53 research outputs found

    Comment recruter plus efficacement les « publics précaires » ? Une approche contextuelle et collective des recrutements sur les postes de bas niveaux de qualification

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    Cette étude traite de l’insertion professionnelle des publics précaires dans les entreprises du secteur marchand et sous contrat de droit commun. Sur la base du constat selon lequel les entretiens d’embauche classiques seraient tout particulièrement excluants pour ces publics, une alternative est expérimentée : l’Entretien de Mise en Relation (EMR). Cette formule fait intervenir un médiateur ou intermédiaire du marché du travail dans l’entreprise pour amener employeur et candidat à s’accorder sur un objectif commun, l’intégration durable. L’efficacité comparée de l’EMR selon diverses conditions de mise en œuvre est analysée. Il ressort de cette étude qu’une forme de recrutement moins concurrentielle et plus collective (associant des salariés de l’entreprise) favorise l’insertion professionnelle. Ces résultats qui se veulent utiles aux professionnels de l’insertion, sont analysés en référence à la théorie de l’engagement (Kiesler, 1971).The present study deals with vocational rehabilitation of unemployed people. On the basis of report according to which traditional recruitment procedure would be particularly excluding for these public, an alternative is tested: the “Entretien de Mise en Relation” (EMR). This formula utilizes a mediator or intermediary of the labour market in the company to bring employer and candidate to agree on a common objective: durable integration. The compared effectiveness of the EMR according to various conditions of implementation is analyzed. It comes out from this study that a form of recruitment less competing and more collective (associating employees of the company) supports vocational rehabilitation. These results which can be useful for the insertion professionals are analyzed with reference to the commitment theory (Kiesler, 1971

    Corrected Bell and Noncontextuality Inequalities for Realistic Experiments

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    Contextuality is a feature of quantum correlations. It is crucial from a foundational perspective as a nonclassical phenomenon, and from an applied perspective as a resource for quantum advantage. It is commonly defined in terms of hidden variables, for which it forces a contradiction with the assumptions of parameter-independence and determinism. The former can be justified by the empirical property of non-signalling or non-disturbance, and the latter by the empirical property of measurement sharpness. However, in realistic experiments neither empirical property holds exactly, which leads to possible objections to contextuality as a form of nonclassicality, and potential vulnerabilities for supposed quantum advantages. We introduce measures to quantify both properties, and introduce quantified relaxations of the corresponding assumptions. We prove the continuity of a known measure of contextuality, the contextual fraction, which ensures its robustness to noise. We then bound the extent to which these relaxations can account for contextuality, via corrections terms to the contextual fraction (or to any noncontextuality inequality), culminating in a notion of genuine contextuality, which is robust to experimental imperfections. We then show that our result is general enough to apply or relate to a variety of established results and experimental setups.Comment: 20 pages + 14 pages of appendices, 3 figure

    Call Me Maybe? The Effects of Exercising Contingent Capital

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    This paper empirically investigates the effects of banks triggering contingent capital instruments by studying liability management exercises, which bear comparable regulatory capital effects. These actions create core tier one capital by crystalizing losses on hybrid debt holders. Banks' use of liability management exercises, and the market reaction to them, are consistent with these exercises relaxing a regulatory capital constraint. The created value mainly accrues to debt holders, and does not generate a negative signal. Liability management exercises prove effective at improving bank capitalization levels. These findings strengthen the case for contingent capital instruments as an alternative to raising bank capital requirements

    Is Mister Mayor Running a Hedge Fund? The Use of Toxic Loans by Local Authorities

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    We investigate the development of an innovative and high-risk type of borrowing for local governments, known as structured loans. Using transaction data for more than 2,700 local governments in France, we show that the adoption of these instruments is more frequent for politicians from highly indebted local governments, from politically contested areas, and during political campaigns. Taking on structured loans helps incumbents get re-elected, and initially allows them to maintain lower taxes. Our findings illustrate how financial innovation can amplify principal-agent problems within the political system

    What Drives Financial Complexity? A Look into the Retail Market for Structured Products

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    This study investigates how banks design financial products to cater to yield-seeking investors. We focus on a large market of investment products targeted exclusively at households: retail structured products. These products typically offer a high return under their best-case scenario --the headline rate-- that is nested in a complex payoff formula. Using a text analysis of the payoff formulas of the 55,000 products issued in Europe from 2002 to 2010, we measure product headline rates, complexity and risk. Over this period, product headline rates depart from the prevailing interest rates as the latter decrease, complexity increases, and risky products become more common. In the cross section, the headline rate of a product is positively correlated with its level of complexity and risk. Higher headline rate, more complex, and riskier products, appear more profitable to the banks distributing them. Our results suggest that financial complexity is a by-product of banks catering to yield-seeking investors

    Déficience visuelle, pratique (vs non pratique) d'une activité physique et estime de soi : étude comparative et inflexion théorique

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    Conduite auprès de 40 déficients visuels, cette étude montre que l'estime de soi des personnes pratiquant une activité physique est plus marquée que celle des personnes dites sédentaires. Cependant, la présence d'une estime de soi satisfaisante n'est pas le seul facteur qui intervient dans le processus d'intégration sociale des déficients visuels. Certains comportements discriminatoires à l'égard des individus porteurs d'un stigmate posent une barrière à leur adaptation sociale. Autrement dit, la pratique physique est nécessaire mais pas suffisante pour permettre à ces personnes de s'intégrer socialement

    Norme d'internalité et titularisation en football : une approche expérimentale

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    Normes et influences sur le jugement et la prise de décision d'entraîneurs en situation évaluative (ici une sélection par titularisation) : étude montrant qu'à compétences égales, les joueurs présentant une démarche explicative interne bénéficient de pronostics plus favorables et ont plus de chances d'être titularisés (parce que les entraîneurs ont une impression positive à son égard) que des joueurs mobilisant un discours extern
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