315 research outputs found

    Metallicity Calibration and Photometric Parallax Estimation: I. UBV photometry

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    We present metallicity and photometric parallax calibrations for the F and G type dwarfs with photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic data. The sample consists of 168 dwarf stars covering the colour, iron abundance and absolute magnitude intervals 0.30<(BV)0<0.680.30<(B-V)_0<0.68 mag, 2.0<[Fe/H]<0.4-2.0<[Fe/H]<0.4 dex and 3.4<MV<6.03.4<M_V<6.0 mag, respectively. The means and standard deviations of the metallicity and absolute magnitude residuals are small, i.e. Δ[Fe/H]res=0\langle\Delta[Fe/H]_{res}\rangle=0 and σ=0.134\sigma=0.134 dex, and Δ(MV)res=0\langle\Delta (M_V)_{res}\rangle=0 and σ=0.174\sigma=0.174 mag, respectively, which indicate accurate metallicity and photometric parallax estimations.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures and 2 tables, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Local Stellar Kinematics from RAVE data - VII. Metallicity Gradients from Red Clump Stars

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    We investigate the Milky Way Galaxy's radial and vertical metallicity gradients using a sample of 47,406 red clump stars from the RAVE DR4. This sample is more than twice the size of the largest sample in the literature investigating radial and vertical metallicity gradients. The absolute magnitude of Groenewegen (2008) is used to determine distances to our sample stars. The resulting distances agree with the RAVE DR4 distances Binney et al. (2014) of the same stars. Our photometric method also provides distances to 6185 stars that are not assigned a distance in RAVE DR4. The metallicity gradients are calculated with their current orbital positions (RgcR_{gc} and ZZ) and with their orbital properties (mean Galactocentric distance, RmR_{m} and zmaxz_{max}), as a function of the distance to the Galactic plane: d[Fe/H]/dRgc=R_{gc}=-0.047±0.0030.047\pm0.003 dex/kpc for 0Z0.50\leq |Z|\leq0.5 kpc and d[Fe/H]/dRm=R_m=-0.025±0.0020.025\pm0.002 dex/kpc for 0zmax0.50\leq z_{max}\leq0.5 kpc. This reaffirms the radial metallicity gradient in the thin disc but highlights that gradients are sensitive to the selection effects caused by the difference between RgcR_{gc} and RmR_{m}. The radial gradient is flat in the distance interval 0.5-1 kpc from the plane and then becomes positive greater than 1 kpc from the plane. The radial metallicity gradients are also eccentricity dependent. We showed that d[Fe/H]/dRm=R_m=-0.089±0.0100.089\pm0.010, -0.073±0.0070.073\pm0.007, -0.053±0.0040.053\pm0.004 and -0.044±0.0020.044\pm0.002 dex/kpc for ep0.05e_p\leq0.05, ep0.07e_p\leq0.07, ep0.10e_p\leq0.10 and ep0.20e_p\leq0.20 sub-samples, respectively, in the distance interval 0zmax0.50\leq z_{max}\leq0.5 kpc. Similar trend is found for vertical metallicity gradients. Both the radial and vertical metallicity gradients are found to become shallower as the eccentricity of the sample increases. These findings can be used to constrain different formation scenarios of the thick and thin discs.Comment: 18 pages, including 16 figures and 6 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    A New Absolute Magnitude Calibration for Red Clump Stars

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    We present an M_V absolute magnitude calibration including the B-V colour and [Fe/H] metallicity for the red clump stars in the globular and open clusters with a wide range of metallicities: M_V = 0.627(0.104)(B-V)o+0.046(0.043)[Fe/H]+0.262(0.111). The calibration equation is valid in the ranges 0.42<(B-V)o<1.20 mag, -1.55<[Fe/H]<+0.40 dex and 0.43<M_V<1.03 mag. We found that the consistencies in the comparisons of the distances estimated from the calibration equation in this study both with the distances obtained from trigonometric parallaxes and spectrophotometric analysis demonstrate that reliable precise absolute magnitudes for the clump giants can be estimated from the calibration formula.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures and 1 table, accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Metallicity and absolute magnitude calibrations for F-G type main-sequence stars in the Gaia era

