15 research outputs found

    Biološka učinkovitost antocianov gozdnih borovnic (Vaccinium myrtillus L.)

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    Sestojne vrzeli pragozda Rajhenavski Rog

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    Namen naloge je bil v pragozdu Rajhenavski Rog proučiti razvojno dinamiko vrzeli, obnovitvene cikle ter narediti terestično analizo vrzeli. Uporabljen je bil severnoameriški pristop. Rajhenavski Rog meri 51,14 ha, za analizo smo izbrali severni del pragozda (10,16 ha). Raziskavo smo opravili leta 2006 in zabeležili 87 vrzeli in 377 vrzelnikov. Prevladujejo majhne vrzeli. Pogled v zgodovino vrzeli kaže na večkratno širjenje vrzeli in njihov nepretrgan razvoj. Z analizo smo ugotovili, da ima največ vrzeli od 2 do 5 vrzelnikov. Stanje pragozda nakazuje razvoj v smeri bukovega gozda, saj delež jelke med vrzelniki narašča. Pomlajevanje poteka malopovršinsko v jedrih, kjer rastni prostor obvladuje bukev. Razvojna dinamika vrzeli povzroča nastanek malopovršinsko heterogenih sestojev. Severnoameriški pristop raziskovanja je primeren za raziskovanje razvojne dinamike. Potrebno pa je metodo izvajati natančno in jo ustrezno prilagoditi na terenu. Ugotovitve je tako mogoče upoštevati in prenesti znanje v gospodarske gozdove.The purpose of the paper was to study the stand dynamic and regeneration patterns in the virgin forest Rajhenavski Rog, and to carry out a terrestrial analaysis of the gap. In order to do this, a North-American approach was used.The forest of Rajhenavski Rog measures 51,14 hathe analysis was carriedout in the north part of Rog (10,16 ha). The research was done in 2006,whereby 87 gaps and 377 gapmakers were found. The majority of the gaps are small-sized. The history of the gaps shows their repeated widening and continuous development. The analysis showed that most of the gaps have 2 to 5 gapmakers, and that the virgin forest is in its beech spreding stage, as the percentage of fir gapmakers is rising. Regeneration is small- scale in cores, where the growing space is used by the beech. The stand dynamics of the gaps cause the occurrence of small-scale heterogeneous stands. Necessary is to work precisely and adjust work on the field. Knowledge of research is in need for transfer into management forests

    Eroticism in patriarchal society: feeling of shame and Christian imperative of chastity

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    Magistrska naloga se loteva kulturološkega in sociološkega problema razvoja občutka sramu, ki spremlja seksualne dejavnosti in seksualno željo, ter njihove prakse oz. protislovja. Osredotoča se na raziskovanje paradoksov v prevladujočem odnosu do seksualnosti, s poudarkom v patriarhalni in krščanski seksualni in spolni morali. Osnovna premisa je, da je občutek sramu v seksualnosti ena glavnih posledic krščanskega moralnega imperativa čistosti. Nujna je refleksija sprememb vladajočega družbenega odnosa do seksualnosti, predvsem pa je nujna tudi analiza aktualnih protislovij in paradoksov, ki se med drugim izražajo v seksualizaciji človeških teles za namene oglaševanja in pritegovanja pozornosti v imenu dobička, hkrati pa se izvaja obsojanje seksualnega dela kot nečesa umazanega in nespodobnega. Skozi analizo družbenih pogojev, ki so omogočili ključne spremembe v odnosu do seksualnosti, predvsem skozi razvoj občutenja sramu v razkrivanju teles in seksualnosti ter v analizi novih družbenih hierarhij, ki jih je postavil imperativ čistosti, naloga prikaže razmerje med kurtizanami heraerami in prostitutkami. Skozi pregledovanje in analiziranje primarne in sekundarne literature ter skozi kvalitativno empirično raziskavo, ki temelji na narativni metodi dela s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, razišče, kako krščanski imperativ čistosti vpliva na razvoj seksualnega sramu, kako se občutek sramu odraža danes in ali se lahko erotiko razbremeni negativne javne podobe. Naloga potrjuje, da je občutek sramu v seksualnosti ena glavnih posledic krščanskega moralnega imperativa čistosti. Opozarja na nujnost spremembe k interpretaciji krščanskih moralnih naukov in potrjuje nujnost po boljši izobrazbi na področju seksualnosti.This Master\u27s thesis addresses the cultural and social problematic of the development of a sense of shame that accompanies both sexual activities and sexual desire, their practices, and contradictions. It focuses on exploring the paradox within the prevailing attitude towards sexuality, emphasizing the patriarchal and Christian sexual, as well as gender morality. The basic premise is that a sense of shame in sexuality is one of the main consequences of the Christian moral imperative of chastity. It is necessary to reflect on the changes in the widespread attitude towards sexuality, but above all it is also necessary to analyse the expressed contradictions and paradoxes, among other things, in the sexualization of human bodies for the purpose of profit, advertising and attention-grabbing, whilst the condemnation of sex work is observed as something dirty and indecent. Through the analysis of social conditions that have enabled fundamental changes in the attitude towards sexuality, in particular the development of a sense of shame in the exposure of a body and sexuality, and the new social hierarchies established by the imperative of chastity, this thesis illustrates the relationship between courtesans, hetaerae and prostitutes. Through reviewing and analysing primary and secondary literature, alongside of qualitative empirical research based on the method of a semi-structured interview, this thesis also explores how the Christian imperative of chastity influences the development of sexual shame, how the latter is reflected today and whether eroticism can be freed from its negative public image. The analysis confirms that the sense of shame in sexuality is, in fact, one of the main consequences of the Christian moral and the idea of chastity. This paper illuminates the need for a change in the interpretation of Christian moral teachings and confirms the need for a better sexual education

