19 research outputs found

    Estimates of avoided costs attributed to a short cervix screening program to prevent preterm birth from the perspective of the Unified Health System (SUS)

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    OBJECTIVE: To perform an economic cost analysis of the implementation of a short cervix screening program to reduce preterm birth in singleton pregnancies in a short-term time horizon. METHODS: We performed a cost-benefit economic analysis using the P5 trial database, a randomized multicenter clinical trial for prevention of preterm birth. Data collection was conducted from July 2015 to March 2019 in 17 different Brazilian hospitals. We conducted a cost analysis for universal cervical screening in singleton pregnancies between 18 weeks and 22 weeks plus 6 days. In subjects with a cervical length ≤ 25 mm, the analysis incorporated the costs of administering 200 mg/day of vaginal progesterone prophylactically until 36 weeks gestation. These findings were subsequently compared with the economic implications of forgoing cervical screening. The time horizon comprised from birth to 10 weeks postpartum. The outcome was measured monetarily in Brazilian real (R)fromtheperspectiveoftheUnifiedHealthSystem.RESULTS:Among7,844women,6.67) from the perspective of the Unified Health System. RESULTS: Among 7,844 women, 6.67% (523) had a cervix ≤ 25 mm. The cost of screening with transvaginal ultrasound and vaginal progesterone for prevention of births with < 34 weeks was estimated at R 383,711.36, while non-screening generated an estimated additional cost of R446,501.69(relatedtothe29nonscreenedpretermdeliveries).Thus,screeningandprophylaxiswouldgenerateafinalcostreductionofR 446,501.69 (related to the 29 non-screened preterm deliveries). Thus, screening and prophylaxis would generate a final cost reduction of R 62,790.33, constituting a possible cost-benefit strategy. CONCLUSION: Universal short cervix screening for preterm birth has lower costs compared to non-screening within a short-term time horizon, which suggests an interesting benefitcost ratio. Future studies should consider the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic treatment using sensitivity analyses in different scenarios within the Brazilian health system, as well as analyses that consider the long-term costs associated with preterm births, to robustly justify the implementation of a short cervix screening program.OBJETIVO: Realizar uma análise econômica de custo da implementação de um programa de rastreio de colo curto para redução da prematuridade em gestações únicas num horizonte temporal de curto prazo. MÉTODOS: Realizamos uma análise econômica do tipo custo-benefício utilizando o banco de dados do P5 trial, um ensaio clínico multicêntrico randomizado para prevenção da prematuridade. A coleta de dados ocorreu de julho de 2015 a março de 2019 em 17 diferentes hospitais do Brasil. Comparamos os custos do rastreamento universal em mulheres com gestação única de 18 a 22 semanas e 6 dias associado à progesterona vaginal profilática 200 mg/dia até 36 semanas naquelas com colo ≤ 25 mm com os do não rastreamento. O horizonte temporal foi do nascimento até 10 semanas após o parto. O desfecho foi medido monetariamente em real brasileiro (R)naperspectivadoSistemaUˊnicodeSauˊde.RESULTADOS:Entre7.844mulheres,6,67) na perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde. RESULTADOS: Entre 7.844 mulheres, 6,67% (523) apresentaram colo ≤ 25mm. O custo do rastreio com a ultrassonografia transvaginal mais a progesterona vaginal para prevenção de nascimentos < 34 semanas foi estimado em R 383.711,36, enquanto o não rastreamento gerou custo adicional estimado de R446.501,69(relacionadoaos29partosprematurosna~orastreados).Assim,orastreamentomaisaprofilaxiagerariaumareduc\ca~odecustofinaldeR 446.501,69 (relacionado aos 29 partos prematuros não rastreados). Assim, o rastreamento mais a profilaxia geraria uma redução de custo final de R 62.790,33, apresentando-se como uma possível estratégia de custo-benefício. CONCLUSÃO: O rastreamento universal de colo curto para prematuridade apresenta menores custos em relação ao não rastreamento dentro de um horizonte temporal de curto prazo, o que sugere uma interessante relação de custo versus benefício. Novos estudos que considerem a custo-efetividade do tratamento profilático utilizando-se de análises de sensibilidade em diferentes cenários dentro do sistema de saúde brasileiro, assim como análises que considerem os custos de longo prazo atrelados ao nascimento prematuro, são necessários para justificar com robustez a implementação de um programa de rastreamento

