21 research outputs found

    Games and Brain-Computer Interfaces: The State of the Art

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    BCI gaming is a very young field; most games are proof-of-concepts. Work that compares BCIs in a game environments with traditional BCIs indicates no negative effects, or even a positive effect of the rich visual environments on the performance. The low transfer-rate of current games poses a problem for control of a game. This is often solved by changing the goal of the game. Multi-modal input with BCI forms an promising solution, as does assigning more meaningful functionality to BCI control

    Slow Sphering to Suppress Non-Stationaries in the EEG

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    Non-stationary signals are ubiquitous in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and pose a problem for robust application of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). These non-stationarities can be caused by changes in neural background activity. We present a dynamic spatial filter based on time local whitening that significantly reduces the detrimental influence of covariance changes during event-related desynchronization classification of an imaginary movement task

    Comparison of PSDA and CCA detection methods in a SSVEP-based BCI-system

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    Using steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) in brain-computer interface (BCI) systems is the subject of a lot of research. One of the most popular and widely used detection method is using a power spectral density analysis (PSDA). Lately there have been some new methods emerging, one of them is using canonical correlation analysis (CCA) which seems to have some promising improvements and advantages compared to traditional SSVEP detection methods, like better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), lower inter-subject variability and the possibility to use harmonic frequencies, i.e., a serie of frequencies which have the same fundamental frequency. In this research two different SSVEP detection methods, one using PSDA and one using CCA are compared. The results show that the CCA-based detection method performs significantly better than the PSDA-based detection method. The increase of performance can in particular be seen when using harmonic frequencies. While the PSDA-based detection method has difficulties detecting harmonic frequencies, the CCA-based detection method is able to detect harmonic frequencies

    Robust brain-computer interfaces

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    A brain-computer interface (BCI) enables direct communication from the brain to devices, bypassing the traditional pathway of peripheral nerves and muscles. Current BCIs aimed at patients require that the user invests weeks, or even months, to learn the skill to intentionally modify their brain signals. This can be reduced to a calibration session of about half an hour per session if machine learning (ML) methods are used. The laborious recalibration is still needed due to inter-session differences in the statistical properties of the electroencephalography (EEG) signal. Further, the natural variability in spontaneous EEG violates basic assumptions made by the ML methods used to train the BCI classifier, and causes the classification accuracy to fluctuate unpredictably. These fluctuations make the current generation of BCIs unreliable. In this dissertation,we will investigate the nature of these variations in the EEG distributions, and introduce two new, complementary methods to overcome these two key issues. To confirm the problem of non-stationary brain signals, we first show that BCIs based on commonly used signal features are sensitive to changes in the mental state of the user. We proceed by describing a method aimed at removing these changes in signal feature distributions. We have devised a method that uses a second-order baseline (SOB) to specifically isolate these relative changes in neuronal firing synchrony. To the best of our knowledge this is the first BCI classifier that works on out-of-sample subjects without any loss of performance. Still, the assumption made by ML methods that the training data consists of samples that are independent and identically distributed (iid) is violated, because EEG samples nearby in time are highly correlated. Therefore we derived a generalization of the well-known support vector machine (SVM) classifier, that takes the resulting chronological structure of classification errors into account. Both on artificial data and real BCI data, overfitting is reduced with this dependent samples support vector machine (dSVM), leading to BCIs with an increased information throughput

    The Impact of Loss of Control on Movement BCIs

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    Abstract—Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are known to suffer from spontaneous changes in the brain activity. If changes in the mental state of the user are reflected in the brain signals used for control, the behaviour of a BCI is directly influenced by these states. We investigate the influence of a state of loss of control in a variant of Pacman on the performance of BCIs based on motor control. To study the effect a temporal loss of control has on the BCI performance, BCI classifiers were trained on electroencephalography (EEG) recorded during the normal control condition, and the classification performance on segments of EEG from the normal and loss of control condition was compared. Classifiers based on event-related desynchronization (ERD) unexpectedly performed significantly better during the loss of control condition; for the event-related potential (ERP) classifiers there was no significant difference in performance. Index Terms—brain-computer interfaces, common spatial patterns, electroencephalography, loss of control, mental states, nonstationary signals, event-related desynchronization, lateralized readiness potential