735 research outputs found

    Analyzing powers in inclusive pion production at high energy and the nucleon spin structure

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    Analyzing powers in inclusive pion production in high energy transversely polarized proton-proton collisions are studied theoretically in the framework of the quark recombination model. Calculations by assuming the SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry for the nucleon structure disagree with the experiments. We solve this difficulty by taking into account the %We overcome this difficulty by taking into account the realistic spin distribution functions of the nucleon, which differs from the SU(6) expectation at large xx, %but coincides with a perturbative QCD constraint on the ratio of the unpolarized valence distributions, u/d5u/d \to 5 as x1x \to 1. We also discuss the kaon spin asymmetry and find AN(K+)=AN(K0)A_N(K^+) = -A_N(K^0) in the polarized proton-proton collisions at large xFx_F.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, late

    Deep inelastic scattering on asymmetric nuclei

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    We study deep inelastic scattering on isospin asymmetric nuclei. In particular, the difference of the nuclear structure functions and the Gottfried sum rule for the lightest mirror nuclei, 3He and 3H, are investigated. It is found that such systems can provide significant information on charge symmetry breaking and flavor asymmetry in the nuclear medium. Furthermore, we propose a new method to extract the neutron structure function from radioactive isotopes far from the line of stability. We also discuss the flavor asymmetry in the Drell-Yan process with isospin asymmetric nuclei

    The European project FLOMIX-R: Description of the experimental and numerical studies of flow distribution in the reactor primary circuit(Final report on WP 3)

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    The flow distribution in the primary circuit of the pressurized water reactor was studied with experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The main focus was on the flow field and mixing in the downcomer of the pressure vessel: how the different factors like the orientation of operating loops, the total loop flow rate and the asymmetry of the loop flow rates affect the outcome. In addition to the flow field studies the overall applicability of CFD methods for primary circuit thermal-hydraulic analysis was evaluated based on the CFD simulations of the mixing experiments of the ROCOM (Rossendorf Coolant Mixing Model) test facility and the mixing experiments of the Paks NPP. The experimental part of the work in work package 3 included series of steady state mixing experiments with the ROCOM test facility and the publication of results of Paks VVER-440 NPP thermal mixing experiments. The ROCOM test facility models a 4-loop KONVOI type reactor. In the steady-state mixing experiments the velocity field in the downcomer was measured using laser Doppler anemometry and the concentration of the tracer solution fed from one loop was measured at the downcomer and at the core inlet plane. The varied parameters were the number and orientation of the operating loops, the total flow rate and the (asymmetric) flow rate of individual loops. The Paks NPP thermal mixing experiments took place during commissioning tests of replaced steam generator safety valves in 1987-1989. It was assumed that in the reactor vessels of Paks VVER-440 NPP equipped with six loops the mixing of the coolant is not ideal. For the realistic determination of the active core inlet temperature field for the transients and accidents associated with different level temperature asymmetry a set of mixing factors were determined. Based on data from the online core monitoring system and a separate mathematical model the mixing factors for loop flows at the core inlet were determined. In the numerical simulation part of the work package 3 the detailed measurements of ROCOM tests were used for the validation of CFD methods for primary circuit studies. The selected steady state mixing experiments were simulated with CFD codes CFX-4, CFX-5 and FLUENT. The velocity field in the downcomer and the mixing of the scalar were compared between CFD simulations and experiments. The CFD simulations of full scale PWR included the simulation of Paks VVER-440 mixing experiment and the simulation of Loviisa VVER-440 downcomer flow field. In the simulations of Paks experiments the experimental and simulated concentration field at the core inlet were compared and conclusions made concerning the results overall and the VVER-440 specific geometry modelling aspects like how to model the perforated elliptic bottom plate and what is the effect of the cold leg bends to the flow field entering to the downcomer. With Loviisa simulations the qualitative comparison was made against the original commissioning experiments but the emphasis was on the CFD method validation and testing. The overall conclusion concerning the CFD modelling of the flow field and mixing in the PWR primary circuit could be that the current computation capacity and physical models also in commercial codes is beginning to be sufficient for simulations giving reliable and useful results for many real primary circuit applications. However the misuse of CFD methods is easy, and the general as well as the nuclear power specific modelling guidelines should be followed when the CFD simulations are made

    Charge symmetry violation in the parton distributions of the nucleon

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    We point out that charge symmetry violation in both the valence and sea quark distributions of the nucleon has a non-perturbative source. We calculate this non-perturbative charge symmetry violation using the meson cloud model, which has earlier been successfully applied to both the study of SU(2) flavour asymmetry in the nucleon sea and quark-antiquark asymmetry in the nucleon. We find that the charge symmetry violation in the valence quark distribution is well below 1%, which is consistent with most low energy tests but significantly smaller than the quark model prediction about 5%-10%. Our prediction for the charge symmetry violation in the sea quark distribution is also much smaller than the quark model calculation.Comment: RevTex, 26 pages, 6 PostScript figure

    Non-perturbative k-body to two-body commuting conversion Hamiltonians and embedding problem instances into Ising spins

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    An algebraic method has been developed which allows one to engineer several energy levels including the low-energy subspace of interacting spin systems. By introducing ancillary qubits, this approach allows k-body interactions to be captured exactly using 2-body Hamiltonians. Our method works when all terms in the Hamiltonian share the same basis and has no dependence on perturbation theory or the associated large spectral gap. Our methods allow problem instance solutions to be embedded into the ground energy state of Ising spin systems. Adiabatic evolution might then be used to place a computational system into it's ground state.Comment: Published versio

    Hyperon polarization and single spin left-right asymmetry in inclusive production processes at high energies

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    It is shown that the polarization of hyperons observed in high energy collisions using unpolarized hadron beams and unpolarized nucleon or nuclear targets is closely related to the left-right asymmetries observed in single spin inclusive hadron production processes. The relationship is most obvious for the production of the hyperons which have only one common valence quark with the projectile. Examples of this kind are given. Further implications of the existence of large polarization for hyperon which has two valence quarks in common with the projectile and their consequences are discussed. A comparison with the available data is made. Further tests are suggested.Comment: REVTeX, 12 pages, 2 figures embedde

    Structure and Production of Lambda Baryons

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    We discuss the quark parton structure of the Λ\Lambda baryon and the fragmentation of quarks into Λ\Lambda baryons. We show that the hyperfine interaction, responsible for the Δ\Delta-NN and Σ0\Sigma^0-Λ\Lambda mass splittings, leads not only to sizeable SU(3) and SU(6) symmetry breaking in the quark distributions of the Λ\Lambda, but also to significant polarized non-strange quark distributions. The same arguments suggest flavor asymmetric quark fragmentation functions and non-zero polarized non-strange quark fragmentation functions. The calculated fragmentation functions give a good description of all measured observables. We predict significant positive Λ\Lambda polarization in semi-inclusive DIS experiments while models based on SU(3) flavor symmetry predict zero or negative Λ\Lambda polarization. Our approach also provides a natural explanation for the dependence of the maximum of the ξ=ln(1/z)\xi=\ln(1/z) spectrum on the mass of the particles produced in e+ee^+e^- annihilation.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, minor change