    Shock index and heart rate standard reference values in the immediate postpartum period: a cohort study

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    To determine Shock Index (SI) reference values in the first two hours of the postpartum period after objectively measuring postpartum bleeding. Materials and methods A complementary analysis using data from a prospective cohort study at Women's Hospital of the University of Campinas, Brazil, between 1 February 2015 and 31 March 2016. It included women giving birth vaginally unless they had one of these conditions: gestational age below 34 weeks, hypertension, hypo-or hyperthyroidism without treatment, any cardiac disease, infections with fever or sepsis, history of coagulopathy or delivery by C-section. Blood loss was measured by adding the blood volume collected in the drape placed under the women's buttocks and the weight of gauzes and compresses used (excluding the dry weight). Vital signs were measured every 5-15 min after delivery. Exploratory data analysis was performed to assess the mean, standard deviation, median, and percentiles (5 th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th). To identify variation among the periods after delivery, the mean SI and heart rate (HR) values observed for the following intervals were used in the analysis: 0-20 min, 21-40 min, 41-60 min, 61-90 min and 91-120 min. Results One hundred eighty-six women were included. The mean age +/- SD was 24.9 +/- 6.1 years and the mean gestational age at birth was 39.2 +/- 1.8 weeks. At the puerperal period, the mean SI values ranged from 0.68 +/- 0.14 to 0.74 +/- 0.15. The percentile distribution ranged from 0.46 (5 th percentile) to 1.05 (95 th percentile). The mean HR values ranged from 80.8 +/- 12.7 bpm to 92.3 +/- 14.4 bpm. The percentile distribution ranged from 62.0 bpm (5th percentile) to 117 bpm (95 th percentile). Conclusion Reference ranges were established for SI and HR values which showed small variations throughout the postpartum period14

    Contracepção Em Adolescentes Antes E Depois Do Parto: Escolhas E Desafios Para O Futuro

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    To determine methods of contraception used by adolescents before and after pregnancy. Methods A cross-sectional study was performed, and data were collected from medical records of all teens in puerperal consultation at the Hospital da Mulher - José Aristodemo Pinotti (Caism), Universidade Estadual de Campinas (CAISM), São Paulo, Brazil, between July 2011 and September 2013. The inclusion criterionwas being 10 to 19 years old, and the exclusion criterion was having a first consultation 90 days after childbirth. Statistical analyseswere performed with averages, standard deviations, percentages, correlations and Fisher's exact tests using the SAS program, version 9.4. Results A total of 196 adolescents in postpartum consultation were included (44 days after childbirth on average). The majority was older than 14 years (89%), with an average age of 16.2 years, and the most were exclusively breast-feeding (70%). Before pregnancy, the use of any contraceptive methods was mentioned by 74% adolescents; the most frequent use was combined oral contraceptive followed by condom. The main reason for abandoning the use of contraception was the occurrence of an unintended pregnancy (41%), followed by reports of side effects (22%), behavior issues (18%) and desire for pregnancy (16%). A positive correlation was found between the age of the adolescent at the moment of childbirth, the age of menarche (r = 0.3), and the first sexual intercourse (r = 0.419). Vaginal delivery occurred in 76% of the cases. After birth, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) was the contraception method most frequently used (71%), followed by oral contraceptives (11.8%) and intrauterine devices (IUDs, 11.2%). Conclusions The most prescribed contraceptive method before pregnancy in adolescents who had childbirth was combined oral contraceptives. Many of the study participants had an unintended pregnancy. After childbirth, the most used contraceptive method was DMPA. To improve contraception and reduce the chance of unintended pregnancies among adolescents, we should promote the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCS).38154555

