191 research outputs found

    The Nature of Context-Sensitive Solutions, Stakeholder Involvement and Critical Issues in the Urban Context

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    Over the last several decades many transportation and planning agencies have experienced conflicting demands emerging from the need to develop projects in an expeditious manner while at the same time involving stakeholders in the decision-making process, which sometimes is perceived as slowing project delivery and/or increasing costs. Given this tension between apparently conflicting demands, it is important to understand how the stakeholder involvement is being carried out and what best practices may be recommended. This study examines the issue in the context of a relatively new policy framework – Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) – which supports the early integration of stakeholders into the planning process. The report pays particular attention to stakeholders’ involvement in projects within urban centers, where there is likely to be more complexity, both in terms of the number of stakeholders and end users affected. CSS is a relatively new process and not consistently interpreted or applied across states and/or agencies. The literature suggests that an underlying assumption when applying CSS principles to community involvement processes is that stakeholders are empowered through clear policies and procedures directed towards their participation. In our research, we found that the extent to which public agencies apply the CSS framework and involve and respond to stakeholders depends on each agency\u27s interest to engage the public in the deliberation process to find the best-fit project for a community. It is likely that the increased integration of stakeholders into the planning and project development process will not become a state of practice until the benefits flowing from community involvement are clearly understood by the agency staff. The CSS literature describes many benefits associated with comprehensive stakeholder engagement, including gaining constituents\u27 buy-in and support for project financing. A movement toward standardizing CSS policies and directives across the country will facilitate a public discussion about the benefits of engaging communities into the project design phase and away from solely expert-based designs. In addition, there are a number of stakeholder involvement practices that, if adopted, could expedite the integration of communities\u27 views and values in the decision-making process, while at the same time minimizing the chances of protracted consultation processes, time delays and additional costs

    Compositional Morphology for Word Representations and Language Modelling

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    This paper presents a scalable method for integrating compositional morphological representations into a vector-based probabilistic language model. Our approach is evaluated in the context of log-bilinear language models, rendered suitably efficient for implementation inside a machine translation decoder by factoring the vocabulary. We perform both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations, presenting results on a range of languages which demonstrate that our model learns morphological representations that both perform well on word similarity tasks and lead to substantial reductions in perplexity. When used for translation into morphologically rich languages with large vocabularies, our models obtain improvements of up to 1.2 BLEU points relative to a baseline system using back-off n-gram models.Comment: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML

    Waarheidsteorieë en interpretasie 1

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    In this article two theories for the evaluation of the truth of interpretations of ancient written texts arc considered, namely, a correspondence theory of truth and a coherence theory of truth. The author opts for a coherence theory of truth. This choice is motivated by considering these two theories of truth in the context of different and conflicting interpretations of Paul’s Letter to the Romans. The preference for a coherence theory of truth in the context of interpretation is also placed in a broader hermeneutical and philosophical context, reflecting on such issues as foundationalism, fundamentalism, modernity and post-modemity. In the final section, a response is given to a number of issues raised by W.J. Ouweneel

    Sosio-histories een sosiologie se interpretasie van die nuwe Testament*

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    Contemporary social and political developments on a global scale prompted a renewed interest in the study of the social facets of the New Testament d u r in g the past decade or so. The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the progress made in this line of questioning . More specifically, the article has as its aim to propose a set of categories in terms of which the two main approaches within this branch of New Testament studies can be clearly and consistently distinguished - a matter on which there is currently much confusion. These two approaches are (i) a description of social aspects of the New Testament based on historical-critical methodology, and (ii) an interpretation of the social data thus collected, based on modern social-scientific methodology (specifically Sociology and Anthropology ) . It is argued that there is ample room as well as a need for the practice of both these approaches, despite the disagreements between the proponents of the two schools. An important aspect of my argumentation is to give relatively elaborate illustrations of each approach

    Issues Related to the Emergence of the Information Superhighway and California Societal Changes, IISTPS Report 96-4

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    The Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (IISTPS) at San José State University (SJSU) conducted this project to review the continuing development of the Internet and the Information Superhighway. Emphasis was placed on an examination of the impact on commuting and working patterns in California, and an analysis of how public transportation agencies, including Caltrans, might take advantage of the new communications technologies. The document reviews the technology underlying the current Internet “structure” and examines anticipated developments. It is important to note that much of the research for this limited-scope project was conducted during 1995, and the topic is so rapidly evolving that some information is almost automatically “dated.” The report also examines how transportation agencies are basically similar in structure and function to other business entities, and how they can continue to utilize the emerging technologies to improve internal and external communications. As part of a detailed discussion of specific transportation agency functions, it is noted that the concept of a “Roundtable Forum,” growing out of developments in Concurrent Engineering, can provide an opportunity for representatives from multiple jurisdictions to utilize the Internet for more coordinated decision-making. The report also included an extensive analysis of demographic trends in California in recent years, such as commute and recreational activities, and identifies how the emerging technologies may impact future changes

    On harmonic emission assessment : a discriminative approach

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    An Approach for Actions to Prevent Suicides on Commuter and Metro Rail Systems in the United States, MTI Report 12-33

