7 research outputs found

    Citogenotoxic response of juvenile cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) reared in two different systems

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    A produção da aquicultura vem crescendo em todo o mundo e o cultivo de peixes marinhos no Brasil é ainda muito recente. Condições intensivas de aquicultura podem causar estresse fisiológico ao organismo do cultivo, o que pode ser avaliado por biomarcadores citogenotóxicos. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito genotóxico das condições de cultivo nos eritrócitos de juvenis de beijupirás Rachycentron canadum usando o ensaio cometa e o ensaio de micronúcleo e outras anormalidades nucleares. Juvenis de beijupirá foram cultivados por 13 semanas em um tanque indoor com circulação aberta de água e em um tanque-rede. O ensaio comera e o ensaio de anormalidades nucleares detectaram um maior dano ao DNA e uma maior frequência de anormalidades nucleares em eritrócitos de peixes cultivados no tanque indoor. Results showed that two methods are complementary. Além disso, beijupirás foram injetados com β-naftoflavona (BNF) nas concentrações de 2mgkg-1 e 10mgkg-1 em condições controladas de laboratório e mantidos por 7 dias em tanques separados para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de resposta dessa espécie a uma substância tóxica. O ensaio cometa não detectou nenhuma diferença significativa entre os peixes injetados com BNF e os da condição controle, enquanto que o ensaio das anormalidades nucleares apresentaram diferenças significativas entre peixes injetados com BNF e os do controle. Os danos identificados pelo ensaio cometa são quebras reparáveis na fita do DNA, enquanto que as anormalidades nucleares são permanentes. Possivelmente, o período de de manutenção dos peixes nos tanques após a injeção foi suficiente para limpar a BNF dos organismos e reparar as quebras na fita do DNA. Como os beijupirás parecem responder muito bem a compostos genotóxicos, o ensaio cometa e o ensaio de anormalidades nucleares podem ser ferramentas úteis para monitorar as condições de cultivo.Aquaculture production is continuously growing worldwide, and marine fish farming in Brazil is still in its infancy. Intensive farming conditions may cause physiological stress to the cultured organism, which can be evaluated by citogenotoxic biomarkers. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic effect of the rearing conditions in red blood cells of juvenile cobia Rachycentron canadum by using comet assay and micronucleus and other nuclear abnormalities assay. Juvenile cobia were reared for 13 weeks in indoor tank with open water circulation and in near shore cage. The comet assay and the nuclear abnormalities assay detected higher DNA damage and higher nuclear abnormalities frequency in erythrocytes of fish reared in the indoor tank. Results showed that two methods are complementary. Additionally, cobia were injected with ß-naphthoflavone (BNF) at concentrations of 2mgkg-1 and 10mgkg-1 in laboratory controlled conditions, and maintained for 7 days in separate tanks to better understand the response mechanisms of this species to a toxic substance. The comet assay did not detect any significant differences between BNF injected and control fish, whereas nuclear abnormalities assay showed significant differences between BNF injected and the control groups. The damages identified by the comet assay are repairable breaks in the DNA strands, whereas nuclear abnormalities may be permanent. Possibly the period of maintenance after injection was enough to clean BNF from the organisms and to repair the breaks in the DNA strands. As cobia seems to respond very well to genotoxic elements, comet assay and nuclear abnormalities assay would be useful tools to monitor farming conditions


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    Series of biomonitoring surveys were undertaken weekly in February 2012 to investigate the genotoxicity of the shallow waters around the Brazilian Antarctic Station "Comandante Ferraz" (EACF). The comet assay was applied to assess the damage to the DNA of hemocytes of the crustacean amphipods Gondogeneia antarctica collected from shallow waters near the Fuel Tanks (FT) and Sewage Treatment Outflow (STO) of the research station, and compare it to the DNA damage of animals from Punta Plaza (PPL) and Yellow Point (YP), natural sites far from the EACF defined as experimental controls. The damage to the DNA of hemocytes of G. antarctica was not significantly different between sites in the biomonitoring surveys I and II. In survey III, the damage to the DNA of animals captured in shallow waters near the Fuel Tanks (FT) and Sewage Treatment Outflow (STO) was significantly higher than that of the control site of Punta Plaza (PPL). In biomonitoring survey IV, a significant difference was detected only between the FT and PPL sites. Results demonstrated that the shallow waters in front of the station may be genotoxic and that the comet assay and hemocytes of G. antarctica are useful tools for assessing genotoxicity in biomonitoring studies of Antarctic marine coastal habitats.Séries de biomonitoramentos foram executadas semanalmente, durante o mês de fevereiro de 2012, para se investigar a genotoxicidade de ambientes costeiros rasos no entorno da Estação Antártica "Comandante Ferraz (EACF). O ensaio cometa foi aplicado para se avaliar os danos ao DNA hemocitário de crustáceos anfípodes Gondogeneia antarctica coletados em áreas rasas próximas aos tanques de armazenamento de combustível (FT) e saída de efluentes da estação de tratamento de esgoto (STO), em comparação aos danos ao DNA de animais provenientes de Punta Plaza (PPL) e Yellow Point (YP), locais naturais distantes da EACF, definidos como controles experimentais. O dano ao DNA hemocitário de G. antarctica não foi significativamente diferente entre locais, nos biomonitoramentos I e II. No biomonitoramento III, o dano ao DNA de animais coletados em águas rasas próximas aos tanques de combustível e saída de efluentes de esgoto foi significativamente maior do que aquele do controle de Punta Plaza. No biomonitoramento IV, a diferença foi significativa somente entre os locais dos tanques de combustível e de Punta Plaza. Estes resultados demonstram que a contaminação das águas em frente à EACF pode ser genotóxica e que, tanto o ensaio cometa quanto os hemócitos de G. antarctica são ferramentas úteis na avaliação da genotoxicidade em estudos de biomonitoramento de habitats marinhos costeiros da Antártica

    Citogenotoxic response of juvenile cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) reared in two different systems

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    Abstract Aquaculture production is continuously growing worldwide, and marine fish farming in Brazil is still in its infancy. Intensive farming conditions may cause physiological stress to the cultured organism, which can be evaluated by citogenotoxic biomarkers. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic effect of the rearing conditions in red blood cells of juvenile cobia Rachycentron canadum by using comet assay and micronucleus and other nuclear abnormalities assay. Juvenile cobia were reared for 13 weeks in indoor tank with open water circulation and in near shore cage. The comet assay and the nuclear abnormalities assay detected higher DNA damage and higher nuclear abnormalities frequency in erythrocytes of fish reared in the indoor tank. Results showed that two methods are complementary. Additionally, cobia were injected with ß-naphthoflavone (BNF) at concentrations of 2mgkg-1 and 10mgkg-1 in laboratory controlled conditions, and maintained for 7 days in separate tanks to better understand the response mechanisms of this species to a toxic substance. The comet assay did not detect any significant differences between BNF injected and control fish, whereas nuclear abnormalities assay showed significant differences between BNF injected and the control groups. The damages identified by the comet assay are repairable breaks in the DNA strands, whereas nuclear abnormalities may be permanent. Possibly the period of maintenance after injection was enough to clean BNF from the organisms and to repair the breaks in the DNA strands. As cobia seems to respond very well to genotoxic elements, comet assay and nuclear abnormalities assay would be useful tools to monitor farming conditions