38 research outputs found

    Physico-chemical, nutritional and sensory properties of sausages in the type of frankfurter of culled goat meat

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    Povećanje broja koza u svetu, posebno onih namenjenih za proizvodnju mleka, neminovno dovodi do rasta populacije starih i izlučenih životinja čije meso je nеdоvоljnо iskоrišćеnо i ima malu komercijalnu vrednost. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj upotrebe različitih količina mesa od starih i izlučenih koza na kvalitet fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica, u tipu frankfurtera od goveđeg mesa, na kraju procesa proizvodnje i tokom skladištenja u vakuum pakovanju. Prateći cilj je da se u recepturi utvrdi nivo zamene goveđeg mesa kozjim mesom, koji garantuje prihvatljivost proizvoda i time doprinese afirmaciji i povećanju komercijalne vrednosti mesa od starih koza. Četiri različita nivoa (25–100%) mesa od starih koza korišćena su u formulaciji frankfurtera (frankfurteri G25, G50, G75 i G100) umesto govedine (CON) i skladišteni su na 0–4° C, tokom 42 dana. Tehnološka, nutritivna i senzorna svojstva, stabilnost masti, profili masnih kiselina, isparljivih organskih jedinjenja i aminokiselina, mikrobiološki kvalitet i bezbednost ispitani su 0., 21. i 42. dana. Istraživanja sprovedena u okviru ove disertacije nisu utvrdila negativan uticaj upotrebe mesa od izlučenih koza na fizičko-hemijska, tehnološka, nutritivna, senzorna i mikrobiološka svojstva fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica, u tipu frankfurtera, kao ni na njihovu stabilnost tokom šestonedeljnog skladištenja u vacuum pakovanju. U pogledu senzornih svojstava mogu se izdvojiti frankfurteri sa 50% i 75% kozjeg mesa u formulaciji, koje su panel ocenjivači i potrošači, respektivno, ocenili kao najprihvatljiviji. Bolja iskorišćenost i dodatna vrednost mesa od starih i izlučenih koza mogu se postići njegovom eksploatacijom u proizvodnji dobro poznatih i rado konzumiranih proizvoda od mesa, kao što su frankfurteri.An increase in the number of goats in the world, especially those intended for milk production, inevitably leads to an increase in the population of aged and culled animals whose meat is underused and has a small commercial value. The aim of the research is to examine the influence of the use of different quantities of meat from aged and culled goats on the quality of emulsified sausages, in the type of beef frankfurter, at the end of the production process and during storage in vacuum packaging. The accompanying goal is to determine the level of substitution of beef with goat meat in the recipe that guarantees the acceptability of the product and thus contribute to the affirmation and increase of the commercial value of meat of aged goats. Four different levels (25–100%) of meat from aged goat are used in frankfurter formulation (frankfurters G25, G50, G75 and G100) instead of beef (CON) and are stored at 0–4° C for 42 days. Technological, nutritional and sensory properties, fat stability, profiles of fatty acids, volatile organic compounds and amino acids, microbiological quality and safety are tested on days 0, 21 and 42. The researches conducted within this dissertation did not determined the negative impact of the use of meat from culled goats on the physico-chemical, technological, nutritional, sensory and microbiological properties of emulsified sausages, in the type of frankfurters, nor on their stability during 6-weeks of storage in vacuum packaging. In terms of sensory properties, frankfurters with 50% and 75% of goat meat in the formulation can be singled out, which panel-evaluators and consumers, respectively, rated as the most acceptable. Better utilization and additional value of meat from aged and culled goats can be achieve by the its exploitation in the production of well-known and often consumed meat products, such as frankfurters

    Fizičko-hemijska, nutritivna i senzorna svojstva kobasica u tipu frankfurtera od mesa izlučenih koza

