2 research outputs found

    Cloud computing: survey on energy efficiency

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    International audienceCloud computing is today’s most emphasized Information and Communications Technology (ICT) paradigm that is directly or indirectly used by almost every online user. However, such great significance comes with the support of a great infrastructure that includes large data centers comprising thousands of server units and other supporting equipment. Their share in power consumption generates between 1.1% and 1.5% of the total electricity use worldwide and is projected to rise even more. Such alarming numbers demand rethinking the energy efficiency of such infrastructures. However, before making any changes to infrastructure, an analysis of the current status is required. In this article, we perform a comprehensive analysis of an infrastructure supporting the cloud computing paradigm with regards to energy efficiency. First, we define a systematic approach for analyzing the energy efficiency of most important data center domains, including server and network equipment, as well as cloud management systems and appliances consisting of a software utilized by end users. Second, we utilize this approach for analyzing available scientific and industrial literature on state-of-the-art practices in data centers and their equipment. Finally, we extract existing challenges and highlight future research directions

    Setup for measuring instant current values of CPU’s power consumption

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    У даній статті описано розроблений стенд дослідження миттєвого значення струму споживання мікропроцесора, який може забезпечити високу точність оцінки енергії виконання мікропроцесором окремих інструкцій. При вимірюванні струму ввімкнення мікропроцесора відповідає нормальній схемі. Результати оцінки можуть служити основою для побудови коректної моделі енергоспоживання мікропроцесора, яка буде використовуватися для оптимізації його програмного забезпечення за мінімумом енергоспоживання.Abstract. In this paper measurement setup is described. This setup will be used for measuring instant current values of CPU and may provide a high accuracy during estimating power consumption of CPU while it executes instructions. Plug-in of the CPU during the measurements correspond to the regular circuit. Gained results may be used for the development of the appropriate mathematical model of CPU’s power consumption. This model will be used for optimizing software according to the minimum of power consumption