47 research outputs found

    External fixation for displaced intra-articular fractures of the calcaneum

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    A minimally-invasive procedure using percutaneous reduction and external fixation can be carried out for Sanders' type II, III and IV fractures of the os calcis. We have treated 54 consecutive closed displaced fractures of the calcaneum involving the articular surface in 52 patients with the Orthofix Calcaneal Mini-Fixator. Patients were followed up for a mean of 49 months (27 to 94) and assessed clinically with the Maryland Foot Score and radiologically with radiographs and CT scans, evaluated according to the Score Analysis of Verona. The clinical results at follow-up were excellent or good in 49 cases (90.7%), fair in two (3.7%) and poor in three (5.6%). The mean pre-operative Böhler's angle was 6.98° (5.95° to 19.86°), whereas after surgery the mean value was 21.94° (12.58° to 31.30°) (p < 0.01). Excellent results on CT scanning were demonstrated in 24 cases (44.4%), good in 25 (46.3%), fair in three (5.6%) and poor in two (3.7%). Transient local osteoporosis was observed in ten patients (18.5%), superficial pin track infection in three (5.6%), and three patients (5.6%) showed thalamic displacement following unadvised early weight-bearing. The clinical results appear to be comparable with those obtainable with open reduction and internal fixation, with the advantages of reduced risk using a minimally-invasive technique

    Internal femoral osteosynthesis after external fixation in multiple-trauma patients

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    In this study the authors evaluate the results of internal synthesis of femoral fractures in polytraumatised patients initially treated by external fixation (EF). From January 2002 to December 2005, 39 femurs in 37 polytraumatised patients (average age 34.2 years, range 18-44) with closed fractures and an ISS>20 were initially treated with EF. There were three groups: Group A, 13 cases when conversion to internal osteosynthesis occurred after 4-7 days (average 5.6 days); Group B, 11 cases with a 4-6-month interval before internal osteosynthesis, and after investigation using MRI and scintigraphy with labelled leucocytes; Group C, the remaining cases treated definitively with EF. Time of healing, lower limb function, time of return to previous activities and short and long-term complications were evaluated at the follow-up. The average time of follow-up was 23 months. In Group A the time of bone healing was 123 days; there were no events of embolism but one case of pseudoarthrosis and one case of instrument failure. In Group B the time of bone healing was 274 days, with one case of pseudoarthrosis and one case of deep infection. In Group C the average healing time was 193 days, with 3 cases of screw (half-pin) osteolysis. Functional recovery was delayed by the presence of other fractures. EF is a simple, quick and safe procedure to stabilise fractures in polytraumatised patients. According to damage control orthopaedic (DCO) concepts, it is possible to replace EF with internal synthesis after an interval as this reduces the risks of internal osteosynthesis when performed in the emergency period. EF can also be maintained as definitive treatment but should a change to internal synthesis be needed, it is possible to do it safely after excluding bone infection

    Dolore post-operatorio nei pazienti affetti da neoplasia testa-collo: fattori predittivi ed efficacia della terapia

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    Negli anni è aumentata l’attenzione verso i molteplici aspetti associati alla “sfera” dolore, anche nei pazienti oncologici sottoposti a chirurgia testa-collo. Il dolore, definito infatti da diverse caratteristiche, quali l’esperienza personale, gli aspetti qualitativi della percezione, l’intensità, l’impatto emotivo, riconosce un’eziologia “multifattoriale”. Scopo del presente lavoro è stato: (i) valutare l’efficacia della terapia analgesica in pazienti affetti da tumore testa-collo e sottoposti a trattamento chirurgico; (ii) studiare le possibili variabili ed i fattori predittivi che possano influenzare l’insorgenza di dolore. Sono stati studiati 164 pazienti, affetti da neoplasia maligna del distretto testa-collo, trattati chirurgicamente tra il dicembre 2009 ed il dicembre 2013. I dati raccolti comprendono l’età, il sesso, la valutazione del rischio anestesiologico, la sede del tumore, la stadiazione TNM, il tipo di intervento effettuato, la complessità e la durata dell’intervento, le eventuali complicanze post-operatorie, i giorni di degenza post-intervento, la valutazione del dolore nei giorni 0, 1, 3 e 5 post-chirurgia. L’adeguatezza della terapia analgesica è stata espressa in termini di incidenza e prevalenza del dolore post-operatorio, le variabili legate al paziente, alla malattia, al trattamento chirurgico e farmacologico, sono state poi associate all’insorgenza del dolore così da poter descrivere eventuali fattori predittivi. Dai dati ottenuti emerge che la popolazione studiata ha ricevuto un’adeguata terapia antalgica, sia nell’immediato post-operatorio che nei giorni successivi. Non sono risultate associazioni statisticamente significative tra sesso, età ed incidenza del dolore post-chirurgico, mentre lo stadio del tumore, la complessità dell’intervento chirurgico e la sede della neoplasia hanno presentano correlazione significativa con il rischio di insorgenza di dolore post-operatorio. L’elevata prevalenza del dolore in ambito oncologico testa-collo, fa sì che un’appropriata ed attenta gestione del dolore risulti fondamentale. Nel futuro pertanto si auspica una sempre migliore comprensione dei fattori biologici, sociali e psicologici che caratterizzano la percezione del dolore ai fini di migliorarne il controllo

    Liver iron assessment in rats by using NMR: a simple statistical analysis on T2-maps

