244 research outputs found
All-loop calculations of total, elastic and single diffractive cross sections in RFT via the stochastic approach
We apply the stochastic approach to the calculation of the Reggeon Field
Theory (RFT) elastic amplitude and its single diffractive cut. The results for
the total, elastic and single difractive cross sections with account of all
Pomeron loops are obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; prepared for the proceedings of the workshop
'Diffraction-2012', Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote, September 10 - 15, 201
Regge description of spin-spin asymmetry in photon diffractive dissociation
We explore the possibility whether the gluon helicity distribution can be extracted from a comparison of experimental data on the
longitudinal spin-spin asymmetry in diffractive deep
inelastic scattering with calculations performed within the framework of
perturbative QCD (pQCD). The data could be obtained at the future HERA collider
in scattering of polarized electrons/positrons off polarized protons. In this
paper we look for such kinematical regions where contributions to from
soft processes (reggeon exchanges) are suppressed to guarantee an applicability
of pQCD. It is shown that for the square of the center-of-mass energy
, the hadronic diffractive mass , the momentum transferred to the proton , and
the longitudinal spin-spin asymmetry due to reggeon
exchanges is less than 10^{-4}. This value is presumably lower than the
asymmetry which can be measured with modern experimental technique. This means
that the pQCD prediction can be reliably compared with data in this kinematical
region.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, 12 figure
Probabilistic model of Reggeon Field Theory
The stochastic model of classical system of particles (partons), which
dynamics includes random walk in plane as well as processes of death,
splitting, annihilation and fusion of partons, is considered. A set of
equations for multiparticle distribution functions for this system can be
described in terms of diagrams of the Reggeon Field Theory (RFT) with
supercritical pomeron, where rapidity plays a role of the time variable. The
multiparticle inclusive distributions of partons correspond to multi-pomeron
states in this analogy. In order to calculate the amplitude of hadron
interaction at given energy we define an operator of linkage of any pair of
partons from two parton sets (the projectile and the target). The form of the
hadron-interaction (parton-linkage) operator is determined from the requirement
for the result to be in correspondence to the RFT formulas. It is shown that
the requirement of Lorentz invariance of the amplitude is fulfilled in this
interpretation only at definite relation between the probabilities of parton
splitting, annihilation and fusion. Interpretation of various methods of
s-channel unitarization is discussed in terms of the model.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, uses axodraw.sty. To appear in ``Multiple Facets
of Quantization and Supersymmetry / Michael Marinov Memorial Volume'', World
Exclusive charm production in pbar p collisions at s^1/2 <15 GeV
We discuss the open charm production in peripheral reactions
and , where
and stand for and
, respectively, at GeV, which corresponds to the
energy range of FAIR. Our consideration is based on the topological
decomposition of the planar quark and diquark diagrams which allows to estimate
consistently meson and baryon exchange trajectories and energy scale parameters
as well. The spin dependence is determined by the effective interaction of
lowest exchanged resonance. Unknown parameters are fixed by an independent
analysis of open strangeness production in and reactions and of SU(4) symmetry. We present the corresponding cross
sections and longitudinal double-spin asymmetries for exclusive binary
reactions with open charm mesons and baryons in the final state. The
polarization observables have a non-trivial and dependence which is
sensitive to details of the open charm production mechanism.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure
Screening and Anti-Screening Effects in J/psi Production on Nuclei
The nuclear effects in J/psi hadro- and electroproduction on nuclei are
considered in framework of reggeon approach. It is shown that screening regime
which holds for electroproduction at x_F > 0.7 and for hadroproduction at x_F >
-(0.3-0.4) is changed with anti-screening regime for smaller x_F values.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Small changes in wordin
Resonance Production on Nuclei at High Energies: Nuclear-Medium Effects and Space-Time Picture
The influence of nuclear matter on the properties of coherently produced
resonances is discussed. It is shown that, in general, the mass distribution of
resonance decay products has a two-component structure corresponding to decay
outside and inside the nucleus. The first (narrow) component of the amplitude
has a Breit-Wigner form determined by the vacuum values of mass and width of
the resonance. The second (broad) component corresponds to interactions of the
resonance with the nuclear medium. It can be also described by a Breit-Wigner
shape with parameters depending e.g. on the nuclear density and on the cross
section of the resonance-nucleon interaction. The resonance production is
examined both at intermediate energies, where interactions with the nucleus can
be considered as a series of successive local rescatterings, and at high
energies, , where a change of interaction picture occurs. This
change of mechanisms of the interactions with the nucleus is typical for the
description within the Regge theory approach and is connected with the nonlocal
nature of the reggeon interaction.Comment: 22 pages LaTeX, 1 Postscript file containing 7 figures; addition in
beginning of Ch. 2; Nucl. Phys. A, to be publishe
Anomalous suppression of production at large transverse momentum in Au + Au and d + Au collisions at 200 GeV
We propose a model of suppression of large -pions in heavy ion
collisions based on the interaction of the large pion with the dense
medium created in the collision. The model is practically the same as the one
previously introduced to describe suppression. Both the and the
centrality dependence of the data are reproduced. In deuteron-gold collisions,
the effect of the final state interaction with the dense medium turns out to be
negligibly small. Here the main features of the data are also reproduced both
at mid and at forward rapidities.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 3 postscript figures. Last version, to be published
in EJP
Unitarity of the tree approximation to the Glauber AA amplitude for large A
The nucleus-nucleus Glauber amplitude in the tree approximation is studied
for heavy participant nuclei. It is shown that, contrary to previous published
results, it is not unitary for realistic values of nucleon-nucleon
cross-sections.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Submitted to Yad. Fi
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