1,810 research outputs found

    OM-VPE grown materials for high efficiency solar cells

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    Organometallic sources are available for all the III-V elements and a variety of dopants; thus it is possible to use the technique to grow a wide variety of semiconductor compounds. AlGaAsSb and AlGaInAs alloys for multijunction monolithic solar cells were grown by OM-VPE. While the effort concentrated on terrestrial applications, the success of OM-VPE grown GaAs/AlGaAs concentrator solar cells (23% at 400 suns) demonstrates that OM-VPE is suitable for growing high efficiency solar cells in large quantities for space applications. In addition, OM-VPE offers the potential for substantial cost reduction of photovoltaic devices with scale up and automation and due to high process yield from reproducible, uniform epitaxial growths with excellent surface morphology

    Processing ERTS and Aircraft MSS data with the General Electric Image 100 system

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    Using Back-Scattered Laser Beams to Detect CP Violation in the Neutral Higgs Sector

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    We demonstrate that the ability to polarize the photons produced by back-scattering laser beams at a TeV scale linear \epem collider could make it possible to determine whether or not a neutral Higgs boson produced in photon-photon collisions is a CP eigenstate. The relative utility of different types of polarization is discussed. Asymmetries that are only non-zero if the Higgs boson is a CP mixture are defined, and their magnitudes illustrated for a two-doublet Higgs model with CP-violating neutral sector.Comment: 15 pages, UCD-92-18, 4 figures, postscript figure files available by request, uses phyzzx.te

    Bundled payments for care improvement initiative – insights from the test pilots of payment reform

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    Background: The Medicare Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) pilot program aims to reward high-value providers by setting a global payment target for particular episodes of care. The representativeness of BPCI participants will influence the ability of this pilot to inform policy decisions. Methods: We linked the Medicare lists of participants in the risk-bearing portion of BPCI Model 2, encompassing acute and post-acute care, to the American Hospital Association resource file and the 2013 Hospital Value-Based Purchasing quality performance data. We classified episode-initiating hospitals by the number of bundles in which they were participating into “narrow”, “medium” and “comprehensive”. The analysis described the characteristics of hospitals in each of these categories. Results: The 105 hospitals with linkable data were predominantly large, urban, non-profit, teaching hospitals. These hospitals were quite similar to the general population in terms of disproportionate share, Medicare, and Medicaid percentages. Most participants selected a narrow number of bundles, with the majority selecting a single bundle around joint replacement. There were only minor differences in quality between Model 2 participants and non-participants. Conclusions: Informing the decision about whether to scale the BPCI program nationally will require evaluation of the pilot’s performance by participants’ characteristics to understand in what conditions and for which providers the program is most effective

    Finding the Signal in the Noise: Information Governance, Analytics, and the Future of Legal Practice

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    In the watershed year of 2012, the world of law witnessed the first concrete discussion of how predictive analytics may be used to make legal practice more efficient. That the conversation about the use of predictive analytics has emerged out of the e-Discovery sector of the law is not all that surprising: in the last decade and with increasing force since 2006— with the passage of revised Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that expressly took into account the fact that lawyers must confront “electronically stored information” in all its varieties—there has been a growing recognition among courts and commentators that the practice of litigation is changing dramatically. What needs now to be recognized, however, is that the rapidly evolving tools and techniques that have been so helpful in providing efficient responses to document requests in complex litigation may be used in a variety of complementary ways to the discovery process itself

    Charting a Course for Culturally Responsive Physical Education

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    In this article, we explore the absence of understanding related to culturally responsive pedagogy in physical education for Aboriginal students. In so doing, we examine the limited literature related to culturally responsive physical education and the especially limited literature dedicated to Aboriginal students within physical education. Recognizing that this absence should present a very obvious concern for pre-service physical education teachers, in-service physical education teachers, teacher educators, and most importantly, Aboriginal students themselves, we borrow from the few most notable pedagogues who share our concern and offer a framework and suggestions for future practice and inquiry. We make these suggestions for future practice and inquiry with the wholehearted belief that a commitment to culturally responsive pedagogy can improve upon the immediate and long-term physical education experiences of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students. Dans cet article, nous portons notre attention sur le manque de compréhension par rapport à la pédagogie tenant compte de la réalité culturelle des élèves autochtones dans les cours d’éducation physique. Ainsi, nous étudions le nombre limité de publications qui touchent les cours d’éducation physique adaptés à la culture, et notamment celles, encore plus limitées, qui traitent de la culture autochtone. Reconnaissant que cette lacune devrait constituer une préoccupation bien évidente pour les stagiaires en éducation physique, les enseignants en éducation physique, les formateurs d’enseignants et, surtout, les élèves autochtones eux-mêmes, nous puisons chez les pédagogues importants qui partagent nos préoccupations (ils sont peu nombreux) et offrons un cadre et des suggestions pour des pratiques et des recherches futures. Nous proposons ces suggestions pour les pratiques et les études futures, sincèrement convaincus qu’un engagement visant une pédagogie adaptée à la culture peut améliorer, dans l’immédiat et à long terme, les expériences des élèves autochtones et non-autochtones dans les cours d’éducation physique

    Four Years Later: How the 2006 Amendments to the Federal Rules Have Reshaped the E-Discovery Landscape and are Revitalizing the Civil Justice System

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    The 2006 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which were enacted to address the potentially immense burden involved in the discovery of electronically-stored information (“ESI”), set in motion a process that is revitalizing the primary purpose of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure adopted nearly seventy years earlier: “to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action and proceeding.” One of the principal means through which the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure achieve this purpose is by allowing for the discovery of “any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party’s claim or defense.” The reasoning behind these liberal discovery rules is that once parties know, ostensibly through discovery, their respective positions in a dispute, they will reach a resolution more quickly and efficiently
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