31 research outputs found

    Designing an Optimal Ensemble Strategy for GMAO S2S Forecast System

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    The NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) prediction system is being readied for a major upgrade. An important factor in successful extended range forecasting is the definition of the ensemble. Our overall strategy is to run a relatively large ensemble of about 40 members up to 3 months (focusing on the sub-seasonal forecast problem), after which we sub-sample the ensemble, and continue the forecast with about 10 members (up to 12 months). Here we present the results of our testing of various ways to generate the initial perturbations and the validation of a stratified sampling approach for choosing the members of the smaller ensemble. For the initialization of the ensemble we propose a combination of lagged and burst initial conditions. To generate perturbations for the burst ensemble members we used scaled differences of pairs of analysis states (chosen randomly from the corresponding season) separated by 1-10 days. We consider perturbing separately the atmosphere and the ocean, or both. By varying the separation times between the analysis states, we are able to produce perturbations that resemble well-known modes of variability. Focusing on the ENSO SST indices, we found that all types of perturbations are important for the ensemble spread with, however, considerable differences in the timing of the impacts on spread for the atmospheric and oceanic perturbations.Our initial (larger) ensemble size was determined so as to maximize the skill of predicting some of the leading modes of boreal winter atmospheric modes (namely the NAO, PNA and AO). Since it is not feasible for us to run with the larger ensemble beyond about 3 months, we employ a stratified sampling procedure that identifies the emerging directions of error growth to subset the ensemble. By comparing the results from the stratified ensemble with that of the randomly sampled ensemble of the same size, we find that the former provides substantially better estimates the mean of the original large ensemble

    Designing an Optimal Ensemble Strategy for GMAO S2S Forecast System

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    GMAO Sub/Seasonal prediction system (S2S) is being readied for a major upgrade to GEOS-S2S Version 3. An important factor in successful extended range forecast is the definition of an ensemble For initialization of the ensemble we propose a combination of lagged and burst initial conditions. We plan to run a relatively large ensemble of 40 members for sub-seasonal forecast (up to 3 months), at which point we sub-sample the ensemble, and continue the forecast with 10 members (up to 12 months). Here we present the results of the extensive testing of various ways to generate the perturbations to the initial conditions and the validation of the stratified sampling strategy we chose.To generate perturbations for the burst ensemble members we used scaled differences of pairs of analysis states separated by 1-10 days, randomly chosen from a corresponding season. We considered perturbing separately only the atmospheric fields or only the ocean or both of the forecast initial conditions. Considering varying separation times between the analysis states, we were able to produce perturbations sampling various modes of variability. Focusing on the ENSO SST indices, we found that all types of perturbations are important for the ensemble spread.Our ensemble size for sub-seasonal forecasts was determined as to maximize the skill of predicting some of the leading modes of boreal winter atmospheric modes, NAO, PNA and AO. It is not feasible to run equally large ensemble for seasonal forecasts. Using a stratified sampling procedure we can identify the emerging directions of error growth. By comparing the stratified ensemble with randomly sampled ensemble of the same size, we were able to show that the former better estimates the mean of the original large ensemble

    Completing the Feedback Loop: The Impact of Chlorophyll Data Assimilation on the Ocean State

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    In anticipation of the integration of a full biochemical model into the next generation GMAO coupled system, an intermediate solution has been implemented to estimate the penetration depth (1Kd_PAR) of ocean radiation based on the chlorophyll concentration. The chlorophyll is modeled as a tracer with sources-sinks coming from the assimilation of MODIS chlorophyll data. Two experiments were conducted with the coupled ocean-atmosphere model. In the first, climatological values of Kpar were used. In the second, retrieved daily chlorophyll concentrations were assimilated and Kd_PAR was derived according to Morel et al (2007). No other data was assimilated to isolate the effects of the time-evolving chlorophyll field. The daily MODIS Kd_PAR product was used to validate the skill of the penetration depth estimation and the MERRA-OCEAN re-analysis was used as a benchmark to study the sensitivity of the upper ocean heat content and vertical temperature distribution to the chlorophyll input. In the experiment with daily chlorophyll data assimilation, the penetration depth was estimated more accurately, especially in the tropics. As a result, the temperature bias of the model was reduced. A notably robust albeit small (2-5 percent) improvement was found across the equatorial Pacific ocean, which is a critical region for seasonal to inter-annual prediction

    GEOS-5 Seasonal Forecast System: ENSO Prediction Skill and Bias

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    The GEOS-5 AOGCM known as S2S-1.0 has been in service from June 2012 through January 2018 (Borovikov et al. 2017). The atmospheric component of S2S-1.0 is Fortuna-2.5, the same that was used for the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA), but with adjusted parameterization of moist processes and turbulence. The ocean component is the Modular Ocean Model version 4 (MOM4). The sea ice component is the Community Ice CodE, version 4 (CICE). The land surface model is a catchment-based hydrological model coupled to the multi-layer snow model. The AGCM uses a Cartesian grid with a 1 deg 1.25 deg horizontal resolution and 72 hybrid vertical levels with the upper most level at 0.01 hPa. OGCM nominal resolution of the tripolar grid is 1/2 deg, with a meridional equatorial refinement to 1/4 deg. In the coupled model initialization, selected atmospheric variables are constrained with MERRA. The Goddard Earth Observing System integrated Ocean Data Assimilation System (GEOS-iODAS) is used for both ocean state and sea ice initialization. SST, T and S profiles and sea ice concentration were assimilated

