125 research outputs found

    A New learning experience: voluntary preparatory course for the bachelor’s degree in engineering

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    This paper reports on a new experience carried out at school associated with the Technical University of Catalonia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in September 2010. The aim is to describe the organization, funding and results of a preparatory course in Physics for a bachelor's degree in Engineering. We assess the students’ opinions about the experience and whether it should be repeated. We also analyze the profile of the students who access this School, estimating their initial knowledge of physics. The results obtained provide solid evidence that 70% of new students coming from Vocational Education Schools do not meet the required minimums.Peer Reviewe

    Light control by scattering cancellation in ordered and disordered non-Hermitian media, direct and inverse design

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    Non-Hermitian Physics has emerged as a fertile ground for a smart control of waves. Here, we present direct and inverse-design strategies to achieve ‘on demand’ dynamical manipulation of light by non-Hermitian potentials. The direct approach is based on our recently proposed generalized Hilbert Transform relating the real and imaginary distributions of the complex permittivity to induce spatial symmetry breaking to control scattering, widening the concept Kramers Kronig relations in space. A recipe to design complex potentials to tailor the propagation of light following any vector field, or to generate invisible potentials where light propagates as in free space. The procedure may be applied on any given arbitrary background permittivity distribution being regular or random, extended or localized. Moreover, it is possible to keep the design parameters within realistic limits, even avoiding gain. Beyond this fundamental approach, we also we also present supervised and unsupervised learning techniques for knowledge acquisition in non-Hermitian systems which accelerate the inverse the “on demand” design process. The different proposals may have direct applications to control the wave dynamics in semiconductor lasers or other linear and nonlinear physical systems including cloaking sensors and arbitrary shaped objects.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraPostprint (author's final draft

    Axisymmetric photonic structures with PT-symmetry

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    Copyright 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.PT-symmetric structures in photonic crystals, combining refractive index and gain-loss modulations is becoming a research field with increasing interest due to the light directionality induced by these particular potentials. Here, we consider PT-symmetric potentials with axial symmetry to direct light to the crystal central point obtaining a localization effect. The axial and PT-symmetric potential intrinsically generates an exceptional central point in the photonic crystal by the merge of both symmetries. This particular point in the crystal lattice causes field amplitude gradients with exponential slopes around the crystal center. The field localization strongly depends on the phase of the central point and on the complex amplitude of the PT-potential. The presented work analyzes in a first stage 1D linear PT-axisymmetric crystals and the role of the central point phase that determines the defect character, i.e. refractive index defect, gain-loss defect or a combination of both. The interplay of the directional light effect induced by the PT-symmetry and the light localization around the central point through the axial symmetry enhances localization and allows higher field concentration for certain phases. The linearity of the studied crystals introduces an exponential growth of the field that mainly depends on the complex amplitude of the potential. The work is completed by the analysis of 2D PT-axisymmetric potentials showing different spatial slopes and growth rates caused by symmetry reasons.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Una nova experiència docent: cursos voluntaris de preparació als estudis de grau en enginyeria

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    Descrivim una nova experiència iniciada a l'EUETIB el setembre de 2010: un curs de física de preparació als estudis de grau en enginyeria. En descrivim la organització, el finançament, funcionament i resultats. Constatem la bona acollida de l'experiència i la necessitat de repetir-la. Analitzem també el perfil dels estudiants que accedeixen a l'EUETIB i avaluem els seus coneixements inicials en física. El 70 % dels nous estudiants procedents de cicles formatius de grau superior no assoleix els mínims desitjats.Peer Reviewe

    Polarization-independent broadband bidirectional optical cloaking using a new type of inverse scattering approach

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    (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Since the advent of transformation optics a decade ago [1], the ability to achieve optical cloaking has become a matter of practical realization. However, so far extreme material requirements and large device areas have significantly posed an obstacle to realize compact cloaking schemes that are fully functional. Here, by taking a different approach and by following our recently developed general theorem to control the scattering behaviour of an arbitrary object on a specific demand [2], we show that nearly perfect bidirectional optical cloaking effect can be generated for any type of object with a given shape and size. Contrary to previous approaches, we reveal that such a method is always able to produce local refractive indices larger than one and that neither gain nor lossy materials are required. Furthermore, by means of numerical calculations, we demonstrate a highly tunable broad operational bandwidth of 550 nm (covering 650-1200 nm interval) and an angular aperture of 36° for both directions and polarizations. With these unprecedented features, we expect that the present work will hold a great potential to enable a new class of optical cloaking structures that will find applications particularly in communication systems, defence industry and in other related fields.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Beam shaping in spatially modulated broad-area semiconductor amplifiers

