446 research outputs found

    The effect of the annealing temperature on the local distortion of La0.67_{0.67}Ca0.33_{0.33}MnO3_3 thin films

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    Mn KK-edge fluorescence data are presented for thin film samples (3000~\AA) of Colossal Magnetoresistive (CMR) La0.67_{0.67}Ca0.33_{0.33}MnO3_3: as-deposited, and post-annealed at 1000 K and 1200 K. The local distortion is analyzed in terms of three contributions: static, phonon, and an extra, temperature-dependent, polaron term. The polaron distortion is very small for the as-deposited sample and increases with the annealing temperature. In contrast, the static distortion in the samples decreases with the annealing temperature. Although the local structure of the as-deposited sample shows very little temperature dependence, the change in resistivity with temperature is the largest of these three thin film samples. The as-deposited sample also has the highest magnetoresistance (MR), which indicates some other mechanism may also contribute to the transport properties of CMR samples. We also discuss the relationship between local distortion and the magnetization of the sample.Comment: 11 pages of Preprint format, 8 figures in one tar fil

    Order and nFl Behavior in UCu4Pd

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    We have studied the role of disorder in the non-Fermi liquid system UCu4Pd using annealing as a control parameter. Measurement of the lattice parameter indicates that this procedure increases the crystallographic order by rearranging the Pd atoms from the 16e to the 4c sites. We find that the low temperature properties depend strongly on annealing. Whereas the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the specific heat can be observed over a larger temperature range after annealing, the clear non-Fermi liquid behavior of the resistivity of the unannealed sample below 10 K disappears. We come to the conclusion that this argues against the Kondo disorder model as an explanation for the non-Fermi liquid properties of both as-prepared and annealed UCu4Pd

    Spin-polaron model: transport properties of EuB6_6

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    To understand anomalous transport properties of EuB6_6, we have studied the spin-polaron Hamiltonian incorporating the electron-phonon interaction. Assuming a strong exchange interaction between the carriers and the localized spins, the electrical conductivity is calculated. The temperature and magnetic field dependence of the resistivity of EuB6_6 are well explained. At low temperature, magnons dominate the conduction process, whereas the lattice contribution becomes significant at very high temperature due to the scattering with the phonons. Large negative magnetoresistance near the ferromagnetic transition is also reproduced as observed in EuB6_6.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Evidence for charge localization in the ferromagnetic phase of La_(1-x)Ca_(x)MnO_3 from High real-space-resolution x-ray diffraction

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    High real-space-resolution atomic pair distribution functions of La_(1-x)Ca_(x)MnO_3 (x=0.12, 0.25 and 0.33) have been measured using high-energy x-ray powder diffraction to study the size and shape of the MnO_6 octahedron as a function of temperature and doping. In the paramagnetic insulating phase we find evidence for three distinct bond-lengths (~ 1.88, 1.95 and 2.15A) which we ascribe to Mn^{4+}-O, Mn^{3+}-O short and Mn^{3+}-O long bonds respectively. In the ferromagnetic metallic (FM) phase, for x=0.33 and T=20K, we find a single Mn-O bond-length; however, as the metal-insulator transition is approached either by increasing T or decreasing x, intensity progressively appears around r=2.15 and in the region 1.8 - 1.9A suggesting the appearance of Mn^{3+}-O long bonds and short Mn^{4+}-O bonds. This is strong evidence that charge localized and delocalized phases coexist close to the metal-insulator transition in the FM phase.Comment: 8 pages, 8 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    On the effects of the magnetic field and the isotopic substitution upon the infrared absorption of manganites

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    Employing a variational approach that takes into account electron-phonon and magnetic interactions in La1xAxMnO3La_{1-x}A_xMnO_3 perovskites with 0<x<0.50<x<0.5, the effects of the magnetic field and the oxygen isotope substitution on the phase diagram, the electron-phonon correlation function and the infrared absorption at x=0.3x=0.3 are studied. The lattice displacements show a strong correlation with the conductivity and the magnetic properties of the system. Then the conductivity spectra are characterized by a marked sensitivity to the external parameters near the phase boundary.Comment: 10 figure

