14 research outputs found

    Catalytic sulfation of betulin with sulfamic acid : experiment and DFT calculation

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    Betulin is an important triterpenoid substance isolated from birch bark, which, together with its sulfates, exhibits important bioactive properties. We report on a newly developed method of betulin sulfation with sulfamic acid in pyridine in the presence of an Amberlyst(®)15 solid acid catalyst. It has been shown that this catalyst remains stable when being repeatedly (up to four cycles) used and ensures obtaining of sulfated betulin with a sulfur content of ~10%. The introduction of the sulfate group into the betulin molecule has been proven by Fourier-transform infrared, ultraviolet-visible, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra contain absorption bands at 1249 and 835–841 cm(−1); in the UV spectra, the peak intensity decreases; and, in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, of betulin disulfate, carbons С3 and С28 are completely shifted to the weak-field region (to 88.21 and 67.32 ppm, respectively) with respect to betulin. Using the potentiometric titration method, the product of acidity constants K(1) and K(2) of a solution of the betulin disulfate H(+) form has been found to be 3.86 × 10(–6) ± 0.004. It has been demonstrated by the thermal analysis that betulin and the betulin disulfate sodium salt are stable at temperatures of up to 240 and 220 °C, respectively. The density functional theory method has been used to obtain data on the most stable conformations, molecular electrostatic potential, frontier molecular orbitals, and mulliken atomic charges of betulin and betulin disulfate and to calculate the spectral characteristics of initial and sulfated betulin, which agree well with the experimental data

    Molecular Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Spruce (Picea abies) Hemicelluloses Isolated by Catalytic Oxidative Delignification

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    Spruce (Piceaabies) wood hemicelluloses have been obtained by the noncatalytic and catalytic oxidative delignification in the acetic acid-water-hydrogen peroxide medium in a processing time of 3–4 h and temperatures of 90–100 °C. In the catalytic process, the H2SO4, MnSO4, TiO2, and (NH4)6Mo7O24 catalysts have been used. A polysaccharide yield of up to 11.7 wt% has been found. The hemicellulose composition and structure have been studied by a complex of physicochemical methods, including gas and gel permeation chromatography, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The galactose:mannose:glucose:arabinose:xylose monomeric units in a ratio of 5:3:2:1:1 have been identified in the hemicelluloses by gas chromatography. Using gel permeation chromatography, the weight average molar mass Mw of hemicelluloses has been found to attain 47,654 g/mol in noncatalytic delignification and up to 42,793 g/mol in catalytic delignification. Based on the same technique, a method for determining the α and k parameters of the Mark–Kuhn–Houwink equation for hemicelluloses has been developed; it has been established that these parameters change between 0.33–1.01 and 1.57–472.17, respectively, depending on the catalyst concentration and process temperature and time. Moreover, the FTIR spectra of the hemicellulose samples contain all the bands characteristic of heteropolysaccharides, specifically, 1069 cm−1 (C–O–C and C–O–H), 1738 cm−1 (ester C=O), 1375 cm−1 (–C–CH3), 1243 cm−1 (–C–O–), etc. It has been determined by the thermogravimetric analysis that the hemicelluloses isolated from spruce wood are resistant to heating to temperatures of up to ~100 °C and, upon further heating, start destructing at an increasing rate. The antioxidant activity of the hemicelluloses has been examined using the compounds simulating the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radicals

    New Azo Derivatives of Ethanol Lignin: Synthesis, Structure, and Photosensitive Properties

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    Water-soluble azo derivatives of lignin were synthesized by the azo coupling reaction using organosolv ethanol lignin and diazonium salts based on sulfanilic acid and p-nitroaniline. The structure of azo derivatives of lignin were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gel permeation chromatography. It was found that the azobenzene bonds formed in the azo coupling reaction of macromolecules impart the photosensitive properties to the synthesized polymers via cis–trans photoisomerization of the diazobenzene group. It was shown experimentally that the synthesized polymers exhibited good solubility both in the aqueous media in a wide (2–12) pH range and in DMSO and THF organic solvents, which opens up new prospects for their application

    Inherited Structure Properties of Larch Arabinogalactan Affected via the TEMPO/NaBr/NaOCl Oxidative System

