355 research outputs found

    Avaliação do efeito de derivados floroglucinóis presentes em hypericum caprifoliatum sobre parâmetros glutamatérgicos e parâmetros relacionados à homeostasia dos íons sódio em roedores

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito dos derivados floroglucinóis HC1 e hiperbrasilol B, presentes em Hypericum caprifoliatum, sobre a neurotransmissão glutamatérgica, canais de Na+ sensíveis à voltagem e atividade da Na+, K+ ATPase, visando aprofundar o estudo da atividade antidepressiva de Hypericum caprifoliatum. O envolvimento da neurotransmissão glutamatérgica no efeito antidepressivo de HC1 foi estudado através de manipulação farmacológica com MK-801 (antagonista NMDA) no teste da natação forçada, e captação e liberação de [3H]-glutamato em sinaptossomas de cérebro total de ratos. Os resultados demonstraram que pelo menos em nível de receptores NMDA e captação e liberação de glutamato, a neurotransmissão glutamatérgica não está envolvida na atividade antidepressiva de HC1. A veratrina, um ativador de canais de Na+, preveniu o efeito de HC1 no teste da natação forçada e três dias de tratamento com HC1 aumentaram a atividade da enzima Na+, K+ ATPase em córtex total e hipocampo de camundongos quando medida ex vivo 2h depois da última administração. Porém esta inibição desapareceu quando os animais foram submetidos a uma sessão de 6 minutos de nado forçado. Assim como o HC1, o hiperbrasilol B também teve seu efeito prevenido pela veratrina no teste da natação forçada, e o tratamento por três dias com hiperbrasilol B aumentou a atividade da enzima Na+, K+ ATPase apenas no hipocampo, e não no córtex total de camundongos. Os resultados deste trabalho reforçam a utilidade das estruturas diméricas de floroglucinóis na pesquisa por novas moléculas com ação antidepressiva e indicam que o hiperbrasilol B pode possuir propriedades moduladoras do humor ou anticonvulsivantes, uma vez que altera a atividade cerebral da Na+, K+ ATPase em camundongos e tem seu efeito na natação forçada alterado pela veratrina.Aiming to narrow the study of the antidepressant activity of Hypericum caprifoliatum, this work evaluated the effect of the phloroglucinol derivatives HC1 and hyperbrasilol B, present in H. caprifoliatum on glutamatergic neurotransmission, Na+ channels and Na+, K+ ATPase activity. The involvement of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the antidepressant effect of HC1 was investigated by pharmacological manipulation with MK-801 (NMDA antagonist) in the forced swimming test, and [3H]-glutamate uptake and release in total rat brain synaptosomes. The results demonstrated that at least at level of NMDA receptors and glutamate uptake and release, the glutamatergic neurotransmission is not involved in the antidepressant activity of HC1. Veratrine, a Na+ channel activator, prevented the effect of HC1 in the forced swimming test and three days of treatment with HC1 increased the enzymatic activity of Na+, K+ ATPase in mice brain cortex and hippocampus. However, this inhibition disappeared when animals were subjected to a of 6-minute forced swim session. Like HC1, the effect of hyperbrasilol B on forced swimming session was also prevented by veratrine; and treatment for three days with hyperbrasilol B increased the activity of Na+, K+ ATPase in hippocampus, but not in brain cortex of mice. The results of this work reinforce the usefulness of the dimeric phloroglucinols structures in the research for new molecules with antidepressant action and suggest that hyperbrasilol B may possess anticonvulsant and mood stabilizing properties, since it alters mice brain Na+, K+ ATPase activity and has its effect on the forced swimming test affected by veratrine

    Assessment of the nursing skill mix in Mozambique using a task analysis methodology

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    BACKGROUND: The density of the nursing and maternal child health nursing workforce in Mozambique (0.32/1000) is well below the WHO minimum standard of 1 nurse per 1000. Two levels of education were being offered for both nurses and maternal child health nurses, in programmes ranging from 18 to 30 months in length. The health care workforce in Mozambique also includes Medical Technicians and Medical Agents, who are also educated at either basic or mid-level. The Ministry of Health determined the need to document the tasks that each of the six cadres was performing within various health facilities to identify gaps, and duplications, in order to identify strategies for streamlining workforce production, while retaining highest educational and competency standards. The methodology of task analysis (TA) was used to achieve this objective. This article provides information about the TA methodology, and selected outcomes of the very broad study. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive task analysis survey was conducted over a 15 month period (2008–2009). A stratified sample of 1295 individuals was recruited from every type of health facility in all of Mozambique’s 10 provinces and in Maputo City. Respondents indicated how frequently they performed any of 233 patient care tasks. Data analysis focused on identifying areas where identical tasks were performed by the various cadres. Analyses addressed frequency of performance, grouped by level of educational preparation, within various types of health facilities. RESULTS: Task sharing ranged from 74% to 88% between basic and general nurse cadres and from 54% to 88% between maternal and child health nurse cadres, within various health facility types. Conversely, there was distinction between scope of practice for nursing and maternal/child health nursing cadres. CONCLUSION: The educational pathways to general nursing and maternal/child health nursing careers were consolidated into one 24 month programme for each career. The scopes of practice were affirmed based on task analysis survey data

