6,130 research outputs found

    Criteri tli calcolo per il rivestimento termico di ugelli soggetti ad un flusso di gas ad alta temperatura (propellenti ad elevato impulso specifico) per durate relativamente lunghe

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    Il presente lavoro lia lo scopo di fornire dei criteri praticidi progetto per il rivestimento termico di ugelli per razzi ad elevatedurate di combustione.Lo sviluppo die lia condotto alla formulazione di detti criteri lia richiestoin una prima fase lo studio della propagazione del flusso di caloreattraverso una parete doppia costituita da materiali differenti (isolante emetallo); tale studio si è concluso definendo gli elementi base che caratterizzanoil fenomeno.Successivamente si è svolta una ricerca numerica allo scopo di esplorareil campo di variabilità di tali parametri caratteristici in vista di applicaredeterminati materiali e per l'involucro metallico e per il rivestimento.Tale indagine è stata effettuata mediante calcoli eseguiti con il computatoredigitale IBM 1620.A questo punto si è proceduto alla soluzione numerica del problemain forma adimensionale, la soluzione è stata effettuata per un certo numerodei parametri caratteristici allo scopo di ricoprire, dando valori determinati,t u t to il campo di variabilità di questi.Queste diverse soluzioni sono state ricavate mediante calcolatriceanalogica (DONNER) simulando il fenomeno della propagazione del calore.Diagrammati questi risultati si è infine definito un criterio per ottenererapidamente, in base alle caratteristiche dei gas, dei materiali usati e deglispessori relativi, i parametri caratteristici per i quali il calcolo già è staff)eseguito

    Photodissociation and photoionisation of atoms and molecules of astrophysical interest

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    A new collection of photodissociation and photoionisation cross sections for 102 atoms and molecules of astrochemical interest has been assembled, along with a brief review of the basic processes involved. These have been used to calculate dissociation and ionisation rates, with uncertainties, in a standard ultraviolet interstellar radiation field (ISRF) and wavelength-dependent radiation fields. The new ISRF rates generally agree within 30% with our previous compilations, with a few notable exceptions. The reduction of rates in shielded regions was calculated as a function of dust, molecular and atomic hydrogen, atomic C, and self-shielding column densities. The relative importance of shielding types depends on the species in question and the dust optical properties. The new data are publicly available from the Leiden photodissociation and ionisation database. Sensitivity of rates to variation of temperature and isotope, and cross section uncertainties, are tested. Tests were conducted with an interstellar-cloud chemical model, and find general agreement (within a factor of two) with the previous iteration of the Leiden database for the ISRF, and order-of-magnitude variations assuming various kinds of stellar radiation. The newly parameterised dust-shielding factors makes a factor-of-two difference to many atomic and molecular abundances relative to parameters currently in the UDfA and KIDA astrochemical reaction databases. The newly-calculated cosmic-ray induced photodissociation and ionisation rates differ from current standard values up to a factor of 5. Under high temperature and cosmic-ray-flux conditions the new rates alter the equilibrium abundances of abundant dark cloud abundances by up to a factor of two. The partial cross sections for H2O and NH3 photodissociation forming OH, O, NH2 and NH are also evaluated and lead to radiation-field-dependent branching ratios.Comment: Corrected some inconsistent table/figure data. Significant change: Zn photoionisation rate corrected. Accepted for publication by A&

    Molecular pathology of colorectal cancer.

