589 research outputs found

    A soja e a saúde humana.

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    Soja na prevenção do câncer; Soja na prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares; Soja na prevenção da tensão pré-menstrual e do climatério (menopausa); Soja na prevenção da osteoporose.bitstream/item/57809/1/Documentos-178.pd

    Saturnus: Um Simulador Discreto Baseado em Eventos para Sistemas de Arquivos Paralelos

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    The focus of this work is to study parallel file systems, their elements and present Saturnus, a simulator under development for systems like these. The proposal is to use it to extract data and generate information, focusing on load balancing through the studied environment, showing experiments and possible uses for the tool. (O foco desse trabalho e ́ estudar sistemas de arquivos paralelos, seus elementos e apresentar o Saturnus, um simulador em desenvolvimento para sistemas como esses. A proposta consiste em utilizar o mesmo para extrair dados e gerar informacoes, com foco no balanceamento de carga atrave ́s do ambiente estudado, mostrando experimentos e poss ́ıveis usos para a ferramenta.

    Tuning Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Affinity of Zinc(II) MOFs by Mixing Bis(pyrazolate) Ligands with N-Containing Tags

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    The four zinc(II) mixed-ligand metal-organic frameworks (MIXMOFs) Zn(BPZ)x(BPZNO2)1-x, Zn(BPZ)x(BPZNH2)1-x, Zn(BPZNO2)x(BPZNH2)1-x, and Zn(BPZ)x(BPZNO2)y(BPZNH2)1-x-y (H2BPZ = 4,4′-bipyrazole; H2BPZNO2 = 3-nitro-4,4′-bipyrazole; H2BPZNH2 = 3-amino-4,4′-bipyrazole) were prepared through solvothermal routes and fully investigated in the solid state. Isoreticular to the end members Zn(BPZ) and Zn(BPZX) (X = NO2, NH2), they are the first examples ever reported of (pyr)azolate MIXMOFs. Their crystal structure is characterized by a three-dimensional open framework with one-dimensional square or rhombic channels decorated by the functional groups. Accurate information about ligand stoichiometric ratio was determined (for the first time on MIXMOFs) through integration of selected ligands skeleton resonances from 13C cross polarized magic angle spinning solid-state NMR spectra collected on the as-synthesized materials. Like other poly(pyrazolate) MOFs, the four MIXMOFs are thermally stable, with decomposition temperatures between 708 and 726 K. As disclosed by N2 adsorption at 77 K, they are micro-mesoporous materials with Brunauer-Emmett-Teller specific surface areas in the range 400-600 m2/g. A comparative study (involving also the single-ligand analogues) of CO2 adsorption capacity, CO2 isosteric heat of adsorption (Qst), and CO2/N2 selectivity in equimolar mixtures at p = 1 bar and T = 298 K cast light on interesting trends, depending on ligand tag nature or ligand stoichiometric ratio. In particular, the amino-decorated compounds show higher Qst values and CO2/N2 selectivity vs the nitro-functionalized analogues; in addition, tag "dilution" [upon passing from Zn(BPZX) to Zn(BPZ)x(BPZX)1-x] increases CO2 adsorption selectivity over N2. The simultaneous presence of amino and nitro groups is not beneficial for CO2 uptake. Among the compounds studied, the best compromise among uptake capacity, Qst, and CO2/N2 selectivity is represented by Zn(BPZ)x(BPZNH2)1-x

    Comunidade de pequenos mamíferos de paisagens nativas e pastagens cultivadas no Pantanal da Nhecolândia.

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    O Pantanal possui uma grande diversidade de habitats, compondo uma paisagem complexa que tem sido conservada pela pecuária tradicional. Mais recentemente, a implantação de pastagem cultivada, visando ao aumento da produtividade e intensificando o sistema de produção vem alterando a paisagem pantaneira. Os resultados dessa alteração é a simplificação da composição e da complexidade da paisagem, colocando em risco a biodiversidade regional. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar alterações na comunidade de pequenos mamíferos em diferentes fitofisionomias, inclusive área alterada, em duas Fazendas no Pantanal da Nhecolândia. The Pantanal presents a great habitat diversity composing a complex landscape which has been conserved by the traditional cattle ranching. Recently, the cultivation of pastures aiming the increase of the productivity and intensification of the production system has been altering the landscape in the Pantanal. The results of this alteration é the simplification of the landscape composition and complexity, placing at risk the regional biodiversity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the small mammal communities at different phytophysiognomies, including modified areas, in two ranches at the Nhecolândia region of the Pantanal

    Mais saúde em sua vida cozinhando com tofu.

