55 research outputs found

    Damage caused by rodents in Polish forests,”

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    Abstract The impact of small rodents on Polish forest trees was examined at both the national and regional levels. Detailed information based on a questionnaire was collected at the national level in 1993. Field studies at the regional level were carried out from 1994 through to 1997. The damage due to rodents constituting a significant economic problem occurred in only 4% of the Forest Districts in Poland. The tree species that small rodents preferred most were larch, ash, beech and maple, whereas birch, Norway spruce, Scots pine and black alder were the least preferred. Regional field studies were conducted in localities with the highest levels of damage situated in the Sudety Mountains (southern Poland). In this region, the most common rodent species was the field vole. Levels of tree-seedling damage were correlated with vole population density in the Autumn. I conclude that: (1) at the national level, the damage caused by small rodents has limited impact on Polish forestry; (2) at the regional level small rodents may exert considerable pressure on the over-wintering survival of tree seedlings

    The influence of herb addition to broilers` diet on production results and meat chemical composition

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    Celem doświadczenia była ocena wprowadzenia do mieszanki paszowej dla kurcząt brojlerów dodatku ziół, w celu poprawy wyników produkcyjnych osiąganych przez ptaki oraz składu chemicznego mięsa. Badaniem objęto 144 dwutygodniowe kurczęta brojlery, podzielone na 2 grupy (po 72 osobniki w każdej)- 1.- żywiona standardową mieszanką pełnoporcjową oraz 2.- otrzymująca tę samą mieszankę wzbogaconą w 2.5% dodatek ziół. W czasie eksperymentu kontrolowano ilość paszy spożytej przez ptaki oraz określono masę ciała kurcząt na początku i na końcu doświadczenia. Uzyskane dane posłużyły do określenia stopnia wykorzystania paszy (FCR) i Europejskiego Wskaźnika Wydajności (EWW). Ostatniego dnia eksperymentu z każdej grupy wybrano po 30 ptaków, pozbawiono je dostępu do paszy, ubito i wypatroszono. Po schłodzeniu tuszek pobrano próby mięśnia piersiowego i oznaczono skład chemiczny mięsa. Otrzymane rezultaty poddano analizie statystycznej przy użyciu programu SAS. Odnotowano wpływ dodatku ziół do mieszanki pełnoporcjowej na FCR, który był mniejszy o 12.5% u ptaków żywionych dawką wzbogaconą w zioła, w porównaniu z kurczętami otrzymującymi mieszankę bez dodatku ziół. Nie wykazano natomiast wpływu dodatku ziół na skład chemiczny mięsa.The evaluation of herbs introduction to broiler chickens diet was this experiment`s purpose, to improve production effects gained by the poultry and the chemical composition of the final product. The investigation took on 144 twoweek-old broiler chicks, divided into 2 groups, 72 in each. First group was fed full portioned commercial feed without the herbal mix (the control group) and the second (the experimental group) received feed mix enriched by 2.5% dried herb mix. During the experiment the amount of feed consumed by the birds was registered and the body mass of the chickens was determined at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Thus, obtained information served to determine FCR and EEI. On the last day of the study from each of the groups, were selected 30 birds, they were not fed for 12 hours, then slaughtered and gutted. Obtained carcasses were sectioned. On the sampled breast muscle portions, a chemical composition of the meat has been performed. The results were statistically analyzed. The effect of the herb’s addition on the FCR was noted. The FCR was 12.5% lower in birds fed the herb enriched diet in comparing with the birds fed without the herbs added. The influence of the differentiated diet on the chemical composition of the meat was not noted however

    Quantitative proteomics revealed C6orf203/MTRES1 as a factor preventing stress-induced transcription deficiency in human mitochondria

