153 research outputs found

    Misure di resistività mediante OhmMapper finalizzate allo studio del sito di Torraccia di Chiusi

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    The paper describes the findings of a geo-electric study conducted at the archaeological site of Torraccia di Chiusi (Siena Province) with the use of soil resistivity modelling. In collaboration with the Département d’Archéologie et Histoire de l’Art (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) and the Centro di GeoTecnologie (Università degli Studi di Siena), a new, non-invasive instrument, named the OhmMapper, was used for the first time in an archaeological context to provide geophysical sections of the terrain. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nature and distribution of the buried anthropogenic structures and to properly locate them on the map without the necessity of excavating. The site, located in the valley of the Foci river, has been described as a long lasting settlement (III to VII centuries A.D., although ceramics dating to the II century B.C. have been uncovered). Belgian and Italian archaeologists, who have been digging at the site for the last two years, have also discovered that it had undergone multiple additions and modifications throughout the years (initially a villa, and later perhaps a mansio). The OhmMapper is a capacitively coupled resistivity meter that measures the electrical properties of rocks and soil without ground stakes used in traditional resistivity surveys. A simple coaxial-cable array with transmitter and receiver sections is pulled along the ground either by a single person or attached to an all-terrain vehicle. The dipole-dipole configuration enables the instrument to immediately pick up the horizontal variations in resistivity, thereby enabling the user to identify structures such as walls or cavities. With the OhmMapper, nine sections were made around the perimeter of the area already excavated to collect data on the presence, depth, and dimensions of anthropogenic structures. The results from the sections were refined and placed on a map using an ArcGIS platform. The interpretation of the nine sections resulted in a new hypothesis on the buried anthropogenic structures and a new model of the natural landscape that existed at the site prior to its construction

    El Brasil de Lula y Dilma. La izquierda brasileña desde el “complexo dos vira-lata” hasta un país de “clase media” (y regreso)

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    El artículo es un análisis del rol de la izquierda brasileña, en particular petista, a partir de la redemocratización y las primeras elecciones del 1989 hasta el final del segundo gobierno Dilma Rousseff y el proceso electoral de 2018. La primera parte se enfoca en los años del PT como primer partido opositor y en la consecuente organización de la izquierda brasileña. Sucesivamente se analizarán las dos presidencias de Lula y Dilma, con particular atención a los progresos económicos, sociales y a las transformaciones en la sociedad brasileña y en la base electoral de la izquierda; también se intentará mostrar los errores y la falta de reformas estructurales que llevaran a la crisis y el fin del ciclo petista; en la última parte, se intentará analizar lo que ha acontecido en la izquierda brasileña a partir de la crisis de 2013

    Studio dell’efficacia dell’OhmMapper (Geometrics Inc.) per indagini geoelettriche in contesti archeologici

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    The research project carried out during the PhD work aims to study the effectiveness of the OhmMapper (Geometrics Inc.) capacitive-coupled resistivity system in archaeological contexts. In order to verify the effectiveness of this resistivity-meter to identify archaeological features, we realized a systematic surveys in the Geophysical Test Site of Rovereto (TN - Italy). In particular we compared both resistance and resistivity profiles realized by OhmMapper capacitively coupled resistivity-meter and by the Terrameter SAS 1000 (ABEM) galvanic resistivity meter. We realized these surveys walking along the same acquisition line to intercept a target compatible with an archaeological feature. The comparison between the profile realized by the two different instruments allowed us to establish the reliability of the OhmMapper to detect targets characterized by vertical pattern and resistivity values grater than the context. After this analysis, we realized several resistivity surveys in archaeological sites using the OhmMapper. In particular the surveys carried out in five archaeological sites are the most appropriate to demonstrate the effectiveness of the instrument, because the resistivity results are comparable with other archaeological or geophysical data. Two of these sites are located in modern urban contexts (Sacred Area of Medma Greek colony and the roman Aqueduct of Florence); the other three sites are located in suburban areas (Late-ancient villa near Siena, Accademia of Villa Adriana and Sentinum roman town)

    Lamento Sertanejo: inclusion of the outsiders, messianic leadership and the new centrality of the northeast in Brazilian politics

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    In the last decade, after a long period of democratic stability, Brazil lived a process of increased political and social polarization; the country, once considered the new raising start among BRICS, is now going through one of the worst crises of his history, economically, politically and socially. Two new social cleavages appeared in national politics: on one side, Lulismo versus anti-Lulismo, on the other an increased polarization between different macroregions, based on the historical spatial inequality that characterized the Nation even before is independence. Over the course of the chapters, we will explain how two main processes are responsible of this outcome: we will focus first on the inclusion of the outsiders, both economic and cultural, and how the “extension” of citizenship to many people previously marginalized can explain Lula’s consensus, in particular in the northeast. We will also focus on Lula’s personal consensus and the transformation of his personal leadership: we will show how a union leader, member of the only collective mass party in Brazil, was able to be elected first and then embrace the tradition of messianic leaders, typical of Brazilian politics, while at the same time being an example of social mobility and cultivating a process of identification between himself and the poorest voters, in particular living in the northeast. We will show how Lula took the idea of messianic leader to a new extreme thanks to his personal trajectory and his attitude towards “martyrdom”, becoming a “demigod”. We will then analyze the consequences of the inclusion of the outsiders and Lula’s messianic leadership for the overall quality of Brazilian democracy, in an era in which many consider the country as one of the best examples of backsliding democracy

    Diseño 2.0. Las posibilidades del diseño generado por el usuario

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    El propósito de esta ponencia es exponer las principales ventajas de las aplicaciones online dentro de un entorno Web 2.0 (contenidos generados por el usuario) específicamente para el diseño de indumentaria informal (remeras). Actualmente, la Web se ha vuelto mucho más colaborativa: es un lugar donde el internauta no sólo ve contenidos sino que puede tomar partido editando contenidos existentes o creando los propios, gracias a las nuevas tecnologías que permiten que los usuarios interactúen mutuamente en tiempo real

    Application of the OhmMapper resistivity-meter to detect the theatre of Sentinum Roman town by using 3D resistivity model

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    Introduction The application of geophysical methods to investigate the near-surface soil layers containing anthropic products has been recognized as an important element of archaeological research by the international community (Clark, 1996). Geophysics can delineate quickly the presence of archaeological structures without invasive stratigraphic excavation. In particular, resistivity surveying can be used to understand the geometry and depth of the anthropic element buried in the subsoil, du..