42 research outputs found


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    Who’s Afraid of Virginia’s you: a Corpus-based Study of the French Translations of The Waves

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    The present paper discusses issues related to the translation of the English personal pronoun you in the French translations of Virginia Woolf’s The Waves (1931). There are two published French translations of The Waves. The first one, Les Vagues, was translated by Marguerite Yourcenar and published in 1937. Around fifty years later, another version was published, under the same title but this time translated by Cécile Wajsbrot (1993). The two versions differ significantly when the use of tu and vous is concerned. This paper is concerned specifically with the original’s mind-style (Fowler 1977) in other words, the way the characters’ perceptions and thoughts, as well as their speech, are presented through language and how this is rendered in the translations. The quantitative analysis was realised using corpus-based studies tools which proved to be an asset in helping to identify the novels’ mind-style.Dans cet article, l’auteur examine la traduction du pronom personnel anglais « you » dans les deux traductions françaises de The Waves de Virginia Woolf (1931) : Les Vagues traduit par Marguerite Yourcenar (1937) et la traduction de Cécile Wajsbrot (1993) du même titre. Ces deux versions présentent des différences significatives quant aux choix des traductrices entre « tu » et « vous ». L’auteur étudie le « mind-style » (Fowler 1977) de l’original, c’est-à-dire la façon dont la perception, les pensées ainsi que le discours des personnages sont présentés par le biais du langage et la façon dont ce « mind-style » est rendu dans les traductions. L’analyse quantitative a été réalisée en utilisant les outils des études de corpus qui ont énormément facilité l’identification du « mind-style » des trois romans

    Translation and narration: A corpus-based study of French translations of two novels by Virginia Woolf.

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    Narratology does not usually distinguish between original and translated fiction and narratologicai models do not pay any attention to the translator as a discursive subject. Since the 1990's, the visibility of translators in translated narrative texts has been increasingly discussed and researchers like Schiavi (1996) and Hermans (1996) introduced the concept of the translator's voice, which attempts to recognise the 'other' voice in translation, i.e. the presence of the translator. Corpus-based studies have also focused on recurrent features of translated language (see, for example. Baker 1993, Kenny 2001; Laviosa 1997; Olohan and Baker 2000), and corpus techniques and tools are being employed to identify the translators' 'style' in their translations (Baker 2000). The present thesis seeks to explore the nature of the translator's discursive presence by investigating certain narratologicai aspects of the relation between originals and translations. Until recently comparative analysis between originals and their translations have mainly relied on manual examinations; the present study will demonstrate that corpus-based translation studies and its tools can gready facilitate and sharpen the process of comparison. My work uses a parallel corpus composed of two English novels and their French translations; Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse (1927) and its three translations (Promenade au Phare, 1929, translated by Michel Lanoire; Voyage au Phare, 1993, by Magali Merle; Vers le Phare, 1996, by Francoise Pellan), and The Waves (1931), and its two translations (Les leagues, 1937, translated by Marguerite Yourcenar and Les agues, 1993, translated by Cecile Wajsbrot). The relevant texts have been scanned and put in machine-readable form and I study them using corpus-analysis tools and techniques (WordSmith Tools, Multiconcord). My investigation is particularly concerned with the potential problems involved in the translation of linguisdc features that constitute the notion of point of view, i.e. deixis, modality, transitivity and free indirect discourse, and seeks to determine whether and how the translator's choices affect the transfer of narratologicai structures

    Dubbing, Film and Performance:Uncanny Encounters

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    Tunnel diode oscillator measurements of the upper critical magnetic field of FeTe0:5Se0:5

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    International audienceTemperature dependence of the upper critical magnetic field (Hc2) of single crystalline FeTe0.5Se0.5 (Tc = 14.5 K) have been determined by tunnel diode oscillator-based measurements in magnetic fields of up to 55 T and temperatures down to 1.6 K. The Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg model accounts for the data for magnetic field applied both parallel (H ∥ ab) and perpendicular (H ∥ c) to the iron conducting plane, in line with a single band superconductivity. Whereas Pauli pair breaking is negligible for H ∥ c, Pauli contribution is evidenced for H ∥ ab with Maki parameter alpha= 1.4, corresponding to Pauli field HP = 79 T. As a result, the Hc2 anisotropy ( = Habc2 /Hcc2) which is already rather small at Tc ( gamma = 1.6) further decreases as the temperature decreases and becomes smaller than 1 at liquid helium temperatures