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    Maintenance of mitochondrial gene expression is crucial for cellular homeostasis. Stress conditions may lead to a temporary reduction of mitochondrial genome copy number, raising the risk of insufficient expression of mitochondrial encoded genes. Little is known how compensatory mechanisms operate to maintain proper mitochondrial transcripts levels upon disturbed transcription and which proteins are involved in them. Here we performed a quantitative proteomic screen to search for proteins that sustain expression of mtDNA under stress conditions. Analysis of stress-induced changes of the human mitochondrial proteome led to the identification of several proteins with poorly defined functions among which we focused on C6orf203, which we named MTRES1 (Mitochondrial Transcription Rescue Factor 1). We found that the level of MTRES1 is elevated in cells under stress and we show that this upregulation of MTRES1 prevents mitochondrial transcript loss under perturbed mitochondrial gene expression. This protective effect depends on the RNA binding activity of MTRES1. Functional analysis revealed that MTRES1 associates with mitochondrial RNA polymerase POLRMT and acts by increasing mitochondrial transcription, without changing the stability of mitochondrial RNAs. We propose that MTRES1 is an example of a protein that protects the cell from mitochondrial RNA loss during stress

    Prospective International Multicenter Pelvic Floor Study:Short-Term Follow-Up and Clinical Findings for Combined Pectopexy and Native Tissue Repair

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    Efforts to use traditional native tissue strategies and reduce the use of meshes have been made in several countries. Combining native tissue repair with sufficient mesh applied apical repair might provide a means of effective treatment. The study group did perform and publish a randomized trial focusing on the combination of traditional native tissue repair with pectopexy or sacrocolpopexy and observed no severe or hitherto unknown risks for patients (Noé G.K. J Endourol 2015;29(2):210–215). The short-term follow-up of this international multicenter study carried out now is presented in this article. Material and Methods: Eleven clinics and 13 surgeons in four European counties participated in the trial. In order to ensure a standardized approach and obtain comparable data, all surgeons were obliged to follow a standardized approach for pectopexy, focusing on the area of fixation and the use of a prefabricated mesh (PVDF PRP 3 × 15 Dynamesh). The mesh was solely used for apical repair. All other clinically relevant defects were treated with native tissue repair. Colposuspension or TVT were used for the treatment of incontinence. Data were collected independently for 14 months on a secured server; 501 surgeries were registered and evaluated. Two hundred and sixty-four patients out of 479 (55.1%) returned for the physical examination and interview after 12–18 months. Main Outcome and Results: The mean duration of follow-up was 15 months. The overall success of apical repair was rated positively by 96.9%, and the satisfaction score was rated positively by 95.5%. A positive general recommendation was expressed by 95.1% of patients. Pelvic pressure was reduced in 95.2%, pain in 98.0%, and urgency in 86.0% of patients. No major complications, mesh exposure, or mesh complication occurred during the follow-up period. Conclusion: In clinical routine, pectopexy and concomitant surgery, mainly using native tissue approaches, resulted in high satisfaction rates and favorable clinical findings. The procedure may also be recommended for use by general urogynecological practitioners with experience in laparoscopy

    Versatile approach for functional analysis of human proteins and efficient stable cell line generation using FLP-mediated recombination system

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    Deciphering a function of a given protein requires investigating various biological aspects. Usually, the protein of interest is expressed with a fusion tag that aids or allows subsequent analyses. Additionally, downregulation or inactivation of the studied gene enables functional studies. Development of the CRISPR/Cas9 methodology opened many possibilities but in many cases it is restricted to non-essential genes. Recombinase-dependent gene integration methods, like the Flp-In system, are very good alternatives. The system is widely used in different research areas, which calls for the existence of compatible vectors and efficient protocols that ensure straightforward DNA cloning and generation of stable cell lines. We have created and validated a robust series of 52 vectors for streamlined generation of stable mammalian cell lines using the FLP recombinase-based methodology. Using the sequence-independent DNA cloning method all constructs for a given coding-sequence can be made with just three universal PCR primers. Our collection allows tetracycline-inducible expression of proteins with various tags suitable for protein localization, FRET, bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC), protein dynamics studies (FRAP), co-immunoprecipitation, the RNA tethering assay and cell sorting. Some of the vectors contain a bidirectional promoter for concomitant expression of miRNA and mRNA, so that a gene can be silenced and its product replaced by a mutated miRNA-insensitive version. Our toolkit and protocols have allowed us to create more than 500 constructs with ease. We demonstrate the efficacy of our vectors by creating stable cell lines with various tagged proteins (numatrin, fibrillarin, coilin, centrin, THOC5, PCNA). We have analysed transgene expression over time to provide a guideline for future experiments and compared the effectiveness of commonly used inducers for tetracycline-responsive promoters. As proof of concept we examined the role of the exoribonuclease XRN2 in transcription termination by RNAseq

    Drive counts as a method of estimating ungulate density in forests: mission impossible?

