226 research outputs found

    Multimedia technology in teaching mathematics pupils 1 – 4 classes

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    We describe the use of multimedia technology in teaching mathematics in elementary school. The synthesis, systematization, synthesis of existing theoretical positions that make it possible to organize teaching mathematics elementary school students using multimedia technology. Used systematic and comparative analysis of scientific-methodological and psycho-pedagogical literature. The concept multimedia support teaching mathematics in elementary school. Developed requirements and proposed guidelines for creating and using multimedia learning support during lessons in mathematics 1 – 4 classes: presentations, simulators, dynamic models, educational expert systems. Proved that the use of the investigated technologies grounded in multimedia teaching mathematics accompanied by elementary school students during development is important to ensure the selection of appropriate methods of components that should create new opportunities prepare students while changing living conditions, encourage self-education.Keywords: teaching mathematics, primary school, multimedia technology, multimedia support training requirements.Описано використання мультимедійних технологій у навчанні математики в початковій школі. Здійснено синтез, систематизацію, узагальнення наявних теоретичних положень, що вможливлюють організацію навчання математики учнів початкової школи з використанням мультимедійних технологій.  Використано системний і порівняльний аналіз науково-методичної та психолого-педагогічної літератури. Уточнено поняття мультимедійного супроводу навчання математики в початковій школі. Розроблено вимоги та запропоновано методичні рекомендації щодо створення та використання мультимедійного супроводу навчання під час уроків математики у 1 – 4 класах. Показано, що використання досліджуваних технологій ґрунтоване на мультимедійному супроводі навчання математики учнів початкової школи, під час розроблення якого важливо забезпечувати вибір відповідних компонентів методики, що має створювати можливості нової підготовки учнів під час зміни умов життєдіяльності, стимулювати самоосвіту.Ключові слова: навчання математики, початкова школа, мультимедійні технології, мультимедійний супровід навчання, вимоги

    Intrinsic Electrical Transport Properties of Monolayer Silicene and MoS2 from First Principles

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    The electron-phonon interaction and related transport properties are investigated in monolayer silicene and MoS2 by using a density functional theory calculation combined with a full-band Monte Carlo analysis. In the case of silicene, the results illustrate that the out-of-plane acoustic phonon mode may play the dominant role unlike its close relative - graphene. The small energy of this phonon mode, originating from the weak sp2 bonding between Si atoms, contributes to the high scattering rate and significant degradation in electron transport. In MoS2, the longitudinal acoustic phonons show the strongest interaction with electrons. The key factor in this material appears to be the Q valleys located between the {\Gamma} and K points in the first Brillouin zone as they introduce additional intervalley scattering. The analysis also reveals the potential impact of extrinsic screening by other carriers and/or adjacent materials. Subsequent decrease in the actual scattering rate can be drastic, warranting careful consideration. Finally, the effective deformation potential constants are extracted for all relevant intrinsic electron-phonon scattering processes in both materials

    Electron spin relaxation via flexural phonon modes in semiconducting carbon nanotubes

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    This work considers the g-tensor anisotropy induced by the flexural thermal vibrations in one-dimensional structures and its role in electron spin relaxation. In particular, the mechanism of spin-lattice relaxation via flexural modes is studied theoretically for localized and delocalized electronic states in semiconducting carbon nanotubes in the presence of magnetic field. The calculation of one-phonon spin-flip process predicts distinctive dependencies of the relaxation rate on temperature, magnetic field and nanotube diameter. Comparison with the spin relaxation caused by the hyperfine interaction clearly suggests the relative efficiency of the proposed mechanism at sufficiently high temperatures. Specifically, the longitudinal spin relaxation time in the semiconducting carbon nanotubes is estimated to be as short as 30 microseconds at room temperature.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    First Principles Analysis of Electron-Phonon Interaction in Graphene

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    The electron-phonon interaction in monolayer graphene is investigated by using density functional perturbation theory. The results indicate that the electron-phonon interaction strength is of comparable magnitude for all four in-plane phonon branches and must be considered simultaneously. Moreover, the calculated scattering rates suggest an acoustic phonon contribution that is much weaker than previously thought, revealing the role of optical phonons even at low energies. Accordingly it is predicted, in good agreement with a recent measurement, that the intrinsic mobility of graphene may be more than an order of magnitude larger than the high values reported in suspended samples.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Electron Transport Properties of Bilayer Graphene

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    Electron transport in bilayer graphene is studied by using a first principles analysis and theMonte Carlo simulation under conditions relevant to potential applications. While the intrinsic properties are found to be much less desirable in bilayer than in monolayer graphene, with significantly reduced mobilities and saturation velocities, the calculation also reveals the dominant influence of extrinsic factors such as the substrate and impurities. Accordingly, the difference between two graphene forms are more muted in realistic settings although the velocity-field characteristics remain substantially lower in the bilayer. When bilayer graphene is subject to an interlayer bias, the resulting changes in the energy dispersion lead to stronger electron scattering at the bottom of the conduction band. The mobility decreases significantly with the size of the generated bandgap, whereas the saturation velocity remains largely unaffected

    Change of zooperiphyton communities by downstream of Kaniv hydroelectric power plant in autumn period

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    The results of a study of communities of zooperiphyton from stone embankments of shore protection structures in the downstream of Kaniv hydroelectric in the autumn period has been presented. Inverse relationship between quantitative indexes of zooperiphyton (as density and biomass) its diversity and the distance from the hydroelectric dam was founded

    Investigation of surface structure, electrokinetic and stability properties of highly dispersed Ho₂O₃-Yb₂O₃/SiO₂ nanocomposites

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    A series of highly dispersed Ho2O3–Yb2O3/SiO2 nanocomposites was synthesized using a liquid-phase method and examined using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption–desorption, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) confirmed a similar amount of weight percentage of Ho, Yb and Si oxides in the prepared samples. Samples HoYbSi1 (Ho2O3:Yb2O3:SiO2 = 0.5:10:89.5, wt. %), HoYbSi2 (Ho2O3:Yb2O3:SiO2 = 1:10:89, wt. %) and HoYbSi3 (Ho2O3:Yb2O3:SiO2 = 2:10:88, wt. %) calcined at 550 °C are amorphous. TEM and SEM analysis confirm a sphere-like morphology with a quite homogeneous size and shape. As compared with the initial silica, the agglomerated particles of nanocomposites in the aqueous medium are in the range from 200 to 850 nm according to PCS data. The effect of anionic polyacrylic acid (PAA) adsorption on fumed silica (SiO2) and Ho2O3–Yb2O3/SiO2 nanocomposite surfaces on suspension stability was studied. The turbidymetry method was used to monitor the initial silica and triple nanooxides suspensions stability as a function of time

    Systems of financial analysts training

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    A review of different systems of financial analysts training which exist in European countries and the United States of America is proposed. MBA diploma and professional qualification such as Chartered Financial Analyst designation (CFA) in the United States of America, or Certified International Investment Analyst designation (CIIA) in Europe and Asia, are required for financial analysts to get certain level within a firm. We consider in details qualification levels that are offered by the most famous institutions such as Faculty of Actuaries and Institute of Actuaries (UK), Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (USA), Association of Certified International Investment Analysts, Association of Corporate Treasurers (UK). In Ukraine an equivalent international qualification can be obtained in the Training Center for Actuaries and Financial Analysts