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    Povećanje broja koza u svetu, posebno onih namenjenih za proizvodnju mleka, neminovno dovodi do rasta populacije starih i izlučenih životinja čije meso je nеdоvоljnо iskоrišćеnо i ima malu komercijalnu vrednost. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj upotrebe različitih količina mesa od starih i izlučenih koza na kvalitet fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica, u tipu frankfurtera od goveđeg mesa, na kraju procesa proizvodnje i tokom skladištenja u vakuum pakovanju. Prateći cilj je da se u recepturi utvrdi nivo zamene goveđeg mesa kozjim mesom, koji garantuje prihvatljivost proizvoda i time doprinese afirmaciji i povećanju komercijalne vrednosti mesa od starih koza. Četiri različita nivoa (25–100%) mesa od starih koza korišćena su u formulaciji frankfurtera (frankfurteri G25, G50, G75 i G100) umesto govedine (CON) i skladišteni su na 0–4° C, tokom 42 dana. Tehnološka, nutritivna i senzorna svojstva, stabilnost masti, profili masnih kiselina, isparljivih organskih jedinjenja i aminokiselina, mikrobiološki kvalitet i bezbednost ispitani su 0., 21. i 42. dana. Istraživanja sprovedena u okviru ove disertacije nisu utvrdila negativan uticaj upotrebe mesa od izlučenih koza na fizičko-hemijska, tehnološka, nutritivna, senzorna i mikrobiološka svojstva fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica, u tipu frankfurtera, kao ni na njihovu stabilnost tokom šestonedeljnog skladištenja u vacuum pakovanju. U pogledu senzornih svojstava mogu se izdvojiti frankfurteri sa 50% i 75% kozjeg mesa u formulaciji, koje su panel ocenjivači i potrošači, respektivno, ocenili kao najprihvatljiviji. Bolja iskorišćenost i dodatna vrednost mesa od starih i izlučenih koza mogu se postići njegovom eksploatacijom u proizvodnji dobro poznatih i rado konzumiranih proizvoda od mesa, kao što su frankfurteri

    Kvalitet mesa koza i njegov uticaj na zdravlje ljudi

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    Today, goats are spread throughout the world. They live in small or large herds and in different areas and environments. Because of its distinctive taste and desired chemical composition, goat meat is increasingly consumed in Serbia. As animal foods, it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, but contains very little fat, especially cholesterol. The aim of this review paper is to highlight some health benefits, nutritional values and potential use of goat meat. On the chemical composition of goat meat affect race, gender, productivity and adaptability to stress, environment, management, diet, weight at slaughter and health condition as well as slaughter and procedures with the carcasses after slaughter. Average chemical composition of lean goat meat contains about 75.42% water, 3.55% fat, 19.95 % protein and 1.06% mineral matter. The energy value is about 580 kJ per 100 g. The goat meat has about the same nutritional value as well as sheep meat. Due to low content of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, goat meat in the human diet is healthier alternative compared to other types of red meat. Polyunsaturated fatty acids prevalent in goat meat, and the diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids is correlated with a reduced risk of stroke and coronary disease. In addition, in goat meat are present the essential amino acids such as lysine, threonine and tryptophan. Regardless to the nutritional value, goat meat is still less appreciated due to their specific smell and taste, the more if the animal is older

    Isolation and detection of Listeria monocytogenes in poultry meat by standard culture methods and PCR

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    Listeria is the genus of a bacteria found in soil and water and some animals, including poultry and cattle. It can be present in raw milk and food made from raw milk. It can also live in food processing plants and contaminate a variety of processed meats. Microscopically, Listeria species appear as small, Gram-positive rods, which are sometimes arranged in short chains. In direct smears, they can be coccoid, so they can be mistaken for streptococci. Longer cells can resemble corynebacteria. Flagella are produced at room temperature but not at 37 degrees C. Haemolytic activity on blood agar has been used as a marker to distinguish Listeria monocytogenes among other Listeria species, but it is not an absolutely definitive criterion. Further biochemical characterization is necessary to distinguish between the different Listeria species. The objective of this study was to detect, isolate and identify Listeria monocytogenes from poultry meat. Within a period of six months from January to June 2017, a total of 15 samples were collected. Three samples were positive for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes. Biochemical and microbiological tests as well as PCR technique using specific primers were used to confirm L. Monocytogenes in the samples

