9 research outputs found

    Effects of perceived teacher affection on pupil’s seif concept

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    Steht das Ausmaß der Zuneigung, das ein SchĂŒler bei seinem Lehrer wahrnimmt, in einem Zusammenhang dazu, wie er seine intellektuellen FĂ€higkeiten einschĂ€tzt? Mehrere Möglichkeiten des Zusammenhangs werden diskutiert. In einer Feldstudie (N = 281 SchĂŒler der 4. Klasse Grundschule) wurden Geschlecht, Noten, wahrgenommene Zuneigung des Lehrers, Höhe der SelbsteinschĂ€tzung und die BeweggrĂŒnde erhoben, die SchĂŒler den Lehrern fĂŒr positive und negative Bewertungen unterstellten. Die SelbsteinschĂ€tzung war höher bei 1. Jungen, 2. besseren Noten, 3. höherer wahrgenommener Zuneigung und 4. der ErklĂ€rung positiver Bewertungen durch die Zuneigung des Lehrers. (DIPF/Orig.)Is a pupil’s seif concept of ability connected with his perception of how much his teacher likes him? Several kinds of this Connection are discussed. In a field study (N = 281 nine to ten year olds) sex, grades, perceived affection of the teacher and the reasons attributed to the teacher for giving positive or negative evaluations were assessed. Self concept was higher with 1. boys, 2. better grades, 3. higher perceived affection and 4. the attribution of positive evaluations to the affection of the teacher

    Konflikte bei Erbschaftsaufteilungen: Verwandtschaft, BeitrÀge und AufteilungsprÀferenzen

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    Bossong B, Nussbeck FW. Konflikte bei Erbschaftsaufteilungen: Verwandtschaft, BeitrĂ€ge und AufteilungsprĂ€ferenzen. Zeitschrift fĂŒr Sozialpsychologie. 2004;35(3):143-156

    The Effect of Action Orientation on the Academic Performance of Undergraduate Marketing Majors

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    Due to the effect of academic performance on employment opportunities and admission to graduate schools, researchers have long recognized the need for identifying factors that are linked to the academic performance of undergraduate marketing students. This research proposes a model that investigates the relationships among motivation, effort, personality, stress, and academic performance. Action-state orientation (AO-SO) is an important factor in students’ emotional exhaustion and effort. AO-SO relates to individual differences in the capacity to regulate emotions, cognitions, and behaviors to accomplish intentional actions. AO-SO consists of three dimensions: disengagement (versus preoccupation), volatility (versus persistency), and hesitation (versus initiative). Results indicate that persistency and initiative are positively related to effort, which is an important antecedent of academic performance. Also, disengagement is negatively related to emotional exhaustion


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