1,014 research outputs found

    Die impak van kritiek op die samestelling van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT)

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    Die WAT se sensitiwiteit vir kritiek blyk duidelik uit die feit dat geeneen van die hoofpunte van kritiek ten opsigte van die eerste ag dele in die kritiek op dele IX en X herhaal word nie. Ensiklopediese behandeling van leksikale items, die ingewikkeldheid of onverstaanbaarheid van betekenisverklarings, die ondeurdagte aanwending van voorbeeldmateriaal, stadige alfabetiese vordering en die afwesigheid van volledige uitspraakleiding figureer derhalwe nie in die kritiek op dele IX en X nie. Die artikel gee 'n oorsig van die hoofpunte van kritek op dele IX en X en bespreek hoe die WAT in daaropvolgende dele op die kritiek gereageer het. In gevalle waar daar nie op geldige kritiek ag geslaan is nie, of waar die kritiek nie met praktiese voorstelle gepaardgegaan het nie, word aanpassings aan die hand gedoen. Sodoende word die wisselwerking tussen leksikografiese teorie en praktyk 'n dinamiese proses. Sleutelwoorde: hoofpunte van kritiek, omgangstaal, volgorde van sitate, uitspraakleiding, onbereikbare verwysings, misleidende sinoniemverwysings, wisselwerking tussen leksikografiese teorie en prakty

    Die militêre en strategiese posisie van die republiek van Suid Afrika

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    Strategie is nie, soos die ou uitgediende begrip daarvan dit wou hê, ’n enkele skerp omlynde dogma nie. Dis ’n logiese denkwyse waarvan die doel is om ’n opponerende wil te oorwin. Strategie is dus die nasionale wil van ’n staat in operasionele hoedanigheid. Daarom sou dit ’n rampspoedige benadering vir ’n land soos Suid-Afrika wees om die begrip strategie as beperk tot die militêre terrein te sien. Gevolglik strek strategie oor die hele geïntegreerde terrein van die politiek, die diplomasie, die ekonomie, die psigologic sowel as die terreine van die veiligheidsmagte

    The influence of marternal handicap on growth and reproduction in sheep

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    Ooie met enkel lammers het of voldoende vore ontvang om liggaamskondisie gedurende laktasie te handhaff (hoe peil) of die hoeveel-heid voer is verminder sodat n gemiddelde verlies van naastenby 20% in liggausmaan teweeggebring (lae peil). Die lammers het vrye toe-gang tot ru-en konsentraatvoere gehad. Na speen is die lammers gevoer om vinnige groei te bevorder. Die sogende lammers van ooie op die lae voedingspeil het nie merkbaar groter hoevoelhede ruvoer en konsentraat ingeneem as soortgelyke lammers van ooie op die hoe peil nie. Ondervoeding van die lakterende ooie het die ooi lammers by speen beduidend verlaag (P=0,001). Gedurende die naspeen tydperk is  hierdie agterstand in groei van die lammers geleidelik verminder, maar was nog merkbaar by geboorte van hul eerste lam.SUMMARYEwes with single lambs received either sufficient feed to maintain body condition during (high plane) or the qunatity of feed was reduced so as to result in an average loss of approximately 20% in bodymass (low plane). The suckling lambs had free access to roughage and concentrate feeds. After weaning the lambs were fed so as to promote rapid growth. The lambs suckled ny ewes on the low plane did not consume appreciably greater quantities of roughage and concentrate than similar lambs reared by ewes which were adequately fed. Under-feeding of the lactating ewes significantly reduced the bodymass of their ewe-lambs at weaning (P=0,001). The deficit in growth of the lambs was gradually reduced during the post-weaning period, but was still evident in their first parturition.

    Can groundwater be successfully implemented as a bulk water resource within rural Limpopo Province? Analysis based on GRIP datasets

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    Groundwater is a strategic water resource in rural Limpopo Province and it accounts for almost 70% of rural domestic water supply. The resource is available throughout the Province in varying quantities and qualities depending on the hydrogeological properties of the underlying aquifer. These properties are mostly secondary in nature and are constrained by the processes of weathering, faulting, fracturing and the influence of intrusive rocks. These properties define typical fractured aquifers in which the selection of drilling sites requires a thorough scientific approach to locate a successful productive borehole. While most water service authorities in the Province have been randomly developing new boreholes with limited success rates, the analysis of datasets in the newly established groundwater data repository, the Limpopo Groundwater Resource Information Project (GRIP) demonstrates that large quantities of groundwater can be obtained and used for bulk supply if the drilling sites are scientifically selected. The GRIP dataset contains 24 922 entries of which 4 000 were tested. The pumping test results indicate that an estimated 576 000 m3/d (210 Mm3/a) can be sustainably abstracted from boreholes in approximately 2 500 villages that are dispersed throughout the Province. However, more than 50% of these boreholes areunequipped of which 3 000 can provide a combined yield of 109 Mm3/a based on a 24 h abstraction rate. These results show that groundwater can be developed as a potential viable bulk-water supply source. This paper attempts to demonstrate, using the existing GRIP dataset, that groundwater is an underutilised resource that can be viably and cost-effectively developed as an alternative bulk water source or conjunctively with surface water

    Importance of design management in general engineering

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    Abstract: Although Design Management per se is not a new concept, the renewed interest and application as a trending discipline in itself combines traditional systems engineering principles with design and business principles to find the most suitable solution to a specified problem. Although the “new” interest focuses more towards strategic management and problem solving, the generic nature of the principles is visible in the increased application to and success achieved in both traditional engineering as well as non-engineering fields. It is even predicted that good design management practices will become the distinguishing factor between highly competitive businesses i.e. leaders or followers

    The radiation of cynodonts and the ground plan of mammalian morphological diversity

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    Cynodont therapsids diversified extensively after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction event, and gave rise to mammals in the Jurassic. We use an enlarged and revised dataset of discrete skeletal characters to build a new phylogeny for all main cynodont clades from the Late Permian to the Early Jurassic, and we analyse models of morphological diversification in the group. Basal taxa and epicynodonts are paraphyletic relative to eucynodonts, and the latter are divided into cynognathians and probainognathians, with tritylodonts and mammals forming sister groups. Disparity analyses reveal a heterogeneous distribution of cynodonts in a morphospace derived from cladistic characters. Pairwise morphological distances are weakly correlated with phylogenetic distances. Comparisons of disparity by groups and through time are non-significant, especially after the data are rarefied. A disparity peak occurs in the Early/Middle Triassic, after which period the mean disparity fluctuates little. Cynognathians were characterized by high evolutionary rates and high diversity early in their history, whereas probainognathian rates were low. Community structure may have been instrumental in imposing different rates on the two clades

    Three key elements of physical asset management

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    Abstract: Physical asset management is commonly associated with the benefit created by managing mechanical equipment during operation more effectively to reduce life cycle cost. It is therefore often associated with the potential of condition monitoring and maintenance engineering for reducing maintenance cost due to the success that these engineering disciplines have had in doing so. However, physical asset management has much more to it than simply managing maintenance activities or even reducing maintenance cost. It is about balancing performance, risk and cost associated with an asset over its whole life to achieve an optimum solution to the business opportunity at hand