    Karakteristike kvalitete izabranih proizvoda od mlijeka u Srbiji

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    The aim of this paper was to assess and compare the compliance of the chosen quality characteristics of commercially available dairy products with the requirements of the current Serbian legislation. A total of 706 samples of liquid milks (pasteurized and UHT-treated), fermented milks (liquid and solid yoghurt) and milk powders (skimmed and whole milk powder) were collected from the market and analysed for milk fat content, pH value, water content and protein content, depending on the type of product. The obtained results were interpreted in relation to the dairy plants capacities in which the analysed dairy products were produced. Except the fermented milk samples with a declared milk fat content of 3.2 %, all other analysed compositional and quality parameters of the selected dairy products were in compliance with the current legislation. It was observed that dairy plants of smaller capacity had a higher variation of quality characteristics of dairy products.Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti usuglašenost izabranih karakteristika kvalitete komercijalnih proizvoda od mlijeka sa zahtjevima zakonske regulative Republike Srbije. Uzorkovano je 706 različitih proizvoda i obuhvaćeni su mlijeko (pasterizirano i UHT), fermentirani proizvodi od mlijeka (jogurt i kiselo mlijeko) i mlijeko u prahu (punomasno mlijeko u prahu i obrano mlijeko u prahu). Svi proizvodi prikupljeni su s tržišta a ovisno o vrsti proizvoda, analizirani su mliječna mast, pH vrijednost, udjel vode i proteini. Rezultati su tumačeni u odnosu na kapacitet mljekara u kojima su proizvedeni. Osim u slučaju fermentiranih proizvoda od mlijeka sa sadržajem mliječne masti od 3,2 %, sve ostale karakteristike bile su u skladu s vrijednostima zahtijevanim u zakonskoj regulativi. Istraživanjem je uočeno da su u mljekarama manjeg kapaciteta veća variranja vrijednosti karakteristika kvalitete proizvoda od mlijeka

    Tolypocladium parasiticum Barron, a polyextremophilic fungus

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    In the past decades, great attention was devoted to extremophilic microorganisms. Extremophiles survive in extreme conditions, such as extreme temperatures, high saline, acidic, and alkaline solutions or environments with increased heavy metal content (1). Heavy metals are the most persistent and complex kind of pollutants to remediate in nature. Metals, unlike most organic compounds, do not undergo metabolic degradation and accumulate in living tissues. Among heavy metals and metalloids, Zn, Ni, Co, and Cu are more toxic to plants, whereas As, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Hg are more toxic to higher animals (2). They not only degrade the quality of the atmosphere, water bodies, and food crops, but also threaten the health and well-being of animals and human beings. Lead toxicity affects the liver, kidneys, spleen, and lungs, causing neurotoxicity, especially in children. Cadmium ingested from food can damage the kidneys, liver and bones. Zinc is associated with anemia and tissue pathology, and arsenic accumulates mainly in the liver, kidney, heart, and lungs, but to a lesser extent in muscle and nerve tissue, and it is defined as a carcinogen (3). Most contaminants are of anthropogenic origin, but some contaminants have a natural pedo-geochemical origin. Tolypocladium parasiticum Barron, is a known entomo- and nematode-pathogenic fungus. The fungus is an endophyte of Holcus lanatus (4) and halophilic Salicornia europea (5). It is a member of the family Ophiocordicipitaceae, within the order Hypocreales, the class Sordariomycetes, and the phylum Ascomycota. Tolypocladium parasiticum was found in an abandoned medieval mine near the town of Kursumlija in the southern part of the Republic of Serbia. The fungus was isolated from soil and maintained on PDA at 27°C. Species identity was confirmed by molecular analyses and sequencing, using 2234C and 3126T ITS primers (6). The GenBank accession number OR018820 was obtained for this species. Previous research on the stress resistance investigated fungal cold activity, UV-B tolerance, and wet-heat tolerance (7). Our study reports for the first time that the fungus survives at extremely low pH (3.1), high Zn (204 mg/kg), Pb (74 mg/kg), Cd (0.6 mg/kg) and As (54 mg/kg) contents in soil. Our results also revealed that Tolypocladium parasiticum is a polyextremophile, i.e., adapted to life in habitats where various extreme physicochemical properties occur

    Meat quality characteristics of DurocxYorkshire, DurocxYorkshirexwild boar and wild boar

