112 research outputs found

    Matching concepts across HOL libraries

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    Many proof assistant libraries contain formalizations of the same mathematical concepts. The concepts are often introduced (defined) in different ways, but the properties that they have, and are in turn formalized, are the same. For the basic concepts, like natural numbers, matching them between libraries is often straightforward, because of mathematical naming conventions. However, for more advanced concepts, finding similar formalizations in different libraries is a non-trivial task even for an expert. In this paper we investigate automatic discovery of similar concepts across libraries of proof assistants. We propose an approach for normalizing properties of concepts in formal libraries and a number of similarity measures. We evaluate the approach on HOL based proof assistants HOL4, HOL Light and Isabelle/HOL, discovering 398 pairs of isomorphic constants and types

    Sharing HOL4 and HOL Light proof knowledge

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    New proof assistant developments often involve concepts similar to already formalized ones. When proving their properties, a human can often take inspiration from the existing formalized proofs available in other provers or libraries. In this paper we propose and evaluate a number of methods, which strengthen proof automation by learning from proof libraries of different provers. Certain conjectures can be proved directly from the dependencies induced by similar proofs in the other library. Even if exact correspondences are not found, learning-reasoning systems can make use of the association between proved theorems and their characteristics to predict the relevant premises. Such external help can be further combined with internal advice. We evaluate the proposed knowledge-sharing methods by reproving the HOL Light and HOL4 standard libraries. The learning-reasoning system HOL(y)Hammer, whose single best strategy could automatically find proofs for 30% of the HOL Light problems, can prove 40% with the knowledge from HOL4

    Graft-versus-host inhibition. Iii. Fetal thymic factor and fetal liver cells to minimize secondary disease. Abstr.

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    Практическое пособие направлено на закрепление теоретического материала курса «Экономика предприятия промышленности». Содержит задачи, тестовые задания и вопросы для обсуждения. Призвано оказать методическую помощь при подготовке курсовых, дипломных работ, сдаче экзамена. Материал, представленный в наглядной и доступной форме, позволит слушателям быстро освоить основные положения дисциплины. Издание предназначено для слушателей вечерней и заочной форм обучения института повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров