12 research outputs found

    Basic module for an integrated optical phase difference measurement and correction system

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1994.Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-104).by Boris GolubovĆ­c.M.S

    Čimbenici povezani s depresijom u bolesnika sa shizofrenijom

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    The aim of this study was to analyze risk factors present in schizophrenic patients with depressive symptomatology. The sample comprised of 76 respondents diagnosed with schizophrenia. In the study, we used the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia. The prevalence of depression was estimated to be 30%. The mean scores on the negative subscale of the PANSS were significantly higher in patients with schizophrenia and depression compared to control group (U=3.64, p=0.00), and so were those on the General Psychopathology Scale (U=4.91, p=0.00). Socio-demographic factors were identified as important factors (p<0.05). Personal and environmental factors such as loneliness, immediate social environment, social support and isolation were statistically significantly different between the groups (p<0.05). There was a correlation of poor compliance with psycho-pharmacotherapy, increased number of hospitalizations and shorter remission period with the severity of clinical presentation (p<0.05). Since the presence of these factors is associated with depression in schizophrenia, their early detection in clinical practice is vital to ensure timely prevention of the development of depressive symptomatology.Cilj ovoga rada bio je analizirati čimbenike rizika prisutne u shizofrenih bolesnika s depresivnom simptomatologijom. Uzorak se sastojao od 76 ispitanika s dijagnozom shizofrenije. U studiji smo koristili Ljestvicu za procjenu pozitivnog i negativnog sindroma kod shizofrenije (PANSS) i Kalgarijsku ljestvicu depresije. Procjenjuje se da je učestalost depresije 30%. Prosječni rezultati na negativnoj podljestvici PANSS-a bili su značajno veći u bolesnika sa shizofrenijom i depresijom u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (U=3,64, p=0,00), kao i na općoj psihopatoloÅ”koj ljestvici (U=4,91, p=0,00). Socio-demografski čimbenici identificirani su kao važni čimbenici (p<0,05). Osobni i okoliÅ”ni čimbenici, kao Å”to su usamljenost, neposredna druÅ”tvena okolina, socijalna potpora i izolacija statistički se značajno razlikuju među skupinama (p<0,05). Postoji korelacija između slabe usklađenosti s psihofarmakoterapijom, povećanog broja hospitalizacija, kao i kraćeg razdoblja remisije s težinom kliničke slike (p<0,05). Budući da je prisutnost ovih čimbenika povezana s depresijom u shizofreniji, njihovo rano otkrivanje u kliničkoj praksi je od vitalnog značenja za pravodobno sprječavanje razvoja depresivne simptomatologije

    Relationship of adipokine to insulin sensitivity and glycemic regulation in obese women: The effect of body weight reduction by caloric restriction

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    Bacground/Aim. Visceral fat is highly active metabolic and endocrine tissue which secretes many adipokines that act both on local and systemic level. It is believed that adipokines and "low-grade inflammatory state" represent a potential link between obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. Leptin and adiponectin are considered to be the most important adipokines with the potential metabolic and cardiovascular effects. Body weight loss improves insulin sensitivity and decreases risk for most complications associated with obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of moderate loss of body weight on the level of leptin and adiponectin, insulin sensitivity and abnormalities of glycoregulation in obese women, to determine whether and to what extent the secretory products of adipose tissue, leptin and adiponectin contribute to insulin sensitivity, as well as to assess their relationship and influence on glycemia and insulinemia during the period of losing body weight using a calorie restricted diet. Methods. The study involved 90 obese female subjects (BM

    Influence of the Ā»Rijeka ModelĀ« of Bioethics Education on Attitudes of Medical Students towards Death and Dying ā€“ A Cross Sectional Study

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    The aim of this study was to assess attitude towards euthanasia, and the influence of socio-demographic data and death education carried out through the Ā»Rijeka modelĀ« of bioethics education for the first-year medical students of the School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia. The cross-sectional study was conducted in the academic year 2003/ 2004. 124 (61% female) participants were surveyed by using an anonymous questionnaire before and after training. Catholics (p= 0.003) and students from areas with populations of less than 50,000 inhabitants (p=0.001) had significantly negative attitude towards euthanasia than others before the course, yet no differences were found following this training. Attitude towards euthanasia was significantly positive after the course (p=0.005). All items in the questionnaire, except Ā»Croatia should legalise euthanasiaĀ«, received more positive scores after the course. Death education carried through the Ā»Rijeka modelĀ« of bioethics education has changed attitudes of medical students towards a more positive perception of euthanasia