    Seasonal Predictability of Cloud Droplet Number Concentration

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    Aerosol emissions modify the properties of clouds hence impacting climate. The aerosol indirect effect may have offset part of the global warming caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions during the industrial era. It however remains unclear whether the same effect is significant over time scales relevant for seasonal and weather climate prediction. Answering such a question has been difficult since most weather prediction systems lack a proper representation of the aerosol evolution and transport and their interaction with clouds. Even in advanced systems it is not clear to what extent cloud microphysical properties are predictable over subseasonal to seasonal time scales. Such an issue is addressed in this study. We use a set of 30 year, four ensemble member, 9 month lead hindcast simulations of the NASA GEOS seasonal prediction system (GEOS-S2S) to study the predictability of cloud droplet number concentration in warm stratocumulus clouds. The latest version GEOS-S2S system implements interactive aerosol as well as a two moment cloud microphysics scheme therefore it is suitable for studying the aerosol indirect effect on climate. Long term retrievals from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) are used to validate the model predictions and assess its skill in predicting cloud droplet number concentration

    GMAO Seasonal Forecast Ensemble Exploration

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    GMAO Sub/Seasonal prediction system (S2S) has recently been upgraded. A complete set (1981-2016) of 9-months hindcasts for the previous and current versions (S2S-1.0 and S2S-2.1 respectively) allows for the evaluation of the forecast skill and a study of various characteristics of the ensemble forecasts in particular. We compared the intra-seasonal, interannual and intra-ensemble SST variability of the two systems against the observed. Focusing on the ENSO SST indices, we analyzed the consistency of the forecasts ensembles by studying rank histograms and comparing the ensemble spread with the standard error of the estimate.The S2S-2.1 ensemble appears to be more consistent with observations in Nio1+2 region compared to S2S-1.0, while in the central equatorial Pacific ocean this measure is comparably good for both systems. The S2S-1.0 system tends to be under dispersive, while the new system is under dispersive only at very short lead times, but tends to be over dispersive at long leads and for forecasts verifying in spring in Nio 3.4 region.Overall, the new system has greater skill in predicting ENSO. The evaluation techniques tested here will be applied for testing of the next generation sub/seasonal forecast system under development


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    One of the most difficult aspects of ocean state estimation is the prescription of the model forecast error covariances. Simple covariances are usually prescribed, rarely are cross-covariances between different model variables used. A multivariate model of the forecast error covariance is developed for an Optimal Interpolation (OI) assimilation scheme (MvOI) and compared to simpler Gaussian univariate model (UOI). For the MvOI an estimate of the forecast error statistics is made by Monte Carlo techniques from an ensemble of model forecasts. An important advantage of using an ensemble of ocean states is that it provides a natural way to estimate cross-covariances between the fields of different physical variables constituting the model state vector, at the same time incorporating the model's dynamical and thermodynamical constraints. The robustness of the error covariance estimates as well as the analyses has been established by comparing multiple populations of the ensemble. Temperature observations from the Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TAO) array have been assimilated in this study. Data assimilation experiments are validated with a large independent set of subsurface observations of salinity, zonal velocity and temperature. The performance of the UOI and MvOI is similar in temperature. The salinity and velocity fields are greatly improved in the MvOI, as evident from the analyses of the rms differences between these fields and independent observations. The MvOI assimilation is found to improve upon the control (no assimilation) run in generating water masses with properties close to those observed, while the UOI fails to maintain the temperature-salinity relationship. The feasibility of representing a reduced error subspace through empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) is discussed and a method proposed to substitute the local noise-like variability by a simple model. While computationally efficient, this method produces results only slightly inferior to the MvOI with the full set of EOFs. An assimilation scheme with a multivariate forecast error model has the capability to simultaneously process observations of different types. This was tested using temperature data and synthetic salinity observations. The resulting subsurface structures both in temperature and salinity are the closest to the observed, while the currents structure is maintained in dynamically consistent manner

    Impact of Aquarius and SMAP Sea Surface Salinity Observations on Seasonal Predictions of the 2015 El Nino

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    We assess the impact of satellite sea surface salinity (SSS) observations on dynamical ENSO forecasts for the big 2015 El Nino event. From March to June 2015, the availability of two overlapping satellite SSS instruments, Aquarius and SMAP, allows a unique opportunity to compare and contrast coupled forecasts generated with the benefit of these two satellite SSS observation types. Four distinct experiments are presented that include 1) freely evolving model SSS (i.e. no satellite SSS), relaxation to 2) climatological SSS (i.e. WOA13 (World Ocean Atlas 2013) SSS), 3) Aquarius and 4) SMAP initialization. Coupled hindcasts are generated from these initial conditions for March 2015. These forecasts are then validated against observations and evaluated with respect to the observed El Nino development

    Influence of Cooling Rate in High-Temperature Area on Hardening of Deposited High-Cutting Chrome-Tungsten Metal

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    The authors study the influence of cooling rate in high-temperature area for thermal cycle of high-cutting chrome-tungsten metal weld deposit on the processes of carbide phase merging and austenite grain growth for the purpose of providing high hardness of deposited metal (HRC 64-66)