796 research outputs found

    High-contrast Imaging from Space: Speckle Nulling in a Low Aberration Regime

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    High-contrast imaging from space must overcome two major noise sources to successfully detect a terrestrial planet angularly close to its parent star: photon noise from diffracted star light, and speckle noise from star light scattered by instrumentally-generated wavefront perturbation. Coronagraphs tackle only the photon noise contribution by reducing diffracted star light at the location of a planet. Speckle noise should be addressed with adaptative-optics systems. Following the tracks of Malbet, Yu and Shao (1995), we develop in this paper two analytical methods for wavefront sensing and control that aims at creating dark holes, i.e. areas of the image plane cleared out of speckles, assuming an ideal coronagraph and small aberrations. The first method, speckle field nulling, is a fast FFT-based algorithm that requires the deformable-mirror influence functions to have identical shapes. The second method, speckle energy minimization, is more general and provides the optimal deformable mirror shape via matrix inversion. With a NxN deformable mirror, the size of matrix to be inverted is either N^2xN^2 in the general case, or only NxN if influence functions can be written as the tensor product of two one-dimensional functions. Moreover, speckle energy minimization makes it possible to trade off some of the dark hole area against an improved contrast. For both methods, complex wavefront aberrations (amplitude and phase) are measured using just three images taken with the science camera (no dedicated wavefront sensing channel is used), therefore there are no non-common path errors. We assess the theoretical performance of both methods with numerical simulations, and find that these speckle nulling techniques should be able to improve the contrast by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ (should appear in February 2006

    What is the Homogeneity of our Universe Telling Us?

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    The universe we observe is homogeneous on super-horizon scales, leading to the ``cosmic homogeneity problem''. Inflation alleviates this problem but cannot solve it within the realm of conservative extrapolations of classical physics. A probabilistic solution of the problem is possible but is subject to interpretational difficulties. A genuine deterministic solution of the homogeneity problem requires radical departures from known physics.Comment: 6 pages. Awarded Honorable Mention in the 1999 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competitio

    Curing singularities: From the big bang to black holes

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    Singular spacetimes are a natural prediction of Einstein's theory. Most memorable are the singular centers of black holes and the big bang. However, dilatonic extensions of Einstein's theory can support nonsingular spacetimes. The cosmological singularities can be avoided by dilaton driven inflation. Furthermore, a nonsingular black hole can be constructed in two dimensions.Comment: To appear as a brief report in Phys. Rev.

    Recoil Effects in Microwave Ramsey Spectroscopy

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    We present a theory of recoil effects in two zone Ramsey spectroscopy, particularly adapted to microwave frequency standards using laser cooled atoms. We describe the atoms by a statistical distribution of Gaussian wave packets which enables us to derive and quantify effects that are related to the coherence properties of the atomic source and that have not been considered previously. We show that, depending on the experimental conditions, the expected recoil frequency shift can be partially cancelled by these effects which can be significant at microwave wavelengths whilst negligible at optical ones. We derive analytical expressions for the observed interference signal in the weak field approximation, and numerical results for realistic caesium fountain parameters. In the near future Cs and Rb fountain clocks are expected to reach uncertainties which are of the same order of magnitude (10^{-16}) as first estimates of the recoil shift at microwave frequencies. We show, however, that the partial cancellation predicted by the complete theory presented here leads to frequency shifts which are up to an order of magnitude smaller. Nonetheless observation of the microwave recoil shift should be possible under particular experimental conditions (increased microwave power, variation of atomic temperature and launching height etc.). We hope that the present paper can provide some guidance for such experiments that would test the underlying theory and its assumptions, which in turn is essential for the next generation of microwave frequency standards.Comment: to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Open and Closed Universes, Initial Singularities and Inflation

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    The existence of initial singularities in expanding universes is proved without assuming the timelike convergence condition. The assumptions made in the proof are ones likely to hold both in open universes and in many closed ones. (It is further argued that at least some of the expanding closed universes that do not obey a key assumption of the theorem will have initial singularities on other grounds.) The result is significant for two reasons: (a)~previous closed-universe singularity theorems have assumed the timelike convergence condition, and (b)~the timelike convergence condition is known to be violated in inflationary spacetimes. An immediate consequence of this theorem is that a recent result on initial singularities in open, future-eternal, inflating spacetimes may now be extended to include many closed universes. Also, as a fringe benefit, the time-reverse of the theorem may be applied to gravitational collapse.Comment: 27 pages, Plain TeX (figures are embedded in the file itself and they will emerge if it is processed according to the instructions at the top of the file

    Violations of the Weak Energy Condition in Inflating Spacetimes

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    We argue that many future-eternal inflating spacetimes are likely to violate the weak energy condition. It is possible that such spacetimes may not enforce any of the known averaged conditions either. If this is indeed the case, it may open the door to constructing non-singular, past-eternal inflating cosmologies. Simple non-singular models are, however, unsatisfactory, and it is not clear if satisfactory models can be built that solve the problem of the initial singularity.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure (which emerges automatically if you use dvips

    On T-Duality in Brane Gas Cosmology

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    In the context of homogeneous and isotropic superstring cosmology, the T-duality symmetry of string theory has been used to argue that for a background space-time described by dilaton gravity with strings as matter sources, the cosmological evolution of the Universe will be nonsingular. In this Letter we discuss how T-duality extends to brane gas cosmology, an approximation in which the background space-time is again described by dilaton gravity with a gas of branes as a matter source. We conclude that the arguments for nonsingular cosmological evolution remain valid.Comment: 8 pages, Appendix adde

    Non-Singular Charged Black Hole Solution for Non-Linear Source

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    A non-singular exact black hole solution in General Relativity is presented. The source is a non-linear electromagnetic field, which reduces to the Maxwell theory for weak field. The solution corresponds to a charged black hole with |q| \leq 2s_c m \approx 0.6 m, having metric, curvature invariants, and electric field bounded everywhere.Comment: 3 pages, RevTe

    Neutrino oscillations in a stochastic model for space-time foam

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    We study decoherence models for flavour oscillations in four-dimensional stochastically fluctuating space times and discuss briefly the sensitivity of current neutrino experiments to such models. We pay emphasis on demonstrating the model dependence of the associated decoherence-induced damping coefficients in front of the oscillatory terms in the respective transition probabilities between flavours. Within the context of specific models of foam, involving point-like D-branes and leading to decoherence-induced damping which is inversely proportional to the neutrino energies, we also argue that future limits on the relevant decoherence parameters coming from TeV astrophysical neutrinos, to be observed in ICE-CUBE, are not far from theoretically expected values with Planck mass suppression. Ultra high energy neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts at cosmological distances can also exhibit in principle sensitivity to such effects.Comment: 12 pages RevTex4, no figure
