956 research outputs found

    Краудфандінг в високотехнологічному підприємництві

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    The purpose of the paper is to provide the characteristics of crowdfunding as an alternative financial instrument, to disclose difference between the concepts of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and crowdinvesting, to develop crowdfunding classification for systematization information with a view to realizing further more detailed researches. Together with scientific value is worth noting the practical value of the paper, which is in the elaboration of guidelines for the development of small business in Ukraine due to the using of crowdfunding models.Стаття присвячена опису характеристик краудфандінга як альтернативного фінансового інструменту, розкриття різниці між концепціями краудсорсингу, краудфандінга і краудінвестінга, розробці класифікації краудфдандінга для систематизації інформації з метою реалізації подальших більш детальних досліджень. Разом з науковою цінністю варто відзначити практичну цінність статті, яка полягає в розробці керівних принципів для розвитку малого бізнесу в Україні за рахунок використання моделей краудфандінга

    Educational Background as a Factor of National Welfare Boosting

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    The article presents the identifying the relationship between the level of education and the level of income in the national economy. As the title implies the article describes the education as a factor of accelerating economic growth: the concept of human capital. Data are given about the educational factor in the economy of developed countries. The article gives the analysis of educational markets in Russia and its impact on the welfare of the population. It is dealt with the state system of higher education in Russia. The main problems of higher education were identified. Recommendations are given for solving the main problems of the higher education system. This article presents such data as indexes of the educational level of the world countries (20 countries), a ranking of countries and territories according to the size of GNI per capita, the relationship between the level of education and the level of income across regions, the relationship between the level of education and socio-economic development of the region (correlation of indicators of socio-economic development of the region and the proportion of people who have vocational education)

    Absence of Superconductivity in BeB2

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    The hexagonal BeB2 compound has been prepared and found to be paramagnetic down to 5 K. The mixed (Mg,Be)B2 system has the same TC =39 K as pure MgB2, indicating that Be does not replace the Mg atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Automated control system for the process of managing the procurement of raw materials used in steel making

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    The article presents a solution to the important problem of developing an automated control system for the process of purchasing raw materials used in metallurgical production. The system is based on an integrated approach that offers the solution that enables the performance of two main tasks: identifying the optimal lot size ordering and selecting a qualified supplier

    Verkkokauppa Venäjällä yrityksen ja asiakkaan näkökulmasta

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    Venäjän verkkokauppamarkkinoiden kehityksen myötä opinnäytetyön aihe on ajankohtainen. Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee verkkokauppaa Venäjällä asiakkaan ja yrityksen näkökulmasta. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on selvittää, mitä suomalaisen yrityksen on otettava huomioon verkkokaupankäynnin suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa Venäjällä, jotta saadaan venäläisiä kuluttajia kiinnostumaan yrityksen tuotteista ja palveluista. Tämän tutkimuksen toimeksiantaja on liikkeenjohdon ja markkinoinnin konsulttitoimisto Markinvest Oy. Markinvest Oy:n tavoitteena on edistää suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintaa ulkomailla, auttamalla heitä löytämään menestyvän toimintakonseptin. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen osio on jaettu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa käsitellään Internetin käyttöä Venäjällä, venäläisten asiakkaiden käyttäytymistä verkkokaupoissa ja verkkokaupan markkinoiden kehitystä Venäjällä. Toinen osa käsittelee asiakaslähtöistä verkkokauppaa. Teoreettisen osan jälkeen on empiirinen osio. Empiirisessä osiossa käydään läpi tutkimusta, jossa käytetään laadullista eli kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimuksessa tehdään teemahaastattelu, jota varten haastatellaan ZAO Markinvest SPb Pietarin toimipisteen edustajaa. Tutkimustulosten avulla pyritään selvittämään pietarilaisten kuluttajien odotuksia verkkokauppoja kohtaan sekä tutkitaan asioita, joita suomalaisen yrityksen on otettava huomioon lähtiessä Venäjän markkinoille. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että venäläisille kuluttajille verkkokaupankäynnissa on tärkeätä venäjän kieli, hyvä asiakaspalvelu, maksutavat ja nopeat toimitusajat. Suomalaisen yrityksen, joka suuntaa Venäjän markkinoille, puolestaan täytyy panostaa hyvään asiakaspalveluun, suunnitella tarkasti yritysstrategiat ja tietää erittäin hyvin Venäjän markkina-alueet

    Partial regularity of weak solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems and weak Harnack inequalities.

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    In this thesis we study quasilinear elliptic systems of p-Laplacian type with a perturbation satisfying a natural (critical) growth condition. First, using test functions recently introduced by R. Landes we deduce Caccioppoli-type inequality for bounded weak solutions of such systems. Then we modify the classical approach of Giaquinta and Giusti to obtain higher integrability and as a consequence partial Holder continuity of the above solution. Finally, we deduce weak Harnack inequalities for subsolutions and supersolutions for certain systems

    Determination of The Effectiveness of Investments in ICT Using a Combination of Functional and Resource Assessment Criteria

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    Analysis of modern literature allows us to assert the following problem: industrial enterprises do not have a universal mechanism for assessing the information and communication potential, which is necessary for the implementation of the forthcoming financing for the development of digital technologies in a given company. The aim of the study is to develop a combined approach for managing the efficiency of investment in information and communication technologies of an enterprise, which contains a set of resource and functional evaluation criteria. Applying the method of factor analysis, using a combination of functional and resource assessment criteria, an effective indicator of information and communication potential was calculated in the study on the example of enterprises in the entrepreneurial sector of the Kaluga region. The authors put forward a hypothesis that the discrepancy between the functional and resource criteria for assessing the investment potential of a territory is due to the type of regional development. In a study based on empirical data obtained as a result of a survey of IT sector employees of 46 enterprises in the entrepreneurial segment of the Kaluga Region (Russia), it was confirmed that the discrepancy between resource assessment criteria and functional criteria, is due to the extensive type of regional development of the Kaluga region, which is characterized by an orientation towards increasing the attracted resources in value-added processes rather than increasing their levels of efficiency.


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    Material and methods. The control group consisted of 166 children with acute purulent rhinosinusitis who underwent standard treatment: antibiotic therapy, on the strict condition - endonasal drainage of the maxillary sinuses, the treatment method around Proets, physiotherapy of the nose, vasoconstrictor nose drops. The main group consisted of 132 children with acute purulent rhinosinusitis, who, in addition to standard treatment, were prescribed topical corticosteroid - mometasone furoate. Results. The concentration of lactoferrin (in the main group) was normalized due to the action of the nasonex spray, which proves a high anti-inflammatory effect of the combined treatment. There was a statistically significant difference in the groups after 7 days and 1 month after treatment (t = 1.96; p = 0.05). Based on the data of Mac-Nimar criterion (X2 = 11.204, with the probability of error p = 0.002) in the control group compared to the primary (x2=9.202, with the probability of error p < 0.0001), treatment was less effective. Conclusion. The use of inhalative topical glucocorticosteroid in treatment of children with acute purulent rhinosinusitis allows to achieve a positive clinical effect and the concentration of lactoferrin can serve as an important criterion of the effectiveness of treatment