1,056 research outputs found

    Monte-Carlo simulations of thermal/nonthermal radiation from a neutron-star magnetospheric accretion shell

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    We discuss the space-and-time-dependent Monte Carlo code we have developed to simulate the relativistic radiation output from compact astrophysical objects, coupled to a Fokker-Planck code to determine the self-consistent lepton populations. We have applied this code to model the emission from a magnetized neutron star accretion shell near the Alfven radius, reprocessing the radiation from the neutron sar surface. We explore the parameter space defined by the accretion rate, stellar surface field and the level of wave turbulence in the shell. Our results are relevant to the emission from atoll sources, soft-X-ray transient X-ray binaries containing weakly magnetized neutron stars, and to recently suggested models of accretion-powered emission from anomalous X-ray pulsars.Comment: 24 pages, including 7 figures; uses epsf.sty. final version, accepted for publication in ApJ. Extended introduction and discussio

    Analyzing the Multiwavelength Spectrum and Variability of BL Lacertae During the July 1997 Outburst

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    The multiwavelength spectrum of BL Lacertae during its July 1997 outburst is analyzed in terms of different variations of the homogeneous leptonic jet model for the production of high-energy radiation from blazars. We find that a two-component gamma-ray spectrum, consisting of a synchrotron self-Compton and an external Compton component, is required in order to yield an acceptable fit to the broadband spectrum. Our analysis indicates that in BL Lac, unlike other BL Lac objects, the broad emission line region plays an important role for the high-energy emission. Several alternative blazar jet models are briefly discussed. In the appendix, we describe the formalism in which the process of Comptonization of reprocessed accretion disk photons is treated in the previously developed blazar jet simulation code which we use.Comment: Now accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. Significantly extended discussion w.r.t. original version. 3 Figures included using epsf.sty, rotate.st

    Lamination And Microstructuring Technology for a Bio-Cell Multiwell array

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    Microtechnology becomes a versatile tool for biological and biomedical applications. Microwells have been established long but remained non-intelligent up to now. Merging new fabrication techniques and handling concepts with microelectronics enables to realize intelligent microwells suitable for future improved cancer treatment. The described technology depicts the basis for the fabrication of a elecronically enhanced microwell. Thin aluminium sheets are structured by laser micro machining and laminated successively to obtain registration tolerances of the respective layers of 5..10\^Aμ\mum. The microwells lasermachined into the laminate are with 50..80\^Aμ\mum diameter, allowing to hold individual cells within the well. The individual process steps are described and results on the microstructuring are given.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    The prompt X-ray emission of GRB011211: possible evidence of a transient absorption feature

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    We report on observation results of the prompt X- and gamma-ray emission from GRB011211. This event was detected with the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor and one of the Wide Field Cameras aboard the BeppoSAX satellite. The optical counterpart to the GRB was soon identified and its redshift determined (z = 2.140), while with the XMM-Newton satellite, the X-ray afterglow emission was detected. Evidence of soft X-ray emission lines was reported by Reeves et al. (2002), but not confirmed by other authors. In investigating the spectral evolution of the prompt emission we find the possible evidence of a transient absorption feature at 6.9^{+0.6}_{-0.5} keV during the rise of the primary event. The significance of the feature is derived with non parametric tests and numerical simulations, finding a chance probability which ranges from 3x10^{-3} down to 4x10^{-4}. The feature shows a Gaussian profile and an equivalent width of 1.2^{+0.5}_{-0.6} keV. We discuss our results and their possible interpretation.Comment: 23 pages, 3 Tables, 6 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Gamma Rays from Compton Scattering in the Jets of Microquasars: Application to LS 5039

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    Recent HESS observations show that microquasars in high-mass systems are sources of VHE gamma-rays. A leptonic jet model for microquasar gamma-ray emission is developed. Using the head-on approximation for the Compton cross section and taking into account angular effects from the star's orbital motion, we derive expressions to calculate the spectrum of gamma rays when nonthermal jet electrons Compton-scatter photons of the stellar radiation field. Calculations are presented for power-law distributions of nonthermal electrons that are assumed to be isotropically distributed in the comoving jet frame, and applied to γ\gamma-ray observations of LS 5039. We conclude that (1) the TeV emission measured with HESS cannot result only from Compton-scattered stellar radiation (CSSR), but could be synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) emission or a combination of CSSR and SSC; (2) fitting both the HESS data and the EGRET data associated with LS 5039 requires a very improbable leptonic model with a very hard electron spectrum. Because the gamma rays would be variable in a leptonic jet model, the data sets are unlikely to be representative of a simultaneously measured gamma-ray spectrum. We therefore attribute EGRET gamma rays primarily to CSSR emission, and HESS gamma rays to SSC emission. Detection of periodic modulation of the TeV emission from LS 5039 would favor a leptonic SSC or cascade hadron origin of the emission in the inner jet, whereas stochastic variability alone would support a more extended leptonic model. The puzzle of the EGRET gamma rays from LS 5039 will be quickly solved with GLAST. (Abridged)Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, ApJ, in press, June 1, 2006, corrected eq.

