203 research outputs found

    Optical loss and lasing characteristics of high-quality-factor AlGaAs microdisk resonators with embedded quantum dots

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    Optical characterization of AlGaAs microdisk resonant cavities with a quantum dot active region is presented. Direct passive measurement of the optical loss within AlGaAs microdisk resonant structures embedded with InAs/InGaAs dots-in-a-well (DWELL) is performed using an optical-fiber-based probing technique at a wavelength (lambda~1400 nm) that is red-detuned from the dot emission wavelength (lambda~1200 nm). Measurements in the 1400 nm wavelength band on microdisks of diameter D = 4.5 microns show that these structures support modes with cold-cavity quality factors as high as 360,000. DWELL-containing microdisks are then studied through optical pumping at room temperature. Pulsed lasing at lambda ~ 1200 nm is seen for cavities containing a single layer of InAs dots, with threshold values of ~ 17 microWatts, approaching the estimated material transparency level. Room-temperature continuous wave operation is also observed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Comparison of landscape approaches to define spatial patterns of hillslope-scale sediment delivery ratio

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    A sediment delivery ratio (SDR) is that fraction of gross erosion that is transported from a given catchment in a given time interval. In essence, a SDR is a scaling factor that relates sediment availability and deposition at different spatial scales. In this paper, we focus on hillslope-scale SDR, i.e. the ratio of sediment produced from hillslopes to that delivered to the stream network. Factors that affect hillslope water movement, and thus entrainment or deposition of sediments, ultimately affecting the SDR, include upslope area, climate, topography, and soil cover. In erosion models, SDR is usually treated as a constant parameter. However, the use of spatially variable SDRs could improve the spatial prediction of the critical sources of sediment, i.e. identification of those areas directly affecting stream water quality. Such information would improve prioritisation of natural resource management effort and investment. Recent literature has described several landscape approaches to represent SDR variability in space, some of which account only for topography, whilst others consider topography and soil cover characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate four landscape approaches for their ability to depict spatial patterns of SDR in the Avon-Richardson catchment in the semi-arid Wimmera region (Victoria, South-east Australia). Erosion was assessed using a semi-distributed model (CatchMODS) with disaggregation based in subcatchments of around 40 km2 area. Hillslope gross erosion was assessed with a RUSLE approach. By applying the four landscape approaches using DEM and estimates of land use cover, four landscape index subcatchment distributions were calculated. These were normalised into standard distributions. Then, a sigmoid function was used to transform the standardised indices into SDR-index distributions ranging from zero to one. Finally, subcatchment SDRs were estimated as the product of the SDR-index by a whole-of-catchment SDR value that was estimated by calibration against sediment loads measured at five gauging stations of the study area. The major sources of hillslope erosion were modelled to be located in the southern hilly areas of the catchment. However, a topographic convergence approach predicted as well important contribution of hillslope-erosion sediment loads coming from the eastern flatter cropping land. The introduction of landscape-variable SDRs improved the overall goodness-of-fit of modelled versus observed sediment loads at five gauging stations located in the catchment for only the topographic convergence approach. However, the limited number of observations (11), the location of some gauging stations downstream of active gully erosion, and the lack of gauging stations monitoring the north-eastern part of the catchment hindered the assessment of which spatial distribution of hillslope erosion best represented the real catchment conditions. Further research is needed to define the relationship between landscape indices and SDR; and to evaluate the spatial distribution of erosion against more complete field evidence

    Numerical and experimental efficiency estimation in household battery energy storage equipment

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    Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are spreading in several applications among transmission and distribution networks. Nevertheless, it is not straightforward to estimate their performances in real life working conditions. This work is aimed at identifying test power profiles for stationary residential storage applications capable of estimating BESS performance. The proposed approach is based on a clustering procedure devoted to group daily power profiles according to their battery efficiency. By performing a k-means clustering on a large dataset of load and generation profiles, four standard charge/discharge profiles have been identified to test BESS' performances. Different clustering approaches have been considered, each of them splitting the dataset according to different properties of the profiles. A well-performing clustering approach resulted, based on the adoption of reference parameters for the clustering process of the maximum power exchanged by the BESS and the variation of battery energy content. Firstly, the results have been proven through a numerical procedure based on a BESS electrical model and on the definition of a key performance index. Then, an experimental validation has been carried out on a precommercial sodium-nickel chloride BESS: this device is available in the IoT lab of Politecnico di Milano within the H2020 InteGRIDy project

    Hydrological control of large hurricane-induced lahars: evidence from rainfall-runoff modeling, seismic and video monitoring

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    Abstract. The Volcán de Colima, one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico, is commonly affected by tropical rains related to hurricanes that form over the Pacific Ocean. In 2011, 2013 and 2015 hurricanes Jova, Manuel and Patricia, respectively, triggered tropical storms that deposited up to 400 mm of rain in 36 h, with maximum intensities of 50 mm h −1. The effects were devastating, with the formation of multiple lahars along La Lumbre and Montegrande ravines, which are the most active channels in sediment delivery on the south-southwest flank of the volcano. Deep erosion along the river channels and several marginal landslides were observed, and the arrival of block-rich flow fronts resulted in damages to bridges and paved roads in the distal reaches of the ravines. The temporal sequence of these flow events is reconstructed and analyzed using monitoring data (including video images, seismic records and rainfall data) with respect to the rainfall characteristics and the hydrologic response of the watersheds based on rainfall-runoff numerical simulation. For the studied events, lahars occurred 5–6 h after the onset of rainfall, lasted several hours and were characterized by several pulses with block-rich fronts and a maximum flow discharge of 900 m3 s −1. Rainfall-runoff simulations were performer using the SCS-curve number and the Green–Ampt infiltration models, providing a similar result in the detection of simulated maximum watershed peaks discharge. Results show different behavior for the arrival times of the first lahar pulses that correlate with the simulated catchment's peak discharge for La Lumbre ravine and with the peaks in rainfall intensity for Montegrande ravine. This different behavior is related to the area and shape of the two watersheds. Nevertheless, in all analyzed cases, the largest lahar pulse always corresponds with the last one and correlates with the simulated maximum peak discharge of these catchments. Data presented here show that flow pulses within a lahar are not randomly distributed in time, and they can be correlated with rainfall peak intensity and/or watershed discharge, depending on the watershed area and shape. This outcome has important implications for hazard assessment during extreme hydro-meteorological events, as it could help in providing real-time alerts. A theoretical rainfall distribution curve was designed for Volcán de Colima based on the rainfall and time distribution of hurricanes Manuel and Patricia. This can be used to run simulations using weather forecasts prior to the actual event, in order to estimate the arrival time of main lahar pulses, usually characterized by block-rich fronts, which are responsible for most of the damage to infrastructure and loss of goods and lives