    The Use of Mid-Pregnancy Cervical Length to Predict Preterm Birth in Brazilian Asymptomatic Twin Gestations

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [OPP1107597], the Brazilian Ministry of Health, and the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [401615/20138]. The funders had no role in the design, development of the study, analysis, interpretation of data, writing the manuscript and in the decision to submit the article for publication. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Georg Thieme Verlag. All rights reserved.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Association between cervical length and gestational age at birth in singleton pregnancies : a multicentric prospective cohort study in the Brazilian population

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    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [OPP1107597], the Brazilian Ministry of Health, and the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [401615/20138]. The funders had no role in the design, development of the study, analysis, interpretation of data, writing the manuscript and in the decision to submit the article for publication. T.V.S. was supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de Nível Superior—CAPES (grant number 001).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Assessing and managing hypovolemic shock in puerperal women

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    The major cause of maternal death worldwide is postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Early identification is the basis for adequate treatment. In addition to the visual estimation of blood loss, clinical signs could offer a more reliable representation of the cardiovascular system of the bleeding woman. However, in postpartum women, recognition of hypovolemic shock through vital signs is impaired owing to physiological cardiovascular changes in pregnancy. The Shock Index [SI] is one composite vital sign that may help in the identification of women with hypovolemic shock. Values of SI >= 1 in the first hour postpartum indicate cardiac decompensation, and treatment should be implemented immediately. From the diagnosis of PPH, first-line measures should ensure coordinated care actions including the availability of blood derivatives, the establishment of conditions for volume replacement, oxygen therapy, and identification and timely treatment causes of bleeding. Individualized fluid resuscitation should start with warmed crystalloids and be limited to 3.5 L. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.618910

    Standard Reference Values For The Shock Index During Pregnancy

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    To assess variation in the shock index (SI; heart rate divided by systolic blood pressure) during pregnancy. Methods: In a retrospective cohort study, data were assessed from the medical records of women with low-risk pregnancies who attended a primary healthcare unit for prenatal care in Campinas, Brazil, between January 2012 and December 2013. The means, standard deviations, and percentiles of SI values were calculated for different pregnancy lengths, stratified by body mass index (BMI) and maternal age. Results: In total, 192 pregnant women with 1097 measurements were included. The mean SI values ranged from 0.756 +/- 0.127 at 12 weeks or fewer to 0.831 +/- 0.144 at 28-32 weeks. There was an increase in values in the second trimester and beginning of the third, followed by a decrease at term. The percentile distribution ranged from 0.522 (2.5th percentile) to 1.190 (97.5th percentile). SI values showed a trend toward lower values with increasing BMI. Regression analysis showed that BMI was the factor that most influenced the data. Conclusion: Reference ranges were established for SI values, which showed small variations throughout pregnancy and slightly higher values than the general population. (C) 2016 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.1351111

    Estimates of avoided costs attributed to a short cervix screening program to prevent preterm birth from the perspective of the Unified Health System (SUS)