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    Arabinogalactan (AG), extracted from larch wood, is a β-1,3-galactan backbone and β-1,6-galactan side chains with attached α-1-arabinofuranosyl and β-1-arabinopyranosyl residues. Although the structural characteristics of arabinogalactan II type have already been studied, its functionalization using 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl (TEMPO) oxidation remains a promising avenue. In this study, the oxidation of AG, a neutral polysaccharide, was carried out using the TEMPO/NaBr/NaOCl system, resulting in polyuronides with improved functional properties. The oxidation of AG was controlled by analyzing portions of the reaction mixture using spectrophotometric and titration methods. To determine the effect of the TEMPO/NaBr/NaOCl system, air-dried samples of native and oxidized AG were studied by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, as well as by gel permeation chromatography. Compounds that model free (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)) and hydroxyl radicals (iron(II) sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, and salicylic acid) were used to study the antioxidant properties. It was found that, in oxidized forms of AG, the content of carboxyl groups increases by 0.61 mmol compared to native AG. The transformation of oxidized AG into the H+ form using a strong acid cation exchanger leads to an increase in the number of active carboxyl groups to 0.76 mmol. Using FTIR spectroscopy, characteristic absorption bands (1742, 1639, and 1403 cm−1) were established, indicating the occurrence of oxidative processes with a subsequent reduction in the carboxyl group. The functionality of AG was also confirmed by gel permeation chromatography (GPC), which is reflected in an increase in molecular weights (up to 15,700 g/mol). A study of the antioxidant properties of the oxidized and protonated forms of AG show that the obtained antioxidant activity (AOA) values are generally characteristic of polyuronic acids. Therefore, the TEMPO oxidation of AG and other neutral polysaccharides can be considered a promising approach for obtaining compounds with the necessary controlled characteristics

    Preparation and Characterization of di- and Tricarboxylic Acids-Modified Arabinogalactan Plasticized Composite Films

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    To ensure the high quality of water, it is necessary to remove toxic pollutants. At present, purification of water is implemented using various sorbents. The efficient sorption materials are modified polysaccharides. In this study, we report on a new environmentally friendly method for modifying larch hemicellulose—arabinogalactan (AG)—with polybasic carboxylic acids (citric, succinic, oxalic, and adipic) to obtain composite materials. The synthesized AG derivatives have been explored by a complex of physicochemical methods, including gel permeation chromatography (GPC), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and sorption capacity investigations. It is shown that the heat treatment results in the formation of additional inter- and intramolecular bonds between carboxylic acids and polysaccharide molecules. The formation of ester bonds has been confirmed by the appearance of absorption bands in the IR spectra in the range of 1750–1690 cm−1. It has been found, using the TGA study, that the most thermally stable (up to 190 °C) sample is arabinogalactan oxalate obtained under heat treatment. The SEM study of the synthesized AG films has shown that the modified samples have the homogeneous film surface ensured by cross-linking. It has been established, when studying the sorption properties of the AG derivatives, that AG succinate (82.52%) obtained by lyophilization has the highest sorption capacity, due to the developed mesoporous surface, which, in turn, makes the synthesized films promising eco-friendly materials for use as drug carriers, sorbents, and water treatment agents

    Thermal Conversion of Flax Shives in Sub- and Supercritical Ethanol in the Presence of Ru/C Catalyst

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    Thermal conversion of flax shives was studied in sub- and supercritical ethanol medium at 225 and 250 °C in the presence of the bifunctional catalyst 3% Ru/C. The use of 3% Ru/C catalyst in the process of thermal conversion of flax shives in supercritical ethanol was found to increase the conversion of the shives by 27% and the yield of liquid products by 10%. The use of 3% Ru/C catalyst in sub- and supercritical ethanol led to the destruction of both lignin and cellulose. The degree of delignification in the non-catalytic thermal conversion increased upon transition from subcritical (225 °C) to supercritical (250 °C) conditions. Main monomeric products of the thermal conversion process were guaiacylpropene or guaiacylpropane depending on the process temperature. In the presence of Ru/C catalyst, the molecular weight distribution was shifted towards an increase in the content of monomeric compounds in the liquid products

    New Azo Derivatives of Ethanol Lignin: Synthesis, Structure, and Photosensitive Properties