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most intensively studied cancer types, partly because of its high prevalence but also because of the existence of its precursor lesions, tubular or villous adenomas, and more recently (sessile) serrated adenomas, which can be detected endoscopically and removed. The morphological steps in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence have been elucidated at a molecular level, which has been facilitated by identification of the genes responsible for familial intestinal cancer. However, apart from early detection of familial forms of CRC and its use in genetic counseling, until recently such detailed molecular knowledge has had little impact on clinical management of the disease. This has dramatically changed in the last decade. With drugs specifically targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) having been shown effective in CRC, mechanisms responsible for resistance have been explored. The finding that KRAS mutated cancers do not respond to anti-EGFR treatment has had a profound impact on clinical management and on molecular diagnostics of CRC. Additional genetic tests for mutations in NRAS, BRAF and PIK3CA contribute to determining who to treat, and others will follow. New therapies effective in patients with advanced CRC are under investigation. Remaining burning questions for optimal management are which patients will relapse after resection of the primary tumor and which patients will respond to the standard 5FU-oxaliplatin adjuvant treatment regimen. Predictive tests to address these issues are eagerly awaited. New classifications of CRC, based on molecular parameters, are emerging, and we will be confronted with new subtypes of CRC, for which the definition is based on combinations of gene expression patterns, chromosomal alterations, gene mutations and epigenetic characteristics. This will be instrumental in designing new approaches for therapy but will also be translated into molecular diagnostics. Both will contribute to improved clinical management of CRC

    Efficiency of radial transport of ices in protoplanetary disks probed with infrared observations: the case of CO2_2

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    The efficiency of radial transport of icy solid material from outer disk to the inner disk is currently unconstrained. Efficient radial transport of icy dust grains could significantly alter the composition of the gas in the inner disk. Our aim is to model the gaseous CO2_2 abundance in the inner disk and use this to probe the efficiency of icy dust transport in a viscous disk. Features in the simulated CO2_2 spectra are investigated for their dust flux tracing potential. We have developed a 1D viscous disk model that includes gas and grain motions as well as dust growth, sublimation and freeze-out and a parametrisation of the CO2_2 chemistry. The thermo-chemical code DALI was used to model the mid-infrared spectrum of CO2_2, as can be observed with JWST-MIRI. CO2_2 ice sublimating at the iceline increases the gaseous CO2_2 abundance to levels equal to the CO2_2 ice abundance of 105\sim 10^{-5}, which is three orders of magnitude more than the gaseous CO2_2 abundances of 108\sim 10^{-8} observed by Spitzer. Grain growth and radial drift further increase the gaseous CO2_2 abundance. A CO2_2 destruction rate of at least 101110^{-11} s1^{-1} is needed to reconcile model prediction with observations. This rate is at least two orders of magnitude higher than the fastest known chemical destruction rate. A range of potential physical mechanisms to explain the low observed CO2_2 abundances are discussed. Transport processes in disks can have profound effects on the abundances of species in the inner disk. The discrepancy between our model and observations either suggests frequent shocks in the inner 10 AU that destroy CO2_2, or that the abundant midplane CO2_2 is hidden from our view by an optically thick column of low abundance CO2_2 in to the disk surface XDR/PDR. Other molecules, such as CH4_4 or NH3_3, can give further handles on the rate of mass transport.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 18 pages, 13 figures, abstract abridge

    The first ultra-high resolution Digital Terrain Model of the shallow-water sector around Lipari Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

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    Very high resolution bathymetric map obtained through multibeam echosounders data are crucial to generate accurate Digital Terrain Models from which the morphological setting of active volcanic areas can be analyzed in detail. Here we show and discuss the main results from the first multibeam bathymetric survey performed in shallow-waters around the island of Lipari, the largest and the most densely populated of the Aeolian Islands (southern Italy). Data have been collected in the depth range of 0.1-150 m and complete the already existent high-resolution multibeam bathymetry realized between 100 and 1300 m water depth. The new ultrahigh resolution bathymetric maps at 0.1-0.5 m provide new insights on the shallow seafloor of Lipari, allowing to detail a large spectrum of volcanic, erosive-depositional and anthropic features. Moreover, the presented data allow outlining the recent morphological evolution of the shallow coastal sector of this active volcanic island, indicating the presence of potential geo-hazard factors in shallow waters

