1,561 research outputs found

    Variation of Groundwater Divides during Wet and Dry Years in the Wolf River Basin, Northeastern Wisconsin

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    Groundwater divides and surface-water divides do not always coincide, and groundwater divides are not as easy to detect as surface-water divides. Groundwater divides are also dynamic, moving in response to environmental and anthropogenic stresses. This study will investigate how different hydrological stresses can change the size and shape of the study basin and whether the stresses together mitigate or intensify the basin’s response. This study looks at three factors that may affect the size and shape of the Wolf River basin: annual precipitation, soil permeability, and the presence of high-capacity wells. This study examined four groundwater basins that represent the groundwater contributing to the baseflow at the stream-flow gauge at Langlade, on the Wolf River in northeastern Wisconsin. The study consisted of two wet years (1985 and 2015) and two dry years (1989 and 2008); the two different time periods represent before and after extensive use of high-capacity wells, pre-1990 and post-2000. The study found an overall lowering of the groundwater elevation, attributed to the hydrological stresses created by both decreases in precipitation and increases in the number of high-capacity wells in the area. The lowering of the water table allowed groundwater flow to follow bedrock topography rather than surface topography leading to increases in the groundwater basin’s area. This study highlights that the effects of one hydrological stress (groundwater pumping) can be amplified by another hydrological stress (decreased annual precipitation), resulting in similar numbers of wells having a significantly greater effect on groundwater in dry years than in wet years. This knowledge can help water-resource managers predict basin changes in similar basins

    High Capacity Wells and Baseflow Decline in the Wolf River Basin, Northeastern Wisconsin

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    The baseflow of the Wolf River (drainage area of 1 200 km2) in northeastern Wisconsin has declined by over 30% during the last thirty years, whereas climatic, land cover, and soil characteristics of the basin have remained unchanged. Because groundwater basins do not always coincide with surface water basins, estimating groundwater discharge to streams using variables only pertinent to the surface water basin can be ineffective. The purpose of this study is to explain the decline in the baseflow of the Wolf River by developing a multiple regression model. To take into account variables pertaining to the groundwater basin, withdrawal rates from high capacity wells both inside the Wolf River basin and in two adjacent basins were included in the regression model. The other explanatory variables include annual precipitation and growing degree days. Groundwater discharge to the river was calculated using streamflow records with the computer program Groundwater Toolbox from the United States Geological Survey. Without the high capacity wells data, the model only explained 29.6% of the variability in the groundwater discharge. When the high capacity wells data within the Wolf River basin were included, r2 improved to be 0.512. With the high capacity wells data in adjacent basins, r2 improved to be 0.700. The study suggests that human activity taking place outside of the basin has had an effect on the baseflow, and should be taken into account when examining baseflow changes

    Preface: Hydrogeology and human health

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    In the mid-1800s, Dr. John Snow (1813–1858), an obstetrician and anaesthesiologist, theorised that cholera, a highly infectious gastrointestinal infection associated with extremely high rates of mortality, was caused by faecal contamination of water supplies (Donaldson and Scally 2009). During the summer of 1854, a significant cholera outbreak occurred in the Soho district of London (UK), resulting in the deaths of 616 people. As part of this first modern epidemiological investigation, Dr. Snow noted that “within 250 yards of the spot where Cambridge Street joins Broad Street there were upwards of 500 fatal attacks of cholera in 10 days (…) suspected some contamination of the water of the much-frequented street-pump (a public well) in Broad Street.” Snow subsequently developed what is now referred to as “The Ghost Map”, a geographical grid indicating where and when cholera cases and associated mortalities occurred in relation to the public well (Hempel 2007). Not only did the map confirm that almost all cases related to drinking water from the pump, but also that specific residential clusters were not associated with infection; for example, workers in an adjacent brewery did not contract the illness due to their daily allowance of beer. Later research discovered that the hand-dug well had been constructed just 0.9 m from a defunct septic tank/cesspit (Johnson 2006; Hempel 2007). Thus, it might be said that the science of epidemiology, considered the cornerstone of public health and defined as “the study and analysis of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions within a specific population” (Porta 2008), has its very roots in hydrogeology and the subsurface

    Effects of Climate, Basin Characteristics, and High-Capacity Wells on Baseflow in the State of Wisconsin, United States

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    When it comes to water resources management, it is critical to understand the factors that affect baseflow processes. Declines in baseflow due to increased use of the groundwater from unconfined aquifers is well documented, but that is not the case for confined aquifers. Furthermore, since the groundwater basin size and shape can be different than the surface water basin, the use of the surface basin to determine well withdrawal rates can affect baseflow and be problematic. This study used the variables determined to be related to baseflow variability (precipitation, temperature, drainage class, available storage, land use, and slope) and the withdrawal rates of wells located within the study basins to create regression models for the state of Wisconsin, United States. We find that: (1) precipitation and temperature variable are significant in explaining the temporal variability of baseflow, whereas land cover variables are important when the temporal variability is not considered; (2) evaporation and soil drainage are important in basins over unconfined aquifers, whereas precipitation the most significant over confined aquifers; (3) whether to use surface water or groundwater divides to delineate basins matters in particular conditions, and (4) groundwater withdrawal rates do not significantly affect baseflow when using statistical analysis. Therefore, analyzing baseflow should be supplemented by a process-based model for the effects of groundwater withdrawals

    High Capacity Wells and Baseflow Decline in The Wolf River Basin, Northeaster Wisconsin (USA)

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    The baseflow of the Wolf River (drainage area of 1,200 km2) in northeastern Wisconsin (USA) has declined by over 30% during the last thirty years, whereas climatic, land cover, and soil characteristics of the basin have remained unchanged. Because groundwater basins do not always coincide with surface water basins, estimating groundwater discharge to streams using variables only pertinent to the surface water basin can be ineffective. The purpose of this study is to explain the decline in the baseflow of the Wolf River by developing a multiple regression model. To take into account variables pertaining to the groundwater basin, withdrawal rates from high capacity wells both inside the Wolf River basin and in two adjacent basins were included in the regression model. The other explanatory variables include annual precipitation and growing degree days. Groundwater discharge to the river was calculated using streamflow records with the computer program Groundwater Toolbox from the United States Geological Survey. Without the high capacity wells data, the model only explained 29.6% of the variability in the groundwater discharge. When the high capacity wells data within the Wolf River basin were included, r2 improved to be 0.512. With the high capacity wells data in adjacent basins, r2 improved to be 0.700. The study suggests that human activity taking place outside of the basin has had an effect on the baseflow, and should be taken into account when examining baseflow changes

    Aeromonas Isolates from Human Diarrheic Stool and Groundwater Compared by Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis

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    Gastrointestinal infections of Aeromonas species are generally considered waterborne; for this reason, Aeromonas hydrophila has been placed on the United States Environmental Protection Agency Contaminant Candidate List of emerging pathogens in drinking water. In this study, we compared pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns of Aeromonas isolates from stool specimens of patients with diarrhea with Aeromonas isolates from patients’ drinking water. Among 2,565 diarrheic stool specimens submitted to a Wisconsin clinical reference laboratory, 17 (0.66%) tested positive for Aeromonas. Groundwater isolates of Aeromonas were obtained from private wells throughout Wisconsin and the drinking water of Aeromonas-positive patients. The analysis showed that the stool and drinking water isolates were genetically unrelated, suggesting that in this population Aeromonas gastrointestinal infections were not linked with groundwater exposures
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