    Controlling of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in fruit beverages

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    Sexual act "squirting" (female ejaculation) between women\u27s sexual emancioation and neopatriarchal abuse

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    Diplomska naloga se loteva seksološkega in kulturološkega problema ženskega spolnega užitka. Osredotoča se na preverjanje obstoja pojava ženske ejakulacije ali "squirtinga", na pregled patriarhalne seksualizacije bioloških procesov na vsakdanja ženska življenja in na sodobne spremembe dojemanja emancipatornosti ženskega spolnega užitka. Glavna hipoteza je, da gre pri ženski ejakulaciji za kompleksno hibridno (fiziološko in kulturno) prakso, osnovano na otipljivih bioloških in širših vedenjskih možnostih. Politična usoda ženskih orgazmičnih in ejakulacijskih procesov je paradoksalna in polarizirana - v kulturnem okolju se jih diskurzivno umešča v območje patriarhalne opresije in regulacije moških pogledov, a hkrati tudi v feministični diskurz osvoboditve spolnega delovanja ter emancipacije posameznic in ženskega družbenega spola v celoti. Takšna polarizacija močno vpliva na odnos posameznic do lastne ejakulacije. Skozi pregledovanje in analiziranje primarne in sekundarne literature ter skozi kvalitativno empirično raziskavo, ki temelji na etnografski metodi dela s polstruktiriranimi intervjuji, naloga potrjuje glavno hipotezo o obstoju ženske ejakulacije in dualnost položaja ženskega užitka. Poleg tega naloga potrjuje nujnost po boljši izobrazbi na področju ženske spolnosti.This thesis tackles the sexological and culturological problem of female sexual pleasures. It attempts to establish the existence of female ejaculation or squirting, it offers an overview of how the patriarchal sexualization of biological processes influences the female everydayness, and it offers insights into recently changed views about the emancipatory effects of female sexual pleasures. The main hypothesis posits female ejaculation as a complex hybrid (physiological and cultural) practice, based on the tangible biological possibilities but also on the broader social knowledge. Political destiny of female orgasmic and ejaculatory processes presents a paradox and a point of polarization. These processes are discursively shaped as a tool of patriarchal oppression and regulation by the male gaze, and at the same time they are presented in sex-positive feminist discourse about the liberation, about increased sexual agency and about emancipation of individual women and of the female gender as such. Such polarization crucially influences the relationship of individual women towards their own ejaculation. Through the overview and analysis of the primary and secondary sources, and through qualitative empirical research, based on the ethnography and on the method of halfstructured interviews, the thesis confirmed the main hypothesis about the existence of female ejaculation and about the contradictory position of female pleasure. Additionally, the thesis confirms the need for better education in the field of female sexualit

    Vadba v fitnesu med nosečnostjo

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    Polyphenoloxidase activity in hops

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