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    In this study, photometric metallicity and absolute magnitude calibrations were derived using F-G spectral type main-sequence stars in the Solar neighbourhood with precise spectroscopic, photometric and Gaia astrometric data for UBV photometry. The sample consists of 504 main-sequence stars covering the temperature, surface gravity and colour index intervals 5300<Teff<73005300<T_{eff} < 7300 K, logg>4\log g > 4 (cgs) and 0.3<(BV)0<0.80.3<(B-V)_0<0.8 mag, respectively. Stars with relative trigonometric parallax errors σπ/π0.01\sigma_{\pi}/\pi\leq0.01 were preferred from Gaia DR2 data for the estimation of their MVM_V absolute magnitudes. In order to obtain calibrations, (UB)0(U-B)_0 and (BV)0(B-V)_0 colour indices of stars were preferred and a multi-variable second order equation was used. Calibrations are valid for main-sequence stars in the metallicity and absolute magnitude ranges 2<[Fe/H]<0.5-2<{\rm [Fe/H]}<0.5 dex and 2.5<MV<62.5<M_V<6 mag, respectively. The mean value and standard deviation of the differences between original and estimated values for the metal abundance and absolute magnitude are Δ[Fe/H]=0.00±0.11\langle\Delta {\rm[Fe/H]}\rangle=0.00\pm0.11 dex and ΔMV=0.00±0.22\langle\Delta M_V \rangle=0.00\pm0.22 mag, respectively. In this work, it has been shown that more precise iron abundance and absolute magnitude values were obtained with the new calibrations, compared to previous calibrations in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Sensor fusion of camera, GPS and IMU using fuzzy adaptive multiple motion models

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    A tracking system that will be used for augmented reality applications has two main requirements: accuracy and frame rate. The first requirement is related to the performance of the pose estimation algorithm and how accurately the tracking system can find the position and orientation of the user in the environment. Accuracy problems of current tracking devices, considering that they are low-cost devices, cause static errors during this motion estimation process. The second requirement is related to dynamic errors (the end-to-end system delay, occurring because of the delay in estimating the motion of the user and displaying images based on this estimate). This paper investigates combining the vision-based estimates with measurements from other sensors, GPS and IMU, in order to improve the tracking accuracy in outdoor environments. The idea of using Fuzzy Adaptive Multiple Models was investigated using a novel fuzzy rule-based approach to decide on the model that results in improved accuracy and faster convergence for the fusion filter. Results show that the developed tracking system is more accurate than a conventional GPS–IMU fusion approach due to additional estimates from a camera and fuzzy motion models. The paper also presents an application in cultural heritage context running at modest frame rates due to the design of the fusion algorithm

    A comprehensive study of the open cluster NGC 6866

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    We present CCD UBVRIUBVRI photometry of the field of the open cluster NGC 6866. Structural parameters of the cluster are determined utilizing the stellar density profile of the stars in the field. We calculate the probabilities of the stars being a physical member of the cluster using their astrometric data and perform further analyses using only the most probable members. The reddening and metallicity of the cluster were determined by independent methods. The LAMOST spectra and the ultraviolet excess of the F and G type main-sequence stars in the cluster indicate that the metallicity of the cluster is about the solar value. We estimated the reddening E(BV)=0.074±0.050E(B-V)=0.074 \pm 0.050 mag using the UBU-B vs BVB-V two-colour diagram. The distance modula, the distance and the age of NGC 6866 were derived as μ=10.60±0.10\mu = 10.60 \pm 0.10 mag, d=1189±75d=1189 \pm 75 pc and t=813±50t = 813 \pm 50 Myr, respectively, by fitting colour-magnitude diagrams of the cluster with the PARSEC isochrones. The Galactic orbit of NGC 6866 indicates that the cluster is orbiting in a slightly eccentric orbit with e=0.12e=0.12. The mass function slope x=1.35±0.08x=1.35 \pm 0.08 was derived by using the most probable members of the cluster.Comment: 14 pages, including 16 figures and 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Table 4 in the manuscript will be published electronicall

    Pressing issues for oral care quality improvement: findings from the EU DELIVER project

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    Background: While oral health often takes a backseat to other health domains, it silently affects nearly half of the Worldwide population. The DELIVER project, funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe program, seeks to develop a blueprint model for improving the quality of oral health care for everyone. Methods: Applying the Nominal Group Technique (NGT), 17 stakeholders from various backgrounds participated in identifying pressing issues for oral care quality improvement across practice, community, and policy levels. Results: The results revealed significant differences at the different levels, with accessibility emerging as a prominent issue, encompassing affordability, availability, and acceptability of oral healthcare services. Conclusions: These findings emphasizes the need for policy reforms, increased investments, and a shift towards preventive and patient-centered dental care practices. It highlights the importance of collaborative efforts with multi-stakeholders and prioritizing pressing issues on a multi-level to drive positive change in improving oral care quality. © The Author(s) 2024.The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement 101057077: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101057077