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    Chemical composition, pH value, fatty acids profile, cholesterol content, color and sensory analysis of pork meat from Duroc x Yorkshire (D x Y), Duroc x Yorkshire x wild boar (D x Y x WB) crossbreeds and wild boars (WB) was investigated. Samples for all tests were taken from m. longissimus dorsi. Chemical composition and pH value were tested by ISO methods. Fatty acid and cholesterol determination was performed by gas chromatography technique with external standard method. Color was determined instrumentally using the thristimulus colourimeter. The overall sensoric quality (appearance, texture and smell) of samples of raw meat was evaluated. In evaluation of results the scoring system was used. In chemical composition (moisture, fat, protein, ash) and pH values statistically significant difference was noted (p<0,05) between each of the examined groups. Also, among all the examined groups statistically significant difference (p<0,05) was found for fatty acids and cholesterol content. Measurment of the color of meat from all three groups showed that the L*, a * b *, Chroma and Hue angle were also statistically significantly different (p<0,01)

    Comparison of elisa and HPLC methods for the detection of mycotoxins by analysing proficiency test results

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    Different analytical techniques for the detection of mycotoxins have been developed in order to control the levels of mycotoxins in food and feed. Conventional analytical methods for mycotoxin determination are involving techniques such as thinlayer chromatography (TLC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC). Also, rapid methods for mycotoxin analysis have become increasingly important. Enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA) is one of the most common rapid methods for determination of these natural contaminants. The aim of this study was to provide a comparison between two different methods of analysis (HPLC and ELISA) for the detection of different mycotoxins using data that originate from commercial proficiency tests. Based on the statistical evaluation of the results for both methods, in three proficiency tests for various mycotoxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxin and zearalenone), it could be concluded that both techniques can equally be used, although ELISA is considered to be the screening one


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    Za procenu promene kvaliteta uskladištenog zrna heljde, primenjen je tretman veštačkog starenja u cilju ubrzavanja tih procesa. Ispitivana su biološka, fizička i hemijska svojstva zrna. Za ovu studiju, poljski ogled je postavljen u Topoli na zemljištu tipa smonica, po slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom parcela 120m2 tokom proizvodne 2022. godine. Ovu godinu obeležili su nepovoljni uslovi za proizvodnju heljde što je uticalo na prosečan prinos koji je iznosio 1,86 t ha-1. Nakon tri meseca skladištenja, klijavost zrna je smanjena za 6,6%, masa 1000 zrna za 0,81%, dužina zrna za 0,37%, širina za 0,22% i debljina za 0,59%. Ispitani parametri hemijskih svojstava su sniženi tokom skladištenja, sa izuzetkom sadržaja pepela, čija je vrednost povećana za oko 30%. Sadržaj vlage je smanjen sa 10,21% na 9,09%, proteina sa 12,1 na 11,46%, a lipida sa 3,09 na 2,78%. Vrednost pH se smanjila sa 6,74 na 6,63, a ukupna alkoholna kiselost sa 1,35 na 1,18. Rezultati ovih istraživanja mogu biti od koristiti opemenjivačima u procesu razvoja novih, poboljšanih sorti heljde, kao i prerađivačima koji za svoje proizvode koriste ovu sirovinu

    Influence of different plant-based diets on fatty acids composition of goat meat

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    Goat meat quality depends on many factors, primarily diet, race, gender, stress, environment, management. Goat meat contains low quantity of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, and fatty acids composition depends on nutrition. The main objective of this study was to examine the influence of plantbased diets from different regions (hilly and plain) on fatty acids composition of fresh goat meat. The fresh meat is obtained from Balkan goats breed (about 4 years old) originating from hilly and plain regions. Gas chromatography with flame-ionization detector (GC-FID) and fatty acids methyl esters (FAMEs) derived by transesterification from fats are used to determine fatty acids profile according to ISO 12966 method. Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) is noted between values of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids of compared fresh goat meat originating from different regions. The amount of examined monounsaturated fatty acids is lower in fresh goat meat from plain area. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic (n- 3 FA), linolelaidic and linoleic acids are found in higher percentage (1.2%, 0.4% and 3.0%, respectively) in goat meat from hilly region. The results suggest that plant-based diet consist of different species of herbs distinctive to certain regions has an impact on the composition and quality of goat meat fatty acids profile