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    Water-soluble azo derivatives of lignin were synthesized by the azo coupling reaction using organosolv ethanol lignin and diazonium salts based on sulfanilic acid and p-nitroaniline. The structure of azo derivatives of lignin were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gel permeation chromatography. It was found that the azobenzene bonds formed in the azo coupling reaction of macromolecules impart the photosensitive properties to the synthesized polymers via cis–trans photoisomerization of the diazobenzene group. It was shown experimentally that the synthesized polymers exhibited good solubility both in the aqueous media in a wide (2–12) pH range and in DMSO and THF organic solvents, which opens up new prospects for their application

    Larix Sibirica Arabinogalactan Hydrolysis over Zr-SBA-15; Depolymerization Insight

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    Arabinogalactan depolymerization over solid Zr-containing SBA-15-based catalyst was studied via HPLC, GPC, and theoretical modeling. Arabinogalactans (AG) are hemicelluloses mainly present in larch wood species, which can be extracted on an industrial scale. The application of solid acid catalysts in the processes of hemicellulose conversion can exclude serious drawbacks such as equipment corrosion, etc. Characterization of 5%Zr-SBA-15 confirmed the successful formation of the mesoporous structure inherent to SBA-15 with fine Zr distribution and strong acidic properties (XRD, XPS, FTIR, pHpzc). Carrying out the process at 130 °C allowed us to achieve total products yield of up to 59 wt%, which is represented mainly by galactose (51 wt%) and minor (less than 9 wt%) presence of arabinose, furfural, 5-HMF, and levulinic acid. The temperature increases up to 150 °C resulted in a total product yield drop down to 37 wt%, making temperature elevation above 130 °C obsolete. According to the theoretical investigations, arabinogalactan depolymerization follows the primary cleavage of the β(1→3) bonds between the D-galactose units of the main chain, which is also confirmed by GPC

    Modification of Arabinogalactan Isolated from Larix sibirica Ledeb. into Sulfated Derivatives with the Controlled Molecular Weights

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    The process of sulfation of arabinogalactan—a natural polysaccharide from Larix sibirica Ledeb.—with sulfamic acid in 1,4-dioxane using different activators has been studied for the first time. The dynamics of the molecular weight of sulfated arabinogalactan upon variation in the temperature and time of sulfation of arabinogalactan with sulfamic acid in 1,4-dioxane has been investigated. It has been found that, as the sulfation time increases from 10 to 90 min, the molecular weights of the reaction products grow due to the introduction of sulfate groups without significant destruction of the initial polymer and sulfation products. Sulfation at 95 °C for 20 min yields the products with a higher molecular weight than in the case of sulfation at 85 °C, which is related to an increase in the sulfation rate; however, during the further process occurring under these conditions, sulfation is accompanied by the destruction and the molecular weight of the sulfated polymer decreases. The numerical optimization of arabinogalactan sulfation process has been performed. It has been shown that the optimal parameters for obtaining a product with a high sulfur content are a sulfamic acid amount of 20 mmol per 1 g of arabinogalactan, a process temperature of 85 °C, and a process time of 2.5 h

    Microfibrillated Cellulose with a Lower Degree of Polymerization; Synthesis via Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis under Ultrasonic Treatment

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    A new approach is being considered for obtaining microfibrillated cellulose with a low degree of polymerization by sulfuric acid hydrolysis with simultaneous ultrasonic treatment under mild conditions (temperature 25 °C, 80% power control). Samples of initial cellulose, MCC, and MFC were characterized by FTIR, XRF, SEM, DLS, and TGA. It was found that a high yield of MFC (86.4 wt.%) and a low SP (94) are observed during hydrolysis with ultrasonic treatment for 90 min. It was shown that the resulting microfibrillated cellulose retains the structure of cellulose I and has an IC of 0.74. It was found that MFC particles are a network of fibrils with an average size of 91.2 nm. ζ-potential of an aqueous suspension of MFC equal to −23.3 mV indicates its high stability. It is noted that MFC has high thermal stability, the maximum decomposition temperature is 333.9 °C. Simultaneous hydrolysis process with ultrasonic treatment to isolate MFC from cellulose obtained by oxidative delignification of spruce wood allows to reduce the number of stages, reduce energy costs, and expand the scope