5 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to identify risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) in drivers of public mass transportation in the municipality of Salvador (Bahia) and knowledge of these as a form of prevention. Descriptive study. Convenience sample. Descriptive analysis. 100 drivers full time employees, predominantly median age of 38 years, color / black ethnicity, average schooling, family income between 1-3 minimum wages, with 4-6 dependent on residence, alcohol consumption were approached 65.0% , sedentary 73.0% overweight and 52.0% reported stress in the workplace in 63.0%. Most respondents have knowledge regarding the risk for development of CHD factors, but still retains habits that discourages prevention. The nurse, student health, should ensure that bus drivers and other workers exposed to occupational risks and risk for CAD, a better quality of life factors.Estudo descritivo que objetivou identificar fatores de risco para a doença arterial coronariana (DAC) em motoristas de transporte coletivo público e, o conhecimento desses como forma de prevenção, no município de Salvador - BA. Amostra por conveniência com análise descritiva. Foram entrevistados 100 motoristas em atividade laboral, idade mediana de 38 anos, cor/etnia negra, média escolaridade, renda familiar entre 1 a 3 salários mínimos, com 4 a 6 dependentes na residência. Dentre os participantes, 73,0% sedentários, 52,0% com sobrepeso, 65,0% consumiam álcool e 63,0% com relato de estresse no ambiente de trabalho. A maioria dos entrevistados tinham conhecimento quanto aos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da DAC, porém mantinham hábitos desfavoráveis à prevenção. O enfermeiro educador em saúde, deve garantir orientações preventivas visando uma melhor qualidade de vida dos motoristas de ônibus expostos aos riscos ocupacionais e a fatores de risco para a DAC


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    Objetivo: conhecer a produção científica sobre as Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis e o acometimento aos homens no sistema prisional. Método: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados SciELO, LILACS, Web of Science e MEDLINE. Resultados: o cenário das Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis entre homens no sistema prisional caracterizou-se pela continuidade da elevação de fatores de risco, vulnerabilização masculina, fragilidade na educação sexual e fez interface com o comportamento, as práticas e as identidades sexuais e os padrões de masculinidade. Apresentou limitação das ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de agravos, problemas de governança e institucionalização de medidas de enfrentamento, cronicidade das negligências e iniquidades em saúde. Conclusão: Foram identificadas fragilidades na atenção à saúde e nos níveis de literacia em saúde masculina, que se somam à manutenção da masculinidade hegemônica e ao grave comprometimento dos direitos humanos.Descritores: Prisioneiros. Saúde Sexual. Saúde Reprodutiva. Saúde do Homem. Saúde Pública


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    Objetivo:  apresentar o panorama da saúde de homens em vivência da pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil. Método: estudo qualitativo, realizado com 100 homens residentes no Brasil. Aplicou-se um formulário online e os dados apreendidos foram analisados pelo Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, sustentado na Teoria da Adaptação de Enfermagem. Resultados: a pandemia da Covid-19 mobilizou as dimensões de saúde física, afetiva e sexual, familiar e conjugal, saúde no e do trabalho, financeira, social, emocional, psicológica e mental, espiritual, religiosa e bioenergética dos homens.  Conclusão: Repercussões deletérias, modos de adaptação para o enfrentamento e o cuidado de si dos homens compuseram o panorama da saúde no contexto pandêmico da Covid-19

    Impacts on Men’s Health/Mental Health

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 de Sousa, Moreira, da Silva Santana, Araújo, Borges, Almeida, das Mercês, da Silva, Teixeira, Lourenção, Gomes, de Santana Carvalho, de Sousa, de Almeida, Viana and Pereira.Objective: This study aims to analyze sociohistorically how the normative patterns of hegemonic masculinity produced impacts on men’s health/mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A qualitative study from a socio-historical perspective was conducted with 50 men based on an online survey. A semistructured form was applied. The data were analyzed by the Collective Subject Discourse method, interpreted in the light of the context of epidemic disease and hegemonic masculinity. Results: The experience of the pandemic exposed the normative patterns of masculinities from the consummation of acts representative of the pandemic context, which incited men to deny the existence of COVID-19 disease and to delay the understanding and adoption of measures to protect and control COVID-19. As a repercussion, men presented conflicts in the regulation of emotions; presented emotional suppression; were more reactive; felt threatened regarding the loss of the role of family provider, virility; and revealed a sense of invulnerability, added to the weakening of self-care. Conclusion: The discourse revealed that the men’s behaviors are consistent with the characteristics of hegemonic masculinity, but express signs of recognition that this behavior causes harm to themselves and their health.publishersversionpublishe

    Health care practices of adolescent men in a peripheral community: collective subject discourse

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    Objective: to apprehend the health care practices exercised by male adolescents, who live in peripheral communities in the urban area. Method: Qualitative study conducted with adolescent men aged between 18 and 21 years, who attended a public school in the municipality of Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. Individual interviews were carried out, submitted to methodological analysis by the Collective Subject Discourse and interpreted by the praxeology reference of care. Results: male health care was central to the understanding of care as a dimension of human life, daily relationships, concern for material goods and the family, in which health occupies an important place. Health care practices were concentrated on the body with the control and maintenance of hygiene, body image and physical appearance, balanced nutrition, improved immune status, hydration and physical activity. The adoption of behaviors to protect environmental factors and aimed at controlling alcohol consumption was also considered, and finally, labor relations, the search for medical attention in health services, the performance of diagnostic tests and the prevention of diseases from immunization. Men use preventive resources and aspire to positive contributions in the performance of health-centered care practices. Conclusion: The exercise of health care practices provided the achievement and maintenance of health, as well as positive influences on the boys' quality of life, preventing possible complications, preventing illness and promoting healthy aging.</p