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    Liver iron assessment is useful in diagnosis and staging of several iron-related pathologies. Several works were published on the use of MRI as means for non-invasive liver iron concentration (LIC) measurement. Even thought the transverse relaxation rate showed to be effective in iron assessment of aqueous iron solution, it is still difficult to use MRI in order to get a reliable in-vivo LIC evaluation. Previously observed uniform T2 distribution in iron-overloaded rat livers makes difficult to establish which is the \u201creal T2\u201d that has to be correlated with the LIC. In our experimental model, iron overload was induced in thirty-one rats by feeding them a high iron-content diet. After MRI measurements (carried out a 4.7T) LICs were evaluated by submitting a relatively large part of each rat liver to atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). T2 maps of the rat livers were then calculated and regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn within the maps in order to cover the entire lobe used for AAS. In this way it was possible to correlate the \u201cmean\u201d iron concentration of the liver sample with various statistical parameters evaluated in the ROIs. Results showed that when simple statistical parameters (such as mean and standard deviation) are combined together it is possible to get a better correlation (R=0.947) that would not be possible if they were considered separately. The possibility to extend this approach to human is discussed

    La malattia delle esostosi multiple

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    Comparison between signal-to-noise ratio, liver-to-muscle ratio, and 1/T2 for the noninvasive assessment of liver iron content by MRI

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    Purpose: To compare different MRI-derived parameters, i.e., liver signal-to-noise ratio (LSNR), liver-to-muscle ratio (LMR) and liver transversal relaxation rate (R2), in terms of their correlation with the ex vivo determined iron content in an experimental model of liver iron overload. Materials and Methods: Multi-echo spin echo (SE) images of the liver were acquired at 4.7 T from a group of 33 male wistar rats subjected to a high iron content diet for feeding periods ranging from 2 to 50 days. Liver transversal relaxation time, liver signal-to-noise ratio, and liver-to-muscle ratio were measured over the same region of interest in order to get a direct comparison between these parameters. After MRI experiments, the rats were sacrificed and the liver iron content was measured ex vivo by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Results: The iron content is better correlated to the LSNR than to the other parameters (LMR, R2). Conclusion: The finding that liver signal-to-noise ratio is better correlated to the iron content than the liver T2 relaxation rate is relevant for clinical applications of MRI because a T2 determination is more time-consuming, both for acquisition and postprocessing of images, than a simple SNR determination

    Post-operative pain management in head and neck cancer patients: predictive factors and efficacy of therapy.

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    There is increasing interest about all aspects of pain sensation for patients undergoing head and neck surgery, and efforts have been made to better assess, monitor and reduce the occurrence of pain. The aetiology of pain is considered to be “multifactorial”, as it is defined by several features such as personal experience, quality perception, location, intensity and emotional impact. The aim of this paper is: (i) to evaluate the efficacy of analgesic treatment in patients with head and neck cancer treated by surgery, and (ii) to study the variables and predictive factors that can influence the occurrence of pain. A total of 164 patients, affected by head and neck cancer and surgically treated, between December 2009 and December 2013, were included in this study. Data collected include age, gender, assessment of anaesthetic risk, tumour localisation, pathological cancer stage, TNM stage, type of surgery performed, complexity and duration of surgery, post-operative complications, postoperative days of hospital stay and pain evaluation on days 0, 1, 3 and 5 post-surgery. We studied the appropriateness of analgesic therapy in terms of incidence and prevalence of post-operative pain; we also related pain to patient characteristics, disease and surgical treatment to determine possible predictive factors. The population studied received adequate pain control through analgesic therapy immediately post-surgery and in the following days. No associations between gender, age and post-operative pain were found, whereas pathological cancer stage, complexity of surgery and tumour site were significantly associated with the risk of post-operative pain. Adequate pain control is essential in oncological patients, and particularly in head and neck cancer patients as the prevalence of pain in this localisation is reported to be higher than in other anatomical sites. Improved comprehension of the biological and psychological factors that characterise pain perception will help to enhance its control in the future

    Treatment of 103 displaced tibial diaphyseal fractures with a radiolucent unilateral external fixator

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    Objective: The authors report their experience in the treatment of the diaphyseal tibial fractures, using the unilateral radiolucent External Fixator (EF) XCaliber. Design: A total of 100 patients (average age 35 years, range 16\u201376) with 103 displaced diaphyseal tibial fractures were treated with the XCaliber. There were 59 type A fractures, 35 type B, and 9 type C (according to the AO classification) and 35 were open fractures. Main outcome measurements: During the last assessment, patients were evaluated for level of pain, ability to perform weight-bearing activities, and number of residual deformities. Results: The average follow-up time was 24 months, 3 patients (4 fractures) were excluded for final assessment and 1 patient moved abroad. Of the remaining 98 fractures, 83 (84.7%) healed with a single operation in a mean 21 weeks (SD 3.97; 12\u201338 weeks), 10 fractures had a delayed union and 5 fractures proceeded to a non-union. There were 13 complications. Among them, a loss of reduction was observed in 3 cases due to overload of the EF, in 3 cases, deep pin track infections were observed and 2 fractures healed with more than 1 cm of shortening. Conclusions: The results are encouraging, since both complex and open fractures were included in this study. The XCaliber was shown to be a valid unilateral external fixator, combining the advantage of radiolucency during application and radioscopic follow-up with a stable and flexible fracture fixation. This represents the first report in the literature specifically examining treatment of tibial diaphyseal fractures with a radiolucent external fixator