    Kultur der Gesundheitsiformationen in Kroatien

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    Rad stavlja naglasak na informacijsku kulturu kao dio organizacijske kulture koja određuje upravljanje informacijama te načine njezina koriÅ”tenja u sustavu. Zdravstvene informacije predstavljaju iznimno važan resurs u planiranju, vođenju i procjeni zdravstvenog sustava, dok upravljanje informacijama u zdravstvu ima izravan učinak na funkcioniranje zdravstvenog sustava kao i na kvalitetu zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. U radu se navodi nekoliko primjera nedostatne informacijske kulture i manjkavog upravljanja informacijama u projektima implementacije informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija u zdravstvu Republike Hrvatske. Uzrok je prepoznat u izostanku sustavnog i strateÅ”kog upravljanja eZdravljem, a navedeni primjeri ukazuju na probleme netransparentnosti sustava i njegovog preskupog održavanja, na institucionalnu fragmentarnost, nedostatak sustavno planiranih ljudskih i financijskih resursa, izostanak definiranih uloga i ovlasti te komunikacije među dionicima, kao i na nepostojanje standarda, procedura i evaluacija. Autori predlažu ozbiljan pristup strateÅ”kim odrednicama upravljanja zdravstvenim podacima i informacijama kao kritičan korak ka sustavnom i uspjeÅ”nom upravljanju eZdravljem. Kao moguće aktivnosti predlaže se jačanje institucijskih kapaciteta, uspjeÅ”nija komunikacija te podjela ovlasti i uloga dionika koji bi informacijama trebali upravljati.In this paper we focus on information culture as part of organizational culture, which controls data management and data use within the system. Health information is an important resource in planning, managing and evaluating the system of health, while health information management can have a direct effect on the functioning of the system of health, as well as the quality of health protection. We use the project of the implementation of information-communication technologies within the health system in Croatia in order to reveal the deficiencies in its information culture and data management. We found several reasons for these deficiencies: the absence of systematic and strategic management of eHealth, the existence of a non-transparent system, a high cost of its maintenance, institutional fragmentation, the lack of planned human and financial resources, defined roles and obligations, communication among the actors, as well as standards, procedures and evaluations. The authors suggest a serious approach to strategic goals of health data and information management as a critical step towards a more systematic and successful management of eHealth. In particular, we suggest the strengthening of institutional capacities, more successful communication, as well as better delegation of power and roles among the actors in charge of information management.In der Arbeit wird der Akzent auf die Informationskultur als ein Teil der Organisationskultur gesetzt, die das Datenmanagement bestimmt, sowie die Art und Weise, wie sie im System genutzt wird. Die Gesundheitsiformationen stellen eine auƟerordentlich wichtige Ressource bei der Planung, FĆ¼hrung und Bewertung des Gesundheitssystems dar, wƤhrend das Datenmanagement im Gesundheitswesen das Funktionieren des Gesundheitssystems sowie die QualitƤt des Gesundheitsschutzes unmittelbar beeinfluƟt. In der Arbeit werden einige Beispiele mangelhafter Informationskultur und mangelhaften Datenmanagements in den Projekten der Implementierung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Gesundheitswesen der Republik Kroatien angefĆ¼hrt. Die Ursache sieht man im Fehlen eines systematischen und strategischen Managements in der e-Gesundheit und die angefĆ¼hrten Beispiele weisen auf das Problem der Nichttransparenz des Systems und dessen zu teurer Wartung hin, auf den institutionellen Fragmentarismus, auf das Fehlen von systematisch geplanten menschlichen und finanziellen Ressourcen, auf das Ausbleiben von definierten Rollen und Befugnissen, auf das Fehlen der Kommunikation unter den Teilnehmern, sowie auf das Nichtbestehen von Standards, Prozeduren und Evaluationen. Die Autoren schlagen seriƶse AnsƤtze der strategischen Determinanten im Management von Gesundheitsdaten und Informationen vor, einen kritischen Schritt in Richtung eines systematischen und erfolgreichen Managements der e-Gesundheit. Als mƶgliche AktivitƤten werden die StƤrkung von institutionellen KapazitƤten, eine erfolgreichere Kommunikation, sowie die Teilung von Befugnissen und Rollen der Teilnehmer vorgeschlagen