    Determinação da época da desova e maturação do jundiá, Rhamdia sapo, baseado no IGS e em estudo morfocitológico das gônodas

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    Seasonal changes of the oocyte and the determination of the time of spawning of Rhamdia sapo are studied in this paper by the use of the Gonado-somatic Index (IGS), the monthly weight proportion of oocytes coeficient (CPN) and the oocyte area in each os its stages of development (CPT) as parameters. The conclusions drawn was that Rhamdia sapo females have a long reproductive period (august to february), in which two phases of enhanced reproductive activity were detected (august-september and january-february).Mudanças estacionais do ovócito e determinação da época de desova do jundiá (Rhamdia sapo) foram estudadas neste trabalho, empregando-se os parâmetros IGS (índice gônado-somático), CPN (coeficiente ponderal mensal da proporção de ovócitos) e CPT (área ocupada pelos ovócitos em cada estádio). Conclui-se que as fêmeas de Rhamdia sapo apresentam longo período reprodutivo (agosto a fevereiro) com duas fases de acentuada atividade reprodutiva (agosto-setembro e janeiro-fevereiro).

    Ocorrência de Leporinus lacustris Campos, 1945 na bacia do Rio Ibicuí, RS

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    This paper deals with the finding of Leporinus lacustres Campos, 1945 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The samples studied were collected in the Ibicui – Mirim (1982-1983) and Santa Maria (1984-1985) rivers and presented some morphometric and meristic differences when compared to descriptions made by other authors.Este trabalho trata do registro de ocorrência de Leporinus lacustris Campos, 1945 no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os exemplares estudados foram coletados nos Rio ibicuí Mirim (1982-1983) e Santa Maria (1984-1985) e evidenciaram algumas diferenças mo que se refere a dados morfométricos e merísticos quando comparadas com as descrições feitas por outros autores

    Leporinus striatus Kner, 1859 da Bacia do Ibicui, RS

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    Twenty five specimens of fish commonly known as "pocketknife" fish, collected during icthyologic inventory from the basin of the Ibicui River between 1982 and 1985 were studied and recognized as Leporinus striatus Kner, 1859 and theyr meristic and morphometric data compared with the literature.Vinte e cinco exemplares de peixes conhecidos vulgarmente como "canivetes", coletados durante levantamento ictiológico efetuado na Bacia do Ibicui de 1982 a 1985, foram estudados e identificados como Leporinus striatus Kner, 1859 e seus dados merísticos e morfométricos comparados com os da literatura

    Estudo sistemático da família Cichlidae na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. I Gêneros: Aequidens, Chichlaurus e Geophagus

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    Among the specimens of the Cichlidae family collected in the central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), the initial studies were done in genera represented by orbicular forms, which comprise: Aequidens, Cichlaurus and Geophagus. Of these genera, four species were found in different proportions: Aequidens portalegrensis, Cichlaurus facetus, Geophagus brasiliensis and Geophagus gymnogenys.Entre os exemplares da família Cichlidae, coletados na região central do Rio Grande do Sul, foram estudados inicialmente os géneros representados pelas formas orbiculares: Aequidens, Cichlaurus e Geophagus. Destes gêneros, encontrou-se 4 espécies que ocorreram em proporções bastante variadas: Aequidens portalegrensis, Cichlaurus facetus, Geophagus brasiliensis e Geophagus gymnogenys

    Levantamento ictiológico de um trecho dos rios Jacuí e Jacuizinho na área de abrangência da futura barragem de Dona Francisca

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    The ictiologic survery of the fauna of the Jacuí and Jacuizinho rivers, (RS – Brazil) lead to the identification of twenty species, Astyanax bimaculatus and Astyanax fasciatus and as well as Hemiancistrus sp being more abundant and uniformly distributed during the months of collet while Symbranchus marmoratus and Oligosarchus hepsetus were the more seldom found fishes.O levantamento da fauna ictiológica num trecho dos rios Jacuí e Jacuizinho, R.S., permitiu a identificação de vinte espécies, sendo que os lambaris (Astyanax bimaculatus e Astyanax fasciatus) e os cascudos (Hemiancistrus sp) foram os peixes mais abundantes e de distribuição uniforme nos meses de coleta, enquanto que o mussum (Symbranchus marmoratus) e O tambicu (Oligosarchus hepsetus) foram os de ocorrência mais rara

    Ictiofauna do Rio Santa Maria, RS

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    The ichthyologic fauna of the Santa Maria River was studied through seasonal collections from august 1984 to may 1985. Considerations were made about the systematics, ocurrence and abundance of the collected species. A total of 1345 fishes pertaining to thirty nine genera and fifty three species were examined and identified.A fauna ictiológica do Rio Santa Maria foi pesquisada através de coletas estacionais de agosto de 1984 a maio de 1985. São feitas considerações sobre sistemática, ocorrência e abundância das espécies coletadas. Um total de 1345 peixes pertencentes a trinta e nove gêneros e cinquenta e três espécies foram examinados e identificados
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