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    Missatge de l'editor: "This paper was published in Optics letters and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-37-24-5253. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law."We propose and analyze a beam-shaping mechanism that in broad-area semiconductor amplifiers occurs due to spatial pump modulation on a micrometer scale. The study, performed under realistic parameters and conditions, predicts a spatial (angular) filtering of the radiation, which leads to a substantial improvement of the spatial quality of the beam during amplification. Quantitative analysis of spatial filtering performance is presented based on numerical integration of the paraxial propagation model and on analytical estimations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Slow light enabled wavelength demultiplexing

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    Photonic crystal waveguides supporting band gap guided modes hold great potential to tailor the group velocity of propagating light. We propose and explore different wavelength demultiplexer design approaches that utilize slow light concept. By altering the dielectric filling factors of each waveguide segment, one can show that different frequencies can be separated and extracted at different locations along the cascaded waveguide. Furthermore, to eliminate the inherent reflection loss of such a design, a composite structure involving a tapered waveguide with a side-coupled resonator is also presented. Such a structure features not only a forward propagating wave but also a backward propagating wave acting as a feedback mechanism for the drop channels. We show that by careful design of the waveguide and the resonator, the destructive and instructive interference of these waves can effectively eliminate the reflection loss and increase the coupling efficiency, respectively. Numerical and experimental verification of the proposed structures show that the targeted frequencies can be coupled out with low cross-talks and moderate quality factors, while maintaining a compact size. © 2016 IEEE.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Structured Meta-Mirrors for Beam Spatial Filtering

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    The work presents optical spatial filtering in reflection based on translationally invariant meta-mirrors. The meta-structure is generated by a thin grating presenting a transverse modulation of the refraction index on the sub-micron scale located in front of a mirror. We analyze the angular spectrum of the reflected waves for different types of structured meta-mirrors as well as the filtering effects of these meta-structures in reflected beams. The comparison between FDTD simulations of full Maxwell equations and different approximated models allows to determine the filtering contribution from the structured cavity and from Mie resonances associated to elements generating the grating.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Non-Hermitian broad aperture semiconductor lasers based on PT-symmetry

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    In this paper we propose a novel configuration to regularize the complex spatiotemporal dynamics of broad area lasers into bright light beam. It has recently been shown that arbitrary non-Hermitian optical potentials based on local Parity-Time (PT-) symmetry may tailor and control the flow of light, due to the asymmetric mode coupling. We now provide a comprehensive analysis on how this can be applied to stabilize the emission from broad aperture semiconductor lasers. The mechanism relies on a non-Hermitian configuration of the laser potential achieved by simultaneous spatial modulation of the refractive index and gain-loss profiles. This allows concentrating the light into a bright and narrow output beam. We provide a numerical analysis on Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting lasers and Broad Area Semiconductor Lasers. The results indicate a significant intensity enhancement and concentration of the emitted stabilized beam. The proposed mechanism may be technologically achievable, and it is expected to be applicable to regularize the radiation of other broad aperture and microlasers, which typically emit quite random and irregular light patterns. Besides, the reported concentration effect is universal, and could be extended to random and quasi-periodic background potentials.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Non-Hermitian control of optical turbulence in systems with fractional dispersion

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    We show an efficient mechanism to control optical turbulence in systems with different dispersion laws, including parabolic, sub-diffractive, hyper-diffractive or general fractional dispersion. The method is based on the modification of the energy cascade through spatial scales leading to turbulence: a non-Hermitian spatio-temporal periodic potential allows unidirectional coupling between modes in the excitation process. We prove a significant increase and reduction of the energy flow in turbulent states, by either condensing the excitation towards small wave-numbers or affecting the energy transfer towards large wave-number. The study is based on the complex Fractional Ginzburg–Landau equation, a universal model for pattern formation and turbulence in a wide range of systems. The enhancement or reduction of turbulence is indeed dependent on the imposed direction of the energy flow, controlled by the phase shift between the real and imaginary parts of the temporal oscillation of the non-Hermitian potential.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version