395 research outputs found
Event Planning for a South Korean Pop Music Event in Finland
The purpose of this thesis was to research and evaluate the potential for organizing a South Korean pop music event in Finland. The aim of the thesis was given to the author by the commissioning organization for this thesis, a Finnish organization JrockSuomi, dedicated to promoting Japanese and South Korean music in Finland.
In order to achieve the aim of this thesis the author researched theories and practices of event planning, management and marketing. With the conduction of a questionnaire aimed at a potential target market as well as interviews with the president of the associa-tion, the author was able to find out in depth details that helped to form conclusions and a preliminary event and marketing plan for the potential event. The event plan consists of details on event elements as well as the event’s vision and objectives.
The marketing plan includes details on the target market as well as a preliminary advertising plan.
The data collected was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative analysis meth-ods, but as quantitative data acted as the primary data of this thesis, it was more concen-trated on. Event planning, management and marketing theories were used in order to analyze the data and results so that the preliminary event plan could be designed.
The main results of this thesis as well as the event plan are not published due to privacy reasons and they can be found in the appendices of this thesis. The results and the event plan will be used by the commissioning association JrockSuomi for the future South Korean pop music events
Social Housing Policy in a Segmented Housing Market: Indirect Effects on Markets and Individuals
This paper analyses indirect effects of social housing policy (SHP) in a segmented housing market. A two segment-housing ladder, where equity determines up trading, shows how SHP-measures targeting either housing supply or housing demand impact market developments and individual housing careers. When addressing market developments the paper considers house prices and housing supply. Analysing housing careers we highlights the ability of households indirectly exposed to SHP to trade up a housing ladder. The segmented housing market model contains both multipliers, along the lines of the Balanced Budget Multiplier of Haavelmo (1945), and non-neutral price effects across segments. These features allow some novel results when discussing indirect effects of SHP. Relating SHP to up-trading and a housing ladder where households simultaneously act as buyers and sellers, we first of all show the effect of SHP on the supply of used homes, an important part of housing supply. Second, this framework makes us able to position crowding-out across market segments. Both features are novel in the SHP-discussion. The paper also shows how SHP might create negative indirect effects on the up-trading ability of households that do not benefit from SHP measures.publishedVersio
G.L. v. Stangler: A Case Study in Court-Ordered Child Welfare Reform
This paper is the product of an unusual collaboration, in terms of both people and process. Data for this study was gathered through interviews conducted during the Fall of 1994 and Spring of 1995.\u27 It was conceived by the Center for the Study of Social Policy ( CSSP ), whose expertise in human services management and financing has often been called upon in class action lawsuits against child welfare agencies across the country. CSSP has served as a plaintiffs expert, court-appointed neutral expert, court-appointed monitor, and neutral settlement facilitator in seven cases, and its experiences differed considerably in each case and role. One observation, however, held constant across all of them: the later in the litigation\u27s life cycle that substantive expertise of the sort CSSP provided was called in, the greater the likelihood that protracted adversarial combat had already done substantial damage to the very agency that the lawsuit had set out to reform
Management of Exchange Rate Risk In SMEs: Reflections On Exchange Rate Pass-through and Hedging of Currency Risk
Exchange rate fluctuations represent a challenge for the internationalization of all firms, both big and small. This paper reflects on two aspects of the exchange rate challenge - (i) the exchange rate pass-through and (ii) hedging of exchange rate risk and how SMEs manage these two aspects of exchange rate risk. The exchange rate challenges that SMEs face might differ from the risks larger firms are exposed to, and their management of the risks might vary. In family-owned SMEs, longer planning horizons than listed firms might imply a weaker exchange rate pass-through, while smaller financial buffers might pull pass-through rules in the opposite direction for the same SMEs. When considering hedging, the paper argues for both operational hedging and external hedging to represent a management challenge for SMEs, pushing the exchange rate risk towards the forefront of the factors hampering
internationalization among SMEs.publishedVersio
Pris- og belåningsgevinster i husholdningenes boligformue
Siden 1992 har prisutviklingen i det norske boligmarkedet gitt betydelige
formuesgevinster for boligeierne. Ettersom boliginvesteringer ofte lånefinansieres inkluderer
formuesgevinsten potensielt også en belåningsgevinst. Belåningsgevinsten påvirkes både av
boliginvesteringenes finansieringsstruktur og av boligmarkedets meravkastning. Høy meravkastning
kan igjen påvirke valg av finansieringsstruktur ved boligkjøp. Slik kan kombinasjonen av høy
boligprisvekst og lave boliglånsrenter som norsk økonomi har vært karakterisert av de siste årene
være en viktig årsak til observerte endringer i boliglånsmarkede
Tiltaksrettet overvåking av Årdalsfjorden i henhold til vannforskriften. Overvåking for Hydro Aluminium Årdal Karbon, Hydro Aluminium Årdal Metallverk og Norsun
Alle de fem sedimentstasjonene klassifiseres til «moderat økologisk tilstand» og «ikke god kjemisk tilstand». Bunnfauna gir god tilstand, men overskridelser av EQS-verdien for flere vannregionspesifikke stoffer (hovedsakelig PAH-forbindelser) trekker tilstandsklassen ned til «moderat». Det var avtagende konsentrasjoner av disse stoffene i sedimentet med økende avstand fra utslippet. Samtlige sedimentstasjoner klassifiseres til å være i «ikke god kjemisk tilstand» pga. overskridelse av EQS-verdiene for EUs prioriterte miljøgifter, deriblant en rekke PAH-forbindelser, samt nikkel på den innerste stasjonen AR4.
