralto e Piano, T. 57 (1976). The goal is to elucidate his compositional career and to promote his music, which has received more attention in the last decade but remains largely unknown. Some of the works consulted have not yet been published. This work also includes a concise biography

    Configuração do projeto do Pibid de letras-língua portuguesa da unioeste, Câmpus de Marechal Cândido Rondon

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014No trabalho, será apresentada a configuração do subprojeto do PIBID-Letras/Língua Portuguesa da Unioeste, câmpus de Marechal Cândido Rondon, que se iniciou em março/2014, com 7 graduandos bolsistas e uma escola envolvida, o Colégio Estadual Eron Domingues, localizado na sede do município. A professora supervisora é Vera Beatriz Hoff Pagnussatti, docente de seis turmas de alunos, sendo quatro delas de 8o/9o anos e duas de Ensino Médio, todas envolvidas em atividades do PIBID. No subprojeto, estão previstas várias ações, as quais são apresentadas e comentadas. Elas objetivam a formação dos graduandos em diferentes aspectos e momentos de sua formação e resumem as principais atividades do PIBID para o período 2014-201

    Dados legados: resgate de informações históricas sobre solos da região de fruticultura de clima temperado do estado de Santa Catarina

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    TCC (graduação)- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Agronomia.O Brasil possui uma economia fortemente atrelada à produção agrícola. Para maximizar a produção e minimizar o ônus ambiental, o manejo adequado, associado ao conhecimento sobre as características do solo, é de suma importância. No Estado de Santa Catarina foi realizado, em 1975, o ‘Levantamento Semidetalhado dos Solos da Região de Fruticultura de Clima Temperado do Estado de Santa Catarina’. Neste estudo foram buscados 50 perfis modais que representam as classes de solo da região. Embora com um nível de detalhamento grande, muitas das informações contidas não são utilizadas, uma vez que, em virtude da época de realização, não há descrição da coordenada geográfica dos pontos de coleta de solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de resgatar coordenadas geográficas de perfis modais de solo previamente descritos, localizados na região de fruticultura de clima temperado do estado de Santa Catarina. Por meio de métodos de geoprocessamento, através dos softwares Google Earth Pro, Google Maps, SAGA GIS e Quantum GIS, foram buscados os 50 pontos. Utilizando-se arquivos do modelo digital de elevação provenientes do projeto TOPODATA, foram gerados arquivos raster com informações de declividade e drenagem do solo da área de estudo. Em seguida, todas as informações foram unidas em um único raster denominado mapa síntese. Através dele, buscou-se as características específicas de cada ponto, com a finalidade de se obter as coordenadas de cada perfil estudado em meados de 1975. Dentre os resultados, está o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de definição das coordenadas que alia dados de altitude, declividade e drenagem do solo oriundos do relatório do levantamento. Com isso, foi possível definir, com precisão maior que 500 metros, 34 dos 50 perfis descritos em 1975.Brazil has an economy strongly linked to the agriculture. To maximize production and minimize the environmental burden, the proper management coupled with the knowledge of the soil characteristics is paramount importance. In the state of Santa Catarina was conducted in 1975, the 'Survey semidetailed Soil of Fruit Growing Region of Temperate the State of Santa Catarina'. Although with a great level of detail, much of the information ended up not being used because any description of the geographic coordinates were made. The objective of this study was rescue geographical coordinates modal soil profiles previously described, located in Santa Catarina’s Temperate Fruit Growing Region. 50 soil sampling points were sought by using geoprocessing methods in Google Earth Pro, Google Maps, SAGA GIS and Quantum GIS softwares. Using the digital elevation model derived from TOPODATA project, raster files of declivity information and drainage were generated in the study area. Then all the spatial information has been joined in a single raster map called synthesis map. Through it, specific characteristics of each sampling point were sought to obtain the coordinates of each profile studied in mid 1975s. Among the results, is the development of a new methodology for setting the coordinates which combines altitude data, steepness and drainage from the survey report. Thus, it was possible to define with greater than 500 meters precision, 34 of the 50 profiles described in 1975

    Durum wheat seedlings in saline conditions: Salt spray versus root-zone salinity

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    Salinity is an increasingly serious problem with a strong negative impact on plant productivity. Though many studies have been made on salt stress induced by high NaCl concentrations in the root-zone, few data concern the response of plants to saline aerosol, one of the main constraints in coastal areas. In order to study more in depth wheat salinity tolerance and to evaluate damage and antioxidant response induced by various modes of salt application, seedlings of Triticum turgidum ssp. durum, cv. Cappelli were treated for 2 and 7 days with salt in the root-zone (0, 50 and 200 mM NaCl) or with salt spray (400 mM NaCl + 0 or 200 mM NaCl in the root-zone). Seedlings accumulated Na+ in their leaves and therefore part of their ability to tolerate high salinity seems to be due to Na+ leaf tissue tolerance. Durum wheat, confirmed as a partially tolerant plant, shows a higher damage under airborne salinity, when both an increase in TBA-reactive material (indicative of lipid peroxidation) and a decrease in root growth were recorded. A different antioxidant response was activated, depending on the type of salt supply. Salt treatment induced a depletion of the reducing power of both ascorbate and glutathione while the highest contents of proline were detected under salt spray conditions. In the short term catalase and ascorbate peroxidase co-operated with glutathione peroxidase in the scavenging of hydrogen peroxide, in particular in salt spray-treated plants. From our data, the durum wheat cultivar Cappelli seems to be sensitive to airborne salinity

    Diesel spray macroscopic parameter estimation using a synthetic shapes database

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    The paper presents a method for the macroscopic characterization of diesel sprays starting from digital images. Macroscopic spray characterization mainly consists in the definition of two parameters, namely penetration and cone angle. The latter can be evaluated according to many possible definitions, all based on the spray contour that is obtained by means of image thresholding. Therefore, the obtained cone angle value depends on the adopted angle definition and on the used thresholding algorithm. In order to avoid this double dependence, an alternative method has hence been proposed. The algorithm does not require the image thresholding and has an intrinsic cone angle definition. The algorithm takes advantage of principal component analysis technique and allows for a direct estimation of spray penetration and cone angle by comparing the original image with a database made of artificial spray images. In the present work, images coming from two different experiments are analyzed with the proposed method and results are compared with those obtained with a traditional procedure based on the Otsu's image thresholding and four cone angle definitions. © 2019 by the authors
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