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To perform an economic cost analysis of the implementation of a short cervix screening program to reduce preterm birth in singleton pregnancies in a short-term time horizon. METHODS We performed a cost-benefit economic analysis using the P5 trial database, a randomized multicenter clinical trial for prevention of preterm birth. Data collection was conducted from July 2015 to March 2019 in 17 different Brazilian hospitals. We conducted a cost analysis for universal cervical screening in singleton pregnancies between 18 weeks and 22 weeks plus 6 days. In subjects with a cervical length ≤ 25 mm, the analysis incorporated the costs of administering 200 mg/day of vaginal progesterone prophylactically until 36 weeks gestation. These findings were subsequently compared with the economic implications of forgoing cervical screening. The time horizon comprised from birth to 10 weeks postpartum. The outcome was measured monetarily in Brazilian real (R)fromtheperspectiveoftheUnifiedHealthSystem.RESULTSAmong7,844women,6.67) from the perspective of the Unified Health System. RESULTS Among 7,844 women, 6.67% (523) had a cervix ≤ 25 mm. The cost of screening with transvaginal ultrasound and vaginal progesterone for prevention of births with < 34 weeks was estimated at R 383,711.36, while non-screening generated an estimated additional cost of R446,501.69(relatedtothe29nonscreenedpretermdeliveries).Thus,screeningandprophylaxiswouldgenerateafinalcostreductionofR 446,501.69 (related to the 29 non-screened preterm deliveries). Thus, screening and prophylaxis would generate a final cost reduction of R 62,790.33, constituting a possible cost-benefit strategy. CONCLUSION Universal short cervix screening for preterm birth has lower costs compared to non-screening within a short-term time horizon, which suggests an interesting benefit-cost ratio. Future studies should consider the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic treatment using sensitivity analyses in different scenarios within the Brazilian health system, as well as analyses that consider the long-term costs associated with preterm births, to robustly justify the implementation of a short cervix screening program

    Empoderando mães adolescentes na escolha do método contraceptivo no pós-parto: evitando-se a gravidez subsequente

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    Objective: Almost 80% of adolescent pregnancies are unplanned, and between 28 and 63% of adolescent mothers had a repeated pregnancy within 18 months. Among girls with repeated pregnancies, two-thirds reported that the pregnancy was unplanned. We aim to assess contraceptive use by adolescent mothers with increasing choice for long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods in postpartum consultation after a semistructured group intervention involving adolescent mothers. Methods: Retrospective observational study conducted at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, involving new antenatal and postpartum education groups for adolescents. At postpartum consultations, the adolescents chose their contraceptive. The data was compared with previous series followed in a period before the implementation of the education group - a historical control group. Results: We included 129 adolescent after childbirth from January 1st, 2015 through July 31st, 2017. Out of this total, 63% had ever used contraceptive methods before pregnancy, and the most frequent method was combined oral contraceptives (33%) followed by condoms (21%). At the first postpartum consultation, the most common contraceptive chosen was intrauterine contraception (IUC) (37.2%) and depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) (34.1%). When comparing the rates before and after the education interventions, there was a 3-fold increase in the use of IUCs. Conclusion: Antenatal and postpartum education have shown a significant increase in the choice for LARC methods among adolescent mothers, with very high acceptability after a period using the method. The educational groups performed during the antenatal care and beyond the gestational period are easy to be applied worldwide with low dependence on funding.4110607612Objetivo: Cerca de 80% das gestações na adolescência não são planejadas, e entre 28 e 63% das mães adolescentes apresentam repetição da gravidez em 18 meses. Entre as meninas com gravidez repetida, dois terços relataram que a gravidez não foi planejada. Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospectivo realizado na Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, envolvendo novos grupos de educação pré-natal e pósparto para adolescentes. Nas consultas pós-parto, os adolescentes optaram pela contracepção. Os dados foram comparados com uma série de casos seguida em um período anterior à implementação do grupo de educação pré-natal - um grupo de controle histórico. Resultados: Foram incluídas 129 adolescentes no período pós-parto de 1° de janeiro de 2015 a 31 de julho de 2017. Destas, 63% já tinham usado métodos contraceptivos antes da gravidez, e o método prévio mais frequente foi contraceptivo oral combinado (33%) seguido por preservativo (21%). Na primeira consulta pós-parto, o anticoncepcional mais comumente escolhido foi o dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) (37,2%) e o acetato de medroxiprogesterona de depósito (DMPA) (34,1%). Ao comparar as taxas antes e depois das intervenções de educação pré-natal, houve um aumento de três vezes no uso de DIUs. Conclusão: Educação pré-natal e pós-parto mostraram um aumento significativo na escolha de métodos contraceptivos reversíveis de longa duração entre mães adolescentes. Grupos educativos realizados durante o pré-natal e alémdo período gestacional são ferramentas para promoção da saúde e são de fácil aplicação mundial, com baixa dependência de financiamento