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    The primary goals of this report are to discuss measures to prevent suicides on commuter and metro rail systems, and to outline an approach for suicide prevention on rail systems. Based on existing literature and analysis of data obtained from the Metrolink system in Southern California, it was found that most suicides occur near station platforms and near access points to the track. Suicides occurred most frequently when relatively more trains were in operation and in areas of high population density. There do not appear to be suicide “hot spots” (e.g., linked to mental hospitals in the proximity, etc.), based on data analyzed for U.S. systems. The suicide prevention measures range from relatively inexpensive signs posting call-for-help suicide hotline information to costly platform barriers that physically prevent people from jumping onto tracks in front of trains. Other prevention measures fall within this range, such as hotlines available at high frequency suicide locations, or surveillance systems that can report possible suicide attempts and provide the opportunity for intervention tactics. Because of the relatively low number of suicides on rail systems, as compared to the overall number of suicides in general, a cost-effective strategy for preventing suicides on rail systems should be approached in a very focused manner. The prevention measures executed by the rail authorities should be focused on the suicides occurring on the rail systems themselves, while the broader problem of suicides should be left to community-based prevention efforts. Moreover, prevention measures, such as surveillance and response, could “piggyback” on surveillance and response systems used for other purposes on the rail systems to make such projects economically feasible

    An Overview of System Design Issues Related to Safety Aspects of Bicycle Infrastructure

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    The purpose of this report is to provide a critical review of the current practices and policies regarding infrastructure design for bicycling. The infrastructure is discussed primarily from a system perspective. The wide range of bicyclists’ physical characteristics (such as size, power, skill, response to road and traffic conditions) makes it challenging for the designer to design bicycle facilities with the same sophistication and safety as facilities for motor vehicles. An attempt should be made to integrate the design standards for motor vehicles and bicycles into common design manuals. Incompatibility of the standards may make it clear when separate facilities for bicyclists should be considered and when bicyclists should not be allowed on a road. Bicycling has been promoted based substantially on health benefits and the reduction of environmental impact without stating the risks of injury and death as well as musculoskeletal injuries resulting from overuse. This has led to an increase in the provision of bike paths and bicycle lanes, including re-designating general traffic lanes to exclusive use by bicyclists. A study1 showed that it is more cost-efficient to remove pollutants by allocating funds to improve traffic flow and public transportation than allocating those funds to some bicycle facilities. Re-designating general-use traffic lanes as bike lanes could also cause congestion, which could increase air pollution. Consideration should be given to promote bicycling for exercise and recreation on trails and to prohibit bicycling in areas where large differences in speed and crossing maneuvers at high speed could occur, such as in the vicinity of busy traffic interchanges. It is the author’s view that the way in which safety improvements for bicyclists is approached should be fundamentally changed. Decreasing fatalities and injuries should be considered for the transportation system as a whole instead of trying to decrease the fatalities and injuries to bicyclists alone by implementing countermeasures

    Probabilistic Modelling of Morphologically Rich Languages

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    This thesis investigates how the sub-structure of words can be accounted for in probabilistic models of language. Such models play an important role in natural language processing tasks such as translation or speech recognition, but often rely on the simplistic assumption that words are opaque symbols. This assumption does not fit morphologically complex language well, where words can have rich internal structure and sub-word elements are shared across distinct word forms. Our approach is to encode basic notions of morphology into the assumptions of three different types of language models, with the intention that leveraging shared sub-word structure can improve model performance and help overcome data sparsity that arises from morphological processes. In the context of n-gram language modelling, we formulate a new Bayesian model that relies on the decomposition of compound words to attain better smoothing, and we develop a new distributed language model that learns vector representations of morphemes and leverages them to link together morphologically related words. In both cases, we show that accounting for word sub-structure improves the models' intrinsic performance and provides benefits when applied to other tasks, including machine translation. We then shift the focus beyond the modelling of word sequences and consider models that automatically learn what the sub-word elements of a given language are, given an unannotated list of words. We formulate a novel model that can learn discontiguous morphemes in addition to the more conventional contiguous morphemes that most previous models are limited to. This approach is demonstrated on Semitic languages, and we find that modelling discontiguous sub-word structures leads to improvements in the task of segmenting words into their contiguous morphemes.Comment: DPhil thesis, University of Oxford, submitted and accepted 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:8df7324f-d3b8-47a1-8b0b-3a6feb5f45c

    Bikesharing and Bicycle Safety

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    The growth of bikesharing in the United States has had a transformative impact on urban transportation. Major cities have established large bikesharing systems, including Boston, Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, New York City, Salt Lake City, the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, Washington DC, and others. These systems began operating as early as 2010, and no fatalities have occurred within the US as of this writing. However, three have happened in North America—two in Canada and one in Mexico. Bikesharing has some qualities that appear inherently unsafe for bicyclists. Most prominently, helmet usage is documented to be quite low in most regions. Bikesharing is also used by irregular bicyclists who are less familiar with the local terrain. In this study, researchers take a closer look at bikesharing safety from qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Through a series of four focus groups, they discussed bikesharing usage and safety with bikesharing members and nonmembers in the Bay Area. They further engaged experts nationwide from a variety of fields to evaluate their opinions and perspectives on bikesharing and safety. Finally, researchers conducted an analysis of bicycle and bikesharing activity data, as well as bicycle and bikesharing collisions to evaluate injury rates associated with bikesharing when compared with benchmarks of personal bicycling. The data analysis found that collision and injury rates for bikesharing are lower than previously computed rates for personal bicycling. Experts and focus group participants independently pointed to bikesharing rider behavior and bikesharing bicycle design as possible factors. In particular, bikesharing bicycles are generally designed in ways that promote stability and limited speeds, which mitigate the conditions that contribute to collisions. Data analysis also explored whether there was evidence of a “safety in numbers benefit” that resulted from bikesharing activity. However, no significant impact from bikesharing activity on broader bicycle collisions could be found within the regions in which they operate. Discussion and recommendations are presented in the conclusion
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