    Stres na radu i zdravlje medicinskih sestara u jedinicama intenzivne njege u Srbiji

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    The aim of this study was to identify and analyse professional stressors, evaluate the level of stress in nurses in Intensive Care Units (ICU), and assess the correlation between the perception of stress and psychological and somatic symptoms or diseases shown by nurses. The research, designed as a crosssectional study, was carried out in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), in health centres in Serbia. The sample population encompassed 1000 nurses. Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) was used as the research instrument. ENSS revealed a valid metric characteristic within our sample population. Nurses from ICUs rated situations involving physical and psychological working environments as the most stressful ones, whereas situations related to social working environment were described as less stressful; however, the differences in the perception of stressfulness of these environments were minor. Socio-demographic determinants of the participants (age, marital status and education level) significantly affected the perception of stress at work. Significant differences in the perception of stressfulness of particular stress factors were observed among nurses with respect to psychological and somatic symptoms (such as headache, insomnia, fatigue, despair, lower back pain, mood swings etc.) and certain diseases (such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes mellitus etc). In view of permanent escalation of professional stressors, creating a supportive working environment is essential for positive health outcomes, prevention of job-related diseases and better protection of already ill nurses.Cilj je ovoga rada bio identifi cirati i analizirati profesionalne stresore, procijeniti razinu stresa kod medicinskih sestara u jedinicama intenzivne njege te procijeniti korelaciju između percepcije stresa i prisutnosti psiholoÅ”kih i somatskih simptoma ili bolesti kod medicinskih sestara. Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku studije presjeka u Jedinicama intenzivne njege u zdravstvenim centrima u Srbiji. Uzorak se sastojao od 1000 medicinskih sestara-tehničara. Za procjenu i analizu profesionalnih stresora koriÅ”ten je upitnik Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS), koji je pokazao validne metrijske karakteristike na naÅ”oj ispitanoj populaciji. Medicinske sestre u Jedinicama intenzivne njege ocijenile su situacije iz fizičkoga i psiholoÅ”koga radnog okruženja kao izrazito opterećujuće, a situacije iz socijalnoga radnog okruženja kao manje opterećujuće. Razlika u percepciji stresogenosti navedenih radnih okruženja nije bila statistički značajna. Sociodemografske determinante ispitanika (dob, bračno stanje i stupanj obrazovanja) značajno utječu na percepciju stresa na radnom mjestu. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u opažanju stresogenosti pojedinih stresnih situacija na radnom mjestu između medicinskih sestara u odnosu na postojanje psihosomatskih simptoma (kao Å”to su glavobolja, nesanica, umor, očaj, bol u leđima, česte promjene raspoloženja) ili određenih bolesti (kao Å”to su poviÅ”ena hipertenzija, infarkt miokarda, cerebrovaskularni inzult, Å”ećerna bolest). Zbog sve izraženije prisutnosti profesionalnih stresora nužno je poduzeti određene strateÅ”ke mjere kod medicinskih sestara u Jedinicama intenzivne njege. StrateÅ”ke mjere podrazumijevaju unaprjeđenje psihosocijalne radne klime, Å”to bi unaprijedilo njihovo zdravlje i spriječilo nastanak bolesti u svezi s radom, ali i omogućilo bolju zaÅ”titu već oboljelim medicinskim sestrama

    Effects of exercise on physical fitness in children with intellectual disability

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    This paper presents the results of the study which examined the effects of carefully designed physical exercise programs on the development of physical fitness in children with ID. The study sample consisted of 42 children with ID and 45 typically developing children. All the participants were assessed using Eurofit Test Battery. The results were analyzed in terms of participation in the exercise program and level of intellectual functioning. While ID children scored significantly lower on fitness tests when compared with typically developing children, the study revealed an association between degree of ID and physical fitness

