184 research outputs found

    Caracterização física de caminhos preferenciais da água em solos agrícolas em ambiente de realidade virtual.

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    Development of Ontology Aware of Information Quality for the Improvement of Situational Awareness in the Field of Emergency Management

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    Artigo apresentado no I Workshop de Informação, Dados e Tecnologia, realizado entre nos dias 04 e 06 de setembro de 2017, na cidade de Florianópolis (SC), no Auditório do Espaço Físico Integrado (EFI) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).Uma questão desafiadora na comunidade da Avaliação da Situação é determinar como o processo de avaliação pode ser redesenhado para o aprimoramento da Consciência da Situação (SAW), que pode ser severamente degradada se dados de baixa qualidade propagarem pelo processo comprometendo assim a tomada de decisões. Em sistemas de gerenciamento de emergências o grande desafio de adquirir e manter a SAW em operadores humano, é o consumo em excesso de dados em um ambiente dinâmico. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ontologia de domínio para o gerenciamento de emergências mais especificamente sobre incêndios florestais visando contribuir para a representação de informações, contribuindo assim com processos de avaliação de situações de fogo. Para tal, foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com especialistas, modelagem conceitual das tarefas e objetivos e o emprego de ferramentas e metodologias para a construção da ontologia que ao final será incorporada ao sistema “Distrito Federal Sem Fogo” (DF100Fogo).A challenging issue in the Situation Assessment community is to determine how the assessment process can be redesigned to improve Situation Awareness (SAW), which can be severely degraded if poor quality data propagate through the process, thereby compromising decision-making. In emergency management systems, the great challenge of acquiring and maintaining SAW in human operators is consuming too much data in a dynamic environment. The present work has the objective of developing a domain ontology for the emergencies management, more specifically about forest fires, aiming to contribute to the representation of information in this domain, thus contributing to fire assessment processes. To this end, interviews with specialists, conceptual modeling of tasks and objectives and the use of tools and methodologies for the construction of the ontology were developed, which in the end will be incorporated into the Distrito Federal Sem Fogo (DF100Fogo) system

    Do general practitioners and psychiatrists agree about defining cure from depression? The DEsCRIBE™ survey

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to document the outcome dimensions that physicians see as important in defining cure from depression. The study also aimed to analyse physicians' attitudes about depression and to find out whether they affect their prescribing practices and/or the outcome dimensions that they view as important in defining cure. METHODS: A 51-item questionnaire based on six validated scales was used to rate the importance of several depression outcome dimensions. Physicians' attitudes about depression were also assessed using the Depression Attitude Scale. Overall, 369 Belgian physicians (264 general practitioners [GPs]; 105 psychiatrists) participated in the DEsCRIBE survey. RESULTS: GPs and psychiatrists strongly agreed that functioning and depressive symptomatology were most important in defining cure; anxious and somatic symptomatology was least important. GPs and psychiatrists differed in their attitudes about depression (p <0.001). Logistic regression revealed that the attitudes of GPs - but not psychiatrists - were significantly associated with their rates of antidepressant prescription (p < 0.001) and that certain attitudes predicted which outcome dimensions were seen as important in defining cure. CONCLUSIONS: Belgian GPs and psychiatrists strongly agreed on which criteria were important in defining cure from depression but differed in their attitudes about depression. The outcome dimensions that were considered important in defining cure were influenced by physicians' attitudes - this was more pronounced in GPs than in psychiatrists