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    Although drive counts are frequently used to estimate the size of deer populations in forests, little is known about how counting methods or the density and social organization of the deer species concerned influence the accuracy of the estimates obtained, and hence their suitability for informing management decisions. As these issues cannot readily be examined for real populations, we conducted a series of ‘virtual experiments’ in a computer simulation model to evaluate the effects of block size, proportion of forest counted, deer density, social aggregation and spatial auto-correlation on the accuracy of drive counts. Simulated populations of red and roe deer were generated on the basis of drive count data obtained from Polish commercial forests. For both deer species, count accuracy increased with increasing density, and decreased as the degree of aggregation, either demographic or spatial, within the population increased. However, the effect of density on accuracy was substantially greater than the effect of aggregation. Although improvements in accuracy could be made by reducing the size of counting blocks for low-density, aggregated populations, these were limited. Increasing the proportion of the forest counted led to greater improvements in accuracy, but the gains were limited compared with the increase in effort required. If it is necessary to estimate the deer population with a high degree of accuracy (e.g. within 10% of the true value), drive counts are likely to be inadequate whatever the deer density. However, if a lower level of accuracy (within 20% or more) is acceptable, our study suggests that at higher deer densities (more than ca. five to seven deer/100 ha) drive counts can provide reliable information on population size

    Individual and seasonal differences in antipredatory behaviour of root voles – a field experiment. Canadian Journal of Zoology 2002;80:1520–5

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    Abstract: The response of root vole (Microtus oeconomus) to least weasel (Mustela nivalis) odours during breeding (August) and nonbreeding seasons (November) was studied in the root voles' natural habitat. The aim of this study was to determine if antipredator behaviour of the root vole changed between breeding and nonbreeding seasons and if this change was closely related to individual environmental cues, e.g., weasel odours. It was found that when bait and weasel odour was used, trappability was greater in breeding season than in nonbreeding season. Moreover, in the breeding season, heavier (i.e., older) voles were more frequently captured than lighter (i.e., younger) ones. Results show that voles' antipredator behaviour of weasel avoidance changes seasonally and that during the breeding season voles display a trade-off conflict between predator risk and foraging, if predator risk is high. It is possible that older voles are driven to reproduce in the current breeding season and thus display less weasel avoidance than do younger voles, which have higher probability of surviving to the next breeding season. Results indicate that indirect (nonlethal) effects of mammalian predators on voles' behaviour strongly depend on age, sexual activity, and season. Résumé : Les réactions du campagnol nordique (Microtus oeconomus) à l'odeur d'hermines (Mustela nivalis) durant la saison de la reproduction (août) et en dehors de la saison de la reproduction (novembre) ont fait l'objet d'une étude dans l'habitat naturel du campagnol. Le but de l'étude était de vérifier si le comportement antiprédateurs des campagnols change entre la saison de la reproduction et les autres saisons et s'il est relié étroitement à des caractéristiques particulières; par exemple, les odeurs d'hermines réduisent la capturabilité des campagnols aussi bien au cours de la saison de la reproduction qu'en dehors de cette saison. Cependant, la capturabilité dans les pièges appâtés et imbibés d'odeurs d'hermines est plus élevée au cours de la saison de la reproduction. De plus, pendant la saison de la reproduction, les campagnols plus lourds (i.e. plus âgés) sont capturés plus souvent que les campagnols plus légers (i.e. plus jeunes). Nos résultats montrent que le comportement antiprédateurs par lequel les campagnols évitent les hermines change avec les saisons et qu'au cours de la saison de la reproduction, les campagnols se retrouvent dans une situation où ils doivent faire un compromis entre la nécessité de procéder à la quête de nourriture et celle d'éviter les risques reliés à la prédation lorsque ces risques sont élevés. Il est possible que les campagnols plus âgés doivent se reproduire pendant la saison de reproduction courante et ils évitent alors moins les hermines que les campagnols plus jeunes qui ont une probabilité de survie plus grande jusqu'à la prochaine saison de reproduction. Les résultats indiquent que les effets indirects (non létaux) des mammifères prédateurs sur le comportement des campagnols dépendent de l'âge, de l'activité sexuelle et de la saison. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Borowski 152