    Classical heisenberg antiferromagnet away from the pyrochlore lattice limit: entropic versus energetic selection

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    The stability of the disordered ground state of the classical Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet is studied within extensive Monte Carlo simulations by introducing an additional exchange interaction JJ' that interpolates between the pyrochlore lattice (J=0J'=0) and the face-centered cubic lattice (J=JJ'=J). It is found that for J/JJ'/J as low as J/J0.01J'/J\ge 0.01, the system is long range ordered : the disordered ground state of the pyrochlore antiferromagnet is unstable when introducing very small deviations from the pure J=0J'=0 limit. Furthermore, it is found that the selected phase is a collinear state energetically greater than the incommensurate phase suggested by a mean field analysis. To our knowledge this is the first example where entropic selection prevails over the energetic one.Comment: 5 (two-column revtex4) pages, 1 table, 7 ps/eps figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    X-ray diffraction measurements of the c-axis Debye-Waller factors of YBa2Cu3O7 and HgBa2CaCu2O6

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    We report the first application of x-rays to the measurement of the temperature dependent Bragg peak intensities to obtain Debye-Waller factors on high-temperature superconductors. Intensities of (0,0,l) peaks of YBa2Cu3O7 and HgBa2CaCu2O6 thin films are measured to obtain the c-axis Debye-Waller factors. While lattice constant and some Debye-Waller factor measurements on high Tc superconductors show anomalies at the transition temperature, our measurements by x-ray diffraction show a smooth transition of the c-axis Debye-Waller factors through Tc_c. This suggests that the dynamic displacements of the heavy elements along the c-axis direction in these compounds do not have anomalies at Tc. This method in combination with measurements by other techniques will give more details concerning dynamics of the lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Physical Review B (Brief Report

    Argon annealing of the oxygen-isotope exchanged manganite La_{0.8}Ca_{0.2}MnO_{3+y}

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    We have resolved a controversial issue concerning the oxygen-isotope shift of the ferromagnetic transition temperature T_{C} in the manganite La_{0.8}Ca_{0.2}MnO_{3+y}. We show that the giant oxygen-isotope shift of T_C observed in the normal oxygen-isotope exchanged samples is indeed intrinsic, while a much smaller shift observed in the argon annealed samples is an artifact. The argon annealing causes the 18O sample to partially exchange back to the 16O isotope due to a small 16O contamination in the Ar gas. Such a contamination is commonly caused by the oxygen outgas that is trapped in the tubes, connectors and valves. The present results thus umambiguously demonstrate that the observed large oxygen isotope effect is an intrinsic property of manganites, and places an important constraint on the basic physics of these materials.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Melting of Charge/Orbital Ordered States in Nd1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_3: Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependent Optical Studies

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    We investigated the temperature (T=T= 15 \sim 290 K) and the magnetic field (H=H= 0 \sim 17 T) dependent optical conductivity spectra of a charge/orbital ordered manganite, Nd1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_3. With variation of TT and HH, large spectral weight changes were observed up to 4.0 eV. These spectral weight changes could be explained using the polaron picture. Interestingly, our results suggested that some local ordered state might remain above the charge ordering temperature, and that the charge/orbital melted state at a high magnetic field (i.e. at H=H= 17 T and % T= 4.2 K) should be a three dimensional ferromagnetic metal. We also investigated the first order phase transition from the charge/orbital ordered state to ferromagnetic metallic state using the TT- and HH% -dependent dielectric constants ϵ1\epsilon_1. In the charge/orbital ordered insulating state, ϵ1\epsilon_1 was positive and dϵ1/dω0d\epsilon_1/d\omega \approx 0. With increasing TT and HH, ϵ1\epsilon_1 was increased up to the insulator-metal phase boundaries. And then, ϵ1\epsilon_1 abruptly changed into negative and dϵ1/dω>0d\epsilon_1/d\omega >0, which was consistent with typical responses of a metal. Through the analysis of ϵ1% \epsilon_1 using an effective medium approximation, we found that the melting of charge/orbital ordered states should occur through the percolation of ferromagnetic metal domains.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.