    Multi-mode ultra-strong coupling in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    With the introduction of superconducting circuits into the field of quantum optics, many novel experimental demonstrations of the quantum physics of an artificial atom coupled to a single-mode light field have been realized. Engineering such quantum systems offers the opportunity to explore extreme regimes of light-matter interaction that are inaccessible with natural systems. For instance the coupling strength gg can be increased until it is comparable with the atomic or mode frequency ωa,m\omega_{a,m} and the atom can be coupled to multiple modes which has always challenged our understanding of light-matter interaction. Here, we experimentally realize the first Transmon qubit in the ultra-strong coupling regime, reaching coupling ratios of g/ωm=0.19g/\omega_{m}=0.19 and we measure multi-mode interactions through a hybridization of the qubit up to the fifth mode of the resonator. This is enabled by a qubit with 88% of its capacitance formed by a vacuum-gap capacitance with the center conductor of a coplanar waveguide resonator. In addition to potential applications in quantum information technologies due to its small size and localization of electric fields in vacuum, this new architecture offers the potential to further explore the novel regime of multi-mode ultra-strong coupling.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Reionization history constraints from neural network based predictions of high-redshift quasar continua

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    Observations of the early Universe suggest that reionization was complete by z6z\sim6, however, the exact history of this process is still unknown. One method for measuring the evolution of the neutral fraction throughout this epoch is via observing the Lyα\alpha damping wings of high-redshift quasars. In order to constrain the neutral fraction from quasar observations, one needs an accurate model of the quasar spectrum around Lyα\alpha, after the spectrum has been processed by its host galaxy but before it is altered by absorption and damping in the intervening IGM. In this paper, we present a novel machine learning approach, using artificial neural networks, to reconstruct quasar continua around Lyα\alpha. Our QSANNdRA algorithm improves the error in this reconstruction compared to the state-of-the-art PCA-based model in the literature by 14.2% on average, and provides an improvement of 6.1% on average when compared to an extension thereof. In comparison with the extended PCA model, QSANNdRA further achieves an improvement of 22.1% and 16.8% when evaluated on low-redshift quasars most similar to the two high-redshift quasars under consideration, ULAS J1120+0641 at z=7.0851z=7.0851 and ULAS J1342+0928 at z=7.5413z=7.5413, respectively. Using our more accurate reconstructions of these two z>7z>7 quasars, we estimate the neutral fraction of the IGM using a homogeneous reionization model and find xˉHI=0.250.05+0.05\bar{x}_\mathrm{HI} = 0.25^{+0.05}_{-0.05} at z=7.0851z=7.0851 and xˉHI=0.600.11+0.11\bar{x}_\mathrm{HI} = 0.60^{+0.11}_{-0.11} at z=7.5413z=7.5413. Our results are consistent with the literature and favour a rapid end to reionization

    Approaching ultra-strong coupling in Transmon circuit-QED using a high-impedance resonator

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    In this experiment, we couple a superconducting Transmon qubit to a high-impedance 645 Ω645\ \Omega microwave resonator. Doing so leads to a large qubit-resonator coupling rate gg, measured through a large vacuum Rabi splitting of 2g9102g\simeq 910 MHz. The coupling is a significant fraction of the qubit and resonator oscillation frequencies ω\omega, placing our system close to the ultra-strong coupling regime (gˉ=g/ω=0.071\bar{g}=g/\omega=0.071 on resonance). Combining this setup with a vacuum-gap Transmon architecture shows the potential of reaching deep into the ultra-strong coupling gˉ0.45\bar{g} \sim 0.45 with Transmon qubits

    The significance of indirect costs—application to clinical laboratory test economics using computer facilities

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    The significance of indirect costs in the cost price calculation of clinical chemistry laboratory tests by way of the production centres method has been investigated. A cost structure model based on the ‘production centres’ method, the Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen (AZG) 1-2-3 model, is used for the calculation of cost and cost prices as an add-in tool to the spreadsheet program Lotus 1-2-3. The system specifications of the AZG 1-2-3 cost structure model have been extended with facilities to impute all relevant indirect costs to cost centres by aid of allocation rules, which can be chosen freely. The inference is made that as indirect costs play a more important part in decision-making processes concerning planning and control, the specification of the relation to the cost centres should be determined in a more detailed way. The AZG 1-2-3 cost structure model has therefore been extended in order to increase the significance as a management tool for laboratory management