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    Receita basica de tofu; Salgados: Beringela assada com recheio de tofu; Charutos de repolho com tofu; Frigideira de vegetais e tofu; Torta dos monges budistas; Molho de ervas; Panqueca de tofu com presunto e repolho; Salada com molho de tofu; Salada do "chef" com tofu; Tofu a italiana; Tofu com brotos de feijao; Tofu frito com recheio de queijo; Tofu de cinco cores; Tofu com vegetais e ovos; Tofu oito tesouros; Doces: Manjar de tofu e abacaxi; Pudim de tofu; Sufle de tofu; Torta de tofu.bitstream/CNPSO/2629/1/circTec29.pd

    Selective Synthesis of a Salt and a Cocrystal of the Ethionamide-Salicylic Acid System

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    Herein is presented a rare example of salt/cocrystal polymorphism involving the adduct between ethionamide (ETH) and salicylic acid (SAL). Both the salt and cocrystal forms have the same stoichiometry and composition and are both stable at room temperature. The synthetic procedure was successfully optimized in order to selectively obtain both polymorphs. The two adducts' structures were thoroughly investigated by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction, solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. From the solid-state NMR point of view, the combination of mono- and multinuclear experiments (1H MAS, 13C and 15N CPMAS, 1H-{14N} D-HMQC, 1H-14N PM-S-RESPDOR) provided undoubted spectroscopic evidence about the different positions of the hydrogen atom along the main N\ub7\ub7\ub7H\ub7\ub7\ub7O interaction. In particular, the 1H-14N PM-S-RESPDOR allowed N-H distance measurements through the 1H detected signal at a very high spinning speed (70 kHz), which remarkably agree with those derived by DFT optimized X-ray diffraction, even on a natural abundance real system. The thermodynamic relationship between the salt and the cocrystal was inquired from the experimental and computational points of view, enabling the characterization of the two polymorphs as enantiotropically related. The performances of the two forms in terms of dissolution rate are comparable to each other but significantly higher with respect to the pure ETH

    Hydrogenation via a low energy mechanochemical approach: The MgB2 case

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    This work aims at investigating the effect that the energy transferred during particle collisions in a milling process entails on solid-gas reactions. For this purpose, the synthesis of Mg(BH4)2 from MgB2 in a pressurized hydrogen atmosphere was chosen as a model reaction. MgB2 was milled under a broad set of milling parameters (i.e. milling times and rotation regimes) and the obtained product thoroughly characterized. By proving the partial formation of Mg(BH4)2, the results of this investigation indicate that the energy transferred to the powder bed by the powder particles during milling is not negligible, in particular when the milling process is protracted for a long period

    Checklist of mammals from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    Propiedades emulsificantes y espumantes de las proteínas de harina de cacahuate (Arachis hypogaea Lineau)

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    The functional properties of proteins present in peanut (Arachis hypogaea Lineau) flour were studied. The influence of the pH and protein solubility on emulsifying and foaming properties of peanut flour was evaluated. The isoelectric point (Ip) of these proteins was found at the pH of 4,0; and the isoelectric region between pH 3,0 and 5,0. The evaluated surface properties decreased in the isolectric region. The emulsifying activity and time stability (30 and 120 minutes) significantly decreased at the pI; the emulsifying stability at the temperature of 80°C decreased in all the isoelectric region until the pH of 6,0. The foaming activity had the best values at the pH of 2,0. The correlation between protein solubility and surface properties were more significant for emulsifying properties than for foaming properties.Se estudiaron las propiedades funcionales de las proteínas presentes en la harina de cacahuate (Arachis hypogaea Lineau). Fue evaluada la influencia que tienen el pH y la solubilidad proteica sobre las propiedades emulsificantes y espumantes de las proteínas de harina de cacahuate. El punto isoeléctrico (pI) de estas proteínas se encuentra a pH 4,0; mientras que la región isoeléctrica está entre los valores de pH de 3,0 y 5,0. Las propiedades de superficie evaluadas disminuyeron en la región isoeléctrica, siendo que la actividad emulsificante y la estabilidad emulsificante en los tiempos de 30 y 120 minutos disminuyeron fuertemente en el pI; las estabilidades emulsificantes en relación a la temperatura (80 ºC) diminuyeron en toda la región isoeléctrica extendiéndose hasta el pH 6,0. La actividad espumante mostró sus mejores valores a pH 2,0. Las correlaciones entre la solubilidad protéica y las propiedades de superficie fueron más importantes para las propiedades emulsificantes que para las espumantes

    Borda Oeste do Pantanal e Maciço do Urucum em Corumbá, MS: área prioritária para conservação da biodiversidade.

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    A região do Maciço do Urucum e adjacências apresenta característica ímpar dentro do Estado do Mato Grosso Sul e do Brasil, em função das influências que recebe de ecossistemas vizinhos, dos endemismos existentes e da ocorrência de espécies de distribuição no Brasil restrita a esta área. A região é uma península com 1.311 km2 de áreas não inundáveis que penetra o Pantanal. Nesta estreita faixa, as atividades de mineração, de indústrias, o crescimento urbano, a expansão de assentamentos rurais e a ampliação de áreas de agropecuária têm potencial para causar impactos profundos na biodiversidade, podendo aumentar o já preocupante estado de fragmentação da vegetação, causando isolamento entre populações, aumentando os riscos de extinção local. Foram levantadas as espécies ameaçadas, raras, endêmicas, de distribuição restrita no país, com problemas taxonômicos e prováveis espécies novas que ocorrem na região. The Urucum Mountains and its surroundings present unique characteristics in the Mato Grosso do Sul state and in Brazil, due to the influences this region receives from neighbor ecosystems, the endemism, and the occurrence in Brazil restrict to this area. The region represents a peninsula of non floodable terrain with 1,311 km2 that enters the Pantanal wetlands. In this narrow area, mining, industries, urban expansion, rural settlements, and increased agricultural areas potentially impact the biodiversity due to habitat destruction and fragmentation. We listed endemic species, as well as rare, endangered, restrictedly distributed, taxonomically unsolved, and potentially new species already known to the region