4,288 research outputs found

    The Implications of Galaxy Formation Models for the TeV Observations of Current Detectors

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    This paper represents a step toward constraining galaxy formation models via TeV gamm a ray observations. We use semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to predict a spectral distribution for the intergalactic infrared photon field, which in turn yields information about the absorption of TeV gamma rays from extra-galactic sources. By making predictions for integral flux observations at >200 GeV for several known EGRE T sources, we directly compare our models with current observational upper limits obtained by Whipple. In addition, our predictions may offer a guide to the observing programs for the current population of TeV gamma ray observatories.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 6th TeV Workshop at Snowbird, U

    New constraints on dust emission and UV attenuation of z=6.5-7.5 galaxies from millimeter observations

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    We have targeted two recently discovered Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) to search for dust continuum and [CII] 158 micron line emission. The strongly lensed z~6.8 LBG A1703-zD1 behind the galaxy cluster Abell 1703, and the spectroscopically confirmed z=7.508 LBG z8-GND-5296 in the GOODS-N field have been observed with the Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI) at 1.2mm. These observations have been combined with those of three z>6.5 Lya emitters (named HCM6A, Himiko, and IOK-1), for which deep measurements were recently obtained with the PdBI and ALMA. [CII] is undetected in both galaxies, providing a deep upper limit for Abell1703-zD1, comparable to recent ALMA non-detections. Dust continuum emission from Abell1703-zD1 and z8-GND-5296 is not detected with an rms of 0.12 and 0.16 mJy/beam. From these non-detections we derive upper limits on their IR luminosity and star formation rate, dust mass, and UV attenuation. Thanks to strong gravitational lensing the limit for Abell1703-zD1 is probing the sub-LIRG regime (LIR<8.1×1010L_{IR} <8.1 \times 10^{10} Lsun) and very low dust masses (Md<1.6×107M_d<1.6 \times 10^7 Msun). We find that all five galaxies are compatible with the Calzetti IRX-β\beta relation, their UV attenuation is compatible with several indirect estimates from other methods (the UV slope, extrapolation of the attenuation measured from the IR/UV ratio at lower redshift, and SED fits), and the dust-to-stellar mass ratio is not incompatible with that of galaxies from z=0 to 3. For their stellar mass the high-z galaxies studied here have an attenuation below the one expected from the mean relation of low redshift (z<1.5) galaxies. More and deeper (sub)-mm data are clearly needed to directly determine the UV attenuation and dust content of the dominant population of high-z star-forming galaxies and to establish more firmly their dependence on stellar mass, redshift, and other properties.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Minor revisions. Accepted for publication in A&

    EROs found behind lensing clusters: II.Empirical properties, classification, and SED modelling based on multi-wavelength observations

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    We study the properties and nature of extremely red galaxies (ERO, R-K>5.6) found behind two lensing clusters and compare them with other known galaxy populations. New HST/ACS observations, Spitzer IRAC and MIPS, and Chandra/ACIS observations of the two lensing clusters Abell 1835 and AC114 contemplate our earlier optical and near-IR observations and have been used to study extremely red objects (EROs) in these deep fields. We have found 6 and 9 EROs in Abell 1835 and AC114. Several (7) of these objects are undetected up to the I and/or z band, and are hence ``optical'' drop-out sources. The photometric redshifts of most of our sources (80%) are z~0.7-1.5. According to simple colour-colour diagrams the majority of our objects would be classified as hosting old stellar populations. However, there are clear signs of dusty starbursts for several among them. These objects correspond to the most extreme ones in R-K colour. We estimate a surface density of (0.97+-0.31) arcmin-2 for EROs with (R-K>5.6) at K<20.5. Among our 15 EROs 6 (40 %) also classify as distant red galaxies (DRGs). 11 of 13 EROs with available IRAC photometry also fulfil the selection criteria for IRAC selected EROs (IEROs) of Yan et al. (2004). SED modelling shows that ~ 36 % of the IEROs in our sample are luminous or ultra-luminous infrared galaxies ((U)LIRG). Some very red DRGs are found to be very dusty starbursts, even (U)LIRGs, as also supported by their mid-IR photometry. No indication for AGNs is found, although faint activity cannot be excluded for all objects. From mid-IR and X-ray data 5 objects are clearly classified as starbursts. The derived properties are quite similar to those of DRGs and IEROs, except for 5 extreme objects in terms of colours, for which a very high extinction (Av>3) is found.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Resolving the molecular gas around the lensed quasar RXJ0911.4+0551

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    We report on high angular resolution observations of the CO(7-6) line and millimeter continuum in the host galaxy of the gravitationally lensed (z~2.8) quasar RXJ0911.4+0551 using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. Our CO observations resolve the molecular disk of the source. Using a lens model based on HST observations we fit source models to the observed visibilities. We estimate a molecular disk radius of 1±\pm0.2 kpc and an inclination of 69±\pm6\deg, the continuum is more compact and is only marginally resolved by our observations. The relatively low molecular gas mass, Mgas=(2.3±0.5)×109Mgas=(2.3\pm 0.5)\times 10^{9} Msolar, and far infrared luminosity, LFIR=(7.2±1.5)×1011LFIR=(7.2\pm 1.5) \times 10^{11} Lsolar, of this quasar could be explained by its relatively low dynamical mass, Mdyn=(3.9±0.9)×109Mdyn=(3.9\pm 0.9)\times 10^9 Msolar. It would be a scaled-down version the QSOs usually found at high-z. The FIR and CO luminosities lie on the correlation found for QSOs from low to high redshifts and the gas-to-dust ratio (45±1745\pm 17) is similar to the one measured in the z=6.4 QSO, SDSS J1148+5251. Differential magnification affects the continuum-to-line luminosity ratio, the line profile and possibly the spectral energy distribution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, revised after language editin