    Comparison of Methane Control Methods in Polish and Vietnamese Coal Mines

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    Methane hazard often occurs in hard coal mines and causes very serious accidents and can be the reason of methane or methane and coal dust explosions. History of coal mining shows that methane released from the rock mass to the longwall area was responsible for numerous mining disasters. The main source of methane are coal deposits because it is autochthonous gas and is closely related with carbonification and forming of coal deposits. Degree of methane saturation in coal deposits depends on numerous factors; mainly on presence or lack of insulating layers in cover deposit that allow or do not on degasification and easily methane outflow into surroundings. Hence in coal mining there are coal deposits that contain only low degree of methane saturation in places where is lack of insulating layers till high in methane coal deposits occurring in insulating claystones or in shales. Conducting mining works in coal deposits of high methane hazard without using of special measures to combat (ventilation, methane drainage) could be impossible. Control of methane hazard depends also on other co-occuring natural dangers for which used preventive actions eliminate methane hazard. Safety in mines excavating coal deposits saturated with methane depends on the correct estimation of methane hazard, drawn up forecasts, conducted observations, hazard control as well as undertaken prevention measures. Methane risk prevention includes identification and control methods of methane hazards as well as means of combating the explosive accumulation of methane in longwall workings. The main preventive actions in underground coal mines are: effective ventilation that prevents forming of methane fuses or placed methane accumulation in headings ventilated by airflow created by main fans and in headings with auxiliary ventilation, methane drainage using drain holes that are drilled from underground headings or from the surface, methanometry control of methane concentration in the air; location of the sensors is defined by law, additional ventilation equipment used in places of lower intensity of ventilation and places where methane is concentrated

    Comparing three methods for estimating the population abundance of ungulates, on the Roztocze National Park example

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    Ungulates, primarily cervids, are keystone species as they play a crucial role in the forest ecosystem functioning. In commercial forests, hunting is the most intuitive and straightforward solution to regulate ungulate population density; managing large herbivores in protected areas is much more complicated. On the one hand, deer pressure on vegetation is a part of the natural processes shaping these ecosystems. On the other hand, however, when at high densities, deer can alter natural plant succession trajectories and generate conflicts in nature conservation. Nevertheless, information on population density or trends of these mammals is necessary to predict the potential role of ungulates in forest ecosystems and manage herbivore population densities. Unfortunately, most often, the managers of protected areas do not know the current population status of the large mammals living there. Furthermore, it could be impossible to analyse the large herbivore population trends based on historical inventory data collected using different methods with unknown accuracy. Here we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of three most commonly used inventory methods for large mammals in Poland, such as snow tracking, driving censuses, and pellet group counting. Conclusions on the reliability of the three methods were drawn based on the results of ungulate inventories in the Roztocze National Park, Poland. Snow tracking generates an error of unknown magnitude; therefore, historical data estimated by this method should be cautiously approached. Additionally, with this method, only coefficients are obtained, based on which it is impossible to estimate the population size. The pellet group counting is the least variable method regarding errors; it is cheap and logistically straightforward. Moreover, it also allows the analysis of winter habitat preferences of ungulates. It is therefore recommended as a method for estimating deer and wild boar abundance in many countries worldwide. In summary, long-term trends in abundance are most important for analysing and managing large mammal populations. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out inventories over several years, for which, due to the minor estimation errors and simple logistics, the pellet group counting method seems best