85 research outputs found

    The association of thyroid disorders with abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is an abnormal bleeding from the uterus in absence of organic disease of genital tract and demonstrable extragenital cause. Thyroid dysfunction is marked by large number of menstrual aberrations. This study is aimed at detecting thyroid dysfunction in patients with provisional diagnosis of AUB and refers positive cases to physician for further evaluation.Methods: 100 cases of clinically diagnosed AUB were taken from Gynaecology OPD and inpatients of MGM hospital, Kalamboli. All patients from 19 to 45 age groups presenting as menorrhagia, acyclical metropathia, polymenorrhagia, metrorhhagia, oligomenorrhoea, polymenorrhoea and hypomenorrhoea were tested for their thyroid function by T3, T4, TSH estimations in their serum. Patients who had clinical signs and symptoms of thyroid disease, were on hormonal treatment, IUCD users, or had bleeding disorders were excluded from the study.Results: 30% of patients who were studied had thyroid dysfunction, of which 18% of patients had subclinical hypothyroidism, 9% of patients had hypothyroidism and only 3% of patients had hyperthyroidism. The commonest bleeding abnormalities in subclinical hypothyroid patients were polymenorrhaggia and menorrhaggia. Most of the hyperthyroid cases were oligomenorrhoeic.Conclusions: Both subclinical hypothyroid and profoundly hypothyroid cases together were the commonest thyroid dysfunction and menorrhagia was their commonest menstrual abnormality. So this study concludes that, biochemical evaluation of thyroid functioning should be made mandatory in all provisionally diagnosed cases of DUB to detect thyroid dysfunction.

    Pyrexia in pregnancy: an atypical presentation

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    Every year approximately 50 million women living in malaria endemic areas become pregnant and are at high risk of adverse health impact of malaria. Pregnancy appears to interfere with immune process in malaria and the disease itself alters immune reactivity. Malaria is a parasite infestation with protozoan Plasmodium; transmitted through bite of female Anopheline mosquito. We present a case of 25 week multigravida with vivax malaria complaining of breathlessness. On further investigations, patient was found to have bilateral pleural effusion.

    Oligohydramnios sequence and a variant of Dandy-Walker syndrome

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    Dandy-Walker syndrome is frequently associated with disorders of other areas of the central nervous system, including absence of the area made up of nerve fibers connecting the two cerebral hemispheres (corpus callosum) and malformations of the heart, face, limbs, fingers and toes. In the diagnostic workup, ultrasound is reliable and accurate for making the diagnosis. For diagnostic purposes and confirmation of diagnosis, foetal MRI in utero also has been advocated. Further confirmation may be done with autopsy of neonate after birth. Most of the pregnancies are terminated after antenatal diagnosis on anomaly scan. However if born alive the survival depends on associated anomalies in other systems

    A unique case of successful twin pregnancy reaching term in a patient with uterus bicornis unicollis

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    Abnormal fusion of the Mullerian ducts or failure of absorption of the septum causes varying degrees of congenital uterine malformation. Twin gestation in a case of bicornuate uterus is rare. We are reporting this case because of its rare presentation, where a case of undiagnosed twins managed to reach full-term after spontaneous conception. We report here a 30 year old gravida four para one with no live issues who presented at term in labour. Per Abdomen examination suggested a twin gestation which was confirmed by ultrasonography. Both the twins were delivered by an emergency caesarean section. Intraoperatively the uterus was found to be bicornuate uterus (bicornis unicollis) with both the babies in two different horns

    Charge transport mechanisms in monovalent doped mixed valent manganites

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    Abstract In this communication, we report the results of the studies on structural and transport properties of monovalent Na + doped La 1-x Na x MnO 3 (LNMO; x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30) manganites synthesized by conventional ceramic method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld refinements reveal the single phasic nature of LNMO manganites without any detectable impurity within the measurement range. Temperature dependent resistivity, under different applied magnetic fields, has been performed on LNMO samples. Samples understudy exhibit metal to insulator (semiconductor) transition at temperature T P which is strongly influenced by the substitution of Na + at La 3+ site. -T plots also exhibit resistivity upturn behavior at low temperature well below 40K under all the applied fields. Variation in T P and resistivity has been discussed in the context of the competition between the transport favoring tolerance factor and zener double exchange (ZDE) mechanism and transport degrading Jahn-Teller (JT) and size variance effects. In order to understand the mechanisms responsible for the charge transport in metallic and semiconducting regions and to explore the possible electronic processes responsible for the observed low temperature resistivity minima in all the presently studied LNMO manganites, various models have been employed. It has been found that VRH mechanism gets successfully fitted to the resistivity data in the semiconducting region while ZDE polynomial law is responsible for the charge conduction in metallic region for all the presently studied LNMO samples. A strong dependence of activation energy on the Na + -content as well as applied magnetic field has been discussed in the context of variation and interrelations between the structural parameters. Charge conduction in metallic region has been discussed in the light of electron-phonon interactions which is influenced by the Na + -content and applied magnetic field. Electrostatic blockade model has been employed to understand the low temperature resistivity minima behavior. Blocking energy for the charge carriers shows a dependence on the magnetic energy provided to the charge carriers. Present study can be useful to understand and to control the charge conduction in the manganites and hence to design the manganite based thin film devices for various spintronic applications

    Voltammetry of [Ru(Hedta)(OH2)] at HMDE

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    457-459Electrochemical reduction of [RuIII(Hedta)(OH2)] has been studied at HMDE in different electrolytes in the pH range 1-11.2 by employing cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and chronopotentiometry. Kinetic parameters such as diffusion coefficient, transfer coefficient and heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants have been evaluated. A mechanism for the electrochemical reduction of the ruthenium centre is proposed

    Survey of reasons for discontinuation from in vitro fertilization treatment among couples attending infertility clinic

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    Background: With the increase in infertility burden, more and more couples are opting for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Despite the availability of various treatment options, the major concern that needs to be addressed is the reasons why such couples, initially motivated so strongly, drop out in fairly high numbers from IVF cycles. With this point of view the study was designed. AIM: The objective of this study was to explore the reasons why couples discontinue fertility treatment. Settings and Design: This retrospective study was carried out among couples in the age group of 20-40 years who opted for IVF at Tertiary care hospital and a private infertility center. Materials and Methods: Medical records for 3 years (2009-2012) were taken out and included in the study for analysis. Socio-demographic details along with indication for IVF and reasons for drop-separate IVF therapy were recorded on case record form and were analyzed. Results: Twenty-one percent of the patients had tubal pathology, thus making it the commonest female related factor for indication of IVF. Oligoasthenospermia (13%) was the commonest cause of male related infertility factor. Financial burden was the primary cause for terminating treatment in majority of the IVF cases. Conclusions: Financial burden (62.5%) was the commonest reason for drop out among couples from IVF cycle