    Karst groundwater budget and discharge regime of Banja Spring near Petnica

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    Detailed hydrological and hydrogeological assessments of karst spring discharge require information about the groundwater regime in the study area/watershed. However, groundwater regime monitoring is often organized locally and sporadically, as required for specific studies or projects, and seldom lasts longer than one year. On the other hand, if time series of quantitative parameters are shorter than 15 years, the watershed is considered to be ungauged. As a result, discharge regime and karst aquifer budget assessments of ungauged watersheds can be misleading. To minimize water budget assessment errors, available time series need to be extended as far as possible. Regression models are commonly used to extend, simulate or fill gaps in existing time series. The paper presents an application of multiple linear regression to extend the existing time series of mean monthly discharges of Banja Spring (at Petnica, western Serbia), in order to cover the entire study period (1960-2006)

    Effects of midazolam co-induction to general anesthesia: A randomized clinical trial

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    Background: This study aimed to determine the potential advantages of midazolam co-induction with general anesthesia (GA) over the use of propofol alone. Methods: We conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blinded clinical trial of 102 patients, aged 18 to 65, American Society of Anesthesiologists II and III, who underwent elective laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Patients were randomly divided into 3 groups: the placebo group (C) received 1mL of 0.9% saline intravenously and the test groups received intravenous midazolam at doses of 0.03mg/kg (M1) or 0.06mg/kg (M2) before induction of GA. We assessed effects of midazolam co-induction on arterial pressure and heart rate (HR) in the early stage of GA prior to surgical incision and effects on perioperative and postoperative glycemia and cortisol levels. Systolic/mean/diastolic (SAP/MAP/DAP) arterial pressure and HR were measured 4 times (preoperative, on the third, sixth and ninth minute after atracurium administration). Cortisol was measured on 3 occasions (preoperatively, 60 minutes after surgical incision, and the following morning) and glucose on 4 occasions (preoperatively, 15 and 60 minutes after incision, and the following morning). We also assessed the incidence of postoperative anxiety, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), and propofol requirement for induction. Results: SAP/MAP/DAP were significantly higher in M2 immediately after induction compared to the other study groups (P = .002/.004/.013). Midazolam co-induction led to a significant reduction in postoperative anxiety (P = .03), reduced cortisol concentration 60 minutes after surgical incision (P < .001) and propofol requirements (P < .001). Conclusion subsections: Midazolam co-induction prevented a marked decline in SAP/MAP/DAP immediately after induction of GA, led to reduced postoperative anxiety and cortisol response to surgery, and reduced propofol requirements for induction. Abbreviations: BIS = bispectral index monitoring, C = placebo/control group of patients, COR = cortisol, GA = general anesthesia, GLU = glucose, HR = heart rate, M1 = group of patients that received intravenous midazolam at dose of 0.03mg/ kg, M2 = group of patients that received intravenous midazolam at dose of 0.06mg/kg, MAC = minimum alveolar concentration, PONV = postoperative nausea and vomiting, SAP/MAP/DAP = systolic/mean/diastolic blood pressure, SAS = Zungā€™s Self-rating Anxiety Scale, TIVA = total intravenous anesthesia

    Connection between markers of cholestasis and intensity of oxidative modification of proteins in patients with choledocholithiasis

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    The aim of this study was to examine the connection between cholestatic markers and the oxidative protein modification intensity in patients with choledocholithiasis. All the participants were subjected to clinical, laboratory and ultrasonic check-up at the Internal Department of the Military Hospital in NiÅ”, Serbia. The parameters of oxidative stress: carbonyl groups, a measure of oxidative protein modification, and biochemical markers of cholestasis were determined by standard biochemical methods. The concentration of total (r=0.41, p<0.05), direct (r=0.49, p<+0.01) and indirect (r=0.41, p<0.05) bilirubin was in statistically significant positive linear correlation with the intensity of oxidative modification of proteins, while the other biochemical markers of cholestasis did not show such correlation. Total, direct and indirect bilirubins showed a significant positive correlation with oxidative protein modification, assessed through the levels of carbonyl groups in patients with choledocholithiasis