Alle biotastasjonene får også «ikke god kjemisk tilstand». Konsentrasjonen av kadmium i o-skjell overskrider EQS på alle stasjonene, samt PAH-forbindelser på G2 og G4. På biotastasjonene er det ikke gjort noen undersøkelser av biologiske kvalitetselementer, og økologisk tilstand kan ikke klassifiseres. Det er imidlertid overskridelser av flere vannregionspesifikke stoffer på alle stasjonene, bl.a. sink i o-skjell. Det var også overskridelser for kobber og arsen på flere stasjoner. Det var store overskridelser av EQS-verdien for PAH16 på de tre innerste stasjonene. For PAH-forbindelsene er det en tydelig konsentrasjonsgradient, med lavere konsentrasjoner med økende avstand fra utslippspunktet.
Bunnfauna viste «god tilstand» på alle stasjoner. Faunaen var moderat til middels artsrik, og med normale individmengder. Faunasammensetningen besto bl.a. av flere tallrike sensitive arter. På stasjon R10 og ÅB11 var det noe større innslag av tolerante og opportunistiske arter enn på de tre øvrige. Totalt sett virker ikke bunnfaunaen å være påvirket av utslippene av suspendert stoff.Hydro Aluminium Årdal Karbon, Hydro Aluminium Årdal Metallverk og Norsu
Inflation in Latvia: how real is it?
This paper applies and extends the Scandinavian Model of Inflation for analysing determinants of inflation in Latvia. In recent years high inflation has been a persistent problem for advocates of Latvian participation in the euro collaboration. However, by allowing for transitional effects and separating the impact of nominal and real factors to inflation, where real factors are related to the structural shifts at the heart of transition economies, the recent inflation history becomes more understandable. The equilibrium effects accompanying real factors are shown to be the key component of overall inflation over the last 12 years, keeping non-structural inflation below the Maastricht criteria for most of the period. The real contribution to inflation provides Latvia with better prospects for future growth and higher standards of living, and should hence be less worrisome than the nominal contribution. Still, when it comes to compliance with the Maastricht criteria, no distinction is made between the two, complicating convergence for transition economie
NYE VEIER AS OG KOMMUNIKASJONSARBEIDET : En casestudie av veiprosjektet E 18 Rugtvedt-Dørdal
Masteroppgave samfunnskommunikasjon KOM500 - Universitetet i Agder 2018Context: Nye Veier AS was established 4th of May 2015. The company is a state-owned
enterprise by the government and The Ministry of Transport and Communications. The
background for the establishment of the company was to create a new company in addition to
Statens vegvesen with the goal to conduct more effective planning, construction, operation
and maintenance of vital highways in Norway and connect the country to significant highways
abroad. In January 2016, Nye Veier took over responsibility for the development and operation
of certain road sections on the E39, E18 and E6. One of these sections was E18 Rugtvedt-
Objectives: My thesis aims to investigate how Nye Veier conduct communication to the
municipality and other stakeholders in the road-project Rugtvedt-Dørdal. The analysis will
investigate if the communication work in Nye Veier can be described with communicative
planning theory.
Method: This assignment is based on a case study. I have looked at the communication
between Nye Veier and the interests of the road-project Rugtvedt-Dørdal. Through analysis of
documents and individual qualitative interviews, I have tried to find answers to the problem
statement. The data material consists of four interviews and document analysis of public and
company-based documents. I have also looked at an article from a hunting and fishing
magazine and a request from involved municipalities to the Minister for Transport. I have used
the theoretical framework for the implementation of the analysis.
Discoveries: In the study, I found that Nye Veier is good at conflict-reducing measures and
involvement of stakeholders. Communicative planning theory also requires an authentic
dialogue where both parties demonstrate the ability and willingness to gain knowledge. I found
some examples of this, but Nye Veier has a potential for improvement.
Conclusion: The discoveries show that the planning process in the road-project Rugtvedt-
Dørdal can to a certain point be described by the communicative planning theory. All of the
conditions for communicative planning are not as well taken care of, and therefore Nye Veier
still has something to learn
A Comparison Between Tsetlin Machines and Deep Neural Networks in the Context of Recommendation Systems
Recommendation Systems (RSs) are ubiquitous in modern society and are one of
the largest points of interaction between humans and AI. Modern RSs are often
implemented using deep learning models, which are infamously difficult to
interpret. This problem is particularly exasperated in the context of
recommendation scenarios, as it erodes the user's trust in the RS. In contrast,
the newly introduced Tsetlin Machines (TM) possess some valuable properties due
to their inherent interpretability. TMs are still fairly young as a technology.
As no RS has been developed for TMs before, it has become necessary to perform
some preliminary research regarding the practicality of such a system. In this
paper, we develop the first RS based on TMs to evaluate its practicality in
this application domain. This paper compares the viability of TMs with other
machine learning models prevalent in the field of RS. We train and investigate
the performance of the TM compared with a vanilla feed-forward deep learning
model. These comparisons are based on model performance,
interpretability/explainability, and scalability. Further, we provide some
benchmark performance comparisons to similar machine learning solutions
relevant to RSs.Comment: Accepted to NLDL 202
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