356 research outputs found
Potrebe starijih Jugoslavena na metropolitanskom području Melbournea
The paper presents a sociological discussion on the problems and needs of older generation immigrants (over 60 years of age) born in Yugoslavia and living in the greater Melbourne area in a milieu which is new and which includes the younger immigrant generation. Proceeding from an analysis of the demographic profile of the samples, the author gives an objective critical evaluation of all the main (economic, health-related, cultural, social, educational etc.) problems of the older generation. A separate section of the text treats the complex problem of the realisation of specific recent needs of the older immigrant generation.Prezentirani tekst sociološka je rasprava o problemima i potrebama starije generacije (iznad 60 godina) doseljenika rođenih u Jugoslaviji na širem području Melbournea u okruženju nove sredine i mlađeg doseljeničkog pokoljenja. Polazeći od demografskog profila populacijskog uzorka, autorica podvrgava objektivnoj kritici sve važnije (ekonomske, zdravstvene, kulturne, socijalne, obrazovne i dr.) probleme starije generacije. Posebni dio teksta čini složeno pitanje recentne realizacije potreba starije doseljeničke generacije
The paper analyzes the loss of the tourist market as a consequence of the war in the Dubrovnik region, beginning in the 1990\u27s. Presented are the enormous devastations of war, which weakened fundamental tourist activities to a frightening extent, and the great, both direct and indirect financia l and other losses which resulted from the absence of Dubrovnik on the tourist market and the exclusion of this once very popular destination from the more intensive tourist tracks. Special attention is paid to structural changes and to their possible effects on foreign tourist demand during the comeback years, specifically, the return of Dubrovnik to the tourist market, according to the residency status of tourists coming to the Dubrovnik region. An analysis of the existing situation reveals, irregardless of present difficulties, that a significantly different approach to tourism is necessary. This implies the defining of long-term strategic goals, to specifically determine towards which market segments products should be directed and the development of a contemporary tourist marketing system. The key problem lies in returning Dubrovnik to the previous traditional and more demanding markets. As such, the tourist product has to have more quality, with a more pronounced emphasis on historical and cultural heritages, while marketing policies have to be aimed towards specific market segments. The paper stresses how Dubrovnik possesses the potential of achieving originality and variety in comparison to other competitive destinations
Budući da se u ugostiteljstvu i turizmu ostvaruje ispodprosječna proizvodnost rada, u članku se istražuju mogućnosti i predlažu načini za poboljšanje uspješnosti. Nastoje se razjasniti konceptualne poteškoće praćenja i primjene programa poboljšanja proizvodnosti rada i ukazati na prednosti korištenja modela prognoziranja kretanja turističke potražnje i fleksibilnog prilagođavanja potrebnog broja radnika promjenama obujma poslovanja
Information on the wood products 'business to business' market: Environmental Product Declaration
Proizvođači proizvoda od drva, kao ni krajnji potrošači nisu svjesni vlastite uloge i mogućnosti utjecanja na smanjenje nepovoljnih utjecaja proizvoda na okoliš. Ekološke oznake su dobrovoljni instrumenti kojima proizvođači pokazuju da poštuju visoke standarde zaštite okoliša tijekom životnog ciklusa proizvoda, a kojima se pomaže potrošačima da donose informirane izbore. Cilj rada je istražiti koliko uporaba proizvoda od drva s ekološkom deklaracijom može utjecati na planiranje troškova opremanja prostora.Wood product manufacturers, as well as consumers, are unaware of their own roles and the ability to influence the reduction of adverse impacts on the environment. Ecological labels are voluntary instruments by which manufacturers show respect for high environmental standards throughout the product life cycle, helping consumers to make informed choices. The aim of thesis is to explore how much the use of wood products with ecological declaration can affect the planning of the cost of furnishing space
Development strategies and the quality of supply in the hospitality industry
U radu se identificira važnost kvalitete svih opipljivih i neopipljivih elemenata ponude u hotelijerstvu i istražuje značenje, mogućnosti razvoja i održanje kvalitete kao ključne strategije za uspješno poslovanje. Predlaže se pristup upravljanja kvalitetom koja polazi od identificiranja
očekivanja gostiju kao baze za oblikovanje ponude. Postavljanjem u središte svih aktivnosti potrošača, stalnim praćenjem i mjerenjem stupnja zadovoljstva svakim elementom ponude i primjenom koncepta integralnog upravljanja kvalitetom (TQM) omogućuje se postizanje ne samo dobre tržišne pozicije nego razvoj lojalnosti i zadovoljstva svih zaposlenih.This paper identifies the importance of quality of all tangible and intangible components of supply in the hospitality industry and analyses the meaning, development possibilities and the maintenance of the quality as the key strategy for a successful dealing. The quality management approach is suggested starting from the identification of consumer expectations as the basis for forming supply. Focusing the activities on consumer, by constant monitoring and measuring the extent of satisfaction of each component of supply and by implementing the concept of total quality management (TQM) it is possible to achieve not only a good marketing position, but also the improvement of loyalty and satisfaction of all employed
Development and validation of chromatographic method for the determination of alendronate
Mnogi farmaceutici i proizvodi za osobnu higijenu danas su prepoznati kao potencijalna zagađivala okoliša diljem svijeta. Skupina antibiotika, poznata kao bisfosfonati danas predstavljaju zlatni standard u liječenju osteoporoze. Zbog učestale primjene i potrošnje u velikim količinamate fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava poput dobre topljivosti u vodi, potencijalno mogu doći u sve djelove okoliša. Kada dođu u okoliš, farmaceutici podliježu biotičkim i abiotičkim procesima koji rezultiraju smanjenjem komcentracije osnovne molekule farmaceutika i nastankom razgradnih produkata. Kako bi se moglo razumjeti ponašanje farmaceutika u okolišu, neophodne su analitičke metode koje omogućuju njihovo praćenje u okolišu. Cilj ovog rada je upoznati se s analitičkim metodama određivanja alendronata, farmaceutika iz skupine bisfosfonata. Na temelju dostupne literature može se reći da je metoda za određivanje alendronata tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti vezana s fluorescentnim detektorom ili spektrometrijom masa. U radu je dan pregled metoda određivanja alendronata te njihova usporedba na temelju izvedbenih značajki određenih tijekom validacije metode.Many pharmaceuticals and personal care products are being recognized as potential environmental risk around the world. Bisphosponates are group of pharmaceuticals that are being used in treating bone disorders such as osteoporosis. Because of their high consumption rate and their physico–chemical properties, such as high water solubility, they can potentially reach every segment of the environment. Once in the environment, pharmaceuticals undergo biotic and abiotic processes that result in decrease of the main compound and in emergence of degradation products. In order to understand the behavior of pharmaceuticals in the environment it is necessary to develop analytical methods that can be used for their monitoring in the environment. Analytical methods for determining alendronat, bisphosponate pharmaceutical, are being presented in this work. Based on literature overview the optimal chromatographic method proved to be high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to fluorescent detector or mass detector. The presented methods were compared based on validation parameters determined during their validation
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