    Influence of particle density on flow behavior and deposit architecture of concentrated pyroclastic density currents over a break in slope: Insights from laboratory experiments

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    Geological granular flows are highly complex, gravity-driven phenomena whose different behaviors depend on the mechanical properties, density and granulometric distributions of the constituent materials. Years of research have produced significant advances in understanding transport and deposition processes in granular flows. However, the role and effects of clast densities and density contrast in a granular flow are still not fully understood. In this paper we show the effect that pumice has on dry granular flows; specifically on flow velocity and longitudinal segregation of the deposits. Our work confirms, by experimental results, field observations on pumice/lithic segregation and longer pumice runout. We report results of velocity decay and deposit architecture for a granular flow passing over a break in slope (from 38° to 4° inclination). The 30 experimental runs were carried out in a five-meter long laboratory flume equipped with a series of sensors that include laser gates and high-speed cameras (400 fps). We used two polydisperse mixtures of dacitic lithics and rhyolitic pumice in varying amounts, with Weibull and Gaussian particle size distributions. The pumice/lithic ratio changes the flow response passing over a break in slope. This effect is particularly evident starting from 10% of pumice volume into the flow mixture, independently of its granulometric distribution. Runout relates to mass following a power law, with an exponent close 0.2. The experiments confirm that pumice segregation affects polydispersed mixtures, similarly to what has been observed in real field deposits, where density decoupling produces lithic-enriched proximal areas and pumice-enriched distal areas. The results obtained prove that the presence of low-density materials in a dense granular flow has a strong influence on its behavior

    Feasibility of detecting single atoms using photonic bandgap cavities

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    We propose an atom-cavity chip that combines laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms with magnetic microtraps and waveguides to deliver a cold atom to the mode of a fiber taper coupled photonic bandgap (PBG) cavity. The feasibility of this device for detecting single atoms is analyzed using both a semi-classical treatment and an unconditional master equation approach. Single-atom detection seems achievable in an initial experiment involving the non-deterministic delivery of weakly trapped atoms into the mode of the PBG cavity.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    A Real-Life Study on the Use of Tildrakizumab in Psoriatic Patients

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    tildrakizumab is a humanized IgG1 kappa monoclonal antibody that selectively targets the p19 subunit of interleukin IL-23, thereby inhibiting the IL-23/IL-17 axis, which is primarily implicated in the immunopathogenesis of psoriasis. Tildrakizumab is approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque-type psoriasis in adults based on the evidence of two randomized and controlled phase-III clinical trials (reSURFACE 1 and reSURFACE 2). Here, we report our real-life experience treating 53 psoriatic patients (19 female and 34 male) who were administered tildrakizumab every 12 weeks and received follow-ups over 52 weeks. descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed, in particular the psoriasis area and severity Index (PASI), dermatology life quality Index (DLQI) and, if applicable, the Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI) and Palmoplantar psoriasis physician global assessment (PPPGA). these were assessed at baseline and after different timepoints (weeks) during the follow-up period. we described and evaluated demographical and epidemiological characteristics in our cohort group, focusing on comorbidities. In this group, 35.9% of patients were female and 64.1% were male, with 47.1% being smokers and with a mean age of 51.2 years. a total of 37.7% of these patients was affected by scalp psoriasis; regarding comorbidities, hypertension was the most frequent (32.5%), followed by psoriatic arthritis (PsA) (18.60%) and diabetes (13.9%). at week 52, 93%, 90.2% and 77% of patients achieved a PASI reduction >= 75% (PASI 75), PASI 90 and PASI 100, respectively. In addition, NAPSI, PPPGA and DLQI scores were significantly reduced by week 52. In our cohort of complex psoriasis patients, disease remission began at the end of the fourth week of treatment and remained constant from week 16 to week 52

    Mechanisms of Degradation and Identification of Connectivity and Erosion Hotspots

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    The context of processes and characteristics of soil erosion and land degradation in Mediterranean lands is outlined. The concept of connectivity is explained. The remainder of the chapter demonstrates development of methods of mapping, analysis and modelling of connectivity to produce a spatial framework for development of strategies of use of vegetation to reduce soil erosion and land degradation. The approach is applied in a range of typical land use types and at a hierarchy of scale from land unit to catchment. Patterns of connectivity and factors influencing the location and intensity of processes are identified, including the influence of topography, structures such as agricultural terraces and check dams, and past land uses. Functioning of connectivity pathways in various rainstorms is assessed. Modes of terrace construction and extent of maintenance, as well as presence of tracks and steep gradients are found to be of importance. A method of connectivity modelling that incorporates effects of structure and vegetation was developed and has been widely applied subsequently
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