40 research outputs found

    IFRS 2005 Ur ett svenskt börsnoterat företags perspektiv

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    Syftet är att undersöka huruvida övergången till IFRS den 1 januari 2005 resulterar i några effekter i balansräkningen för ett börsnoterat svenskt bolag. Dessutom undersöker vi om ett svenskt börsnoterat företag anser att möjligheten att jämföra börsnoterade företags finansiella rapporter ökar i och med övergången till IFRS. Vidare har vi kontrollerat om de uppfattningar ett svenskt börsnoterat företag har om de framtida effekterna som kan uppstå till följd av övergången till IFRS överrensstämmer med uttalanden gjorda i affärstidningar och annan fackpress. Vår intention är slutligen att presentera ett svenskt börsnoterat företags idéer kring eventuellt ändrat framtida beteende till följd av övergången till IFRS. Arbetet innefattar en fallstudie baserad på en kvalitativ metod, eftersom vi ämnade uppnå en djupare förståelse av det vi studerade. Empirin utgörs av ett svenskt börsnoterat företag inom verkstadsindustrin. Två besöksintervjuer har gjorts på fallföretaget med Accounting Controller och Financial Controller, vilket bidragit med att närhet till informationskällan har kunnat uppnås. Vår fallstudie visade att övergången till IFRS för fallföretaget kommer att leda till effekter i öppningsbalansräkningen. Troligtvis kommer även jämförbarheten av finansiella rapporter att öka. Uttalanden gjorda i affärstidningar och annan fackpress angående övergången till IFRS överensstämde med de uppfattningar respondenterna hade. Angående framtida ändrat beteende till följd av IFRS kommer fallföretaget troligtvis att skriva ner goodwill i lågkonjunktur samt ändra sin pensionsredovisning. Dessutom kommer fallföretaget troligtvis ändra sin säkringsstrategi till följd av införandet av IFRS

    Serological screening for celiac disease in healthy 2.5-year-old children in Sweden

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    OBJECTIVE: The study was designed to investigate the prevalence of celiac disease (CD) among 2.5-year-old children in a Swedish urban population with a high incidence of CD.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six hundred ninety apparently healthy children, born in the 12-month period of July 1992 through June 1993, were screened for immunoglobulin A (IgA) antigliadin antibodies and IgA antiendomysium antibodies, and those antibody-positive at repeated testing were further investigated with intestinal biopsy.RESULTS: Of the 690 children, 6 were both IgA antigliadin antibody- and IgA antiendomysium antibody-positive, and 7 were antiendomysium antibody-positive but antigliadin antibody-negative. Jejunal biopsy, performed in 12 cases, manifested partial or total villous atrophy in 8 cases. Thus, together with an additional child whose parents declined the offered biopsy, but whose response to a gluten-free diet confirmed the presence of CD, the prevalence of CD in the study series was 1.3% (9/690; 95% confidence interval:.4-2.2). However, independent of the study, an additional 22 cases of symptomatic, biopsy-verified CD have already been detected in the birth cohort of 3004 children.CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of CD in our study series was high, at least 1.0%, but may be as high as 2.0% if the frequency of silent CD is as high as we have found in the remaining unscreened cohort. These findings confirm that CD is one of the most common chronic disorders

    A longitudinal study of the perimenopausal transition: altered profiles of steroid and pituitary hormones, SHBG and bone mineral density.

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    From a longitudinal prospective study, 160 women with spontaneous menopause and without steroid medication were followed during the transition from pre- to postmenopause. After 12 years 152 women were still participating in the study. Blood samples were drawn every 6 months until 1 year after the menopause and every 12 months thereafter. Measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) on the forearm were performed every second year. All women routinely completed a questionnaire concerning symptoms frequently attributed to the climacteric period. All data were grouped around the onset of the menopause, thereby allowing longitudinal evaluation of the changes in the variables from the premenopausal to the postmenopausal period. The beginning of the perimenopausal period was characterized by transitory elevations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). A significant increase in serum levels of gonadotropins was observed for both FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) from about 5 years before the menopause. Within the 6 month period around the menopause there was a further increase which culminated within the first postmenopausal year for LH and 2-3 years postmenopause for FSH. Thereafter, a continuous decrease in LH occurred over the following 8 years. With respect to FSH, there was a slight decline starting about 4 years postmenopause. During the premenopausal period an increasing frequency of inadequate luteal function or anovulation occurred and, in the postmenopausal years, the serum levels of progesterone (P) were invariably low. Gradually, the ratio between estrone (E1) and 17-beta-estradiol (E2) increased, reflecting the declining follicular steroidogenesis. A marked decrease in estrogen levels occurred during the 6 month period around the menopause, most pronounced in E2. During the next 3 years, the levels of E2 and E1 showed an essentially parallel, moderate decline. Around the menopause, serum levels of testosterone (T), delta4-androstenedione (A) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) showed small but significant decreases. From about 3 years postmenopause, the levels were relatively constant over the following 5 years. A decrease in BMD was observed in the postmenopause, and from about 3 years postmenopause, estradiol correlated positively with BMD. Before, as well as after the menopause, body mass index (BMI) showed an inverse correlation with SHBG. Postmenopausal androstenedione correlated positively with E1, E2 and T. BMI correlated positively with E1 and E2. The concentrations of the free fraction of E2 and T are dependent on the levels of SHBG, which in turn has a negative correlation with BMI. The impact of this will influence the severity of symptoms, the degree of bone loss and the need for supplementary therapy

    Cholelithiasis during the first year of life : Case reports and literature review

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    Five cases are reported of children with gallstones diagnosed by ultrasound during their first 7 months of life. Of the four with symptomatic gallstones, one subsequently developed vitamin K deficiency syndrome with profuse bleedings. The children, who belonged to a defined population, were all diagnosed within an 18-month span, suggesting the frequency of early gallstone formation to be higher than formerly supposed. One child had haemolytic anaemia, but none of the conventional risk factors for stone formation was present in the other four cases

    Prevalence of IgA-antigliadin antibodies and IgA-antiendomysium antibodies related to celiac disease in children with Down syndrome

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    OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of celiac disease in children and adolescents with Down syndrome.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-three children and adolescents with Down syndrome were screened for IgA-antigliadin antibodies (AGA) and IgA-antiendomysium antibodies (EMA). Patients found to be either AGA- or EMA-positive were investigated further with intestinal biopsy.RESULTS: None of the 43 patients had known celiac disease at entry into the study; 37% (16/43) were found to have AGA levels above normal, and 16% (7/43) to be EMA-positive. Of the 15 patients who underwent biopsy, 8 manifested villous atrophy. Villous atrophy was present in all 7 of the EMA-positive patients, whereas the villi were normal in 7 of the 13 AGA-positive patients who underwent biopsy.CONCLUSIONS: EMA is a good immunologic marker for use in screening for celiac disease, and screening is justified in patients with Down syndrome