    Cosmic Neutrinos and the Energy Budget of Galactic and Extragalactic Cosmic Rays

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    Although kilometer-scale neutrino detectors such as IceCube are discovery instruments, their conceptual design is very much anchored to the observational fact that Nature produces protons and photons with energies in excess of 10^{20} eV and 10^{13} eV, respectively. The puzzle of where and how Nature accelerates the highest energy cosmic particles is unresolved almost a century after their discovery. We will discuss how the cosmic ray connection sets the scale of the anticipated cosmic neutrino fluxes. In this context, we discuss the first results of the completed AMANDA detector and the science reach of its extension, IceCube.Comment: 13 pages, Latex2e, 3 postscript figures included. Talk presented at the International Workshop on Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe, Kashiwa, Japan, February 200

    Multi-band optical-NIR variability of blazars on diverse timescales

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    To search for optical variability on a wide range of timescales, we have carried out photometric monitoring of two flat spectrum radio quasars, 3C 454.3 and 3C 279, plus one BL Lac, S5 0716+714, all of which have been exhibiting remarkably high activity and pronounced variability at all wavelengths. CCD magnitudes in B, V, R and I pass-bands were determined for \sim 7000 new optical observations from 114 nights made during 2011 - 2014, with an average length of \sim 4 h each, at seven optical telescopes: four in Bulgaria, one in Greece, and two in India. We measured multiband optical flux and colour variations on diverse timescales. Discrete correlation functions were computed among B, V, R, and I observations, to search for any time delays. We found weak correlations in some cases with no significant time lags. The structure function method was used to estimate any characteristic time-scales of variability. We also investigated the spectral energy distribution of the three blazars using B, V, R, I, J and K pass-band data. We found that the sources almost always follows a bluer-when-brighter trend. We discuss possible physical causes of the observed spectral variability.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables, plus supplementary material containing additional figures and tables (please contact authors for it

    Nature of Intra-night Optical Variability of BL Lacertae

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    We present the results of extensive multi-band intra-night optical monitoring of BL Lacertae during 2010--2012. BL Lacertae was very active in this period and showed intense variability in almost all wavelengths. We extensively observed it for a total for 38 nights; on 26 of them observations were done quasi-simultaneously in B, V, R and I bands (totaling 113 light curves), with an average sampling interval of around 8 minutes. BL Lacertae showed significant variations on hour-like timescales in a total of 19 nights in different optical bands. We did not find any evidence for periodicities or characteristic variability time-scales in the light curves. The intranight variability amplitude is generally greater at higher frequencies and decreases as the source flux increases. We found spectral variations in BL Lacertae in the sense that the optical spectrum becomes flatter as the flux increases but in several flaring states deviates from the linear trend suggesting different jet components contributing to the emission at different times.Comment: 12 Pages, 5 figures, 3 Tables, Accepted for Publication in MNRA

    Modeling the Multiwavelength Spectra and Variability of BL Lacertae in 2000

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    BL Lacertae was the target of an extensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign in the second half of 2000. In this paper, we are using leptonic and hadronic jet models to fit the observed broadband spectra and spectral variability patterns. We start out with global spectral models. Subsequently, we investigate various flaring scenarios for comparison with the observed short-term variability. For our leptonic jet model, we find that the short-term variability, in particular the optical and X-ray spectral variability, can be best represented with a flaring scenario dominated by a spectral-index change of the spectrum of ultrarelativistic electrons injected into the jet. Based on this result, a detailed model simulation, reproducing the observed optical and X-ray spectral variability and broadband SED of BL Lacertae simultaneously, is presented. Our leptonic modeling results are compared to fits using the hadronic synchrotron-proton blazar (SPB) model. That model can reproduce the observed SEDs of BL Lacertae in a scenario with muon-synchrotron dominated high-energy emission. It requires a significantly higher magnetic field than the leptonic model (~ 40 G vs. ~ 2 G in the leptonic model) and a lower Doppler factor associated with the bulk motion of the emission region (D ~ 8 vs. D ~ 18 in the leptonic model). The hadronic model predicts a significantly larger > 100 GeV flux than the leptonic models, well within the anticipated capabilities of VERITAS and MAGIC.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Uses AASTEX LaTeX macros.41 pages, including 12 figure