    ALMA detection of [CII] 158 micron emission from a strongly lensed z=2 star-forming galaxy

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    Our objectives are to determine the properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) and of star-formation in typical star-forming galaxies at high redshift. Following up on our previous multi-wavelength observations with HST, Spitzer, Herschel, and the Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI), we have studied a strongly lensed z=2.013 galaxy, the arc behind the galaxy cluster MACS J0451+0006, with ALMA to measure the [CII] 158 micron emission line, one of the main coolants of the ISM. [CII] emission from the southern part of this galaxy is detected at 10 σ\sigma. Taking into account strong gravitational lensing, which provides a magnification of μ=49\mu=49, the intrinsic lensing-corrected [CII]158 micron luminosity is L(CII)=1.2×108LL(CII)=1.2 \times 10^8 L_\odot. The observed ratio of [CII]-to-IR emission, L(CII)/L(FIR)(1.22.4)×103L(CII)/L(FIR) \approx (1.2-2.4) \times 10^{-3}, is found to be similar to that in nearby galaxies. The same also holds for the observed ratio L(CII)/L(CO)=2.3×103L(CII)/L(CO)=2.3 \times 10^3, which is comparable to that of star-forming galaxies and active galaxy nuclei (AGN) at low redshift. We utilize strong gravitational lensing to extend diagnostic studies of the cold ISM to an order of magnitude lower luminosity (L(IR)(1.11.3)×1011LL(IR) \sim (1.1-1.3) \times 10^{11} L_\odot) and SFR than previous work at high redshift. While larger samples are needed, our results provide evidence that the cold ISM of typical high redshift galaxies has physical characteristics similar to normal star forming galaxies in the local Universe.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Letter

    The first Frontier Fields cluster: 4.5{\mu}m excess in a z~8 galaxy candidate in Abell 2744

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    We present in this letter the first analysis of a z~8 galaxy candidate found in the Hubble and Spitzer imaging data of Abell 2744, as part of the Hubble Frontier Fields legacy program. We applied the most commonly-used methods to select exceptionally high-z galaxies by combining non-detection and color-criteria using seven HST bands. We used GALFIT on IRAC images for fitting and subtracting contamination of bright nearby sources. The physical properties have been inferred from SED-fitting using templates with and without nebular emission. This letter is focussed on the brightest candidate we found (mF160W_{F160W}=26.2) over the 4.9 arcmin2^2 field of view covered by the WFC3. It shows a non-detection in the ACS bands and at 3.6{\mu}m whereas it is clearly detected at 4.5{\mu}m with rather similar depths. This break in the IRAC data could be explained by strong [OIII]+H{\beta} lines at z~8 which contribute to the 4.5{\mu}m photometry. The best photo-z is found at z~8.00.5+0.2^{+0.2}_{-0.5}, although solutions at low-redshift (z~1.9) cannot be completely excluded, but they are strongly disfavoured by the SED-fitting work. The amplification factor is relatively small at {\mu}=1.49±\pm0.02. The Star Formation Rate in this object is ranging from 8 to 60 Mo/yr, the stellar mass is in the order of M_{\star}=(2.5-10) x 109^{9}Mo and the size is r~0.35±\pm0.15 kpc. This object is one of the first z~8 LBG candidates showing a clear break between 3.6{\mu}m and 4.5{\mu}m which is consistent with the IRAC properties of the first spectroscopically confirmed galaxy at a similar redshift. Due to its brightness, the redshift of this object could potentially be confirmed by near infrared spectroscopy with current 8-10m telescopes. The nature of this candidate will be revealed in the coming months with the arrival of new ACS and Spitzer data, increasing the depth at optical and near-IR wavelengths.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Derivation of tropospheric methane from TCCON CH₄ and HF total column observations

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    The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a global ground-based network of Fourier transform spectrometers that produce precise measurements of column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of atmospheric methane (CH₄). Temporal variability in the total column of CH₄ due to stratospheric dynamics obscures fluctuations and trends driven by tropospheric transport and local surface fluxes that are critical for understanding CH₄ sources and sinks. We reduce the contribution of stratospheric variability from the total column average by subtracting an estimate of the stratospheric CH₄ derived from simultaneous measurements of hydrogen fluoride (HF). HF provides a proxy for stratospheric CH₄ because it is strongly correlated to CH₄ in the stratosphere, has an accurately known tropospheric abundance (of zero), and is measured at most TCCON stations. The stratospheric partial column of CH₄ is calculated as a function of the zonal and annual trends in the relationship between CH₄ and HF in the stratosphere, which we determine from ACE-FTS satellite data. We also explicitly take into account the CH₄ column averaging kernel to estimate the contribution of stratospheric CH₄ to the total column. The resulting tropospheric CH₄ columns are consistent with in situ aircraft measurements and augment existing observations in the troposphere